* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ОҢТҮСТІК ҚАЗАҚСТАН МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК ФАРМАЦЕВТИКА АКАДЕМИЯСЫ Шетел тілдері кафедрасы БЕКІТЕМІН ОӘжТЖ проректоры ______м.ғ.к. Анартаева М.У. «____»______________ 2013ж. Оқу бағдарламасы Пән: Мамандығы: Оқу сағат саны /кредиттерінің көлеміКурсСеместр Кәсіби ағылшын тілі 5B110300 «Фармация» 60 / 2 2 3 2013 ж Жұмыс бағдарламасы жоғары оқу орындарының тілдік емес мамандықтарына арналған «Шетел тілі » пәнінің ТИПТІК ОҚУ БАҒДАРЛАМАСЫНЫҢ Sht 1104 «Фармация» мамандығы бойынша шетел тілдері кафедрасында құрастырылған. Алматы 2010ж. Жұмыс бағдарламасы кафедра мәжілісінде «_____»________2013ж. талқыланды Хаттама № _______ Кафедра меңгерушісі, ф.ғ.к. Желілік Әдістемелік комиссиясында Хаттама № _______ Төрайымы,ф.ғ.к. Сайфутдинова А.С. «_____»________2013 ж.талқыланды Амандықова С.Х. Әдістемелік Кеңесінде «_____»________2013ж. бекітілді Хаттама № _______ 2. Бағдарлама: 2.1 Кіріспе Осы бағдарлама ҚР жоғары медициналық оқу орындарында шетел тілін оқитын студенттерге арналған. Бағдарлама төмендегідей есептелінген: 1) орта мектепте шетел тілін оқыған студенттердің білімі мен дағдыларын қалыптастыру, шетел тілдерін меңгерудің орта деңгейіне лайықтап, сөйлеу ісәрекеттерінің негізгі түрлері – ауызекі сөйлеу, тыңдау, оқу, хат жазу бойынша білімдерін толықтыру және жүйеге келтіру. 2) орта мектепте шетел тілдерін тереңдетіп немесе басқа тілді ортаға лайықтап оқыған студенттерге дайындықтың жоғары деңгейінде оқыту. Шетел тілдері курсының мақсаты – мәдени қарым- қатынасты қалыптастыру, коммуникативтік дағдылардың негізінде арнайы тіл компетенциясын құру. 2.2 Пәннің мақсаты: Берілген курстың басты мақсаты тәжірибелік ағылшын тілін оқытудың біліктілігін және дағдыларын қалыптастыру. Жас маманға өзінің мамандығы саласында біліктілігін жетілдіру. Оның ішінде: өз мамандығына сай шетел әдебиеттерін қолдану (журнал мақалалары, монографиялар, бюллетендер және т.б. құжаттар) күнделікті және кәсіби жұмыста, әлеуметтік жағдайда шет тілінде сөйлесу. Шеел тілінде баяндама мен мәлімдемелер жасау, шет тіліндегі пікірталастарға қатысу. 2.3 Оқытудың міндеттері: Оқытудың басты мақсаты – барлық сөйлеу дағдыларының, продуктивті дамуы және рецептивті: сөйлеу, тыңдау, оқу және жазу. Бұл дағдылардың барлығы лексикалық және грамматикалық білімді қазіргі заманға сай коммуникативті және дәстүрлі әдістемесімен дамыту. 2.4 Оқытудың соңғы нәтижесі: Cтудент білуі тиіс: Қазақстан Республикасындағы жоғары медициналық білім беру жүйесін жаңа деңгейде дамыту үшін «Шет тілі» курсын білуі тиіс және де жас мамандарға қойған үш тілді дамыту бағдарламасын талап ету. Шет тілін халықаралық мәдени және кәсіби коммуникация ретінде пайдалану мүмкіндіктері. ҚР Конституциясының статьялары, «Қазақстан Республикасының тілдер туралы» Заңын. Жалпы және медициналық тақырыптарға арналған лексикалық минимумдарын Сөз құрылымы мен термин құрылымы, қысқартулар мен аббревиатураларын Сөйлем мүшелері және сөз тіркестерін Сөйлем түрлерін Диалог және монолог құрылымын; этикалық қарым- қатынас нормаларын, баяндамалар мен,презентацияларды көрсету дағдыларын. Корреспонденция түрлері (дәстүрлі және электронды) Мақала, аннотация, тезис, конспект, реферат, баяндама жазудың ережелері мен құрылымын. Студент істей алуы тиіс: Тұрмыстық және медициналық тақырыптарда шет тіліндегі баяндамаларды түсінуді; берілген ситуацияда өз ойын білдіруді; дұрыс дауыстап оқуды; тезистер жоспары мен медициналық мәтіндерді түсініп, құру үшін қажетті сөздерді пайдалануды. Орташа деңгейде – монолог және баяндаманың негізгі мазмұнын түсінуді; мәтіннің негізін түсіну, әр түрлі интонациялықконтурде берілген сөздер мен эмфатиктік 3 ықпалдарды ажырата білуді, мәтіннің лексикалық грамматикалық сараптамасын толық түсінуді; мәтіннің негізгі мазмұны мен халықаралық, жалпы тұрмыстық және медициналық лексиканы таныс сөздер арқылы анықтау, мәтін бойынша сөздің мағынасын ажырата білу; мәтіннің мағыналық құрылысын қабылдау; негізгі және жалпы мәліметті белгілей алуды, медициналық мәтінді оқи алуды; жоспар бойынша мәтінді қысқа және толық жазу, сұрақтарды жазбаша құрастыруды; берілген тақырыпқа қысқаша мәлімет жазуды; оқылған мәтінді қысқаша түйін, реферат, аннотация ретінде жазуды. Жоғарғы деңгейде – шет тілінде жылдам және эмоционалды сөзді түсінуді; өз ой пікірін білдіруді (мақұлдау, келіспеу, кеңес,өкініш т.б.), коммуникативті түрдегі диалог пен әңгімелерге қатысуды; Өз ойын монолог түрінде айта білу (мәліметтеу, хабарлау, баяндау); оқудың барлық түрін меңгеру (көріп шығу, танысу, жазу) – шет тілінде тыңдалған мәліметті жоспар, аннотация, түйін және реферат түрінде жазу; коммуникативті ойын жазбаша жүзеге асыру (хат, сұраныс, алғыс); кәсіби құжаттарды шет тілінде толтыра білу (бланкілер, анкеталар, сырқатнамалар, ауру тарихы және т.б.). Студент меңгеруі тиіс: тұрмыстық тақырыптар мен арнайы тақырыптарды әңгімелегенде дұрыс және екпінді сөйлеуді білу; тұрмыстық және медициналық тақырыптарды түсіну (монологтық және диалогтық); көп қолданатын грамматикалық және негізгі грамматикалық тақырыптарды ғылыми түрде пайдалана білу; күнделікті өмірде қолданатын лексиканы білу; жалпы және негізгі медицинада қолданылатын әдебиеттерді сөздік арқылы оқу және аудару; ғылыми хабарландырулар, баяндамалар жасау (алдын ала дайындалған); мамандықа байланысты тақырыптарды әңгіме жасау (сұрақ қою және жауап беру); ғылыми медициналық әдебиеттерді аудара білу; 2.5 Реквизитке дейінгі: Орта мектептің ағылшын тілі курсы, орта мектептің орыс және қазақ тілдерінің курсы. Осы бағдарламаға шет тілдеріндегі сабақтастығын алдын ала ескеру, жоғрғы оқуға дейінгі білім мен қабілеттерін дамыту. 2.6 Реквизиттен кейінгі: Жалпы міндетті пәндер, тілдер компетенциясымен байланысты (қазақ, орыс, ағылшын тілдері) және фармакология және дәрілер технологиясы сияқты арнайы пәндерге шет тілін білу білім деңгейін және кәсіби ортадағы компетенциясын кеңейтеді. 2.7 Тәжірибелік сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары № Тақырыбы Өткізу түрі Модуль 1 Қарым-қатынастың жалпы кәсібилік саласы General-professional sphere of communication 4 Сағат саны 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Білім саласы Education The pharmaceutical faculty Prepositions Лабораториялық жұмыс Laboratory work 1.Our chemical laboratory 2.My first experiment Modal auxiliaries (must have, can’t have, may have, was, were to have) Атақты ғалымдар Famous scientists 1. D.I. Mendeleyev 2. Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law Past Tenses Қоршаған орта Environment Toxic substances in man’s environment Indirect Speech. Conditionals Модуль 2. Қарым-қатынастың арнайы-кәсіби саласы. Special-professional sphere of communication. Фармация Pharmacy 1.What is Pharmacy? 2.My future Profession Verbs followed by infinitive Дәрілердің құрамы Forms of drugs 1. The Common Forms of Drugs 2. Solid Forms of Drugs 3. Semisolid medicinal forms 4.Liquid medicinal forms Passive voice Chemist’s Дәріхана 1.At a chemist’s 2.On measurements 3.The English prescription Prepositions followed by gerund Химия және косметика Chemistry and cosmetics 1.Face powder 2.Lipstick 3.Eyemake-up 4.Mascara 5.Perfume Preposition following adverbs 5 Discussion Group work 2 Group work Small group 2 2 Discussion Group work 2 2 Small group Team work 2 2 Discussion Individual work 2 Group work 2 Discussion 2 Individual work Team work 2 Group group 2 Small work 2 2 5. Химия және қоректік заттар Chemistry and Nutrition 1.Amino acids glycine and leucine 2.Important minerals Consolidation of grammar and lexical material. Team work 2 Барлығы: 30 Студенттің өзіндік жұмысының тақырыптық жоспары № 1. 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Тақырыптары Тапсыру түрі Сағат саны Медицина және фармация Medicine and Pharmacy Prepositions Қазіргі таңдағы фармация Pharmacy nowadays Degrees of comparison of the adjectives and the adverbs Фармакологиялық ғылым Science of Pharmacology Modal auxiliaries (must have, can’t have, may have, was, were to have) Орта ғасырдағы дәрі бизнесі Drug business in ancient times Past Tenses Галеновый Galenicals Indirect Speech. Валериан Valerian Verbs followed by infinitive Алое шырыны Aloe Juice Passive Voice. Александр жапырағы Senna Preposition followed by adverbs. Табиғи медицина Nature’s medicines Articles Өсімдіктердің классификациясы Classification of plants Prepositions followed by gerund. Тамыр түрлері Types of roots Expressing reason (as, since, for, on account of, owing to, due to). Ғылыми зерттеу мақалалары Research articles glossary 4 6 4 discussion 4 presentation 4 discussion presentation 4 glossary 4 discussion 4 presentation 4 presentation 4 discussion 4 discussion presentation 4 4 14 Conditionals Конференция презентациясы Conference presentations Relative clauses Аралық бақылау 7-ші аптада 15 Аралық бақылау 15-ші аптада 13 presentation 4 Тест тапсырмалары Тест тапсырмалары Барлығы: 4 4 60 2.8 Оқыту мен сабақ берудің әдістері : Тілді меңгеруге бағытталған оқытудың дәстүрлі әдістері : оқу, ауызша және жазбаша тілді дамыту, тыңдау ( лексикамен , мәтіндермен жұмыс істеу, аударма, сұрақтарға жауап, лексика мен грамматиканы бекіту үшін жаттығулар орындау, өзіндік жұмыстардың дәстүрлі түрлерін орындау – диктант, мазмұндама, сөздік диктанттар, эссе, рефераттар және т.б., аудио-видео материалдармен жұмыс істеу. Коммуникативті және интерактивті дәстүрлі әдістерді аралас қолдана отырып (ойын, диалогтар, рөлдік ойындар, сөздік және грамматикалық викториналар) өткізу. Тілді үйретудегі басты әдістердің үйлесуі және ақпараттық компьютерлік технологияларды қолдану. Жеке және дифференциалды қарау ( көп деңгейлі тапсырмалар, шығармашылық жобалар, мақалалар дайындау және конференцияларға қатысу, презентациялар мен шағын-презентациялар жасау, тілді оқудың жеке бағдарламалары, көп деңгейлі тесттер және өзіндік талдау мен өзіндік баға беру әдістері) Факультативтерде тілді тереңдетіп оқыту немесе реттеу түрлері. Тәжірибелік сабақтар мен ОСӨЖ сабақтарында мынандай жұмыс түрлері ұсынылады: жеке және фронтальды жұмыс, жұптық және аз топтағы жұмыс, кроссвордтар мен карточкамен жұмыс істеу, рөлдік ойындарды енгізу және т.б. СӨЖ орындау үшін, мына жұмыс түрлері қарастырылған: топтық проект, презентация, топтық жұмыс (диспут), дискуссия (ситуациялық есептерді шешу), реферат жазу, «сұрақ-жауап» (диалог құрастыру, сұрақтарды қойып, тақырыпты талқылау). 2.9 Дәріс алушылардың білім деңгейі мен дағдыларын бағалау әдістері: Дәріс алушылардың білім дәрежелері төмендегідей бағаланады: рейтингтік әріптік баллдық жүйесі бойынша ағымдық бақылау, аралық бақылау және қорытынды бақылау арқылы. Дәріс алушылардың білім дәрежелері рейтинг бойынша қорытынды бақылау бағасы арқылы айқындалады. Рейтинг бағасы ағымдық бақылау мен аралық бақылау бағасы бойынша реттеледі. Ағымдық бақылауда тәжірибелік сабақтарда үй тапсырмаларын орындағаны үшін алынған бағалары мен өзіндік жұмыстары тапсырмаларының бағалары ескеріледі. Ағымдық бақылау сөздік диктант, бақылау жұмыстары мен тест тапсырмалары арқылы өткізіледі (әр модуль аяқталғанан кейін). Аралық бақылау тест түрінде (20 тесттік тапсырма) әр кредиттің 7 және 15 аптасында өткізіледі. Рейтинг бағасы қорытынды бақылаудың 60 % , қорытынды бақылаудың 40 % құрайды. Қорытынды бақылау (емтихан) компьютерде тест арқылы өткізіледі (50 тестік тапсырмалар). 7 Көмекші материалдармен қамтамасыз ету, жабдықтар және құралдар: Жабдықтар және құралдар: : компьютерлер, мультимедиялық кабинет, экран, интерактивті тақта, магнитофон, телевизор. Көмекші материал: тақырыптық стендтер, қима қағаздар, суреттер, грамматикалық стендтер. 2.10 Ұсынылатын әдебиет: негізгі: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4. Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. қосымша: 1. Бонк Н.А., Памухина Л.Г., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языкаю В 2-х частях. – М.: «ДЕКОНТ+» - «ГИС», 2002 2.Essential English for foreign students. Revised edition by C.E. Eckersley. Foreign Lang. Press. Sofia. 1966 3. Бонк Н.А., Памухина Л.Г., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х частях. – М.: «ДЕКОНТ+» - «ГИС», 2002 4.Essential English for foreign students. Revised edition by C.E. Eckersley. Foreign Lang. Press. Sofia. 2006 8 2.11 Қосымша: № 1 үлгі «Реквизитке дейінгі, реквизиттен кейінгі және бір-бірімен шектес пәндермен білім берудің келісім хаттамасы». 2013-2014ж. (Фармация) Келісілетін пәндер Реквизитке дейінгі Материалдық пропорциясын және оны баяндау ретін өзгерту туралы ұсыныстар және т.б. 1.Қазақ тілі Кәсіби мәтіндерді қазақ тілінен ағылшын тіліне және ағылшын тілінен қазақ тіліне аудару ерекшеліктері Келісімге қатысқан кафедралардың мәжіліс хаттамаларының нөмірлері және күндері. № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ 2.Орыс тілі Кәсіби мәтіндерді орыс тілінен ағылшын тіліне және ағылшын тілінен орыс тіліне аудару ерекшеліктері № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ 3. Латын тілі Грек-латын тілдерінен шыққан терминдердің дұрыс айтылуы № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ Мамандандырылған тексттерін қолдану арқылы фармация және экономика ортасында студенттердің білімін көтеру Ағылшын тілін оқу барысында фармацевтикалық химия терминдерінің дұрыс айтылуын колдану Шет тілдерін оқу барысында кәсіби терминологияны белсенді түрде қолдану № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ Студенттердің оқу, тыңдау және сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту үшін лексикалық қорын кеңейту № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ Реквизиттен кейінгі 1. Фармацияны баскару және экономикасы 2. Фармацевтикалық химия 3. Дәрілер технологиясы 4. Фармакология 9 № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ № хаттама «_____»_______2013 ж _____________________ Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік фармацевтика академиясы Шет тілдері кафедрасы Силлабус Пән: шет тілі Пәннің коды: IYa 1(2)103 Мамандығы: «Фармация» Оқу сағат саны /кредиттерінің көлемі- 90 / 2 Курс-2 Семестр - 3-4 Емтихан 4 семестрде Шымкент 2013 10 Силлабус жұмыс бағдарламасы негізінде шет тілдері кафедрасында құрастырылған Силлабус _______ ж. кафедра мәжілісінде талқыланды Хаттама № ___ 11 * Оқытушылар тулары мәлімет: Аты –жөні Saifutdinova A.S. Қызметі Kim A.S. Head of Department teacher Zheksembaeva A.Zh. senior teacher Korolevskaya S.А. senior teacher Kussis Y.P. senior teacher Ybyray F.T. senior teacher Алға қойған ғылыми қызыушыл ықтары Жетістігі Электрон-ды пошта Innovative methods of teaching pharmaceutical students Development of students’ critical thinking in teaching EFL Learning styles and strategies -alternative finalist of JFDP [email protected] Usage of ICT in teaching EFL Linguistic and psychological features of speaking www [email protected] -grantee of the Oxford CHS -JFDP alumna -grantee of PAS «Eteacher» [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] * Байланыс ақпараты : Кафедраның орналасқан жері: ОҚМФА 2, 2 этаж, каб. 1-6, 8, 9 * Пәннің саясаты: 1. Сабаққа кешікпеу; 8. Үй тапсырмасын тиянақты 2. Тиянақты және жауапкершілікті орындау; болу; 9. Сабақ барысында өзара 3. Техника қауіпсіздігі мен өрт сөйлеспеу, ұялы телефондарды қауіпсіздігі ережелерін сақтау; сөндіріп қою, дәрісханаға тамақ 12 4. Сабақ барысында белсенді болу; және сусын әкелмеу; 10. Құрбы және оқытушылар мен 5. Сабақтан қалмау, ауырған шыдамды, жақсы қарымжағдайда анықтама алып келу; қатынаста болу; 11 .Талапқа сай форманы кию (ақ 6. Жіберілген сабақтарды оқытушы қалпақ, халат); белгілеген уақытта өтеу; Барлық ережелерді орындамау– тәртіп пен әдепті бұзу деп саналады. 