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Raval Group Manual
ISO 9001 : 2008
ISO/TS 16949:2009
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001:2007
February 2012 / Rev. B
Content and correspondence to ISO/TS 16949
Correspondence to
ISO/TS 16949
List of Contents
Raval's Vision
Raval Group Policy
Organization Management System
Core activities and Supportive
Processes – chart
Management Responsibility
Resource Management
Measurement, Analysis and
Revision Management
Product Realization
Appendix: Raval Group
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RAVAL's Vision
Raval will combine its human resources, methods, materials and
machinery in developing technologies and products for use in venting
systems for automobile fuel tanks.
We will produce our products in an efficient manner while maintaining
high quality standards as we increase our share in the global market.
We will guard the value of our shares and maximize profits.
Together we will build a company which preserves good interpersonal
relations both internally and externally and dedicates itself to being a
united team striving for fairness and excellence; contributing to the entire
global community a better quality of the air that we all breathe, as well as
to the safety of those riding in motor vehicles.
We carry the responsibility to work and instruct according to company
values. Therefore we will act according to them, become role models to our
employees, and implement the values as the foundation stones of our
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GROUP POLICY- Rev07 (TS16949 #5.3)
Raval's Essence
Raval group develops, designs, manufactures and sells venting systems and accessories within
the field of fuel storage and delivery for the automotive industry.
Raval will expand its core activities, aiming to achieve 25-30% global market share (venting
Raval is fully capable of providing overall solutions to market needs and requirements.
Raval group, being required to maintain a global presence, operates facilities in Israel,
Luxembourg, China and USA.
Raval group carries out its operations to generate financial profit, to maintain economic
efficiency and to strive for continual improvement.
Raval group values are its milestones of internal and external relationship:
Honesty and reliability are fundamental values to Raval. The organization sustains an
honest and reliable environment to the benefit of its employees, suppliers, customers and
Perfection and professionalism are necessary values in an environment committed to
continuous improvement. We are committed to high quality and high efficiency at every
stage of product's production meeting the highest standards in order to keep Raval's
sustainable competitive advantage in the market.
Raval employees are expected to show the genuine team spirit which is reflected in support,
serviceability, and open communication. This is done while sustaining creative criticism and
accepting and respecting the other and while targeting achievement of the company's goals.
Creativity is a core value of Raval's activities reflected in the innovative developments and
advanced production systems which are our forte. Thus we aim to achieve higher goals, to
strive for continuous improvement of the quality of the product, to develop and implement
effective work processes and ask challenging questions while scanning the horizon for the
Leadership and Innovation
Raval group aspires to technological leadership and innovation in the growing market.
The organization seeks to come up with necessary solutions to today's problems and to anticipate
future needs and expectations. We rely on the ability of our team to provide proper service at the
appropriate time.
Raval group, maintains a Quality Management System conforming to the requirements of
international standards: ISO TS 16949 and environmental & safety system conforming to the
requirements of international standards: ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 in all Raval facilities.
Raval group target is for 0 PPM however we commit to 30 PPM in parts delivered to customers.
The Quality and Environmental Management System ensures efficient and controlled
performance: product design, manufacture, delivery and reliable customer service.
All requirements – customers and quality standards - are specified in quality procedures, which
were formulated in collaboration with Raval employees.
The Quality Management System is constantly reviewed and updated.
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Health, Safety and Environment
Raval group maintains an environmental & safety system conforming to the requirements of
international standards: ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Raval group is committed to the principles of environment-friendly operation and performs all
its operations in accordance with safety regulations that are required and relevant to the location
of the operating facility.
Raval group is committed to provide a work environment that prevents injuries and ill health and
to continuous improvements in OH&S management and performances.
Raval group production uses technologies and methods which comply with the local
environmental laws in order to create a cleaner and safer environment for the communities where
its factories are located.
Raval designs valves and venting systems for the automotive industry to help reduce the adverse
effects of emissions from fuel systems.
Intellectual property
Raval has accumulated intellectual property which reflects its know-how and information in
several fields: technical, engineering, commercial, business other.
Raval pays special attention to properly protect and maintain its intellectual rights via the
following means:
Registration of Patents
Agreements with its employees on cession of any property rights
Signing Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) with most business colleagues.
Maintaining Data Secure system
Raval strictly respects copyrights and intellectual properties of others.
