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English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Autumn 1: Dinosaurs
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Compare characters, make predictions and retell a
Week 2
Learning outcomes
I can say my sentences out loud before I write it.
I can talks about writing with my teacher or children in my class.
I can use space between words.
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks at the end of
I can put words together to make sentences.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear me.
Talk about B/M/E of a story.
I can write a short story using sentences.
Plan a story.
I can use and to join sentences.
Write a simple story in sentences, demarked by a
capital letter and full stop.
I can join sentences to make a story.
Know the difference between fiction and nonfiction.
Use full stops and capital letters.
Begin to write with cursive handwriting.
Week 3
Sort letters and words into alphabetical order.
Use capital letters and full stops.
Write captions.
Week 4
Identify rhyme.
Discuss and recite simple poems.
Week 5
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Autumn 2: Fairy Stories
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Read and retell familiar stories.
Learning outcomes
I can add –ing and –er to the end of words to make new meanings.
Identify a recipe.
I can read my sentences and check they make sense.
Write a simple recipe in simple steps.
I can say my sentence out loud before I write it.
Give inferred opinion about a character.
I can add –s and –es to make word plural.
Identify a letter format.
I can show how un- changes the meaning of a word.
Begin to pair up contractions with expanded forms.
I can use question marks.
Use capital letters for names.
I can add –s and –es to make words plural.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
I can explain the following terms: letter, capital letter, singular, plural, sentence, punctuation, full
stops, question marks and exclamation marks.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear and understand me.
Begin to understand past-tense /–ed/.
Week 2
Week 3
Begin to read and spell plural /–s/ and /-es/.
Week 4
Begin to read and spell /un-/ and plurals.
Use question marks.
Week 5
Begin to use /–ed/, /-est/, question and
exclamation marks.
Sequence/write a news report.
Week 6
Recite traditional rhymes.
Find rhyming pairs.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Spring 1:Plants
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Discuss and make inferences about stories.
I can and –ing and –er to the end of a word.
Begin using /–ing/.
I can use spaces between words.
Explore character view point.
I can add –s and –es to make words plural.
I can join sentences to make a story.
Use capital letters and full stops correctly.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
Write and simple recount.
I can explain the term: capital letter, question mark and exclamation mark.
Begin using /and/ to connect sentences.
I can use and to join sentences.
Explain B/M/E or stories.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
Use senses to write a poem.
I can use and to join sentences.
Use /and/ to combine sentences.
I can talk about my writing.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Write sentences.
Begin to read and spell /–er/, /-est/ &/-s/, /-es/
Week 3
Identify information text.
Describe objects.
Sequence sentences.
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Spring 2: Julia Donaldson
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Join in with predictable phrases and retelling a story.
I can say my sentence out loud before writing it.
Discuss significance of title and events.
I can use spaces between words.
Begin to use an apostrophe.
I can write short stories using sentences.
Recount own experiences.
I can use joining words such as /and/
Use /and/ to join sentences.
I can read my sentences and check they make sense.
Discuss characters.
I can put words together to make sentences.
Retell a story using a puppet.
I can write sentences by saying out loud what I’m going to do.
Identify the author and illustrator of a text.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
Write a simple biography, with given information.
I can use joining words like and.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear me.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear and understand me.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Re-read own work to check it makes sense.
Week 3
Write a book review.
Make predictions based on experience.
Week 4
Use /and/ to combine sentences.
Week 5
Use images and sentences to tell a story.
Form letters in cursive handwriting correctly.
Week 6
Recite or sing a learned verse. Beat out the rhythm of a
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Summer 1: Animals
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Sequence a story.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
I can join sentences to make a story.
I can show how un- changes the meaning of a word.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
I can add –ing and –er to the end of words to make new meanings.
Write a recount in time order.
I can say my sentence out loud before I write it.
Re-read own work to check it makes sense.
I can read my sentences and check they make sense.
Adapt a story.
I can talks about writing with my teacher or children in my class.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear and understand me.
Learn and recite poetry orally.
I can read my sentences out loud so the children in my class can hear and understand me.
Compose poetry orally.
I can say my sentence out loud before I write it.
Use pronoun /I/
Take on role of a character.
Week 3
Use describing words to provide detail.
Begin to read and spell suffixes.
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 1:
Summer 2:Seas and Coasts
Miss MacGregor
Week 1
Extend vocabulary.
Learning outcomes
I can add –ing and –er at the end of words to make new words.
Use describing words
I can use and to join sentences.
Begin to read and spell the days of the week and
numbers 0-9
I can put words together to make sentences.
Begin to read and spell days of the week.
Predict what will happen next.
Week 2
Write a simple recipe.
Week 3
Write water poems.
I can write sentences by saying out loud what I’m going to do.
Week 4
Write a story.
I can join sentences to make a story.
Read and spell prefix /-un/
I can show how un- changes the meaning of a word.
I can write a short story using sentences.