7. Әр-бір студент сабақтың соңына дейін қатысуы тиіс; 2. Бағдарлама 1 Кіріспе Шет тілі курсы тыңдаушыларға коммуникативтік және кәсіби ісәрекетте шет тілін меңгерудің лексикалық, грамматикалық білім дағдыларын меңгеруге үйретеді. Курс езиденттердің шетелдіктермен халықаралық қарым- қатынаста тілді әлеуметтік, сол сияқты кәсіби деңгейде үйретуді ұсынады. 2 Пәннің мақсаты «Шет тілі» курсын оқыту мақсаты төмендегідей анықталады: - Шет тілін күнделікті өмірде қолданылу ұсынылады, сонымен қатар, оны коммуникативтік мағынада, мамандықта – кәсіби ортада қолдануға үйрету ұсынылады; -жалпы қолданылатын медициналық сөздердің лексикалық минимумдарын кеңейту, мамандық бойынша терминологиялық сөзтіркестерін, ауызекі сөйлеу, тыңдау, оқу, жазу және шет тілінде пікірлесу дағдыларын қалыптастыру. а) мәтіндерден мамандығы бойынша сөздікпен, болмаса сөздіксіз өз мамандығына қатысты ақпараттар алу, оқыған мәтіндердің мағынасын түсіну; б) ойларын баяндама, мақала, іскерлік хат, аннотациялар және т.б. түрінде қалыптастыру; в) шет тілінде сөйлеу, түсіну, тұрмыстық, ақпараттық және кәсіби сипаттағы мәліметтерді қабылдау; г) тақырып бойынша өз ойларын жеткізу, сұрақ қою және оларға жауап беру, кәсіби терминология бойынша коммунактивтік репликаларды пайдалану. 13 3 Оқыту мақсаттары : Оқытудың мақсаттары төмендегі пунктерді қамтиды: 1. Терминологиялық лексиканы, арнайы грамматикалық құрылысты және сөз тіркестерін меңгеру және пайдалану. 4. Түрлі әдістермен медициналық кәсіби ақпараттарды таба білу қабілеттерін дамыту. Шет тілін оқыту процесі коммуникативті және интерактивті оқытудың негізінде құрылу керек, басқаша айтқанда студенттердің 2. Өз ой-пікірін айту және арнайы ұжымдық өзара қарым - қатынасын тақырыпқа арнап диалог құру. қалыптастыру және оны сабақта ауызекі сөйлеуде енгізу, сабақты ұйымдастырудың түрлі жолдарымен 3. Студенттердің критикалық, жоспарлау (іскерлік, рөлдік, проблемалық және керекті мәселені ситуациялық ойындар, тапсырмалар шешу қабілеттерін дамыту. және т.б.). 4 Пәнді оқытудың соңғы нәтижесі: Студенттың міндетті: -сыни және проблемалық ойлауды дамыту; - кез-келген күнделікті және кәсіби мәселені қалыптастыра алу; - әртүрлі типтегі ғылыми және тар шеңберлі мамандандырылған мәтіндерді сөздікпен және сөздіксіз оқи алу; - тіл таратушыларымен тілдесу үшін белгілі бір сөздік қорын меңгеру; - керекті мәліметті таба білу; - өз ойын толықтыру үшін қажетті - жаңа ақпараттық технологияны мәліметті таба білу; меңгеру; - шет тілінде ғылыми және кәсіби - мәтіннің мазмұнын түсіну; тілде сөйлеуді жетілдіру; - шет тілінде тақырыпқа және - белгілі бір сөйлеу жиынтығы мен сөйлеу ережесіне сәйкес өз ойын тілдер формасын меңгеру; білдіре алу (қысқа, толық және негізгі қалып). - шет тілінде өз пікірін жеткізу және түсіне алу; 5 Реквизитке дейінгі Орта мектептегі ағылшын тілі курсы, орта мектептегі орыс және қазақ тілдері курсы. Берілген бағдарлама шет тілін оқыту курсының сабақтастығын қарастырады, яғни жоғары оқу орнына дейінгі алған білімдерін 14 одан ары жасайды. ұштастыруға жағдай 6 Реквизиттен кейінгі Жалпы білім беретін жалпы білім беретін пәндер (қазақ, орыс, ағылшын тілдері) тілдер компетенциясымен байланысты және фармакогнозия, анатомия, физиология, әлеуметтік медицина сияқты арнайы пәндерде де шет тілін білу білім деңгейін және кәсіби ортадағы компетенциясын кеңейтеді. 7 Пәннің қысқаша мазмұны Ағылшын тілі курсына 6 кредитке . 90 сағат бөлінген: оның ішінде тәжірибелік сабаққа 30 сағат, ОСӨЖ на 30 сағат және СӨЖна 30 сағаттан бөлінген. 1 -2 кредитке негізгі және жалпы ағылшын тілінің фонетикалық, лексикалық және грамматикалық материалдар бастауыш С1-С2 деңгейдегі студенттерге арналған. 8. Тақырыпты жоспар Курс 2 № Тақырыбы Өткізу формасы Кредит №1 1. 2. 3. 4. Модуль 1 Introductory lesson Group work Модуль 2 Text-study: Roots / verb to be ( affirmative Work in pairs sentences) Listening comprehension Frontal work Text-study: Stems / verb to be ( negative Listening and reading sentences) comprehension// Work in pairs Text-study: Flower, Its Origin and Role Frontal and 15 сағат саны 1ч.= 50мин. 1 1 1 1 individual work 5. Модуль 3 Text-study: Medicinal Plants 6. Test-study: Yarrow and Globe Artichoke 7. Модуль 4 Text-study: Waxes 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. Discussion Listening comprehension Frontal work Work in pairs Discussion 1 Frontal work// Work in small pairs Consolidation of the grammar and lexical Work in pairs Discussion Frontal materials of models 1-3 and individual work Text-study: Lanolin / Whale Spermaceti Модуль 5 Text-study: Essential Oils Listening and reading comprehension Work in small groups 1 Text-study: Lavender Essential Oil Work in pairs / Discussion Модуль 6 Text-study: Herbal Infusions Work in pairs // Discussion Text-study: Infusion Process Work in small groups Модуль 7 Text-study: Decoctions Listening and reading comprehension Text-study: Preparing a Decoction Work in small groups Модуль 8 Consolidation of the grammar and lexical Individual work materials of models 7-8/ Final Test № 1 кредит бойынша барлығы Кредит №2 Text-study: Tinctures / Vinegar Based Tinc- Work in small groups ture Модуль 9 Text-study: Balms / Salves Frontal work// dictation /Listening and reading comprehension Text-study: A Tiger Balm Work in small groups Модуль 10 Text-study: Ointments Work in pair s// 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 5. 6. 7. Listening and reading comprehension Work in small groups Text-study: Ointment Bases Модуль 11 Text-study: Vitamins Text-study: Vitamin A 1 work// work in pairs Frontal work// dictation Reading comprehension Frontal work// dictaText-study: Vitamin B -group Consolidation of the grammar and lexical tion Listening and reading materials of models 10-11 comprehension/ individual work Text-study: Vitamin D Work in pairs Text-study: Vitamin E Frontal work Модуль 12 1 1 11. Text-study: Antibiotics 1 12. Text-study: Penicillins 13. Text-Study: Cephalosporin 14. Text-study: Aminoglycosides 15. Consolidation of the grammar and lexical materials of models 11-12/ Final Test № 2 кредит бойынша барлығы Барлығы 8. 9. 10. 17 Frontal work//Work in pairs Work in groups / games Frontal work// dictation Listening and reading comprehension Group work// work in pairs Individual work 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 30 8.1. Студенттердің өз бетінше атқаратын жұмыстары № 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Тақырыбы сағат саны 1 = 50 мин. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 Кредит № 1 Plant Cell Function and Structure Leaves FlowerParts Wild Flowers Bloodroot Valerian Vegetable and Chinese Wax Synthetic Waxes Bergamot Essential Oil Patchouli Essential Oil How to Prepare Infusion Water Infusion Strong Decoctions Methods of Preparing Herbal Remedies Glycerin Tincture № 1 кредит бойынша барлығы Кредит № 2 Herb Venigar Making a Salve Herbal Oils Preparation of Ointment Bases Aloe Juice Vitamin C Water-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin K Fat-Soluble Vitamins Penicillins Side Effects of Antibiotics Tetracyclines Macrolides Children and Medicine General Advice on Taking Drugs № 2 кредит бойынша барлығы Барлығы 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 30 9. Студенттердің өз бетінше атқаратын жұмыстары № Тақырыбы Задания СРС / форма 18 Форма /Срок сағат сдачи контроля СРС Кредит № 1 1. 2. 3 Plant Cell Function and Structure Leaves FlowerParts 4. Wild Flowers 5. Bloodroot Planning/ working out / discussing Planning/discussing Planning/writing/discussing Planning/discussing/debating Planning/brainstorming 6. Valerian Planning/brainstorming 7. Vegetable and Chi- Plannese Wax ning/presenting/discussin g 8. Synthetic Waxes Planning/discussing 9. Bergamot Essential PlanOil ning/writing/discussing 10 Patchouli Essential PlanOil ning/discussing/debating 11. How to Prepare In- Planning/brainstorming fusion 12. Water Infusion Planning/brainstorming 13. Strong Decoctions Planning/presenting 14. Methods of Prepar- Planning/discussing ing Herbal Remedies 15. Glycerin Tincture Planning/writing/discussing Итого по кредиту 1 Кредит № 2 1. Herb Venigar Planning/brainstorming 2. 3. 4. 5. Making a Salve Planning/presenting Herbal Oils Planning/discussing Preparation of PlanOintment Bases ning/writing/discussing Aloe Juice Plan19 и сдачи апта саны 1 = 50 мин. 7 и 14 неделе Discussion каждог о Write a кредит report а Work in groups Questionanswer Groupproject Presentation 1 Discussion Write a report Work in groups Questionanswer Groupproject Presentation Discussion 1 1 Write report 1 Presentation a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 Groupproject Presentation Discussion Write a report Work in 1 1 1 1 1 6. Vitamin C 7. Water-Soluble Vitamins 8. Vitamin K 9. Fat-Soluble Vitamins 10. Penicillins ning/discussing/debating Planning/brainstorming Planning/brainstorming Planning/presenting Planning/discussing Planning/writing/discussing 11. Side Effects of An- Plantibiotics ning/discussing/debating 12. Tetracyclines Planning/brainstorming 13. Macrolides Planning/brainstorming 14. Children and Medi- Planning/presenting cine 15. General Advice on Planning/discussing Taking Drugs № 2 кредит бойынша барлығы барлығы groups Questionanswer Groupproject Presentation Discussion 1 1 1 1 Write a report Work in groups Questionanswer Groupproject Presentation 1 Discussion 1 1 1 1 1 15 30 Консультациялар кестесі : № Консультация п/п 1 Ыбырай Ф.Т. 2 3 4 5 6 Қызметі аға оқытушы Ким А. С. оқытушы Жексембаева аға А.Ж. оқытушы Королевская С.А. аға оқытушы Кусис Е.П. аға оқытушы Хасанова У.А. оқытушы Апта күндері бейсенбі сейсенбі сәрсенбі Ағымдық бақыла әрбір кредиттің 8 және 15 аптасында Қорытынды бақылау 2-ші оқу жылының 2 кредитінен кейін, жазғы семестр жұма бейсенбі дуйсенбі Әдебиеттер Негізгі 1. Е.П. Кусис. English for Future Pharmacists часть I, Шымкент 2008 2. Е.П. Кусис. English for Future Pharmacists часть II, Шымкент 2009 20 3. Е.П. Кусис. English for Future Pharmacists часть I, Шымкент 2010 Қосымша 1. Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing.-8th ed.Suzane C.Smeltzer, Brenda G. Bare;1996 by Lippincott-Raven Publishers 2. Intercom 2000 by Anna Uhl Chamot, Isobel Rainey de Diaz. 1990 Heine & Heine Publishers 3. Бонк Н.А., Памухина Л.Г., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языкаю В 2-х частях. – М.: «ДЕКОНТ+» - «ГИС», 2002 4.Essential English for foreign students. Revised edition by C.E. Eckersley. Foreign Lang. Press. Sofia. 1966 5. Д.Э. Чабнер Язык медицины. Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. – Москва «Высшая Школа» 1981 10 Оқыту әдістері - Тілді жақсы меңгерудегі негізгі дағдыларға бағытталған оқытудың дәстүрлі әдістері : оқу, ауызша және жазбаша тілді дамыту, тыңдау ( белсенді лексиканы жинақтау мен қолданумен жұмыс істеу, мәтіндермен жұмыс істеу- оқу, аударма, сұрақтарға жауап, лексика мен грамматиканы бекіту үшін жаттығулар орындау, өзіндік жұмыстардың дәстүрлі түрлерін орындау – диктант, мазмұндама, сөздік диктанттар, эссе, рефераттар және т.б., аудио-видео материалдармен жұмыс істеу. - Дәстүрлі әдістермен қатар коммуникативтік және интерактивті әдістерді араластыра қолдану . (ойын, диалогтар, ролдік ойындар, сөздік және грамматикалық викториналар) сияқты. - Қорытынды бақылау тесті тіл үйретуде – ақпаратты компьютерлік технологиялардың көмегі арқылы негізгі тілді үйрету әдістері. - Жеке және дифференциалды әдіс (көп деңгейлі тапсырмалар, шығармашылық жобалар, мақалалар дайындау және конференцияларға қатысу, презентациялар мен шағынпрезентациялар дайындау, тіл меңгерудегі жеке бағдарламалары, көп деңгейлі тесттер және өзіндік бағалау мен өзіндік баға беру әдістері). - Тілді тереңдетіп оқу немесе факультативті сабақ барысында қателермен айналысу. - Тәжірибелік және ОСӨЖ да келесі тапсырмалар ұсынылады; жеке және фронтальды жұмыс, жұптасып және кіші топтарда жұмыс істеу, біріге отырып сөзжұмбақ және бас қатырғыш “құрастыру, кеспе қағаздармен жұмыс істеу, ролдік ойындар және т.б.” - СӨЖ орындау үшін келесі тапсырмалар ұсынылады; топтық жоба, таныстыру (презентация), топтық жұмыс (диспут), пікір талас (ситуациялық тапсырмаларды шешу), реферат жазу, «сұрақжауап» (диалог құру, сұрақ қою арқылы тақырыпты талқылау). Орындалған СӨЖ саны топтағы 21 ағылшын тілін меңгерудің деңгейімен және студенттің академиялық жеке жетістігі ескере отырып анықталады; Қорытынды бақылау тесті қолдануда 1 кредитке 1 тақырыпта СӨЖ түрлі формамен пайдалана отырып өткізу ұсынылады. 11 Білімдерін бағалау белгілері мен Берілген білім берудің белгілері (критерилері) ҚР МЖМБС 5.03.2006, «ҚР білім жүйесі» негізінде жасалынған. Студенттің оқу жетістігінің деңгейі қорытынды баға, рейтинг бағасы және қорытынды бақылау бағасымен анықталады. Рейтинг бағасына ағымдық бақылау,аралық бақылау мен қорытынды бақылау кіреді. Баллдық рейтингтік әріптік жүйеге сәйкес бағалар қойылады. ережелері Аралық бақылау әр кредиттің 8 және 15 аптасында тест түрінде өтеді.Студент тесттің 20 сұрағына жауап беру арқылы келесі шкала бойынша бағаланады: т.2 Қорытынды бақылау – емтихан компьютерде тест тапсыру арқылы өтіледі (50 тесттік тапсырмалар). Емтихан бағасы ағымдық рейтинг 60%, және қорытынды бақылау 40% есептеу қорытындысы бойынша шығарылады. Қорытынды баға = АР + ҚБ. Ағымдық бақылау әр модульдің соңында сөздік диктант, сұрақтар және мәтіндік тапсырмалар түрінде орындалады. Студент 10 сөз, сұрақ немесе тесттік тапсырмаларға жауап беру арқылы келесі шкала бойынша бағаланады : т.1 Таблица 1. percents 0 12-16 30-34 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100 correct answers 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 5,5 6 7 8 9 10 percents 0 12-16 30-34 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100 correct answers 0-1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13.. 15 16.. 18.. 10 Таблица 2 22 Балдық – рейтинг бойынша әріп жүйесінің бағалары Әріп бойынша Баллдардың баға сандық эквиваленті A 4,0 A3,67 B+ 3,33 B 3,0 B2,67 C+ 2,33 C 2,0 C1,67 D+ 1,33 D 1,0 F 0 Пайыздық мазмұны Дәстүрлі жүйе бойынша баға 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 0-49 үздік жақсы қанағат-лық қанағат-сыз Барлық жұмыс түрлерін бағалау ережесі Баға (балл) білімді бақылау“ Балдық – рейтинг бойынша әріп жүйесінің бағалары” кестесіне сәйкес қойылады. Егер студент бірде бір сабақты жібермесе және сабақта белсенділік көрсетcе, оған 10% қосылады. Егер студент сабаққа қатыспай 3 сабақтан артық сағат жіберсе, онда айып (штраф) 10% баллы алынады.Сол сияқты егер студент оқу барысында республикалық немесе халықаралық деңгейде шет тілінде ғылыми мақала дайындаса, 10% тағайындалады. Тәжірибелік сабақтың бағасы және ОСӨЖ келесі белгілер бойынша өткізіледі: Бағасы Бағалаудың белгілері Бағдарламадағы материалды терең және Өте жақсы Мына бағаларға сәйкес: нақты ретімен сауатты игеру, материалды А (4,0; 95-100 %); логикалық тұрғыдан жеткізу, материалды өз А- (3,67; 90-94 %) бетінше баяндау және түйіндеу. 