Data Secure
Raval is the owner of know-how which is gathered in its information system (computer systems)
and covers the organization's field of expertise.
Raval also owns assets (hardware & software) and means of communication in which the knowhow is stored, maintained and used globally.
Raval implements DPR procedures in order to prevent any data and information loss in cases of
Raval nominated the IT management to implement and maintain the data secure procedures
including reports about incidents.
All the above is done while upholding the law and maintaining privacy rights.
Customer Focus
Raval, being a supplier for the automotive industry, views customer needs as a decisive factor
around which it builds its processes, company structure, quality and service.
Raval promotes cooperation with its customers, perceiving such cooperation as a potent tool for
its further advancement and for retaining its advantages.
Human Resources
Raval perceives its human resources as the most valuable asset.
The fundamental conditions for human working relations are derived from the company’s values.
Raval’s recruitment policy is to recruit employees with adequate behavioral approaches and
suitable professional skills for development of long-term relations.
Raval, as a company that develops and manufactures advanced technologies in its field,
encourages, supports, and develops training processes at both individual and organizational
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levels. All employees at all levels are made aware of the need to upgrade professional skills and
expand the basis of personal knowledge to attain professional development.
Raval complies with all local, regional, and international rules and legislation relevant to
environmental & safety issues. This message is communicated to every employee in Raval group
so that they will be partners in this compliance.
Continuous Improvement
Raval maintains the culture of continuous improvement in quality, efficiency and customer
service, as defined in its internal procedures and objectives.
Raval Group objectives derive from the Strategic Plan which is approved by the Board of
The constant goals are:
Business development & marketing: Achieving 25-30% market share.
R&D: Maintaining technological leadership within Raval's core business.
Human Resources: Nurturing, training and empowering its staff.
Group activities: Defining corporate procedures; sharing resources, developing internal
suppliers-customers relations.
Environment Health & Safety: maintaining an environmental & safety system conforming
to the requirements of relevant international standards.
Continuous Improvement: Improving efficiency.
Community involvement: contributing to the community.
These are the goals which guide us in setting the objectives and action plan that are defined
annually for each level:
 Group
 Company
 Department
 Workers.
Nir Elimelech, CEO
Julian Proffitt, Managing Director – Raval Europe
Yinghua Dong, Managing Director – Raval Shanghai
Jennifer Mort, General manager – Raval USA
Bruria Goldblat - Taube, Group Quality Manager
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A. General Requirements (TS16949 #4.1; 4.2.1; 4.2)
Raval established, implemented and maintains a management system that conforms to the
international standards ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, ensuring that the
procedures and products meet contract demands, legal and regulatory requirements.
The organization's management system is documented in this manual and in internal procedures
defining the processes performed at Raval (method and responsibility) and other
documentation specifying processes and their implementation.
The manual addresses major aspects of the organization's management system and binds all
Raval employees.
The manual includes:
- Raval Group policy
- Management system prevailing in the organization
- Processes performed at Raval and their interactions
- References to internal written procedures that constitute an integral part of the organization
management system.
The organization management system ensures that processes that include planning, production
and service provision are identified, and it determines process sequence and interaction
between various processes. The system sets criteria and methods to ensure conformance to
customer’s requirements and to the annual goals that were defined by Raval’s management.
Raval shall ensure conformance of outsourced processes and products to customer’s
B. Documentation Requirements (TS16949 #4.2.3)
All documents required by the system (internal and external) are controlled, reviewed and
approved before distribution.
This process ensures controlled distribution of all documents and prevents use of invalid
The process implements an appropriate mean of identifying the document, its revision and
status at any time and place.
C. Record Control and Retention (TS16949 #4.2.4)
Records are established and retained to provide evidence of conformance to requirements and
to the organization’s operation.
Records are identified and stored in a manner facilitating prolonged retention.
Document retention complies with statutory, regulatory, customer and automotive industry
Applicable Procedures and documents
- Retention of documents and records
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RFQ Review /
Feasibility study
Not Accepted
Project start
Initial Quotation
-Design Reviews
Development Order
Nominating Project
Concept Development
-Test injections
-Verification / Validation tests
Manufacturing Location
Design Freeze
RFQ to Suppliers
Cost Analisys
Not Accepted
Final Quotation
Nomination letter /
Sourcing Agreement
Lead Time
Update Project team
Contract Review
Orders to suppliers
Project kick off
Pilot run
Verification / Validation
PPAP Submission
Customer waiver to ship
parts before PPAP
approval or submission
PPAP Approval
Sales / Income
Costs Analysis
Profit improvement
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A. Management Commitment (TS16949 #5.1)
Raval’s management is committed to establish, maintain and implement a quality system and
continually improve its efficiency by:
- Increasing organizational awareness of customer centrality and importance of compliance to
laws and standards.
