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Economics Final Exam: Study Guide
The following terms and questions will be on your final exam, in the form of matching,
multiple choice, short answer, and essay.
The terms and questions have been organized by chapter:
Chapter 1:
Human Capital
Difference between shortage & scarcity
Factors of Production
Trade-offs (Why does every decision involve trade-offs?)
Production possibilities curve (What does it show?)
Economic efficiency
Why is “guns and butter” an example of a trade-off?
Entrepreneurs: What do they do?
ESSAY: How can we make the best economic choices? 3 paragraphs—strong
thesis needed
(Think in terms of: The effects of scarcity, trade-offs, opportunity cost, decision
making, and production possibilities)
Chapter 2:
Centrally Planned Economies
Traditional Economies
What must a nation’s economy do in order to improve the standard of living?
Why do people need to buy and sell goods and services? (In other words, why do
markets exist?)
Adam Smith
Carl Marx
Chapter 3:
Why is America known as the “land of opportunity”?
Profit Motive
Positive externality
Negative externality
What is the role of government in a free enterprise system?
How do consumers influence the US economy?
Chapter 4:
Law of demand
How do consumer expectations affect the economic choices they make?
Complimentary Goods (give an example)
Inferior Goods (give an example)
Substitute Goods (give an example)
Elastic demand/Examples of elastic goods
Inelastic demand/Examples of inelastic goods
Chapter 5:
Good that are inelastic in the short term: (and why are they this way?)
If the price of an item goes down, what happens to producers?
Supply schedule
How does technology effect production?
What will happen if the cost of production goes up?
Chapter 6:
Price ceiling (and what is the purpose?)
Minimum wage
Equilibrium (What is a market at equilibrium?)
Price Floor
Rent control
What happens to the price of a good or service when there is a shortage?
How does rent control help some and hurt others?
Chapter 7:
Competitive markets
Start-up costs
Chapter 9:
Off shoring (why does it occur?)
Why do employers hire temporary workers?
What is the largest sector in today’s economy?
Why don’t employers want workers to strike?
What are the goals of labor unions?
What are the requirements to be considered employed?
Chapter 10:
List & Describe the 6 characteristics of money
Simple Interest
Compound Interest
Chapter 11:
New York Stock Exchange (what does it do?)
Bull Market
Bear Market
Common stock
Preferred stock
ESSAY: How do your savings and investment choices affect your future?—3
paragraphs (Have a thesis, and think about different types of bonds, stocks, and
ways to save your money, keeping risk in mind)