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How did Hitler become Chancellor?
1. Who abdicated in 1918?
2. What was the name of the German parliament?
3. What system of voting was established by the Weimar Constitution?
4. What do we call a government made up of several different parties?
5. What did Hitler call the Germans who had signed the Armistice in 1918?
6. What was the name of the Nazi Party Programme written in 1920?
7. What do the letters NSDAP stand for?
8. Where did Hitler lead a rebellion in November 1923?
9. What book did Hitler write whilst in prison? State the ideas that it contained. (5)
10. What aspect of the Weimar Constitution gave the President emergency powers?
11. Which leader led Germany through a period of prosperity in the 1920s?
12. Under which plan did the USA lend money to Germany?
13. Which key event took place in October 1929?
14. Name a rich German who helped finance the Nazis’ election campaigns.
15. How high was unemployment by 1932?
16. Which chancellor resigned in May 1932 because his coalition could not cope with the
17. How many seats did the Nazis gain in the July 1932 election?
18. State one reason why the Nazis lost seats in the November 1932 election.
19. What other extremist party also gained votes in this period?
20. Which Nazi was in charge of propaganda?
21. What key election slogan / promise in relation to the depression was made by Nazi
22. Who did Hitler replace as Chancellor?
23. Who was President of the Weimar Republic when Hitler became Chancellor?
24. Who was appointed as vice-Chancellor in 1933 to try to keep control of Hitler?
25. On what date did Hitler become Chancellor?
How did Hitler consolidate his power?
26. Which event in Feb 1933 did the Nazis use to win over more support?
27. Who was found at the scene?
28. What group was blamed by Hitler & in the newspapers for this event?
29. State one piece of evidence for a “conspiracy theory”.
30. What law was passed because of the “emergency”?
31. How many opponents were arrested in the aftermath of this event?
32. What percentage of the vote did the Nazis poll in the March 1933 election / how many
seats did they win?
33. With which party did the Nazis join with after the March election in order to gain an
overall majority in the Reichstag?
34. Which law, introduced in March 1933, increased Hitler’s powers?
35. How did this law increase his powers?
36. What proportion of the Reichstag had to approve it for the law to be passed?
37. What did the July Law do?
38. Who led the SA?
39. How large was the SA organisation by 1934?
40. In which event did the blackshirts purge the SA and its leaders?
41. About how many are rumoured to have been killed?
42. How did Hitler justify it?
43. What were the blackshirts otherwise known as?
44. What organisation took a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler after this event?
45. What new title did Hitler take upon the death of the old President in Aug 1934?
What was life like in the Nazi dictatorship?
1. Who led the SS?
2. What was the name of the Nazi secret police?
3. Who led the secret police force?
4. Where were opponents of Hitler and the Nazis sent to?
5. What branch of the SS ran the places named in #4?
6. What is “indoctrination”?
7. What were “people’s receivers”?
8. Where did the most famous Nazi rallies take place every summer?
9. What name is given to the official control of information by a government?
10. What organisation did all authors, musicians, actors, artists etc. have to belong to?
11. What event took place in Berlin in the summer of 1936?
12. Why did it not work out as Hitler planned?
13. What German word was used to describe the Nazi goal of “self-sufficiency”?
14. Which Nazi official, in charge of the “New Plan”, was sacked in 1937?
15. Who replaced #14, being in charge of the “Four Year Plan”?
16. What are autobahns?
17. What organisation gave workers incentives to work hard e.g. free holidays?
18. Who were the “invisible unemployed”?
19. What Nazi organisation replaced the workers’ trade unions and made striking
20. What was the name of the subject in Nazi schools that taught “breeding”?
21. To what did all German teachers have to belong?
22. Name a type of special school designed for high achievers, designed to train them as
future leaders.
23. Name the Nazi organisation for teenage boys and the one for teenage girls.
24. How many members did the youth movement have by 1939?
25. What was the name of the medal awarded to women who gave birth to large numbers
of children?
26. What colour medal was awarded for 6 children?
27. What economic incentive did the Nazis use to encourage people to have larger
28. How else did the Nazis encourage large families?
29. What agreement was signed between the Nazis and the Catholic Church in 1933?
30. What was the name of the official Nazi-controlled Protestant Church, in which Mein
Kampf was placed on the altar?
31. What were boycotted in 1933?
32. From what were Jews banned in 1933?
33. What is the name given to prejudice against Jews?
34. What word did Hitler use to describe the “master race”?
35. What laws passed in 1935 took away German citizenship from the Jews?
36. What law was designed to safeguard the “purity” of the “master race”?
37. What event concerning the Jews took place in November 1938?
38. Whose murder had sparked this allegedly “spontaneous” event?
39. How large a fine were the Jews forced to pay afterwards?
40. Name three other groups persecuted under the Nazis apart from the Jews.
41. Which country did the Germans invade in “Operation Barbarossa”?
42. At what conference was the “Final Solution” decided upon?
43. Who was Martin Niemoller?
44. What organisation was led by Hans and Sophie Scholl?
45. Name one opposition group made up of teenagers during the War.
46. What did Goebbels announce in a speech given in 1943?
47. How did this affect the lives of women?
48. What proportion of Germany’s workforce was made up of slave labour during World
War II?
49. Who led the July Bomb Plot in 1944?
50. Which city suffered a devastating bombing raid, leading to firestorms and thousands
of deaths, in February 1945?