23 Жақсы Мына бағаларға сәйкес: В+ (3,33; 85-89%); В (3,0; 80-84 %); В- (2,67; 75-79 %) Қанағаттанарлық Мына бағаларға сәйкес: С+ (2,33; 70-74 %) С (2,0; 65-69 %) С-(1,67; 60-64 %) D+(1,33;55-59%) D (1,0; 50-54 %) Қанағаттанарлықсыз Мына бағаларға сәйкес: F (0; 0-49%) СӨЖ-ң бағалары Бағасы Өте жақсы Мына бағаларға сәйкес: А (4,0; 95-100 %); А- (3,67; 90-94 %) Жақсы Мына бағаларға сәйкес: В+ (3,33; 85-89%); В (3,0; 80-84 %); В- (2,67; 75-79 %) Қанағаттанарлық Мына бағаларға сәйкес: С+ (2,33; 70-74 %) С (2,0; 65-69 %) С-(1,67; 60-64 %) D+(1,33;55-59%) D (1,0; 50-54 %) Қанағаттанарлықсыз Мына бағаларға сәйкес: F (0; 0-49%) Бағдарлама материалын нақты білу, елеңсіз ауытқуларды жібере отырып сауатты және ретімен баяндау , өз бетінше материалды баяндау және түйіндеу, бірақ аса маңызды емес қателіктерді жіберу. Егжей –тегжейіне жетпей, дәлдіксіз, тек негізгі материалды меңгеру, тұжырымдаманың толық болмауы, бағдарлама материалын жеткізуде жүйеліктің бұзылуы, сонымен бірге тәжірибелік тапсырманы орындауда қиналу. Оқу бағдарламасының материалының басым бөлігін білмеу, маңызды қателіктер жіберу, тәжірибелік тапсырмаларды орындауда көп қиындықтарға шалығу. Бағалаудың белгілері Тілді толық меңгеру: адекватті, дәл ме-дәл, жылдам және толық түсіну; жылдамдық, логика, сөйлеудегі байланыс және жүйелілік; лексикалық көлем , грамматиканы дұрыс және кеңінен қолдану. Тілді толық меңгеру, кейде аз ғана дәлсіздік және сәйкессіздіктің болуы. Қалыпсыз жағдайларда түсінбеушіліктің болуы. Кешенді детальді дәлелдерді, лексикалық көлем мен грамматиканы жақсы түсіну. Тілді жартылай меңгеру, көп қателіктерге қарамастан көпшілік жағдайда жалпы мағынасын түсіну, Кешенді детальді дәлелдерді, лексикалық көлем мен грамматиканы түсінуі қанағаттанарлық. Түсіну және сөйлеу барысында мәселелерге жиі тап болуы. Күрделі тілді қолданудағы қабілетсіздік. Ауызша және жазба тілді түсінудегі маңызды қиындықтардың болуы. 24 ОҢТҮСТІК ҚАЗАҚСТАН МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК ФАРМАЦЕВТИКА АКАДЕМИЯСЫ ЮЖНО-КАЗАХСТАНСКАЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ Шет тілдері кафедрасы Кафедра иностранных языков Тәжірибелік сабақтарға арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар Методические рекомендации для практических занятий Мамандық: «Фармация» Специальность: «Фармация» Оқу сағатының (кредиттің) көлемі: 30/2 Объем учебных часов/кредитов: 30/2 Курс:III Семестр: 5 Шымкент 2013 25 Кафедра мәжілісінде талқыланды/ Обсyждено на заседании кафедры Хаттама/ Протокол №____ “ ” _________ 2013 жыл Кафедра меңгерyшісі/ Заведyющая кафедрой ___________ Сайфyтдинова А. С. 26 Module #1 Practical individual work # 1 1.Theme//Тема// Тақырыбы Education.Grammar: Prepositions 2. Objectives The students have to drill writing ,speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. 3.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. 4. Main questions of the theme/ Основные вопросы темы /Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары: 1. Read and translate the text: “The pharmaceutical faculty” . p. 7. 2. Find the sentences with the following word-combinations . Ex: XVII, XVIII.p.8. 3. Answer the questions. Ex: XXV, p.9. 4. Prepositions. 1.The Pharmaceutical Faculty The pharmaceutical faculty was set up in 1951. The 50 first-year students were accepted that year. Over 45 years of its activity the faculty has trained about 5500 highly qualified pharmaceutical chemist-specialists. The pharmaceutical faculty offers five year full and part time programs and provides certificates of general practice pharmaceutists. The modern pharmaceutical faculty is in its maturity state. It comprises the following departments: general and toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognision with the course of biotechnology, medicinal forms technology and pharmacy economics. All department heads are professors with Doctorates in Pharmacology. About 80% of faculty has scientific degrees and titles. Today pharmacy has become an incredibly actual area of activity. Therefore its tasks and the problem solving approaches are changing. It requires serious understanding of the above-mentioned problems as well as reorganization of pharmaceutists’ training. Such new subjects as medicinal forms standartization, pharmaceutical homeopathy, pharmaceutical marketing and management well as drug resource study, international pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical narcology were included to the traditional list. The optional study of basic radiopharmacy and the course of cristallforming has being planned. 2.Find the sentences with the following word-combinations . set up pharmaceutical faculty full and part time general practice scientific degrees and titles maturity state optional study 3. Answer the questions. 1. What departments does it comprise? 2. How many percent of faculty has scientific degrees? 27 3. What kind of subjects were included to the traditional list? V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: Complete the table with necessary words. 1. The pharmaceutical faculty was … in 1951. 2. The 50 … year students were accepted that year.. 3. The pharmaceutical faculty offers five year full and part … programs. 4. It comprises following departments: general and … chemistry, pharmaceutical …, pharmacognision with the course of … . Prepositions Click on the buttons until you find the correct answer He made his escape by jumping ______ a window and jumping ______ a waiting car. over / into out of / between out of / into up to / out of between / into 2 To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______ the corridor to the end. over / into between / into 28 out of / between out of / into up / along 3 I saw something about it ______ television. In On At Through With 4 I couldn't get in ______ the door so I had to climb ______ a window. through / in between / into out of / between out of / into up / along 5 She took the key ______ her pocket and put it ________ the lock. over / into between / into out of / in by / on up to / out of 6 He drove ______ me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town. from / into towards / over along / up past / towards in / next to 7 I took the old card ______ the computer and put ______ the new one. through / in out of / in out of / between 29 out of / into up / along 8 I went ______ him and asked him the best way to get ______ town. from / into towards / over along / up by / on up to / out of 9 It's unlucky to walk ______ a ladder in my culture. I always walk ______ them. through / in out of / in under / around out of / into up / along 10 The restaurant is ______ the High Street, ______ the cinema. through / in out of / in under / around in / next to up / along 11 Sally left school ______ the age of 16 and went to work ______ a bank. through / in out of / in under / around in / next to at / in 12 He jumped ______ the wall and ______ the garden. over / into towards / over along / up by / on 30 up to / out of 13 He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier. at / into out of / in under / around in / next to at / in 14 She ran ______ the corridor and ______ the stairs to the second floor. from / into towards / over along / up by / on in / next to 15 John is the person standing ______ the window, ______ the woman with the long blonde hair. at / into beside / next to under / around in / next to at / in 16 When the bull ran ______ me, I jumped ______ the fence. from / into towards / over beside / next to by / on in / next to 17 Look, that car's ______ fire. through with in into 31 on 18 He saw a parking space ______ two cars and drove ______ it. over / into between / into along / up by / on up to / out of 19 Harry comes to work ______ car but I prefer to come ______ foot. at / into beside / next to by / on in / next to at / in 20 He took the book ______ the shelf and put it ______ his bag. from / into at / into beside / next to by / on in / next to I.Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Laboratory work. Лабораторная работа.Лабораториялық жұмыс. Modal auxiliaries. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing ,speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.Read and translate the text: “ Our chemical laboratory” p. 13. 32 2. Read and translate the text: “ My first experiment” p.18. 3. Modal auxiliaries 1.1. Our chemical laboratory This is our chemical laboratory (lab). We have our practical classes on chemistry in the chemical lab. It is a light room. It is on the first floor. Our lab is a large room. There are two benches in it. There are shelves and racks above the benches. On the shelves, you can see some glasswear. You can see funnels, beaker and flasks of different forms on the shelves. There are also bottles with liquids and solids on the shelves. On the benches, there are burners, crucibles and scales. There are also test-tube stands and filter-stands there. All the burners are connected with the main gas line by a rubber tube. There is a sink with running water in every chemical lab. On the wall, you can see the Periodic Table. Each student has his or her working place in the lab. There is a ventilating hood for the escaping of disagreeable odour and harmful vapours. The students of our University study chemistry. They study different branches of chemistry such as organic, inorganic, analytical and other branches of chemistry. Every week the students attend lectures and have their practical classes on chemistry. The first- year students study inorganic chemistry. They have practical classes in a chemical lab, which is equipped with special apparatus. During practical classes, the students make many interesting experiments. 1.2. My first experiment Last week our group conducted a very interesting experiment on chemistry. We obtained pure hydrogen at our last lesion. For conducting an experiment we needed different apparatus. We used various glassware or dish such as test –tubes, bottles, flasks, funnels, beakers, glasses, rods and tubes. Before the reaction the students weighed substances on the scales, we needed some metals and acids. Then we put metallic zinc into the round-bottom flask and began to add some drops of hydrochloric acid. Then we put a burning match at the top of the flask. We saw a blue flame that was a fact that we obtained pure hydrogen or inflammable air. We observed the reaction and recorded the yield. At the end of reaction we washed all dishes and put them on proper places. 1.3. Grammar materials Modal auxiliaries . We often use to be able to or to be allowed to instead of "can". We can only form the Past of "can" (could). To put "can" into other tenses we need the phrases to be able to or to be allowed to. Affirmative sentences Tense Modal Form I am able to play football. I'm able to play football. Simple Present I can play football. I am allowed to play football. I'm allowed to play football. I was able to play football. Simple Past I could play football. I was allowed to play football. I will be able to play football. Do not use can in the will- I'll be able to play football. will-future future. I will be allowed to play football. I'll be allowed to play football. Other possible e.g. Present Perfect: I have been able to play football. 33 tenses: Negations Tense Simple Present Simple Past will-future Questions Tense Simple Present Simple Past will-future Modal Form I am not able to play I cannot play football. I'm not able to play football. I can't play football. I am not allowed to play I'm not allowed to play football. I was not able to play I wasn't able to play football. I could not play football. I couldn't play football. I was not allowed to play I wasn't allowed to play football. I will not be able to play Do not use cannot in the I won't be able to play football. will-future. I will not be allowed to play I won't be allowed to play football. football. football. football. football. football. football. Modal Form Is he able to play football? Can he play football? Is he allowed to play football? Was he able to play football? Could he play football? Was he allowed to play football? Will he be able to play football? Do not use can in the willWill he be allowed to play football? future. Must is a modal auxiliary verb. It is followed by a main verb. The structure is: subject + must + main verb The main verb is the base verb (infinitive without "to"). In general, must expresses personal obligation. Must expresses what the speaker thinks is necessary. Must is subjective. Look at these examples: subject auxiliary must main verb I must go home. You must visit us. We must stop now. The structure for must not is: subject + must not + main verb The main verb is the base verb (infinitive without "to"). Must not is often contracted to mustn't. Must not expresses prohibition - something that is not permitted, not allowed. The prohibition can be subjective (the speaker's opinion) or objective (a real law or rule). Look at these examples: subject auxiliary must + not main verb I mustn't forget 34 my keys. You mustn't disturb him. Students must not be late. Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb. In the have to structure, "have" is a main verb. The structure is: subject + auxiliary verb + have + infinitive (with to) Look at these examples in the simple tense: subject auxiliary verb main verb have infinitive (with to) has to work. + She - I do not have to see the doctor. ? Did you have to go to school? In general, have to expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of have to is obliged or forced to act by a separate, external power (for example, the Law or school rules). Have to is objective. Look at these examples: In France, you have to drive on the right. In England, most schoolchildren have to wear a uniform. John has to wear a tie at work. May is used for permissions. You may borrow my car. I won't need it. May I smoke here? - No, you can't, I'm sorry. It is used to express probability or prediction. They may call tomorrow. I hope so. The main difference between may and can is in style. May is more formal than can. Can is typical of spoken English. The opposite of may is must not or may not. May I smoke here? - You mustn't smoke here. (strong prohibition) - You may not smoke here. (more polite, very formal) - You can't smoke here. (informal spoken English) V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. 35 Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Answer the questions 2. Where do medical students have their practical classes on Chemistry? 3. How many benches are there in your laboratory? 4. What can one see on the walls of the laboratory? 5. What is in every chemical laboratory? 6. What apparatus do the students use in laboratory? 7. What do the students obtain? 8. What do the students use scales, crucibles, and burners for? 9. What do the students record at the end of each reaction? 1.2. Answer the questions 2. What did you do at your last lesson chemistry? 3. What apparatus do you need for conducting an experiment? 4. What do you usually do before the reaction? 5. What substances do you need for obtaining pure hydrogen? 6. Can you describe the method of obtaining pure hydrogen? 1.3. Complete the sentences. 2. Our group conducted … 3. We heated the substances on … 4. Medical students obtained … 5. They observed the reaction … 6. We evaporated this mixture … 7. The students recorded the yield … 2.1 . Put may, must , can , where it is necessary: 1. It is impossible, you… run that distance ! 2. You… try to overtake him if you want to win the race. 3. It… be cloudy tomorrow if the wind stops blowing. 4. Look at the camera he has got ! He… be a professional reporter. 5. .. I help you ? 6… you do it yourself ? I suppose so as you are strong enough. 7. He …arrive late tonight, we'll wait for him. 8. Yes, you …smoke, but only one cigarette a day. 9. …I ask you a question ? 10. I… sit in the front, I am shortsighted. 2.2. Fill in the blanks with MUST / MUSTN’T / HAVE TO / NOT HAVE TO 1. Ronaldo can go to Brazil next week because he ________________ attend the training. 2. You ______________ buy that CD. We have got so many Cds at home. 3. Look at my car. It’s really dirty. I ____________ wash it as soon as possible. 4. I have just ordered some pizza. You ____________ cook anything tonight. 5. Since Alex de Souza was injured in the middle of the match, he ___________ leave the pitch. 6. You ___________ remember what I said to you. It’s very important. 7. You ___________ put the chains on the wheels. It’s going to be snowy. 