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Industrial Revolution Review Sheet
Chapter 5 and 6
Chapter 5:
1.Land enclosure in the 1600’s and 1700’s resulted in what?
2.Abraham Darby made better quality iron because?
3.Who came up with first simple electric motor and the first dynamo for generating electricity?
4.What effect did the assembly line have on the cost of goods?
5.During the Industrial Revolution, how did life change?
6.The cotton gin was a machine that could?
7.Factories were first used in by what industry?
8.The Luddites in Britain were a
9.In the early 1700s, Abraham Darby’s experiments led him to
10.“The greatest happiness for the greatest number” was a goal of what government?
11.Germany forced a social democracy to try to change gradually
12.Russia did not industrialize as soon as other countries because it lacked what?
13.The technology for America’s first textile factory came from where and how?
14.According to laissez-faire economists, the cure for poverty was Jeremy Bentham’s idea of?
15.Marx referred to the working class as?
16.Who put his utopian idea into practice by setting up a model community in New Lanark, Scotland?
17.British philosopher and economist ____ believed in a utilitarian doctrine?
18.According to socialists, the solution to poverty and injustice was?
19.Capitalists called ____ take on the financial risk of starting and managing a new business?
20.The putting-out system was a method of ?
21.Laws called “factory acts: were passed in the early 1800’s to do what?
22.The development of steam power enabled the growth of
23.In what way were railroads an improvement over canals?
24.Most early factory workers were women because ?
Chapter 6:
1.The Bessemer process was a method for producing what?
2.What invention did the internal combustion engine make possible?
3.A company that sells ownership shares to many investors is a?
4.What contribution to medical science did German doctor Robert Koch make in the 1880’s?
5.Who discovered that sterilizing surgical instruments with antiseptics would help prevent infection?
6.What limited the effectiveness of women involved in the temperance movement?
7.Reformers in what movement argued that the use of alcoholic beverages harmed family life and reduced worker productivity?
8.Bedford college in England and mount Holyoke in the United States were among the first colleges for?
9.n 1869, what chemist developed a table that became the basis for the periodic table of elements used today?
10.Which of the following were writers of the realism movement?
11.What postimpressionist painter used a style that looked like “primitive” folk art?
12.What did Mathew B. Brady accomplish in the visual arts?
13.In the late 1800’s, what did Charles Lyell accomplish?
14.Steam became more efficient power source because of improvements made by
15.The slave trade contributed to the rise of industry in Britain by
16.Which of the following was a long-term result of the industrial revolution?
17.Which group established communities where all work is shared and all property is owned in common?
18.What was a major reason for the population explosion in Europe between 1800 and 1900?
19.What is the cult of domesticity?
20.What was a normal school?
21.John Dalton developed modern atomic theory by showing what
22.Karl Marx disliked capitalism because he believed that it?
23.What theory applied the idea of natural selection to society?
24.Suppose an artist of the 1800s chose to portray the harsh lives of slum dwellers what would this be called.