I can explain the following terms: letter, capital letter, singular, plural, sentence, punctuation, full
stops, question marks and exclamation marks.
Create a longer text.
I can use spaces between words.
Read and evaluate own work.
I can use capital letters for I, names, places and days of the week.
Week 5
Create a poster.
Re-read writing to improve it.
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Autumn 1: Food
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Form accurate sentences.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Discuss books.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words:-er, -est, -ly e.g. smoother, smoothest and smoothly.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go
Retell ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
Begin to read and spell; I’m, I’ll, won’t and can’t.
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where sentences start
and end.
Begin to use noun phrases.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
Follow a recipe.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can use commas when I write a list.
Write a recipe.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
Design simple packaging.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to
indicate time.
Design a poster.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make it clearer.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Begin to identify different types of sentences.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Use a noun phrase for description.
Begin using and spelling contractions.
Week 6
Form opinions about poems. Write a rhyming poem.
Write a poem with descriptive language.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Autumn 2: Fairy Tales
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Describe similarities between fairy tales.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Character profiles.
I can use the correct tense in my writing
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if , that, because, and, or, but
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she is drumming, he was
I can use description in my writing e.g. the blue butter fly, plain flour, the man in the moon.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to indicate time.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them for each sentence.
I can write about things I have done and things others have done.
I can use apostrophes. I can use them to show where letters are missing and to show possession. e.g. the girl’s hat.
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make it clearer.
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, suffix,
adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Describe settings using adjectives.
Write sentences to form a narrative.
Write a simple set of instructions.
Write a simple recount.
Recite a range of traditional poems.
Learning outcomes
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Spring 1: Zoos
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Start combining sentences into a text.
Learning outcomes
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where sentences start
and end.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words:-er, -est, -ly e.g. smoother, smoothest and smoothly.
See different viewpoints.
I can write about things I have done or things others have done.
Write sentences.
I can use the correct tense in my writing.
Week 3
Write and edit a recount.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to
indicate time.
Week 4
Identify conjunctions in a text and begin to use them in
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if, that, because, and or, but.
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
Write information posters for different purposes.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
Evaluate posters.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Write poems confidently.
I can write poetry
Express an opinion about a poem.
I can use apostrophes. I can use them to show where letters are missing and to show possession. e.g. the
girl’s hat.
Talk about a book.
Week 2
Ask question about a text.
Use questions to improve writing.
Week 5
Week 6
Begin to read and spell homophones.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Spring 2: Ourselves
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Engage with a story.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Learning outcomes
I can use commas when I am writing a list.
I can proof read my work for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she
is drumming, he was shouting.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go.
Recall key information from a text.
I can make words by adding –ness and –er at the end of the word.
Use standard English in non-fiction.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Use language and imagination to create characters.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
Discuss an issue raised by a story.
I can use descriptions in my writing e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man on the moon.
Use the senses to improve writing.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make the meaning
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command,
compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
Write a newspaper report.
Recite a poem.
Use the senses to write a poem.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Summer 1: Habitats
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Use descriptive language in non-fiction.
Read a non-fiction diagram.
Learning outcomes
I can read my work allowed with confidence using the tone of my voice to make the meaning
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where
sentences start and end.
Week 2
Capture the atmosphere of a place through a poem.
I can write poetry
Week 3
Annotate a map.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
Write a leaflet.
Week 4
Understand how a setting can influence the plot.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
Week 5
Write a story influenced by setting.
I can use descriptions in my writing e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man on the moon.
I can use the correct tense in my writing.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she
is drumming, he was shouting.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and that I have used the
right verbs to indicate time.
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if, that, because, and or, but.
Week 6
Proof read their writing.
Write a story from a plan.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 2:
Summer 2: Pirates
Mr Ferris
Week 1
Compare stories and make conclusions.
I can write about things I have done or things others have done.
Use instructional language.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go.
Ask questions.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
Write compound sentences.
I can make words by adding –ness and –er at the end of the word.
Write a recount in 1st person.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Learn a poem.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words: -er, -est,- ly e.g. smoother, smoothest, smoothly
Find rhyming words.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Discuss a story.
I can use commas when I write a list.
Form opinions about characters.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
I can use an apostrophe to show where letters are missing or indicate passion. E.g. the girl’s hat.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Use a range of sentence types.
Week 3
Write a poem and read it aloud.
Week 4
Week 5
Plan a story with a B/M/E, showing character through
action and speech.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them for each sentence.
Week 6
Write a story.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command,
compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Autumn 1: Robin Hood
Mr Saul
Week 1
Identify key characters and themes.
Learning outcomes
I can plan and improve my writing by discussing examples from other writers that I like and looking at their
use of sentence structure, words and grammar
I can use a mixture of pronouns and nouns in my writing to aid continuity and avoid words being repeated.
I can organise my non-narrative writing so that it has heading and subheadings.
I can make my writing interesting by using adjectives and other descriptive methods
I can use paragraphs to organise my ideas around a theme.
