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Project: The United States of America
United States of America is the fourth largest country on the world. It’s
situated in the North America. It consists of fifty states. The population
is about two hundred and fifty milions. Its area is 9 371 890 kilometers
square. The longest river in the USA is The Mississippi which is 3 780
kilometers long, the highest mountain is Mount McKinley in Alaska
which is 6 194 metres high. The capital of USA is Washington D.C.. USA is an English
speaking country. Currency of the USA is dollar ($).
The continent of America was founded in 1492 by Kryštof Kolumbus. He was Portugese
sailor who wanted to sail to the India but he came into America. Before this only Indians lived
there. In 1783 the first 13 states got independence from Great Britain. The costitution was
made in 1787. In 1789 George Washington became the first president. In 1790 the new capital
city Washington is founded on the river Potomacu. In 1803 The United States bought a large
territory of Louisiana from France. The Texas joined the Union in 1845. The United States
spread to west coast when they won the war with Mexico and got California in 1848. During
19. century many people from many different countries from Europe went to America to get a
better life and to find a job. In 1860-1865 there was Civil war between north and south. In
1865 the north won and the slavery was abolished. On 10th May 1869 the railroad
construction from west coast to east coast was finished. In 1917 the USA joined the first
world war on the side of United Kingdom. The USA came into second world war in 1941
when Japanese attacked the american base in Pearl Harbor. American soldiers fought also in
Europe against Germany. The USA is one of the second world war winning country. In 1949
the USA is one of the originating countries of NATO. In 1949-1990 there was cold war
between west and east and NATO was military organization of west. In 1969 Neil Armstrong
was the first man on the Moon. In 1987 president Ronald Reagan signed the treaty with
Michail Gorbačov about reduction of nuclear weapons in Europa. The communisn in east
Europe failed in 1990 and the cold war finished. Today the USA is one of the biggest players
of the world politician scene.
There are variety sorts of nature. On the west there are dry mountains and deserts. In the
middle there are large fields of cereals and corn. On the east there are forests. The river
Mississippi flows there. In the USA there are many national parks. One of them is Grand
Canyon in Colorado.
Typical american meal is hamburger. Americans like following sports: ice hockey, football
and baseball.
Yukon Alaska
Grand Canyon – one of the National parks
White house – Washington D.C.
Statue of liberty – New York
The river Mississippi
– the longest American river
Ice hockey is very famous sport in the USA
NHL was founded at the end of the 19.