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Bacteria/Virus Quiz
1. Which of the following are members of the kingdom Archaebacteria?
a. Methanogens
c. E. coli
b. eukaryotes
d. Salmonella
2. When treated with Gram stain, Gram-positive Eubacteria appear
a. orange
c. violet
b. yellow
d. pink
3. Bacilli, cocci, and spirilla are
a. shapes of prokaryotes
b. Gram stains
c. methods of prokaryotic movement
d. ways that prokaryotes obtain energy
4. Which of the following is(are) used to identify prokaryotes?
a. the way they move
c. cell shape
b. the way they obtain energy
d. all of these
5. Unlike photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs obtain energy
a. directly from inorganic molecules
b. indirectly from other organisms
c. directly from the sun
d. indirectly from organic molecules
6. A method called Gram staining is used to tell
a. whether a prokaryote has a flagella
b. what kind of cell wall a prokaryote has
c. what shape a prokaryote has
d. how a prokaryote obtains energy.
7. Which of the following describes a role of bacteria in the environment?
a. carrying out photosynthesis
b. fixing nitrogen
c. recycling nutrients
d. all of the above
8. Bacteria are sometimes called nature’s recyclers because they
a. undergo conjugation
b. carry out photosynthesis
c. can switch between respiration and fermentation
d. break down nutrients in dead matter
9. Bacteria that break down the nutrients in dead matter into simpler
substances that are taken up by plant roots are called
a. photoautotrophs
c. flagella
b. decomposers
d. endospores
10. Humans use bacteria to
a. synthesize drugs
b. clean up small oil spills
c. mine minerals from the ground
d. all of these
11. The outer protein coat of a virus is called a
a. capsid
c. Bacteriophage
b. tail sheath
d. DNA core
12. All viruses are made of proteins and
a. nucleic acids
b. endospores
c. bateriophages
d. prophages
13. A viral capsid functions to
a. destroy a host cell
b. transcribe viral genes
c. force a host cell to make copies of the virus
d. bind the virus to the surface of the cell
14. The instructions for making new copies of a virus are
a. coded in either RNA or DNA
b. found only in bacteriophages
c. a part of a capsid
d. coded in surface proteins attached to the protein coat
15. Viruses
a. rarely contain RNA or DNA
b. can be seen with a basic compound light microscope
c. are all about the same size
d. vary greatly in size and structure
16. A lytic infection concludes with the
a. production of mRNA
b. bursting of the host cell
c. production of a prophage
d. embedding of viral DNA into the host cell’s DNA
17. Bacteriophages infect
a. any available host cell
b. cells undergoing the lytic cycle
c. bacteria only
d. other viruses
18. Unlike lytic viruses, Lysogenic viruses do NOT
a. lyses the host cell right away
b. infect host cells
c. enter the lytic cycle
d. inject their genetic material into the host cell
19. Which of the following is a way that bacteria cause disease?
a. by capsids
c. by releasing toxins
b. by nitrogen fixation
d. by conjugation
20. Bacteria, viruses or protists that cause diseases are called
a. endospores
c. viruses
b. antibiotics
d. pathogens
21. Which of the following disease is NOT caused by bacteria?
a. tuberculosis
c. tooth decay
d. Lyme disease
22. Refrigerated food will keep longer because the bacteria that spoils food
a. require light to live
b. takes longer to multiply at low temperatures
c. dies at low temperatures
d. grow more slowly in the dark
23. Which of the following will NOT kill bacteria?
a. boiling
c. refrigeration
b. frying
d. chemical disinfection
24. Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?
a. polio
c. measles
b. botulism
25. Viral disease can be
a. prevented with antibiotics but not treated with vaccines
b. treated with vaccines and prevented with antibiotics
c. prevented with vaccines but not treated with antibiotics
d. treated with antibiotics and prevented with vaccines
26. Viruses cause disease by
a. forming endospores in the body
b. disrupting the body’s normal equilibrium
c. producing toxins that harm the body
d. reproducing independently inside the body
27. In the diagram above, what is the structure labeled C?
a. membrane
c. nucleic acid
b. ribosome
d. flagella
28. In the diagram above, what is the structure labeled A?
a. membrane
c. pilus
b. capsid
d. cell wall
29. In the diagram above, what is the structure labeled E?
a. membrane
c. nucleic acid
b. ribosome
d. flagella
30. In the diagram above, which shape is called coccus?
a. picture A
c. Picture C
b. picture B
d. none of these
Genetic material of a virus
where a virus attaches to a host cell
Nonliving particle that replicates inside a cell
A virus’ protein coat
Interlocks with a molecular shape in a host
cell’s plasma membrane
______36. Layer that surrounds the capsid of some viruses
______37. A virus that infects E. coli bacteria
______38. A cell in which a virus replicates
a. virus
b. T4 phage
c. DNA or RNA
d. capsid
e. receptor site
f. envelope
g. host
h. attachment