I can rewrite my work, making improvements by saying the work out loud using he best words I know and
the best sentence structures I can.
I can use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
I can proof-read my writing for spelling and use of punctuation.
I can plan my writing by talking about the important parts to have in a story, poem, explanation, or nonfiction piece, and I can redraft this work a number of times.
Retell a version of a story.
Use a dictionary to find word meanings.
Week 2
Explain what a legend is.
Write a newspaper report.
Week 3
Begin to use pronouns for clarity and cohesion.
Create an effective poster.
Write a character study.
Week 4
Contribute to class discussion.
Write using persuasive language.
Week 5
Identify key features of a story.
Write a story.
Use speech marks and punctuation.
Week 6
Identify a ballad.
Perform a ballad.
Write own version of a ballad.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Autumn 2: Science Fiction
Mr Saul
Week 1
Can identify plot character and setting.
I can use apostrophes to ark plural possession e.g. the girl’s name the girls’ names
Use an apostrophe.
I can explain the difference between plural and the possessive -s
Start sentences with correctly punctuated adverbials.
I can understand and use the following terms: determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun, adverbial.
Create effective character profiles.
I can use an adverb phrase at the start of a sentence. e.g. later that day, we heard the good news
I can use commas after adverbials at the beginning of a sentence e.g. later that day, we heard the good news.
I can organise my non-narrative writing so that it has heading and subheadings.
Plan, write and edit a sci-fi story.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text flow and ideas are grouped together.
Use adverbial phrases.
I can draft and rewrite work that creates setting, characters and plots that excite the reader by using my best vocabulary,
and I can adapt my work depending on the audience.
I can edit my work by changing the grammar to improve the way my work reads.
I can use the correct for of the verb inflection e.g. we were not we was
I can assess my work and that of others and suggest improvements.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting, controlling tone and volume so
that its meaning is clear.
Learning outcomes
Use prefixes.
Week 2
Week 3
Research using technology and present findings.
Use a range of prefixes.
Week 4
Identify and use prepositions.
Week 5
Plan and write a newspaper article.
Use role-play to create stories.
Week 6
Produce a calligram on a specific subject.
Draft and edit .
Read and spell /-ous/
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Spring 1: Dragons
Mr Saul
Week 1
Distinguish between myths and legends.
Learning outcomes
I can plan and improve my writing by discussing examples from other writers that I like and looking at their
use of sentence structure, words and grammar
Write using a range of sentence structures.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text flow and ideas are grouped together.
Use headings in explanation texts.
I can organise my non-narrative writing so that it has heading and subheadings.
Discuss characters.
I can use an adverb phrase at the start of a sentence. e.g. later that day, we heard the good news
Use inferences.
I can use commas after adverbials at the beginning of a sentence e.g. later that day, we heard the good
I can use paragraphs to organise my ideas around a theme.
I can proof read my writing for spelling and use of punctuation.
I can explain the difference between plural and the possessive -s
I can use apostrophes to ark plural possession e.g. the girl’s name the girls’ names
I can draft and rewrite work that creates setting, characters and plots that excite the reader by using my
best vocabulary, and I can adapt my work depending on the audience.
I can plan my writing by talking about the important parts to have in a story, poem, explanation, or nonfiction piece, and I can redraft this work a number of times.
I can rewrite my work, making improvements by saying the work out loud, using the best words I know and
the best sentence structures I can.
Write information text in paragraphs.
Week 2
Week 3
Write a diary entry form a characters point of view.
Week 4
Write a play script with correct punctuation.
Perform a play script.
Select the correct homophone for spelling.
Week 5
Use imaginative language to create atmosphere in nonfiction writing.
Use possessive apostrophes.
Week 6
Plan, and write a dragon poem, using varied and rich
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Spring 2: The Normans
Mr Saul
Week 1
Write speech bubbles.
Learning outcomes
I can use apostrophes to ark plural possession e.g. the girl’s name the girls’ names
Write a narrative text.
I can use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
Punctuate speech.
I can make my writing interesting by using adjectives and other descriptive methods.
Plan a pictorial story.
I can understand and use the following terms: determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun,
I can use the correct form of the verb inflection e.g. we were instead of we was.
Use role-play to analyse a scene.
Week 2
Week 3
Use the perfect form of verbs.
Week 4
Produce text with pictures.
I can use paragraphs to organise my ideas around a theme.
Week 5
Write a non-chronological report.
I can assess my work and that of others and suggest improvements.
Use dictionary to find meanings of words.
I can use a mixture of pronouns and nouns in my writing to aid continuity and avoid words being
Draft and edit a monologue.
I can edit my work by changing the grammar to improve the way my work reads.
Identify the effect of language choices.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting,
controlling tone and volume so that its meaning is clear.
Make inferences.
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Summer 1: Jacqueline Wilson
Mr Saul
Week 1
Discuss and investigate an author.
Learning outcomes
I can use paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.