8. Tayfun ___________ buy a new CD player. He can use mine. 9. In Turkey all men _____________ do military service. 10. You __________ prepare an impressive CV before applying a job. 36 2.3. Supply the correct form of the verbs CAN and MAY in the sentences expressing permission and prohibition. 1. You ... use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am staying at home. 2. 'I ... come in?' 'Yes, do, please.' 3. You... not smoke here. Look, there is a "No smoking" sign over the door. 4. You ... not do it without your parents' consent. 5. You ... go now; but remember what I have told you. 6. I ... not tell you about it. I have promised to keep silent about this. 7. You ... not watch this film until you have completed your homework. 8. No one ... sit down while the King is speaking. 9. Nigel said that I ... stay in his apartment while he was in New York putting his affairs in order. 10. Colonel said that I... come and see him whenever I thought I had important information for him. I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Famous scientists.Знаменитые ученые.Атақты ғалымдар. Past tenses. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1. Read and translate the text: “D.I. Mendeleyev” p.23 2. Read and translate the text: “Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law” p.29 3. Past tenses. 1.1. D.I. Mendeleyev D.I. Mendeleyev, the great Russian scientist, was born in Tobolsk in 1834. After finishing school, at the age of 16, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the Pedagogical Institute. He graduated from the Institute in 1855. In 1866 Mendeleyev was appointed professor at the University where he gave a course of lectures on chemistry. His lectures were always listened to with great interest and attention. Even in a class of two hundred students everyone was able to follow his discussions from the beginning to the end. Interesting experiments were made in his classes. Both he and his students-assistants worked long hours in preparing the demonstrations so that all would go well. At the University Mendeleyev taught classes in the morning. In the afternoon he made experiments in his two room laboratory. At night Mendeleyev spent much of his time working with the cards on which he put down information about each of the chemical elements. Mendeleyev made thousands of experiments with his own hands. He made thousands of calculations, wrote a lot of letters, studied many reports. Everything in the world that was known about the chemical elements Mendeleyev knew. For months, for years he searched for missing data. All those data were being brought together and grouped in a special way. 1.2. Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law 37 The Periodic Law was discovered by D.I.Mendeleyev in 1869. Mendeleyev in arranged the elements in tabular form in such a way as to bring their correspondences quite clearly. The elements are divided into eight groups, each of which is entered in a separate column. They are also divided into 10 “series” each of which is entered upon one horizontal line. The atomic weights increase across the table from left to the right. D.I. Mendeleyev was the first to discover the law of dependence of the properties of the elements upon their atomic weights. The elements in any one column are similar to one another in many ways, the resemblance being very striking. Mendeleyev found it impossible to construct his table without leaving many of the spaces in it vacant. He considered these vacancies to correspond the elements which were not then known, but which would probably be discovered in the future. Today the Periodic Law is studied by millions of secondary schoolchildren and by the students at higher establishments of natural sciences and engineering. It is studied by philosophers, historians and teachers. The Periodic Law serves as a platform for thousands of researches. 1.3. The Past Tenses The Past Tense is used to relate past events in a historic context. Often , you will now that it must be used , because the sentence also contains an adverb (or adverb phrase) of time, such as yesterday ,or a date or time. Examples: 1) Queen Victoria died in 1901. 2) The Titanic sank when it hit an iceberg. 3) I told you not to drink too much. 4) Next, they went and cooked dinner. V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Make the negative and interrogative forms of the following sentences: 1.Intersting experiments were made in his class. 2.He was elected member of many academies abroad. 3.He was appointed professor at the University in 1966. 38 1.2. Answer the following questions. 1.What was D.I. Mendeleyev? 2. Where was he born? 3. Have many chemical elements did Mendeleyev describe? 4. When was the Periodic Table published? 5. What was the Periodic Table spoken of? 6. What did in addition to his work Mendeleyev pay attention to? 1.3.Retell the text according to the plan. 1. The youth of the great scientist. 2. Interesting experiments. 3. Teaching. 4. D.I. Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table. 5. The beginning of a new era in chemical thought. I.Theme/Тема/Тақырыбы:Environment.Окружающая среда. Қоршаған орта.Indirect Speech. Conditionals. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1. Read and translate the text: “Toxic substances in man’s environment” p.106. 2. Indirect Speech. Conditionals. 1.1. Toxic substances in man’s environment The human body is a complex system of chemical compounds. Life is dependent upon great amounts of many mechanisms to regulate its intake of materials but these operate only within certain limits. When an excessive amount of a single element or compound occurs in the body toxic reactions can be expected. There is an upper limit to the amount of any compound which the body can accumulate; this is true even of those normally considered as harmless. Everyone can remember the child who ate too much candy (glucose) and got a stomachache. Sometimes chemicals, present in small amounts, affect the biochemical functions of the body, and we usually limit the term “toxic substances” to these materials. Lethal doses 2 are milligrams (mg of substance per kilogram (kg) weight of the subject). 1.2. Find the sentences with the following words or word-combinations and translate them: chemical compounds, stomachache, excessive, toxic substances, poisoning, laundry products, damage. 1.3. Read the following numerals: 50-500mg, 0, 00032 ounce, 98%, 50% 1 mg, 1-50 mg, 5-15 g, 72%, 0,01. 2.1.Grammar materials. Indirect Speech 39 Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word. When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. For example: Direct speech Indirect speech "I'm going to the cinema", he said. He said he was going to the cinema. Tense change As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense: (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right): Direct speech Indirect speech Present simple Past simple She said, "It's cold." She said it was cold. Present continuous Past continuous She said, "I'm teaching English online." She said she was teaching English online. Present perfect simple Past perfect simple She said, "I've been on the web since 1999." She said she had been on the web since 1999. Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous She said, "I've been teaching English for seven She said she had been teaching English for seven years." years. Past simple Past perfect She said, "I taught online yesterday." She said she had taught online yesterday. Past continuous Past perfect continuous She said, "I was teaching earlier." She said she had been teaching earlier. Past perfect Past perfect She said, "The lesson had already started when he NO CHANGE - She said the lesson had already arrived." started when he arrived. Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous She said, "I'd already been teaching for five NO CHANGE - She said she'd already been teachminutes." ing for five minutes. Modal verb forms also sometimes change: Direct speech will She said, "I'll teach English online tomorrow." can She said, "I can teach English online." must She said, "I must have a computer to teach English online." shall She said, "What shall we learn today?" may She said, "May I open a new browser?" Indirect speech would She said she would teach English online tomorrow. could She said she could teach English online. had to She said she had to have a computer to teach English online. should She asked what we should learn today. might She asked if she might open a new browser. Note - There is no change to; could, would, should, might and ought to Direct speech Indirect speech "I might go to the cinema", he said. He said he might go to the cinema. Expressions of time if reported on a different day 40 this (evening) that (evening) today yesterday ... these (days) those (days) now then (a week) ago (a week) before last weekend the weekend before last / the previous weekend here there next (week) the following (week) tomorrow the next/following day 2.2. Conditionals Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences. Type 0 Conditionals (general truth) if-clause main clause Present Simple go Present simple do If it rains, the roads get slippery and dangerous. Type 1 Conditionals (real present) It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. if-clause main clause Present Simple go Present Continuous is going Future Simple will do modal verb+ bare infinitive can do imperative do If we work hard, we’ll finish the project on time. Type 2 Conditionals (unreal present) It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled. if-clause main clause Present Subjunctive II went If I won the money, I would buy a new car. Present Conditional mood would do Type 3 Conditionals (unreal past) It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past. if-clause main clause Past Subjunctive II Past Conditional mood had gone would have done If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have made such a big mistake. V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension 41 *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Answer the questions. 1.What substance do you consider the toxic? 2. Our life depends on the conditions of man’s environment. Is this right? 3. Do chemicals always affect the biological functions of the body? 4. What kind of poisoning occurs more often: chronic or acute? 5. Does death always result after intake of small amounts of toxic substances? 1.2. Fill in the gaps with the proper words and translate the sentences. 1.The human body is a complex system of chemical … . 2. Sometimes chemicals,present in small … . 3.Toxic … can be classified into several categories . 4.There are two … of poisoning : chronic and acute poisoning. 5.Some plants contain corrosive … e.g. poison ivy. (poisons, compounds, amount, types, substances) 1.3.Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional II with would in the main clause. 1. If you (study)______for the test, you (pass)_______it. 2. If you (ask)_______me, I (help)_________you. 3. If we (go)_______to the cinema, we (see)________my friend Jacob. 4. If you (speak)________English, she (understand)___________. 5. If they (listen)________to me, we (be)_________home earlier. 6. I (write)________you a postcard if I (have)_______your address. 7. If I (not / break)_______my leg, I (take part)__________in the contest. 8. If it (not/ start)________to rain, we (walk)__________to the museum. 9. We (swim)__________in the sea if there (not / be)________so many sharks there. 10. If she (take)_________the bus, she (not / arrive)_________on time. 2.1.Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II. 1. If they go to Washington, they (see)_________the White House. 2. If she (have)_________a hamster, she would call him Fred. 3. If he gave her a sweet, she (stop)_________crying. 4. If he (arrive)__________later, he will take a taxi. 42 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We would understand him if he (speak)____________slowly. Andy (cook)____________dinner if we buy the food. I will prepare breakfast if I (wake up)_____________early. If they shared a room, they (fight)__________all day long. If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not)____________the tour. Janet would go jogging if she (have / not)_______________to do her homework. I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Pharmacy. Фармация.Фармация. Verbs followed by infinitive. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.1. Read and translate the text: “What is pharmacy?” p.168. Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of recognizing, identifying, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing, compounding and dispensing all substances used in preventive or in curative medicine for treating people. Pharmacy was an integral part of medicine when preparative pharmaceutical techniques were simple. It became an independent branch of medicine when an increasing variety of drugs and their complex compounding demanded specialists familiar with the technique of their compounding. Thus we may define pharmacy as the science of drugs. The word “pharmacy” comes from the Greek word pharmacon, which in the modern language means “a drug”. 1.2.Write an essay about “My future Profession” 1.3.Grammar materials: Verbs followed by infinitive. Many verbs are followed immediately by the infinitive form of the verb. Other verbs are followed by the gerund form of the verb. Finally, other verbs are followed by a noun, noun phrase or pronoun and then the infinitive. All of these verbs follow no specific rules, and must be memorized. The following list provides verbs that are immediately followed by the infinitive form of another verb (verb + to do). For example: I can't afford to go on vacation this summer. I agreed to help him with the problem. I arranged to spend the week in New York. Mary arranges to meet everyone each time. 1. afford 2. appear 3. arrange 4. ask 5. beg 6. care 7. claim 43 8. consent 9. dare 10. decide 11. demand 12. deserve 13. expect 14. fail 15. forget - NOTE: This verb can also be followed by the gerund with a change in meaning. 16. hesitate 17. hope 18. learn 19. manage 20. mean 21. need 22. offer 23. plan 24. prepare 25. pretend 26. promise 27. refuse 28. regret - NOTE: This verb can also be followed by the gerund with a change in meaning. 29. remember - NOTE: This verb can also be followed by the gerund with a change in meaning. 30. seem 31. struggle 32. swear 33. threaten 34. volunteer 35. wait 36. want 37. wish 2.1. Choose the correct form of the verbs (infinitive or gerund). 1. I am keen on (work) in the computer industry. 2. Amy decided (see)a doctor. 3. Leila enjoys (read) love stories. 4. Do you intend (learn) Italian or English? 5. Do you mind (help) me wash the dishes? 6. Alan asked (talk) to the boss. 7. I can't help (laugh) when I watch Mr Been. 8. If Sara keeps (come) to work late, she'll have problems with the boss. 9. Liza hates (study) Maths. 10. Are you interested in (live)in Africa ? 2.2. Put “to” before the infinitive where it is necessary. 1 . My son asked me … let him … go to the club. 2 . You must make him … practice an hour a day. 3 . She was made … repeat the song. 4 . He is not sure that it can … be done, but he is willing … try. 5 . Let me … help you with your work. 6 . She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer. 7 . You ought … take care of your health. 8 . I looked for the book everywhere but could not … find it. 9 . He was seen … leave the house. 