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Kassidy Kenney
Chapter 29- Limits of a Superpower
Pages 627-630
1) Failure of US policy in Southeast Asia
a) Genocide in Cambodia
i) 1975 US supported gov fell to Communist (Khmer Rouge)
ii) Genocide of over 1,000,000
iii) Pres. Ford attack on Cambodian naval base that had captured the US merchant
ship Mayaguez
(1) Freed 39 crewmen, 38 mariners died
b) Future of Southeast Asia
i) Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia helped Asian economy grow
ii) US support of South Vietnam allowed other countries to develop to resist
2) The Economy and Domestic Policy
i) Bringing inflation under control
ii) Economy sank, unemployment reached 9%
b) Bicentennial celebration
i) 1976 200th birthday, pride in history put Watergate and Vietnam behind them
3) The Election of 1976
i) Pres Ford challenged for the party’s nomination by Ronald Reagan
ii) Ford won nomination in a close battle
b) Emergence of Jimmy Carter
i) Carter success running as an outsider against the corruption in Washington
ii) Carter managed to win a close election
(1) 97% of African A.
(2) Democrats won in both houses of congress
4) Jimmy Carter’s Presidency
i) Informal style, walked instead of limo
ii) Carried own luggage
b) Foreign Policy
(1) Carter’s foreign policy was human rights
ii) Human Right’s diplomacy
(1) Appointed Andrew Young, African A, as US ambassador to UN
iii) Panama Canal
(1) 1978 transfer the operation an control of the Panama Canal to the
iv) Camp David Accords
(1) Arranging a peace settlement between Egypt and Israel
(2) 2 leaders negotiated the Camp David Accords which provided a
framework for peace settlement between their countries
v) Iran and the hostage crisis
(1) 1979 Islamic fundamentalists in Iran overthrew the shah
(a) Had kept oil flowing to the west
(2) Iranian oil production ground to a halt, second worldwide oil shortage,
price increase
(3) Nov 1979 Iranian militants seized the US embassy in Teheran and held
more than 50 members of the American staff hostage
vi) Cold War
(1) 1979 US ended its official recognition of Nationalistic Chinese gov,
exchanged ambassadors with People’s Republic of China
(2) 1979 SALT II treaty
(a) Limited size of nuclear delivery systems
(b) Senate never ratified
(3) Dec 1979 Soviets invaded Afghanistan
(a) Feared invasion would give Soviets control of Persian Gulf
(b) Placed embargo on grain exports and high technology
(c) Boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow
5) Domestic Policy: Dealing with Inflation
i) Failed either to reduce the consumption of oil or the check inflation
b) Troubled economy
i) Consumers and businesses couldn’t afford the interest rates
ii) Federal reserve Board hoped to break the inflation by pushing interest rates
even higher
(1) Hurt auto and building industries
(2) Laid off workers, pushed middle class into higher tax brackets
(3) Federal deficit increased to nearly $60 billion
6) Loss of Popularity
a) Carter’s National Malaise speech
i) Blamed the American people of “moral and spiritual crisis”
ii) Americans blamed Carter for weak leadership
Kassidy Kenney
Chapter 29 Limits of a Superpower
Bicentennial- 200th, America’s bicentennial celebration
James Earl Carter- controversial president of the United States after the Watergate and
Human Rights- Rights which all people are to have under the Constitution, live, liberty
and pursuit of happiness
Panama Canal Treaty-Carter “gave” the operation and control of the Panama canal
back to the people of Panama in the 1980’s
Camp David Accords- Carter’s biggest achievement was his arranging a peace
settlement between Egypt and Israel, which was detailed in the Camp David Accords
Cultural pluralism- people with two cultural backgrounds, example Mexican American
father and African American mother
Kassidy Kenney
Chapter 29 Limits of a Superpower
So What’s
1. Although the Unite States did not win the war in Vietnam, many argue the United
State’s involvement did slow the growth of communism. Because the Unites States
fought against the spread of communism, other countries in Southeast Asia had more
time to develop and prepare to withstand communists.
2. The United State’s bicentennial celebration helped resurrect the feelings of nationalism
in the United States after the Watergate and the war in Vietnam. This 200th birthday
helped Americans put the recent past behind them and take pride in their countries