I can understand and use the following terms: determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun,
Read and spell prefixes and suffixes.
Week 2
Infer what a character might be thinking and what
might happen next.
Use pronouns accurately.
Week 3
Write a sustained review of a book, using opinion.
I can plan and improve my writing by discussing examples from other writers that I like and
looking at their use of sentence structure, words and grammar
Week 4
Write a post card with clues in.
I can use the correct for of the verb inflection e.g. we were not we was.
Infer characters feelings.
I can use an adverb phrase at the start of a sentence. e.g. later that day, we heard the good news
I can use commas after adverbials at the beginning of a sentence e.g. later that day, we heard the
good news.
I can draft and rewrite work that creates setting, characters and plots that excite the reader by
using my best vocabulary, and I can adapt my work depending on the audience.
I can proof-read my writing for spelling and use of punctuation.
I can make my writing interesting by using adjectives and other descriptive methods.
Week 5
Write an issue based story.
Edit own story to improve final draft.
Week 6
Use adverbs.
Explore poems using inference.
Write a haiku.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 3:
Summer 2: Rainforests
Mr Saul
Week 1
Produce entry for a travel guide.
I can use paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.
Research online.
I can explain the difference between plural and the possessive -s
I can use apostrophes to ark plural possession e.g. the girl’s name the girls’ names
I can organise my non-narrative writing so that it has heading and subheadings.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text flow and ideas are grouped
Week 2
Contribute to a debate.
Learning outcomes
Plan a web page and a poster.
Week 3
Write a diary entry.
Use neat cursive handwriting.
Week 4
Respond to a short story.
I can plan my writing by talking about the important parts to have in a story, poem, explanation
or non-fiction piece, and I can redraft this work a number of times.
Week 5
Plan, draft, edit and write a short story using
I can use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
I can assess my work and that of others and suggest improvements.
I can rewrite my work, making improvements by saying the work out loud using he best words I
know and the best sentence structures I can.
I can edit my work by changing the grammar to improve the way my work reads.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting,
controlling tone and volume so that its meaning is clear.
I can use a mixture of pronouns and nouns in my writing to aid continuity and avoid words being
Week 6
Perform poetry using sound to create atmosphere.
Write an animal poem.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Autumn 1: Dinosaurs
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Form accurate sentences.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Discuss books.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words:-er, -est, -ly e.g. smoother, smoothest and smoothly.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go
Retell ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
Begin to read and spell; I’m, I’ll, won’t and can’t.
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where sentences start
and end.
Begin to use noun phrases.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
Follow a recipe.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can use commas when I write a list.
Write a recipe.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
Design simple packaging.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to
indicate time.
Design a poster.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make it clearer.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Begin to identify different types of sentences.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Use a noun phrase for description.
Begin using and spelling contractions.
Week 6
Form opinions about poems. Write a rhyming poem.
Write a poem with descriptive language.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Autumn 2: Fairy Tales
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Describe similarities between fairy tales.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Character profiles.
I can use the correct tense in my writing
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if , that, because, and, or, but
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she is drumming, he was
I can use description in my writing e.g. the blue butter fly, plain flour, the man in the moon.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to indicate time.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them for each sentence.
I can write about things I have done and things others have done.
I can use apostrophes. I can use them to show where letters are missing and to show possession. e.g. the girl’s hat.
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make it clearer.
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, suffix,
adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Describe settings using adjectives.
Write sentences to form a narrative.
Write a simple set of instructions.
Write a simple recount.
Recite a range of traditional poems.
Learning outcomes
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Spring 1: Plants
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Start combining sentences into a text.
Learning outcomes
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where sentences start
and end.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words:-er, -est, -ly e.g. smoother, smoothest and smoothly.
See different viewpoints.
I can write about things I have done or things others have done.
Write sentences.
I can use the correct tense in my writing.
Week 3
Write and edit a recount.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and I have used the right verbs to
indicate time.
Week 4
Identify conjunctions in a text and begin to use them in
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if, that, because, and or, but.
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
Write information posters for different purposes.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
Evaluate posters.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Write poems confidently.
I can write poetry
Express an opinion about a poem.
I can use apostrophes. I can use them to show where letters are missing and to show possession. e.g. the
girl’s hat.
Talk about a book.
Week 2
Ask question about a text.
Use questions to improve writing.
Week 5
Week 6
Begin to read and spell homophones.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Spring 2: Dick King-Smith
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Engage with a story.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Learning outcomes
I can use commas when I am writing a list.
I can proof read my work for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she is
drumming, he was shouting.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go.
Recall key information from a text.
I can make words by adding –ness and –er at the end of the word.
Use standard English in non-fiction.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Use language and imagination to create characters.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
Discuss an issue raised by a story.
I can use descriptions in my writing e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man on the moon.
Use the senses to improve writing.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
I can read my work aloud with confidence using the tone of my voice to make the meaning clearer.
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command,
compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
Write a newspaper report.
Recite a poem.
