Download History 202B: Spring 2013 Primary Source Assignment #9 The Rise

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History 202B: Spring 2013
Primary Source Assignment #9
The Rise of Conservatism
Why does Commoner feel that most explanations of environmental
problems are inadequate? What kind of human actions does he feel
endanger the ecosphere?
• This is because the people fail to understand why the environment is under threat by
various factors such as population. People do not look into the complexity of the issues
that affect the environment, for example, it is very difficult to discover how the damage
is done, the elements that cause it, and who are to be held responsible. It is due to this
misunderstanding that people do not learn from the environmental problems. There are
also no solutions provided, in order to manage the environmental problems, since
people have not yet understood the origin of the environmental crisis.
• They include; production technology, production of oil, release of toxic chemicals,
sewage, and rubbish.
What does Falwell see as the major threats to moral standards in 1970s
The television is a major threat to moral standards. It has made the youth to lose respect
to human life by disrespecting the family, rather than what “God” had planned it for. The
education system also threatens the moral standards. Education makes people view the
bible as a book, just like any other book. Education also introduces people to drugs,
therefor failing to instill discipline and character building. The government also threatens
the moral standards by introducing welfares and socialism, which makes the youth think
that it is their right for a proper living, whether they work or not.
How does Falwell appear to understand the idea of freedom? How might
his position negatively impact groups who do not fall under his definition
of morality?
Freedom is built on integrity, faith in God, and hard work. It brings about patriotism,
love, and ones will to sacrifice for their own country. Americans must also practice their
freedom by leaders with strong moral values.
What does Watt see as the hidden motive of the environmentalist
The hidden motive is to prevent the energy resources development in the West, therefore
damaging the national economy as a whole. This is because the movement makes the
government to intervene less in the economy, hence threatening projects such as
irrigation, grazing, mining among others.
How does he argue that environmentalism actually threatens the natural
environment of the west? What is your opinion of this argument? Explain
• Environmentalism has led to increase of demand for additional supplies of coals, oil,
gas, uranium, forest products, food, and fiber, among others from the states. This makes
it difficult for the states to protect the natural environment, while still meeting the
increased demands. The environmentalists are only determined to achieve their
objectives at whatever cost to the society, hence diminishing the quality of life for other
• in my opinion, the environmentalists should consider the effects and consequences of
their decisions and objectives, natural environment, before putting them into practice.
They first should consult with the other environment organizations as well as the
government, before making any decisions, in order to evaluate the effects with the
motives of their objectives. Also, other alternatives should be identified, in order to
save the natural environment.