44 10 . We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11 . The man told me not … walk on the grass. 12 . Have you heard him … play the piano? 13 . You had better … go there at once. 14 . I would rather not … tell them about it. 15 . We shall take a taxi so as not … miss the train. V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Answer the questions 1. What new facts have you found out about your future speciality? 2. What do you know about the word “pharmacy”? 3. Why do we say that pharmacy and medicine develop together? 4. What do you know about the word “galenicals”? 5. When did the science of pharmacology appear? 6. When did organic chemistry of synthetic drugs appear? 1.2. Complete the sentences. 1. Pharmacy became an independent science … 2. The important beginnings of the science pharmacognosy may be seen … 3. It took the civilization over 5000 years to … 4. The first primitive man used a plant … 5. Galen wrote much about … 6. Greek word “pharmakon” means … Pharmacy is defined as a science … 1.3. Complete the following sentences with infinitives (add “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs below to make them grammatically correct. answer apply be be listen make see try use wash work write 1. He tried to avoid ... my question. 2. Could you please stop ... so much noise? 3. I enjoy ... to music. 4. I considered ... for the job but in the end I decided against it. 45 5. Have you finished ... your hair yet? 6. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk ... knocked down. 7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on .... 8. I don’t mind you ... the phone as long as you pay for all your calls. 9. Hello! Fancy ... you here! What a surprise! 10. I’ve put off ... the letter so many times. I really must do it today. 11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ... so stupid? 12. Sarah gave up ... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad. I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Forms of drug. Состав лекарств. Дәрілердің құрамы. Relative clauses. Phrasal verbs. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.1.Read and translate the text: “The common forms of drugs” Most of the drugs commonly dispensed fall into three categories: 1) solids, 2) semisolids and 3) liquids. It is up to the physician to decide upon the precise form in which his medication is to be administered. Since the ideal prescription is “tailor-made” to fit the exigencies of the individual case, several facts must be taken into consideration. If the patient can not swallow tablets, especially true of small children/ he must always receive medication in a liquid form. Sometimes multiplе diseases complicate the picture too. For instance, a patient with a chronic peptic ulcer might not tolerate a cough syrup containing the irritating ammonium chloride. 1.2.Read and translate the text: “Solid forms of drugs” A lot drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical industry in a solid state greatly differ in shape, size and colour. They are powders, granules, tablets, lozenges, globules, capsules and pills. A powder is a finely ground or comminuted mass of free particles formed from a solid substance in the dry state (head –ache powders, powders of ascorbic acid etc.) A tablet is a compressed solid mass of medicated material usually in the shape of disс or flat square. A large medicated or sweetened round- shapeв tablet is called a lozenge. A capsule is a small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous container with a dose of medicine inside . Capsules may be of different forms , size and colour. A pill is a medicinal substance put up in a pellet , convenient for swallowing whole. Solid medicinal forms are mainly administered internally. 1.3.Read and translate the text: “Semisolid medicinal forms” . Semisolid medicinal preparations usually having fatty material is a petrolatum, lard , wool fat as a base differ in shapes, consistency and methods of application. They are ointments, salves , liniments, suppositories, pills and plasters. An ointment is an unctuous preparation of a soft consistence often mixed with some medicaments used for application to the skin for medical purposes or as a cosmetic . 46 A salve is a thick adhesive ointment for local ailment used for healing, soothing or mollifying . A liniment is a preparation of a consistency thinner than an ointment applied to the skin with friction. A suppository is a medicinal substance incorporated in a base which melts at body temperature . There are rectal, urethral and vaginal suppositories . A plaster is a from in which medicinal agents are incorporated in an adhesive base intended for application to the skin. All semisolids are used externally for local application . 2.1. Read and translate the text. “Liquid medicinal forms ”. An extract is a preparation obtained by evaporating a solution of a drug or fresh juice of plant. Liquid extracts are preparations of a syrupy consistency and are generally prepared by treating the drug with solvent. An infusion is a liquid extract obtained by steeping or soaking any substance in water without boiling (infusion of the Lily of the ). A tincture is an alcoholic or hydro- alcoholic solution of nonvolatile drugs of plant or animal origin (tincture of Valerian , tincture of Pot Marry Gold). Tinctures as a medical form were introduced by Galen. A mixture is a preparation for medicinal or other purposes consisting of two or more ingredients mixed together. (cough mixture) 2.2.Grammar materials Relative clauses. Phrasal verbs A relative clause is a kind of subordinate clause, one of whose arguments shares a referent with a main clause element on which the subordinate clause is grammatically dependent. Most typically, a relative clause modifies a noun or noun phrase, and uses some grammatical device to indicate that one of the arguments within the relative clause has the same referent as that noun or noun phrase. For example, in the sentence I met a man who wasn't there, the subordinate clause who wasn't there is a relative clause, since it modifies the noun man, and uses the pronoun who to indicate that the same "man" is referred to within the subordinate clause (in this case, as its subject). Complete these sentences with a suitable relative pronoun or adverb 1. That is the man… helped me when I fell down in the street. 2. Is that your car? No, mine is the one… is parked just opposite the bank. 3. That is the woman… complained about the room service. 4. This is the park… we first met. Do you remember? 5. So, James is the man… son came on the school trip with us? I didn’t know. The term phrasal verb is commonly applied to two or three distinct but related constructions in English: a verb and a particle and/or a preposition co-occur forming a single semantic unit. This semantic unit cannot be understood based upon the meanings of the individual parts in isolation, but rather it must be taken as a whole. In other words, the meaning is non-compositional and thus unpredictable. Phrasal verbs that include a preposition are known as prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs that include a particle are also known as particle verbs. Additional alternative terms for phrasal verb are compound verb, verb-adverb combination, verb-particle construction, two-part word/verb, and three-part word/verb (depending on the number of particles), and multi-word verb. Look through the phrasal verbs and read and translate the examples: Phrase agree to agree with ask after Example A I wish she would agree to my proposal. I agree with him on that point. Mr. Smith asked after John. 47 B be off bear with bend over black out call in call off calm down carry on decide (up) on die off/out do again ease off eat up edge away face up (to) fall apart fall back on/ rely on I'm off now. Please bear with him for a moment while he tries to put this straight. Bend over and pick it up yourself! And then she just blacked out. C He called Kelly in. I had to call off the barbecue because of the bad weather. Please calm down. Please carry on with your homework. D I decided on the iced tea. The court has not yet decided on a ruling. That species died out million years ago. I probably wouldn't do it again. E The storm eased off a little. Eat up, and let's go. The students laughed and edged away from him. F You have to face up to challenges. The whole thing falls apart. I had to fall back on my savings. G gather up Let's gather up our things and leave. get across How can I get it across to you get along with He couldn't get along with his mother-in-law. H hand down He will hand this down to his granddaughter. hand out The teacher handed out the test to the surprised students. hang around (with) I usually spend a lot of time hanging around with my friends. V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 48 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Complete the following sentences : 1.A solid substance in the dry state finely ground or comminuted is dispensed in … 2. A solid medicated mass compressed in the shape of a disk or flat square is manufactured as … 3. Capsule consist of two parts and may be of different … 4. A granule is a minute cylindrical or round medicinal … 5. A spherical body of small size is a … 1.2. Answer the questions: 1. What solid medicinal forms do you know? 2. What is a powder? 3. A tablet is liquid medicinal form, isn’t ? 4. How are tablets produced? 5. What do solid forms of drugs differ in? 6. What semisolid medicinal forms do you know? 7. What is an ointment? 8. A liniment is dry medicinal form, isn’t it? 9. Suppositories are applied externally, aren’t they? 10. What base do semisolids usually have? 11.What liquid medicinal forms do you know? 12. By means of what are liquid extracts prepared? 13. Is an infusion obtained by boiling plant material in water? 14. What form are all solutions manufactured for injections in? 15. What is a decoction? I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Chemist’s. Дәріхана. Аптека. Prepositions followed by gerund. Passive voice. II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.1.Read and translate the text: “At a chemist’s” 49 Chemist’s shops are specialized shops where medicines and medical items are sold . There are two departments in a chemists department and prescription department . At a chemist s department you can buy ready-made drugs such as tablets, ampoules, pills, vitamins, etc. Disinfectants, herbs and various pharmaceutical goods can also be found in a chemist s department. In the prescription department you can see drugs of all kinds: boxes of different powders, ampoules of glucose and camphor used for intramuscular and intravenous injections; tubes of ointments for rubbing : different pills and tablets for internal use; tonics and sedatives administered orally. Lots of drugs have to be ordered at a prescription department. 1.2.Read and translate the text. Do the task below: ’’On measurements ” . Measurements are the basis of all scientific work. There are many different units oа measurement depending on what it is we want to measure. There are measurements of length, mass, time, volume, density, and many others. There are three fundamental units: units of mass, length and time. All other units can be expressed as combinations of these basic units ; they are called derived units. The fundamental unit of time is one second. The fundamental unit of length is one metre in the metric system and it was one yard in the old British system. The British system was substituted by the metric one in 1971 but the units of it are sometimes in use in everyday life . In all scientific measurements the units of the metric system are used. The metric system . The metric system is a decimal system applied to the measurement of length and mass. The basic unit of length is the metre , and the basic unit of mass is the kilogram. The most common prefixes in the metriс system are milli-, centi-, and kilo- which mean one thousandth of, one hundredth of and one thousand times then standard of length or mass. Volume of solids . The volume of a solid is expressed in cubic measure, for example in cubic centimeters ( cc or cm 3)or cubic millimeters (mm 3). Since 1 cm equals 10 mm , it follows that 1 cm equals 1000mm . 1.3.Read and translate the text: “ The English prescription ”. The language of the prescription was unique in Great Britain some half a century ago when all the names of drugs were Latinized. It was possible because the physician used only dosed drugs . Today all prescriptions are written in English . The only Latin which is used is few traditional abbreviations in the direction to the pharmacist and on the label. A more serious problem is the naming of drugs. In the old days, drugs had only one official name and drug companies did not have many trade names. At present , each drug has at least three names . They are the chemical name , the so- called generic name, and trade name . The chemical name is difficult to use ффтв remembered except for the simplest drug because of its length and complexity. Dosage. It goes without saying that a prescription cannot be written without a very good knowledge of the dose effects of drugs . Each drug has its own dose specification dependent on pharmacological properties , metabolism of drug . It should have the following information . Name the address of the physician and his telephone number . The title M.D .(Medical doctor) should follow the physicians name to indicate that he or she is a physician. 2.1. Read and translate the text. “Liquid medicinal forms ”. An extract is a preparation obtained by evaporating a solution of a drug or fresh juice of plant. Liquid extracts are preparations of a syrupy consistency and are generally prepared by treating the drug with solvent. An infusion is a liquid extract obtained by steeping or soaking any substance in water without boiling (infusion of the Lily of the ). A tincture is an alcoholic or hydro- alcoholic solution of nonvolatile drugs of plant or animal origin (tincture of Valerian , tincture of Pot Marry Gold). Tinctures as a medical form were introduced by Galen. A mixture is a preparation for medicinal or other purposes consisting of two or more ingredients mixed together. (cough mixture) 2.2.Grammar materials: Prepositions followed by gerund. Passive voice. 50 Verbs + prepositions followed by the gerund. If a verb + preposition, adjective + preposition, noun + preposition, or preposition alone is followed directly by a verb, the verb will always be in the gerund form. The following list consists of verbs + preposition. give up rely on worry about be better off insist on succeed in count on keep on think about depend on putt off think of The following expressions cotain the preposition to. The word to in these expressions must notbe confused with the to in the infinitive. These verb + preposition expressions must also be followed by the gerund: object to look forward to confess to 1. John gave … smoking because of his doctor’s advice. 2. Mary insisted … taking the bus instead of the plane. 3. Fred confessed … stealing the jewels. 4. We are not looking forward ... going back to school. 5. Henry is thinking … going to France in August. 