Use the senses to write a poem.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Summer 2: Animals
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Use descriptive language in non-fiction.
Read a non-fiction diagram.
Learning outcomes
I can read my work allowed with confidence using the tone of my voice to make the meaning
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to show where
sentences start and end.
Week 2
Capture the atmosphere of a place through a poem.
I can write poetry
Week 3
Annotate a map.
I can write for different purposes, writing long and short pieces of work.
Write a leaflet.
Week 4
Understand how a setting can influence the plot.
I can proof read my work and check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
Week 5
Write a story influenced by setting.
I can use descriptions in my writing e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man on the moon.
I can use the correct tense in my writing.
I can use the correct verb form to indicate actions in progress in the present time or past e.g. she
is drumming, he was shouting.
I can check my work by reading it through to make sure it makes sense and that I have used the
right verbs to indicate time.
I can use the following words in my writing: when, if, that, because, and or, but.
Week 6
Proof read their writing.
Write a story from a plan.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 4:
Summer 2: Seas and coasts
Mrs Billington
Week 1
Compare stories and make conclusions.
I can write about things I have done or things others have done.
Use instructional language.
I can write a long piece of text about a real event in one go.
Ask questions.
I can tell if a sentence is a question, command, exclamation or a statement.
Write compound sentences.
I can make words by adding –ness and –er at the end of the word.
Write a recount in 1st person.
I can make new words by putting two words together eg. whiteboard, superman.
Learn a poem.
I can add these letter groups to the end of words: -er, -est,- ly e.g. smoother, smoothest, smoothly
Find rhyming words.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them.
Discuss a story.
I can use commas when I write a list.
Form opinions about characters.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas and or key words and new vocabulary.
I can use an apostrophe to show where letters are missing or indicate passion. E.g. the girl’s hat.
Week 2
Learning outcomes
Use a range of sentence types.
Week 3
Write a poem and read it aloud.
Week 4
Week 5
Plan a story with a B/M/E, showing character through
action and speech.
I can plan my writing by writing down my ideas or talking about them for each sentence.
Week 6
Write a story.
I can make new words by adding –ful, -less to the end of a word e.g. helpful, helpless
I can change my writing and make corrections after I have spoken to a teacher or another child about it.
I can explain the flowing terms: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command,
compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past and present) apostrophe and comma.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Autumn 1: Roald Dahl
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Research and author.
Learning outcomes
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the
right volume and tone of voice.
Write a fact file.
Retell a story using expression.
Week 2
Write a clear set of instructions.
I can draft and write material such as instructions using headings and subheadings to organise my
Week 3
Infer meaning from text.
I can talk about time place and cause using these words: when, while, so, because, then, next,
soon, therefore, before, after, during, in, because of
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate
clause, direct speech, consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate
clause, direct speech, consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the
right volume and tone of voice.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the
right volume and tone of voice.
List event in time order. Use time and cause words.
Week 4
Identify speech marks and begin to use them.
Refer to text to develop opinion and argument.
Week 5
Identify features of a play script.
Perform play script.
Week 6
Perform poems with intonation and movement.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Autumn 2: Robots
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Discuss a story.
I can create new words using a range of prefixes including super- anti- and auto-
Use a dictionary.
I can identify word families based on root words e.g. solve, dissolve, solver
I can plan my writing by talking about the important parts to have in a story, poem, an explanation or nonfiction piece and I can re-edit it.
Use headings to organise information.
I can draft and write material such as instructions using headings and subheadings to organise my work.
Begin to understand paragraphs.
I can use paragraphs
Research a non-fiction topic.
I can use headings and subheadings
Write in paragraphs.
I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings and character.
Use adverbs to describe movement.
I can use paragraphs
I can use headings and subheadings
Use character and setting to create a story.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text group related material.
Use paragraphs and speech marks.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
Edit and improve text.
I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings and character.
Perform poems using appropriate intonation.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the right
volume and tone of voice.
Learning outcomes
Infer aspects of character by referring to the text.
Week 2
Use an apostrophe for possession.
Use time connectives.
Recognise the conventions of a fairy tale.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Use and adapt poetic styles for their own work.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Spring 1: Kings, Queens and Castles
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Know the vocabulary: conjunction, adverb and preposition.
Learning outcomes
I can talk about time place and cause using these words: when, while, so, because, then, next, soon, therefore, before,
after, during, in, because of
I can rewrite my work, making improvements by saying the work out loud, using the best words I know and making sure I
use conjunctions such as when, before, after, while; use adverbs such as then, next and soon; use prepositions such as
before after, during, in and because.
Write sentences with more than one clause.
I can re-read my work to improve it for my audience.
Find information in non-fiction.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
Use prepositions and adverbs to create interest in writing.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can proof-read my work by reading aloud and putting in full stops. I can also and apostrophes, commas, question marks,
exclamation marks and speech marks where needed.
I can re-read my work to improve it by thinking about changes to vocabulary and grammar to make it more interesting.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the right volume and tone of
Add interest to writing with time and cause words.
