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Name: ________________________
Date: ______________
Density, Volume, Mass Review Sheet
True or False:
1. _____ The liquids with the highest density floated at the top of the bottle.
2. _____ The correct metric unit for density of a liquid is grams per milliliter.
3. _____ The weight of an object and its mass are always the same.
4. The mathematical formula to use when calculating the density of an object is:
a) volume divided by mass
b) mass times volume
c) mass plus volume
d) mass divided by volume
5. Which of the following statements is true about a bottle containing liquids that appear to be
a) the liquid at the top is the most dense
b) the liquid at the top is the least dense
c) the liquid have the same volume
d) the liquids have the same density
6. The density of water is 1 gm/ml. An object has a mass of 58 grams. What volume must it have in
order to float in water?
a) 45 ml
b) 50 ml
c) 55 ml
d) 60 ml
7. Your friends at your lunch table all have different stuff in their lunch. Liquid A has a density of
1.07 g/ml, Liquid B has a density of 0.98 g/ml, Solid C has a density of 1.12 g/cc, and Mush D has a
density of 1 gm/cc. You decide to make a gross combination of the four in your water bottle. Which
order will they appear in, from bottom to top?
a) Solid C, Mush D, Liquid A, and Liquid B on top?
b) Solid C, Mush D, Liquid B, and Liquid A on top?
c) Solid C, Liquid A, Mush D, and Liquid B on top?
c) Liquid A, Liquid B, Solid C, and Mush D on top?
Write the Formula for calculating the:
Using the formulas above, find either the Mass, Volume, or Density using the formulas. You may use
a calculator.
8) M= 785g V= 40mL D= ______________
9) D= 1.8 g/mL V= 124 mL M= _____________
10) M= 175g D= 6.5 g/mL V= _____________
11) M= 370g V= 110mL D= ______________
12) D= 7.8 g/ml V= 124mL M= ______________
13) What is the volume of a cube that measures 3.2 cm long?
V = lwh
14) What is the volume of a Cylinder with a diameter of 6cm and a height of 11cm? ______________
15) What is the volume of a Rectangular Prism with a length of 13cm, width of 4.6cm, and a height of
7cm? _______________
16) What is the reading of the triple beam balance?______________
-Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter something contains, while Weight is the
measurement of the pull of gravity on an object.
- Mass is measured by using a balance comparing a known amount of matter to an unknown
amount of matter. Weight is measured on a scale.
- The Mass of an object doesn't change when an object's location changes. Weight, on the
other hand does change with location. (Example: If a man weighs 170 pounds on earth,
he would weigh 28.22 pounds on the moon, but his Mass would stay exactly the same)