6. You would be better … leaving now instead of tomorrow. Name prepositions followed by gerund: adjust to die of spend agree with dream about time on apologize for / of succeed approve of escape from in ask about feel like suspect ask for forgive for of begin by give up take part believe in insist on in be used to keep on talk blame for look about / of care for forward to thank for carry on object to think of complain about prevent sb. use for concentrate on from warn congratulate on protect from against cope with put off worry decide against rely on about decide for spend depend on money on Read the rule and do the exercises: 1. Introduction: passives are very abundant in English and occur more frequently than in Spanish in all kinds of contexts for several reasons: 51 1. impersonality: the speaker does not want to show his implication in the sentence: ex: Tons of rubbish are thrown out to the sea every year. 2. focus: we want to put some emphasis on a certain part of the sentence. Ex: The entire crop was damaged by the strong winds. 2. The passive transform Basically, we will focus our work in what we we call PASSIVE TRANSFORM, that is, how we come from an active sentence to a passive sentence. He In other words, a Direct Object becomes the Subject of the new passive sentence and the passive auxiliaries take the tense, person and number of the active verb, then the past participle of the active verb is added : let's go gradually: Verb tense in active Passive auxiliary:be-get Past participle Simple present He cooks breakfast Breakfast Is / Gets Cooked Simple Past He cooked breakfast Breakfast Was were Cooked Simple future He will cook breakfast Breakfast will be Cooked Present Continous She is cooking Breakfast is being Cooked Past continous They were cleaning the streets The streets were being Cleaned Present perfect They have forbidden cigarrettes Cigarrettes have been Forbidden Past Perfect The fuel had damaged all the coast All the coast had been Damaged 'Have to' You have to close doors Doors have to be Closed Need You don't need to finish your chores Your chores don't need to be Finished 52 Must, will, should, can (modals) Passengers must fasten their seatbelts Seatbelts must be/can be/would be/should be Fastened Note that it is also possible to have a perfect infinitive after such verbs as CAN or HAVE for a past reference: Ex: The wind must have destroyed all those building All those buildings must have been destroyed by the wind 'going to' The Town Hall is going to repair the pipelines. The pipelines are going to be repaired V. Teaching methods/Методы обучения/Оқыту әдістері: *Listening comprehension *Frontal work *Work in small group *Work in pairs *Games *Role play *Question-reply VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Answer the questions. 1. How many departments are there at every chemist’s shop? 2. What items can you buy at the chemist’s department? 3. Why are labels stuck on bottles and boxes with drugs? 4. What kind of drugs are there at the prescription department? 5. What forms of medicine do you know? 6. Where are pharmaceutical goods sold? 7. What cabinets are marked with the letter “A” and “B”? 2.2. Complete the following sentences. 1. Cubic centimeters are used … 2. Metre is used … 3. kilogram is used … 4. Dram is used … 5. Litre is used … 53 6. Dram per milliliters is used … 2.3. Read and trade and generic names of medicinal remedies. Explain their meaning: Valocordin, Cocarboxylas, Morphine, Testaments, Finalgon, Mucosal, Sacolysin, Bicillin, Ritothyroin, Amycarol, Mammophysin, Oestron, Erythromycine, Aevit, Valosedan, Diiodthyrosin, Polyoestradiol, Pharyngosept, Adriamycin, Mycosept, Panadol, Chinocid, Methicillin, Kanamycin, Cholosas; Oligovit, Rifamycin, Novurit, Sulfazin,Pantocid, Pyocid, Streptodecas, Norsulfazol, Vrodan, Cephalex, Ceporex, Adrenalin, seu Epinephrin, Gonodotropin, Somatotropin, Histidin, Novocain, Haemodes, Enterodes, Haemophobin, Panangin. 3.1. Write the following sentences in passive: 1. They were writing all the names of the students on a list. ___________________________________________________________. 2. They serve breakfast at seven o'clock here. _______________________________________________________________. 3. There are a lot of things to say about this subject. _______________________________________________________________. 4. 'Valencia buildings' has repaired these houses. _______________________________________________________________. 5. Everybody gave him the address. ____________________________________________________________. 6. Carpenters used to build furniture by hand but now they don't. _______________________________________________________________. 7. Men wore hats in the old days. _______________________________________________________________. 8. Professor Johnson is marking all the exams. _______________________________________________________________. 3.2. Put prepositions into the gaps: 1. They were accused … breaking into a shop. 2. I agree … playing darts. 3. They apologize … being late. 4. She doesn't believe … getting lost in the wood. 5. The reporter is blamed … writing bad stories. 6. She complains … bullying. 7. Do you concentrate … reading or writing? 8. I wanted to congratulate you … making such a good speech. 9. He is not sure how to cope … getting older. 10. They decided … stealing the car. 11. Success may depend … becoming more patient. I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Chemistry and cosmetics Химия и косметика.Химия және косметика. Preposition following adverbs II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. 54 Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.1.Read and translate the text: Chemistry and cosmetics. Face powder. Face powder is used to give the skin a pleasant appearance. The powder usually requires several ingredients to obtain proper appearance, sticking properties and absorbance. A typical formula is: talk-65%, precipitated chalk-10%, zinc oxide-20%, zinc stearate-5%, to which are added small amounts of perfume and colouring matter. Compact powders are similar to face powder with mineral oil or lanolin , and organic hydroxyl compounds as binders added. They are pressed after mixing. Lipstick. Lipstick consists of a solution or suspension of colouring agents in a mixture of high molecular weight hudrocarbons or their derivatives or both. The material must be soft to produce a good application on lips, yet the film must not be too easily removed. Lipstick is perfumed to give an odour and pleasant taste. The colour easily comes from a dye or from the eosin group of dyes. Two dyes used for the preparation of lipstick are: dibromofluorescein (yellow- red) and tetrabromofluorescein (purple).The ingredients in a typical formulation include: dye , which gives the lipstick colour 4-8%; castor oil , paraffin or fats which dissolve dye -50%, lanolin – 25%, carnauba wax, beeswax, which raise the melting point of lipstick - 18% , perfume , which gives it a pleasant taste -1.5%. Carnauba wax and beeswax are high molecular weight esters. Carnauba wax is extracted from the leaves of the Brazilian palm where it occurs externally on the leaves. The alcohols and acids hydrolyzed from esters of beeswax contain 26 to 18 carbon atoms. Eye make- up . There are several types of make- up : eye brow pencils , mascara for eyelashes and shading. Eye shadow or shading which is now popular was also very popular in ancient Egypt . Eyebrow pencils are very much like lipstick , but they contain a different colouring matter. The colouring matter is a pigment such as lampblack ; the other ingredients include fats, oil, petrolatum , and lanolin , mixed to give the necessary melting- point , which may be higher by the addition of beeswax or paraffin . Petrolatum is a semisolid mixture of hydro- carbons , saturated and unsaturated with melting –point 34 to 54 C. Mascara is used to darken eyelashes and give them a longer appearance . The same colours as in the eyebrow pencils are used as well as other mineral colouring matters such as chromic oxide (dark green ) and ultramarine (blue) pigment of various composition ; a silicate of sodium and aluminum silicate with some sodium sulphide .The colouring matter be water- soluble or water resistant , depending upon the composition of the micture. A typical formulation consists of about 40 per cent wax ( beeswax carnauba wax , and paraffin), 50 per cent soap ) (such as thriethanolamine), 5 per cent colouring matter. Perfume . A perfume is a material containing one or more volatile constituents which can produce aroma. The sense of odour is quite complex and the nose can distinguish a great number of different odours. The chemistry of perfumes is quite complex since it includes up to 5000 different natural or synthetic materials. 1.2.Grammar materials: Preposition following adverbs. Adverbs are words that modify or describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. When an adverb modifies a verb it can appear almost anywhere in a sentence. When it modifies an adjective or another adverb it usually appears just before the word that it modifies. Adverbs Notes John often walks his dog. The adverb “often” modifies the verb “walks” John walked his dog yesThe adverb “yesterday” modifies the verb “walks” terday. John walks his very big The adverb “very” modifies the adjective “big” 55 Adverbs dog. John walks his dog very quickly. Notes The adverb “very” modifies the adverb “quickly”, which in turn modifies the verb “walks”. Prepositions are primarily used to create prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase (PP) acts very much like an adjective or adverb, in that it modifies or adds extra information to a noun, verb or adjective. A prepositional phrase generally consists of a preposition followed by a noun phrase, as in the following examples. sentence (prepositional phrase in noun element modified by the preposition bold) phrase PP John walks to the shops. the verb “walks”. to the shops The boy gives an apple to his teacher. to his teacher the verb “gives”. I put the pencils in a box the verb “put”. in a box John works on Tuesdays. the verb “works”. on Tuesdays Jack ran away from Jill. the verb “runs”. away from Jill John is happy with his new car. with his new car the adjective “happy”. Here is the list of ingredients. of ingredients the noun “list”. Note that the previous table includes the compound preposition “away from”. Like compound verbs, a compound preposition is a group of two or more words that acts as a preposition. For the sake of brevity we will often use the term preposition to refer to both singleword prepositions and compound prepositions. The difference between adverbs and prepositions Adverbs and prepositions serve very similar functions in a sentence. The crucial difference is that prepositions are always part of a prepositional phrase - the preposition has to have an associated noun phrase in order to make sense. Adverbs, in contrast, stand on their own without the noun phrase. Some words can be used as either an adverb or a preposition: sentence (adverb or notes PP in bold) We ran around. The adverb “around” stands on its own to modify the verb “ran”. We ran around the The preposition “around” is part of the prepositional phrase “around block. the block”, which modifies the verb “ran”. Many adverbs can combine with a preposition to form a compound preposition. sentence (adverb or PP in notes bold) Jack ran away. “away” is an adverb. “away from” is a compound preposition formed from the adverb Jack ran away from Jill. “away” and the preposition “from”. The scout walked ahead. “ahead” is an adverb. The scout walked ahead of “ahead of” is a compound preposition formed from the adverb the group. “ahead” and the preposition “of”. 56 1.3. Put prepositions in the gaps: A I wish she would agree … my proposal. I agree … him on that point. Mr. Smith asked … John. B She was told … back off. Are your parents …? I'm … now. Please bear with him … a moment while he tries to put this straight. Bend … and pick it up yourself! And then she just blacked … . Don't blame it … her. The bomb might have blown …. VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1.Complete the sentences: 1.A typical formula is: talk-65% … 2.Lipstick consists of a solution or suspension of … 3.Eye shadow or shading which is now popular … 4.The mascara may be water- soluble or water resistant … 5.A perfume is a material containing … 1.2.Answer the questions. 1. What is the face powder? 2. Why do we use the face powder? 3. Are there several types of make-up? 4. Is eye shadow or shading popular now? 5. What is the perfume? 1.3.Make up a dialogue according to the theme: 1. Face powder 2. Lipstick 3. Eye make-up 4. Perfume 57 2.1.Put prepositions in the gaps 1. Her reaction simply bowled me …. 2. At last, the hostage could break away … his captors. 3. Finally her car broke …. 4. Sue and Tim broke … last year. 5. This year has brought … some significant changes. 6. The president was brought down … this scandal. 7. My job brings … 400 dollars per week I. Theme/Тема/ Тақырыбы: Chemistry and Nutrition Химия и питательные вещества Химия және қоректік заттар Grammar: Consolidation of the grammar materials II. Objectives: the students have to drill writing, speaking, listening habits to be able to work, individually, in small groups Цели: Студентам необходимо отработать навыки и умения в говорении, письма, чтении, и слушании, чтобы успешно работать индивидуально и в малых группах. Мақсаты: Студенттердің сөйлеудегі, жазудағы, оқудағы, тыңдаудағы ептілігін дамыту қажет:жеке түрде және топ ішінде жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігі болу үшін. III.Training goals/Задачи обучения/ Оқыту мақсаты: To drill writing, reading habits of the students and to train to use active vocabulary in the oral speech. Отработать навыки и умения в говорении письма, чтении, а также отработать употребление активной лексики в устной речи. Студенттердің сөйлеудегі жазудағы, ептілігін дамыту және лексикалық материалды ауызекі жаттығуларды қолдану әдістерін жаттықтыру. IV. The main questions of the theme/Основные вопросы темы /Негізгі тақырыптар; 1.1.Read and translate the text: Chemistry and Nutrition 1. Since most men think much of what they eat it is not surprising that the early chemists spent much time on the study of food. In the eighteenth century it was already known that starch when heated with dilute sulphuric acid, gave “sugar of grapes”, or, as we term them it, glucose. It was then recognized that 100 parts of glucose and, since the sulphuric acid was unchanged In the process, the reaction must consist of the addition of about 10 per cent by weight of water to starch. 2. As early as1820 the amino acids glycine and leucine were isolated in crystalline form from solutions prepared by heating proteins with mineral acid. By the end of the nineteenth century the nature and role in nutrition of the proteins, carbohydrates, fats and the most important minerals were established. In the twentieth century the vitamins and the elements required only a small amounts were discovered. 3. In the more advanced countries the standard of nutrition of the population thanks to carbon chemistry improved markedly during the past fifty years. This improvement in nutrition plays an important part in the improvement of health and the increase in life duration. Nutrition deficiency has disappeared in most advanced countries. Now it is probable that overnutrition is a more serious trouble to health than under nutrition. Unfortunately, in many developing countries, particularly in tropics, the position is much less satisfactory. Diseases and death from malnutrition are still numerous. 