Week 2
Week 3
Add suffixes to create new words.
Week 4
Plan a story with a clear B/M/E
Draft and edit a story.
Week 5
Recall and make comments about event in a story.
Compare two stories.
Ask questions and make conclusions about a story.
Week 6
Recite a poem for an audience.
Plan and write a poem.
Write in neat cursive script.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Spring 2: Aliens
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Spell homophones.
I can understand when to use a and an in front of a word.
Write a character profile.
I can talk about time place and cause using these words: when, while, so, because, then, next, soon, therefore, before,
after, during, in, because of
I can draft and write material such as instructions using headings and subheadings to organise my work.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings and character.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech,
consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the right volume and tone of
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the right volume and tone of
Learning outcomes
Use determiners.
Use similes and adjectives.
Week 2
Can read, write and interpret instructions.
Begin to read and spell /-tion/ words.
Week 3
Identify sentences and clauses.
Infer character motives from their actions.
Use clauses for more complex writing.
Week 4
Punctuate direct speech.
Identify and discuss main ideas in a text.
Create and sense of atmosphere in writing.
Week 5
Punctuate a play script.
Perform a play script to peers.
Week 6
Write and perform a narrative poem.
Begin to read and spell /-ous/ words.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Summer 1: Chocolate
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Research and present a topic.
I can draft and write material such as instructions using headings and subheadings to organise my
Week 2
Recognise theme and style of an author.
I plan my writing by discussing it and talking about how to improve it =, using examples from
other writer that I like.
Learning outcomes
Infer a characters attributes and traits.
Week 3
Compare themes and conventions in books or
stories by the same and different authors.
I can talk about time place and cause using these words: when, while, so, because, then, next,
soon, therefore, before, after, during, in, because of
Week 4
Design packaging including text.
I can use the present perfect form of a verb e.g. He has gone out to play contrasted with He went
out to play.
Use persuasive language.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text group related material.
Critically analyse each other work.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
Write a list poem.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the
right volume and tone of voice.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
Understand the structure and style of a dictionary.
Week 5
Week 6
Revise and edit own work.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 5:
Summer 2: Super heroes
Mrs Tunna
Week 1
Identify themes and character traits.
Learning outcomes
I can create new words using a range of prefixes including super- anti- and auto-
Begin read and spell /-igh/ words
Week 2
Identify elements of a Greek myth.
I can plan my writing by talking about the important parts to have in a story, poem, an
explanation or non-fiction piece and I can re-edit it.
Week 3
Use language to create drama in writing.
I can re-read my work to improve it for my audience.
Review and improve non-fiction.
I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings and character.
Convert narrative to comic book format.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate
clause, direct speech, consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
Edit and improve writing.
I can use paragraphs to organise my writing so that blocks of text group related material.
Plan, write and edit an adventure story.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings and character.
Plan and write a poem.
Begin to read and spell homophones and
compound adjectives.
I can read my work out to a group with confidence and make sure it sounds interesting using the
right volume and tone of voice.
I can re-read my work to improve for my audience.
I can use the following terms: preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate
clause, direct speech, consonant, letter vowel, inverted commas
Week 4
Begin to read and spell /-sion/ words.
Week 5
Week 6
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Autumn 1: Greek Myths
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Summarise research in an engaging way.
Learning outcomes
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the purpose of
my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
I can draft and write by summarising longer passages.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Use language to effect a reader.
I can plan my own writing by noting down and developing my ideas, drawing on reading and other writing.
To write a Greek myth story.
I can plan my writing of narratives by considering how authors have developed character and setting in
what the class have read heard or seen in stories, plays or films.
Begin to read and spell words with
I can plan my writing of narratives by considering how authors have developed character and setting in
what the class have read heard or seen in stories, plays or films.
Use text to support opinion.
I understand Greek prefixes.
Identify Greek root words used in English and know their
I understand verb prefixes.
Identify rhythm and language in a poem.
I can read work looking for spelling errors and correct them using a dictionary
Use a colon to introduce a list.
Use bullet points.
Week 2
Write a persuasive letter.
Use a flow chart to plan instructions.
Week 3
Week 4
Discuss the theme of a story.
Write a play script.
Week 5
Week 6
Check the meaning of a word in a dictionary.
Sort alphabetically by the third letter.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Autumn 2: Alice in Wonderland
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Ask questions about a story.
I can write questions.
Identify language change over time.
I can draft and write by summarising longer passages.
I can identify archaic language.
Locate clauses in sentences, punctuate correctly.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Write an explanation text.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Debate issues raised in a story.
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects
the characters personality or mood.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct subject verb agreement.
Write a newspaper report.
I can add information to my sentences using relative clauses.
Turn nouns and adjectives into verbs.
I can build cohesion with a paragraph.
Begin to read and spell using /ei/ and /ie/.
I can turn nouns or adjectives into verbs.
