Download UNIT 5 Notes #3 - Phylum Cnidarian - Mr. Lesiuk

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Name: ___________________
Date: __________
UNIT 5 Notes #3 - Phylum Cnidarian
A) Examples of Cnidarians
-Spend ______________________________
-No medusa stage, other hydrazoans have a very short
medusa stage.
2. __________________
-Class _________________
-Jellyfish go through the
same life-cycle stages as hydrozoans
-In Scyphozoans the ______________________________________________________
The _____________________________________________________of most jellyfish
are harmless to humans, but a few can cause painful stings.
3. ________________________________________
-Class ____________________
Anthozoans have ____________________________in their life cycle.
B) Cnidarian_________________:
Body Plan:
- ____________________________________body with a single opening.
- Opening will allow _____________________________________________________
- Surrounding the mouth is a ring of tentacles (usually contains stinging cells)
- __________________contain nematocysts; when touched, the _________________
_________________________________________________________, paralyzing or
trapping it.
- Separating the outer ectoderm from the inner endoderm is a layer of mesoglea.
(Mesoglea offers support for the animal).
-The body has ________________________________________________________.
a) ________________– Usually attached to some object with the_________________
- _________________(non-motile stuck to the bottom)
b) _________________– __________________________________________________
- Locomotion is achieved by individual ______________________________________
cells all working together to change shape.
- Nematocysts fire on contact, after paralyzing its prey,________________________
C) Various Body Systems:
1) DIGESTION: Food is _________________________________________________
_______________________in order to digest food. Other cells of the _____________
will then absorb the digested nutrients. Indigestible material will then _________
2) CIRCULATION: ___________________________________________________.
Food/nutrient particles will be passed through the central cavity by body
movements and by flagellated cells in the endoderm. Thus the cavity is involved in
both ___________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________and______________________:
-Both take place by ___________________________________that bathes the tissues.
4)NERVOUS: There is a limited amount of nervous and sensory tissue. This ______
____ is used for co-ordination. Sensory cells are sensitive to touch and various chemicals.
5) MUSCULAR: ________________________________________________________
____________- Many_______________________________________________, this
may form new polyps or medusae.
_______________ - _______________reproduces sexually. _____________________
___________which travel through the water to the ______which has produced eggs.
- The fertilized eggs are released out of the mouth to develop into________________
_________________, this stage will usually develop into a polyp.
- Some Cnidarians (ex hydra, sea anemone) have polyps that can also reproduce
D) Advantages of Motile and Non-Motile Stages/Forms In Life Cycle:
a) If motile,_________________________________________; if non-motile you stay
b) Advantage of being sessile (_________________) is that they _________________
c) Disadvantage of being motile is that you can easily get carried away by the water
E) ________________________of Cnidarians:
- ________________________________________with other animals.
- ________________________________________for many marine animals.
They contain tunnels, caves, and deep channels in which animals live. Coral reefs
__________________________________________ and for animals that produce
valuable shells, pearls, and jewelry.
-Protect land from erosion by__________________________________. If destroyed,
large amounts of shoreline maybe washed away.
-____________________________________________________ by many Cnidarians.
- _______________________________
- ______________________________