4. The contribution of chemistry to the improvement in nutrition is very considerable. Our earth is now more productive. The comparison of present results with those of fifty years ago indicates quite extraordinary improvement. The more economical production of vegetables increased the amount of animal products such as milk, meat, butter, cheese and eggs. 1.2.Find in the text the sentences with the following words or word-combinations and 58 translate them: amino acids glycine and leucine, crystalline form, carbohydrates, carbon chemistry, in many developing countries, more productive, extraordinary improvement, ergo sterol, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, biological stages 1.3. Consolidation of grammar materials VI. Bibliography/Литература/ Әдебиеттер: 1.Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков-технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by Pual Falla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. VII. Control work/Контрольная работа/Бақылау жұмысы: 1.1. Fill in the gaps with proper word: 1.The contribution of … to the improvement in nutrition is very considerable. 2. Our earth is now more … 3.The food additives mad by the chemists play also an important part in improving … 4.In the … field the efforts of the chemists are especially large (chemistry, nutrition, vitamin, productive) 1.2.Read the sentences and put them in the right order. 1.Vitamins, one after another, were isolated in pure form. 2.It was already known that starch heated with dilute sulphuric acid gave glucose. 3.Chemical nature of vitamins was determined and in most cases vitamins were synthesized. 4. The nature and role of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in nutrition were established. 5. Amino acids, glycine and leucine, were isolated in crystalline form from protein solution. 59 ОҢТҮСТІК ҚАЗАҚСТАН МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК ФАРМАЦЕВТИКА АКАДЕМИЯСЫ ЮЖНО-КАЗАХСТАНСКАЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ Шет тілдері кафедрасы Кафедра иностранных языков Студенттің өзіндік жұмысына арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студента Мамандық: «Фармация» Специальность: «Фармация» Оқу сағатының (кредиттің) көлемі: 60/2 Объем учебных часов/кредитов: 60/2 Курс:III Семестр: 5 Шымкент 2013 60 Кафедра мәжілісінде талқыланды/ Обсyждено на заседании кафедры Хаттама/ Протокол №____ “ ” _________ 2013 жыл Кафедра меңгерyшісі/ Заведyющая кафедрой ___________ Сайфyтдинова А. С. Module #1 61 Student’s individual work #1 1. Theme//Тақырыбы// Тема: Медицина и фармация/Medicine and Pharmacy/Медицина және фармация // Prepositions 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Glossary 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Everyone gets sick at one time or another and needs to go to drugstore or pharmacy to get some medicine. If it’s a minor condition, you can get over-the-counter medication. If not, you may need to get a prescription from a doctor first. Maybe you just need some allergy medication for hay fever, or aspirin for a headache, or antacid for an upset stomach. In these cases you may have to talk to the pharmacist. Using the expressions below make up a dialogue: What do you recommend for (…a cold)? You could try these COLD BE GONE tablets. They work wonders. Do you have anything for a (… sore throat)? Yes, these throat lozenges should work. What do you suggest for (… an upset stomach)? You could try these antacid tablets. I need something for a (… headache)? Why don’t you try aspirin? II. When was the last time you when to a pharmacy? Tell your partner about it using some of the ideas for discussion below. Your partner should ask questions to get more information: when did you go what was the problem what medication did you get 62 did you talk to the pharmacists did the medication help III. Read the text and translate it. Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of recognizing, identifying, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing, compounding and dispensing all substances used in preventive or in curative medicine for treating people. Pharmacy was integral part of medicine when preparative pharmaceutical techniques were simple. It became an independent branch of medicine when an increasing variety of drugs and their complex compounding demanded specialists familiar with the technique of their compounding. Thus, we may define pharmacy as the science of drugs. The word “pharmacy” comes from the Greek word “pharmakon”, which in the modern language means “a drug”. To the Greeks it was associated with a God or higher being who had the power of affecting people with herbs, infusions, etc. IV. Pair work. Working with a partner, play the situations, using the information below: The situation: At the pharmacy The roles: a pharmacist, a customer The customer should ask for a recommendation for the problems below. The pharmacist should ask the following: how long the symptoms have been present if the customer is allergic to any medicines why they have the symptoms (if known) the severity of the problem The problem Sore muscles Headache Diarrhea Constipation Insomnia Severe Itching Upset stomach Dandruff Stuffy/runny nose Fever V. Fill in the gaps the following prepositions of time: at, in, on 1. I have a meeting _______9 o’clock. 2. The shops closes ________midnight. 3. Jane went home ________lunchtime. 4. In England, it often snows _______ December. 5. Do you think we will go to Jupiter _______the future? 6. There should be a lot of progress ________the next century. 7. Do you work ______Mondays? 8. Her birthday is _______20 November. 9. Where will you be _______New Year’s Day? VI. Fill in the gaps the following prepositions of movement: to, through, across, along, down, over, off, round, into 1. He carried the rubbish _______the bin. 2. The arrow is moving ______the ball. 3. He walked _______the road. 4. He swam _____the channel. 5. The train came _____the tunnel. 6. He skied ______the mountain. 7. They walked _______the bridge. 8. The man poured the sand _____the timer. 9. The man ran ______the cliff. Module #2 Student’s individual work #2 63 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Фармация сегодня/Pharmacy nowadays/Қазіргі таңдағы фармация// Degrees of comparison of the adjectives and the adverbs 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Discussion 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Translate the following passage and compose 7 questions to ask your partner: As the Information Age ushered in to ignite trail-blazing changes in every aspect of society, pharmacy in modern healthcare had also undergone improvements to meet the challenges of the present. As pharmacy is an ancient profession, it was prominent in seventeenthcentury England where the practitioners were apothecaries who ran shops and compounded various drugs and medications. However, pharmacists today are rarely called on to compound a drug or medication, which now comes packaged from the manufacturer. At present, pharmacists have become a pivotal part of the health care delivery team, with an emphasis on more direct patient care, particularly in counseling patients about medication use, possible adverse effects, and other medication-related concerns. Like doctors and nurses, pharmacists should strive for excellence, precision and accuracy in line with their work because we are dealing with people lives. With the growing complexity of the healthcare arena in the Information Age, the increase in evidence-based medicine and the increasing number of patients with multiple co-morbidities will make the coordination of medications between different members of a patient’s health care team vital for patients. Thus, the role of pharmacy in the modern healthcare environment is constantly changing to convene with the needs of all patients. II. Study the following chart: 64 Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree late early later earlier latest earliest exactly beautifully more exactly more beautifully most exactly most beautifully often oftener oftenest more most quickly often slowly well badly much little often quicker quickest more most quickly slower more slowly quickly slowest most slowly better worse more less best worst most least Make up sentences, using the adverbs given in the chart according to the following model. Model: Nick speaks French well, Ann speaks French better than Nick, and Peter speaks French best (of all). III. Put the necessary form of the adjective or adverb: 1. A: Did you enjoy the film? B: Yes. It was ...the funniest… (funny) film I've ever seen. 2. A: James is very tall. B: Yes. He’s..... (tall) boy in our class. 3. A: Was it a good party? B: Yes. I left.... (late) than I had intended to. 4. A: Did you like the black dress? B: Yes, but it was.... (expensive) than the blue one. 5. A: Why do you want to go to Spain? B: Because it's much..(warm) than England. 6. A: Do you enjoy your job? B: Oh, yes. It’s....(good) job I've ever had. 7. A: If you need any...... (far) help, just ask me. B: Thank you. That's very kind of you. 8. A: My teacher is very clever. B: Yes. She’s...... (intelligent) woman I've ever met. 9. A: Dinosaurs were..... (big) than houses. B: I know. They were enormous. 65 10. A: How much did you pay for that bag? B: £5. It was...... (cheap) one I could find. 11. A: That exam was really difficult. B:I agree. It was a lot..... (difficult) than I had expected. 12. A: Have you heard James playing the piano lately? B: Yes, but he doesn't seem to be getting ..... (good). Module #3 Student’s individual work #3 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Наука фармакология/Science of Pharmacology/Фармакологиялық ғылым// Modal auxiliaries (must, have, can’t have, may have, was, were to have) 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов - фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль I. Read the following information about Pharmacology and make up a dialogue using underlined words: Pharmacology has evolved over the years. Originally a scientific discipline that described the overt effects of biologically active chemicals, pharmacology now explores the molecular mechanisms by which drugs cause biological effects. In the broadest sense, pharmacology is the study of how chemical agents, both natural and synthetic (i.e., drugs) affect biological systems. This encompasses investigation of the derivation, chemical properties, physiological and behavioral effects, mechanisms of action, biological transformations, and the therapeutic and non-therapeutic uses of drugs. Pharmacological studies can determine the ef66 fects of chemical agents upon subcellular, systemic, physiological or behavioral processes; focus on the treatment and prevention of diseases; or deal with the potential hazards of pesticides and herbicides. Pharmacology is often described as a bridge science because it incorporates knowledge and skills from a number of basic science disciplines including physiology, biochemistry and cell and molecular biology. Pharmacologists are able to “translate” such knowledge into the rational development of therapeutics. As a result of their multidisciplinary training, pharmacologists are able to offer a unique perspective in solving drug-, hormone- and chemical-related problems. The interdisciplinary nature of the field offers pharmacologists a variety of research opportunities not found in other fields of scientific inquiry. It is this flexibility as well as the potential for the practical application of research that attracts people into becoming pharmacologists. II. Choose the most appropriate answer to express the idea specified in parentheses: 1. You … go there with me. I can handle it, it's not difficult. (Absence of necessity) may not must not don't have to had better not 2. …bring me a glass of cold water? (Request) Could you Can't you Would you mind Why don't you 3. I … give you a lift to the station. My car broke down yesterday. (Ability) must not should not may not can't 4. I don't know what to do. – You … your father for advice. (Suggestion) are able to ask could ask must ask have to ask 5. He didn't go to the park with us yesterday because he …. write a report. (Necessity) should must had to could 6. I left my bag here just five minutes ago. You … it! (Strong probability) may have seen must have seen were able to see 7. You …. the bills two weeks ago. (Advice) could see had better pay should pay ought to pay should have paid 8. I don't know how to help you. Try asking Anton for help. He … be able to find a solution. (Possibility) must has to might will 9. I … play tennis every day when I was younger. (Repeated action in the past) had to was able to used to could Module #4 Student’s individual work #4 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Лекарственный бизнес в средневековье/Drug business in the ancient times/Орта ғасырдағы дәрі бизнесі// Past Tenses 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Discussion 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения 67 Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Read and translate the following text about history of drugs and its business: Pharmacy is as old as man himself. The first primitive man who tried to use a plant in the food and observed that it caused a disease was already in the drug business. In this simple way many drugs have been discovered. The civilization of the past contributed to our present knowledge by the collection of drugs and drug preparations. The old Egyptian texts list many preparations, some components of which are still used in modified form. In these works the important beginning of the science pharmacognosy may be seen. II. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense: One summer morning Meeks (come) from the West to New York to find his sister. She (be) Mrs. Mary Snyder, a widow, aged 52, who (live) for a year in a tenement house in a crowded district. At her address somebody (tell) him that Mary (move) away longer than a month before. No one (can / tell) him her new address. On coming out of the house Mr. Meeks (address) a policeman who (stand) on the corner, and (explain) his difficulty to him. « I (recently / make) a lot of money and I’d like to help Mary as soon as possible », he (add). The policeman (pull) his moustache and (tell) Meeks about Juggins. He (say) that Juggins (be) the leader of a new school of detectives. «Juggins (solve) some very difficult cases. I (take) you to him», the policeman said. « If I (find) your, you (pay) me two hundred dollars. I (try) to solve your case. The disappearance of people in the city is the most interesting problem I (ever / work at) », (say) the famous detective, (rise) and (put on) his hat. In fifteen minutes Juggins (return) holding a little piece of paper with Mary’s new address. After Meeks (pay) his bill, he (ask) the detective to explain what he (do). Module #5 Student’s individual work #5 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Галеновые препараты/Galenicals// Indirect Speech 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: 68 -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Read the passage and translate it: Galen, in the second century A. D. one of the most famous physicians of the past wrote much about drug effects. Even today pharmacists use the word “galenicals” when they speak about simple vegetable extracts. However, only in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries chemical knowledge advanced to the point at which it could contribute significantly to pharmacology. The first and the most important was the isolation in relatively pure chemical form of the active constituents of plants. For example, Serturner isolated morphine in 1806 from opium. It took man over 5000 years to make this very important step. The industrial revolution of the last century gave birth to synthetic organic chemistry and established a new branch of knowledge necessary for the synthesis of new drugs. That the drug may affect the organism or may act more selectively was an empirical observation of a primitive man. However, it took many centuries to establish this empirical observation scientifically. Today, the biochemical investigation of drug action is as important as the older pharmacodynamic studies. II. Rewrite the following in the Reported Speech: 1. He said, "I have eaten my lunch." 