Write a new version of a story retaining the theme.
I can give feedback on and improve my own and my classmates writing.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Week 2
Week 3
Learning outcomes
Write a character profile.
Identify subject-verb agreement.
Week 4
Week 5
Can identify the key events in a plot.
Week 6
Read a poem rhythmically.
Write a poem with a distinct rhythm.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Spring 1: Other Cultures
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Research a topic and make notes with bullet points.
Learning outcomes
I can research and make notes in bullet points.
Discuss the meanings of different stories.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Write sentences with clauses correctly punctuated.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Discuss the cultural background of a story.
I can use parenthesis.
Use commas to clarify meaning.
I can use brackets, dashes and commas.
Use brackets to separate a parenthesis.
I can use commas to clarify meaning.
I can use commas to make my writing clearer.
I can proof read for punctuation errors including brackets, commas, and hyphens.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Oral presentation.
Week 2
Week 3
Read and spell words with /-ough/
Week 4
Discuss motivation and feelings of a character.
Argue an opinion, justify ideas.
Perform in a play script.
Week 5
Write a newspaper report.
Re-read and re draft.
Week 6
Read and understand haiku.
Write a haiku with the correct rhythm.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Spring 2: Phillip Pullman
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Discuss what makes a good opening.
Learning outcomes
I can indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs.
Understand the issues outlined in a text.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Participate in class discussion.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
I can write by using words such as then, after that, this firstly to build connections between paragraphs.
I can identify noun phrases.
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the purpose of
my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the meaning
Use examples of technique that create impact.
Predict what will happen next.
Use modal verbs and prefixes.
Week 2
Write a persuasive text.
Week 3
Distinguish between fact and opinion.
Write an adventure story using powerful vocabulary.
Week 4
Compare two books by the same author.
Identify noun phrases.
Week 5
Write a story in diary format.
Identify and compare the themes of a story.
Week 6
Identify literary devices used to create effects in a poem.
Write a poem that conveys an image, a feeling or sound
of the sea.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Summer 1: King Arthur
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Plan and write a story with impact.
Learning outcomes
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects the
characters personality or mood.
Write in paragraphs.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Use modal verbs and adverbs.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects the
characters personality or mood.
Form opinions about stories.
I can use commas to make my writing clearer.
Write an adapted legend.
I can identify and expand noun phrases.
Explain how a hyphen affects meaning.
I can use a hyphen in a sentence.
Plan and write a story modelled on one read. Read it
aloud with expression.
I can draft and write by linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time, place and number or tense
Compare different versions of a story.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct tense throughout.
Learn a verse of classic poem by heart.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the meaning
Describe a setting.
Week 2
Research a subject.
Week 3
Select words to create atmosphere.
Identify figurative language.
Begin reading and spelling /–ible/ and /-able/ words.
Week 4
Create nouns from adjectives using suffixes.
Week 5
Week 6
Describe the features of a narrative poem.
Write verse for a narrative poem.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 6:
Summer 2: Africa
Mr Kophammel
Week 1
Make notes on and compare non-fiction.
Learning outcomes
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the
purpose of my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
Plan and write a non-chronological report.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Begin to read and spell words with silent letters.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Use a story as a model for own writing.
I can draft and write by selecting the correct grammar in my writing.
Use language to create effects, including dialogue.
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes,
brackets and hyphens correctly in my work.
Express an opinion supported by evidence.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct subject verb agreement.
Support and present an opinion.
I can spell words ending in –ent and –ant
Take part in a class debate.
I can draft and summarise longer passages.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Write non-fiction using organisational features.
Distinguish, read and spell a range of homophones.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Write maintaining the same person, with correct
tense and subject verb agreement.
Week 5
Begin to read and spell /-ent/ and /-ant/ words.
Week 6
Learn a poem by heart and explore its meaning.
Use a poem as a model for their own.
Begin to read and spell /-ssion/.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Autumn 1: Greek Myths
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Summarise research in an engaging way.
Learning outcomes
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the purpose of
my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
I can draft and write by summarising longer passages.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Use language to effect a reader.
I can plan my own writing by noting down and developing my ideas, drawing on reading and other writing.
To write a Greek myth story.
I can plan my writing of narratives by considering how authors have developed character and setting in
what the class have read heard or seen in stories, plays or films.
Begin to read and spell words with
I can plan my writing of narratives by considering how authors have developed character and setting in
what the class have read heard or seen in stories, plays or films.
Use text to support opinion.
I understand Greek prefixes.
Identify Greek root words used in English and know their
I understand verb prefixes.
Identify rhythm and language in a poem.
I can read work looking for spelling errors and correct them using a dictionary
Use a colon to introduce a list.
Use bullet points.
Week 2
Write a persuasive letter.
Use a flow chart to plan instructions.
Week 3
Week 4
Discuss the theme of a story.
Write a play script.
Week 5
Week 6
Check the meaning of a word in a dictionary.
