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Pearl Smalls or Nathlie Roberson [email protected] [email protected] Tutorial: Wednesdays 3:40 P.M. – 4:40 P.M.
GPS Standard
SKILLS – Map Skills Review
SKILLS – Five Themes of Geography
Guiding Question
Explain how geographic features can have a positive or negative
effect on access to resources and to a region’s economic development.
IB Objective
Investigating a variety of environments, natural and artificial, and their
1. Locations: 1-6 (20 minutes, ALL classes).
2. Words of the day: Peninsula - a large mass of land projecting into a body of water
Latitude – lines that runs parallel to the equator
relative location - Where a place is located in relation to other places.
desalinization: A process that treats saline water to remove chlorides and dissolved solids, resulting
in the production of fresh water
Human-Environment Interaction - is basically how we affect and are affected by the environment, and also
how we disturb the natural environment.
Longitude – lines that run North and South Poles
3. All students will take a Pre-Test in content area.
4. Students will participate in Five Themes of Geography opening activity (5 minutes). Designated classes will begin
presentation on Five Themes of Geography from PowerPoint,
HOMEWORK: Study Vocabulary
1. Journal: “Discuss your expectations for Social Studies this year which will cover Asia and Africa.”
Minimum of 2 paragraphs
2. Words of the day: desert - a region or habitat lacking rainfall with limited amounts of vegetation
equator - an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the
north and south poles; "the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres"
fertile - Soil that supports and maintains healthy and abundant plant growth
Fertile Crescent - a geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad
semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates
3. Students will participate in opening activity and then complete Five Themes of Geography PowerPoint.
4. HOMEWORK: Study Vocabulary
1. Creativity Across the Curriculum from Map Skills book in desk. Page 23.
Journal Entry: “Imagine that your birthday has been made into a national holiday. How would people celebrate
your day?”
2. Creativity Across the Curriculum # Your choice.
3. Words of the day: physical boundaries - A natural or artificial separation, which marks the division of two adjacent
plain – land that is flat or gently rolling
prime meridian - meridian at zero degree longitude running north and south poles and passes
through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in east London, England.
4. Students will begin Five Themes of Geography PowerPoint presentation completing related worksheet. Students in other
classes will begin creating A Map of My Neighborhood activity, cooperative grouping.
5. HOMEWORK: classes should bring in magazines for collage activity on Five Themes of Geography. Study Vocabulary
1. Journal Entry: “What does citizenship mean to you? How can you be a good citizen?”
2. Words of the day: river system - All of the streams and channels draining a river basin.
strait - a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water
tributary - is a stream or river which flows into a main stem (or parent) river
Tropic of Cancer - a line of latitude about 23 degrees to the north of the equator
Tropic of Capricorn - a line of latitude about 23 degrees to the south of the equator
Region - similar characteristics and or functions (Southeast regions; example beaches)
3. Students will continue with the Five Themes of Geography PowerPoint presentation completing related activity.
4. HOMEWORK: Students should continue to bring in magazines, glue sticks, scissors for collage activity. Study Vocabulary
1. Creativity Across the Curriculum #1 or 4 from pg. 26
2. Journal Entry: “What is your favorite family tradition? Why? Write about a new tradition your family would
3. Words of the day: potable water - water suitable or safe for drinking
distribution of water - The water distribution system is the link between the water supply source and
the consumer. It is an elaborate conveyance system that allows water to be moved through miles of
piping before reaching your tap. Pumps allow water to move through the system; valves allow water
pressure and flow direction to be regulated along the way.
environment - total surroundings
irrigation - artificial application of water to the soil
absolute location – an exact spot based on latitude and longitudinal coordinates.
place - A particular position or point in space; what is it like there; what are the main languages,
customs, and beliefs; how many people live, work, and visit a place.
movement - The act or an instance of moving; a change in place or position.
4. Students in designated classes will begin crating Five Themes of Geography collage. Students in designated classes
will complete a “Map of My Neighborhood” activity.
1. Remember to bring in magazines for collage.
Designated classes
2. Composition books a MUST
3. Colored pencils are a MUST
4. Fine Point Sharpies
be held on AUGUST 19, 2016.