2. She said, "I am doing a degree at the university" 3. The teacher said to the class, "Pay attention." 4. My mother said to me, "Buy some bananas for me." 5. My father said to me, "Don't waste your money." 6. She said to me, "Where is the hospital?" 7. My friend said to me. "Don't be late tomorrow." 8. He asked me, "When will the train arrive?" 9. His teacher said to him, "Try to do it by yourself." 10. She asked me, "What are your favorite online games?" 69 Module #6 Student’s individual work #6 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Валериана/Valerian// Verbs followed by infinitive 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Glossary 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Complete the sentences (p. 70, Ex. VIII): 1. Valerian is a tall, elegant and straight … 2. Its underground part consists of the short, vertical … 3. Its rhizome has … 4. Its leaves are … 5. White and pink florets appear … 6. The main constituent of the drug is its … 7. Valerian drugs are used as … II. Translate the following words: Сырье; значение, ценность; дикорастущий; полый, пустой; семянка; настой; тахикардия; метелка; щитковидный. III. Put the Infinitive form: a) She's late. She must ______(forget) our appointment. b) He hopes _____ (select) to play in next week's football match. c) I offered ____ (pay) for the meal, but she refused. d) I'd like ____(meet) Princess Diana. e) I sent my suit _____ (dry-clean). 70 f) Sue and Richard are always arguing. They seem ____(have) a few problems. g) I'm sorry _____(disturb)you, but can you tell me the time? h) You should ___ (work), not watching the television. i) I'd like _____(see) her face when you told her the news! j) I'm glad I'm not famous. I'd hate ______(recognize) all the time. k) You should ____ (tell) me you were coming. l) This home work is late. It was meant ____(hand) in last week. Module #7 Student’s individual work #7 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Сок алое/Aloe Juice/Алое шырыны//Passive Voice 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Discussion 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Answer the following questions: 1. How many species of Aloe grow in dry parts of Africa? 2. What kind of stem has Aloe? 3. What part of this plant is used in pharmacy? 4. What kind of leaves has Aloe? 5. Why is Aloe used as purgative and a tonic? II. Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions (on, with, in, from, of): 1. Aloes flourish … a variety of climates and … the poorest soil. 2. The aloe plants are apparently stemless, bearing a rosette … large thick, fleshy leaves. 3. The leaves are generally lance – shaped … a sharp apex and a spiny margin. 71 4. There are some species of aloes that are quite different … the medicinal aloes. 5. The juice … Aloe Venenosa is poisonous. III. Rewrite these sentences using the Passive Voice: 1. The scientists considered the information to be most significant for technical research. 2. Some newspapers have discussed the scientist’s theories in great detail. 3. A group of scientists had solved the problem some years before. 4. They made no attempts to reach an agreement. 5. Somebody saw a man carrying a strange long object and walking in the direction of the works. Module #8 Student’s individual work #8 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Александровский лист/Senna/Александр жапырағы// Prepositions followed by adverbs 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Answer the following questions: 1. Is Senna herb? 2. What family does Senna belong to? 3. What kind of leaves has Senna? 4. What kind of fruit has Senna? 5. Senna requires bright sunshine, doesn’t it? 6. What kind of drugs is prepared from Senna? II. Find in the right column the equivalents in the left one: 72 top сидячий raceme куст, кустарник shrub пазушный axillary суживаться к концу taper кисть downy боб oblique гладкий legume косой smooth опушенный sessile верхушка III. Prepositions and Adverbs. Choose the correct preposition/adverb: with, in, on, at, or by. 1. He arrived __ London on a foggy November day. in at with by on 2. The stone hit the speaker __ the head. on at in by with 3. There's another Picasso picture __ the opposite wall. with on in by at 4. The car stopped __ the traffic lights and wouldn't start again. in on by with at 5. We can't go to the station __ bus because of the bus strike. in with on at by 6. The girl __ her back to the camera is my younger sister. on in at with by 7. How do you go to work? - It depends __ the weather. with in on by at 8. If the weather is good, I go to work __ foot. at on by with in 9. Are you __ your own (alone)? - No, I am with a friend of mine. in with by at on 10. Are you going by bus? - No, we're going __ Mike's car. by in at on with Module #9 Student’s individual work #9 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Природная медицина/Nature’s medicine/Табиғи медицина//Articles 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: 73 Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Check up//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Find in the right column the equivalents in the left one: treatment трава papaverine рана to relieve кофеин caffeine микроб garlic лечение microbe мак снотворный wound чеснок pain боль papaver somniferum папаверин II. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. 1….autumn has come and early in … morning sheets of … ice cover the puddles on the road. 2. …rain never stopped in… night, and … morning started with …dull rain typical of … late autumn. 3. We had … cold winter last year with a lot of … snow. …frost didn't let go even during … day. 4. The champion said he would always remember … winter of 1980 when he went mountain-skiing for the first time. 5. All through ….winter the old hunter is alone in the taiga, the first tourists come only in … summer. 6. You can get to Yakutsk only by plane but in … bad weather there may be no flights and the passengers have to wait in the airport all through … night hoping that … weather may change for the better in … morning and they will be able to catch a plane some time during … day. I have been waiting here since …Monday noon. 7. It was … late afternoon on … foggy September day when we left the town in our car. 8. We are expecting them in … evening, some time after seven. Module #10 Student’s individual work #10 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Классификация растении/Classification plants/Өсімдіктердің классификациясы// Prepositions followed by gerund 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 74 of 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Discussion 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Checkup//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Translate the following words: Classification of plants, the group includes, are often seen, on bread and cheese, with the microscope, hundreds of feet long, simple plants, are found in forests, quite small, neither flowers nor seeds, plants that have flowers, reproduce by fertilization with pollen. II. Fill in the proper verb in Passive Voice: 1. Molds (see, are seen, is seen) growing on bread and cheese. 2. Bacteria can only (see, be seen, saw) with the microscope. 3. The mosses and liverworts (to find, found, are found) in forests. 4. A second group of plants (includes, to include, be included) the mosses and liverworts. 5. Most of the plants (belonging, to belong) to Spermatophytes. 6. Spermatophytes (reproduced, to reproduce, are reproduced) by fertilization with pollen. III. Put on the necessary preposition: 1. John gave … smoking because of his doctor’s advice. 2. Mary insisted … taking the bus instead of the plane. 3. Fred confessed … stealing the jewels. 4. We are not looking forward ... going back to school. 5. Henry is thinking … going to France in August. 6. You would be better … leaving now instead of tomorrow. IV. Make up sentences and translate them: a) I’d / like / talking / you / to stop b) I / mind / them / don’t / my / notes / using c) you / begun / learning / have / to skate d) you / mind / chess / here / do / playing / go on / if / we e) finished / he / dressing / hasn’t / yet 75 f) continue / talking / they V. Complete sentences using a word from the box: travelling speaking working watching 2 knowing smoking a) He liked to sit on the sofa ... a cigarette and ... TV. b) All the engineers ... at the Ministry of Foreign Trade must know foreign languages. c) When ... at the meeting yesterday, I forgot this fact. d) ... about Siberia, he saw a lot of newly – built towns. e) Not ... his address, I couldn’t visit him. f) The boy sometimes went to sleep while ... TV. Module #11 Student’s individual work #11 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Types of roots/Виды корней/ Тамыр түрлері//Expressing reason (as, since, for, on account of, owing to, due to) 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Discussion 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Checkup//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Read and retell the text: Some medicinal plants (Valerian, Althea, Ginseng etc.) are very valuable by their roots and rhizomes that are used in preparing medicinal forms. Roots and rhizomes are subterranean organs of plants that hold the plants in place and supply them with water and nourishing salts from the soil. It is well – known that roots and rhizomes are easily recognized by their appearance, colour, odour and taste as well as by the structure of transverse section. 76 Roots and rhizomes are gathered, washed or freed from earth, crushed or cut into piece and dried corresponding to each drug dispensary form. II. Translate into English, putting a verb in a proper form: 1. Корни и корневища удерживают растения в почве. 2. Корни снабжают растения водой. 3. Лекарственные растения обладают полезными свойствами. 4. Растения поглощают углекислый газ. 5. Корни и корневище не растут над землей. III. Put in to or for: 1. I’m going to Spain … this job. 2. You need a lot of experience …this job. 3. You need a lot of experience …do this job. 4. We’ll need more time …make a decision. 5. I went to the dentist …a check – up. 6. I had to put on my glasses …read the letter. 7. Do you have to wear glasses …reading? 8. I wish we had a garden…the children …play in. IV. Use as to join sentences from the boxes: 1. we all waved goodbye to Liz we were driving along the road 2. we all smiled I was taking a hot dish out of the oven 3. I burnt myself she drove away 4. the crowed cheered we posed for the photograph 5. a dog ran out in front of the car the two teams ran onto the field V. Make up your own sentences using since, on account of, owing to, due to. Module #12 Student’s individual work #12 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Research articles/Исследовательские статьи/ Ғылыми зерттеу мақалалары//Conditionals 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 77 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Checkup//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II. 1. If they go to Washington, they (see)_________the White House. 2. If she (have)_________a hamster, she would call him Fred. 3. If he gave her a sweet, she (stop)_________crying. 4. If he (arrive)__________later, he will take a taxi. 5. We would understand him if he (speak)____________slowly. 6. Andy (cook)____________dinner if we buy the food. 7. I will prepare breakfast if I (wake up)_____________early. 8. If they shared a room, they (fight)__________all day long. 9. If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not)____________the tour. 10. Janet would go jogging if she (have / not)_______________to do her homework. II. Put the verbs into the correct form (Conditional sentences): 1. If I see him, I (give) him a lift. 2. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all that he will be ill. 4. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. III. Translate these sentences from Russian into English: 1. Если бы вы знали грамматику лучше, вы бы не сделали столько ошибок в докладе. 2. Если завтра будет сильный мороз, мы не пойдем на лыжах. 3. Если бы ты оставил мне записку, я бы зашел к тебе вчера. 4. Она будет волноваться, если ты не позвонишь ей. 5. Если бы ты действительно любил читать, ты бы всегда нашел время для этого. Module #13 Student’s individual work #13 1. Theme// Тақырыбы// Тема: Conference presentations/Презентация конференций/Конференция презентациясы// Relative clauses 2. Objectives// Мақсаты //Цели: To acquire knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening; 3. Tasks// Тапсырма//Задания: -to form understanding of the teacher’s speech and making up dialogues according to the theme -to extract the information from the text 4. The form of the practical lesson//Өткізу түрі//Форма выполнения: Presentation 5. Criteria of performance//Орындалу критерилері//Критерии выполнения: Using the active vocabulary and previously learned grammar structure; fluency of reading; flexibility in elocutions; and activity in communication acts; accuracy in setting the goal and performance of an assignment; layout and design of the written assignments. 6. Deadline//Тапсыру мерзімі//Сроки сдачи: 7,14 weeks 7. Bibliography//Әдебиет //Литература: 1. Английский язык для фармацевтов. Сатбаева А.А., Сагантаева С.Х. 2. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов – фармацевтов. Базарова Л.Х, и др. Ташкент 1993 78 3. Пособие по английскому языку для фармацевтических институтов и факультетов. Ивина Т.А. и др. Москва «Высшая школа» 1980 4.Английский язык для студентов- фармацевтов. Ивина Т.А. Минск «Вышейшая школа» 1987 5. Английский язык. Учебник для химиков технологических вузов. Серебренникова Э.И., Куглякова И.Е. Москва «Высшая школа» 1987 Professional English in use. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard. 2007 6. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. English-Russian Edited by PualFalla Oxford-Moscow, 2005 7. Английский язык. И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов 2005г. 8. Checkup//Бақылау//Контроль: I. Combine the sentences with relative clauses: 1. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God. 2. I have one black cat. His name is Blacky. 3. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation. 4. Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old. 5. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia. II. Choose the most appropriate pronoun. Use that only if necessary. 1. John, is my younger brother, went to do the shopping. 2. His work, 3. Tom, is very difficult, exhausted him. mother is French, speaks that language very well. 4. Mr. Smith, 5. Your problem, 6. Our friends, I was talking to, is a carpenter. I have thought about a lot, is a difficult one. advice we sought, were very helpful. 7. It was there that he met Mary is now his wife. 8. The treaty, was signed yesterday, is an excellent one. 9. His father, works very hard, has just bought this house. 10. Yesterday I met Harry, works nearby. 79