Sort alphabetically by the third letter.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Autumn 2: Alice in Wonderland
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Ask questions about a story.
I can write questions.
Identify language change over time.
I can draft and write by summarising longer passages.
I can identify archaic language.
Locate clauses in sentences, punctuate correctly.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Write an explanation text.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Debate issues raised in a story.
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects
the characters personality or mood.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct subject verb agreement.
Write a newspaper report.
I can add information to my sentences using relative clauses.
Turn nouns and adjectives into verbs.
I can build cohesion with a paragraph.
Begin to read and spell using /ei/ and /ie/.
I can turn nouns or adjectives into verbs.
Write a new version of a story retaining the theme.
I can give feedback on and improve my own and my classmates writing.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Week 2
Week 3
Learning outcomes
Write a character profile.
Identify subject-verb agreement.
Week 4
Week 5
Can identify the key events in a plot.
Week 6
Read a poem rhythmically.
Write a poem with a distinct rhythm.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Spring 1: Other Cultures
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Research a topic and make notes with bullet points.
Learning outcomes
I can research and make notes in bullet points.
Discuss the meanings of different stories.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Write sentences with clauses correctly punctuated.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Discuss the cultural background of a story.
I can use parenthesis.
Use commas to clarify meaning.
I can use brackets, dashes and commas.
Use brackets to separate a parenthesis.
I can use commas to clarify meaning.
I can use commas to make my writing clearer.
I can proof read for punctuation errors including brackets, commas, and hyphens.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Oral presentation.
Week 2
Week 3
Read and spell words with /-ough/
Week 4
Discuss motivation and feelings of a character.
Argue an opinion, justify ideas.
Perform in a play script.
Week 5
Write a newspaper report.
Re-read and re draft.
Week 6
Read and understand haiku.
Write a haiku with the correct rhythm.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Spring 2: Phillip Pullman
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Discuss what makes a good opening.
Learning outcomes
I can indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs.
Understand the issues outlined in a text.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Participate in class discussion.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
I can write by using words such as then, after that, this firstly to build connections between paragraphs.
I can identify noun phrases.
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the purpose of
my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the meaning
Use examples of technique that create impact.
Predict what will happen next.
Use modal verbs and prefixes.
Week 2
Write a persuasive text.
Week 3
Distinguish between fact and opinion.
Write an adventure story using powerful vocabulary.
Week 4
Compare two books by the same author.
Identify noun phrases.
Week 5
Write a story in diary format.
Identify and compare the themes of a story.
Week 6
Identify literary devices used to create effects in a poem.
Write a poem that conveys an image, a feeling or sound
of the sea.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Summer 1: King Arthur
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Plan and write a story with impact.
Learning outcomes
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects the
characters personality or mood.
Write in paragraphs.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Use modal verbs and adverbs.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
I can write pieces describing setting, character and atmosphere, and include speech that reflects the
characters personality or mood.
Form opinions about stories.
I can use commas to make my writing clearer.
Write an adapted legend.
I can identify and expand noun phrases.
Explain how a hyphen affects meaning.
I can use a hyphen in a sentence.
Plan and write a story modelled on one read. Read it
aloud with expression.
I can draft and write by linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time, place and number or tense
Compare different versions of a story.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct tense throughout.
Learn a verse of classic poem by heart.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the meaning
Describe a setting.
Week 2
Research a subject.
Week 3
Select words to create atmosphere.
Identify figurative language.
Begin reading and spelling /–ible/ and /-able/ words.
Week 4
Create nouns from adjectives using suffixes.
Week 5
Week 6
Describe the features of a narrative poem.
Write verse for a narrative poem.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017
Class 7:
Summer 2: Africa
Miss O’Brien
Week 1
Make notes on and compare non-fiction.
Learning outcomes
I can set out my work correctly and use headings, bullet points or underlining depending on the
purpose of my writing. E.g letter leaflet, information text, instructions.
Plan and write a non-chronological report.
I can plan my writing by identifying the audience and purpose, using similar writing as a model.
Begin to read and spell words with silent letters.
I can give feedback on and edit vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to make writing clearer.
Use a story as a model for own writing.
I can draft and write by selecting the correct grammar in my writing.
Use language to create effects, including dialogue.
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes,
brackets and hyphens correctly in my work.
Express an opinion supported by evidence.
I can mark and edit work to have the correct subject verb agreement.
Support and present an opinion.
I can spell words ending in –ent and –ant
Take part in a class debate.
I can draft and summarise longer passages.
I can perform my own work to a group, changing the my tone of voice and volume to make the
meaning clearer.
Write non-fiction using organisational features.
Distinguish, read and spell a range of homophones.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Write maintaining the same person, with correct
tense and subject verb agreement.
Week 5
Begin to read and spell /-ent/ and /-ant/ words.
Week 6
Learn a poem by heart and explore its meaning.
Use a poem as a model for their own.
Begin to read and spell /-ssion/.
English Long Term Plan 2016-2017