- Defining the organization policy and following it
- Defining annual objectives and reviewing their implementation
- Forming a clear organization structure in which authority and responsibility are clearly
- Periodic reviews of the organization system to assure its effectiveness and efficiency.
- Ensuring the availability of resources needed to sustain a system conforming to the stated
B. Planning (TS16949 #5.4.1)
- Objectives are determined by the organization's management so as to be as measurable as
possible and consistent with organization policy. Objectives are customer-focused and
- Business plan includes organization's objectives.
- The organization's system meets standard requirements and is designed to achieve the
objectives defined by the management.
C. Responsibility, Authority and Communication (TS16949 #5.5)
Roles, relations and authority are defined and known in the organization (organizational
structure chart).
The management has appointed members who:
- Ensure that processes are established, implemented and maintained
- Ensure awareness of customer’s requirements.
D. Management Review (TS16949 #5.6)
Raval's management reviews the organization's management system at least once a year, in
order to assess the efficiency and conformance of the management's operations as implementer
of the organization policy.
The management review inputs shall include information regarding performance, outcomes,
customer’s feedback, follow-ups of previous managerial reviews and recommendations for
Records of management reviews shall be retained according to procedures.
Applicable Procedures and documents
Management Responsibility
Subordination Group Structure
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A. Infrastructure and Work Environment (TS16949 #6.3; 6.4)
Raval management is responsible for creating, providing and maintaining the necessary
infrastructure and conditions for a suitable work environment to achieve conformance to
product requirements.
Such infrastructure shall include:
- Accommodations, work space and services
- Appropriate equipment and work instructions for performing processes
- Support services
Raval’s management shall provide the means for ensuring product quality, minimizing
potential risk to worker's health & safety, and risk to environment during planning,
development and production stages.
Work areas shall be kept clean and orderly so as meet workers' needs and product requirements.
B. Human Resources (TS16949 #6.2)
- Personnel performing activities that affect conforming to product requirements shall be
competent with respect to education, skill and experience.
- Every employee receives suitable training in his field of expertise
- Worker satisfaction is periodically assessed.
- Appropriate education and training records are maintained by HR department.
C. Contingency Plan (TS16949 #6.3.2)
Raval has a Contingency Plan that ensures product delivery to customers in case of emergency.
Applicable Procedures and documents
Contingency Plan
Recruitment Process
Internal & External Training
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A. Planning of Product Realization (TS16949 #7.1)
The planning of product realization includes:
Investigation of production feasibility.
Defining verification, validations monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities
required to ensure the final product's conformance to design requirements.
Defining means to protect operators' health and safety and protect environment.
Defining records needed to provide evidence that product meets requirements
Defining transport and delivery activities.
Ensuring the confidentiality of customer-contracted products, projects under development
and other relevant material
B. Change Control (TS16949 #7.1.4)
The process to control and react to changes verifies notification to customer in cases that the
change affects customer's processes (form, fit and function) or customer's proprietary designs.
The effects of any change are assessed and verification and validation activities are defined and
performed before implementation to ensure compliance with customer requirements.
All changes are identified and records are maintained.
C. Customer-Related Processes (TS16949 #7.2)
Customer requirements shall be reviewed in the design stage and adherence to them
ascertained at all stages of development and production.
Product requirements shall be reviewed, cleared and approved prior to start of production.
Where product requirements are changed, the relevant documents shall be revised and the
relevant personnel updated.
A contact shall be designated to communicate with the customer at every stage, from price
quote to product delivery.
D. Design, Development and Production Planning (TS16949 #7.3: 7.3.1-7.3.7)
Procedure of Design and development planning includes:
Determination of development and production stages.
Every stage will be reviewed and the required verification and validation activities, at
every stage, will be defined.
Determination of responsibility and authority for design and development.
Review of inputs related to product requirements (customer requirements, internal
requirements environmental and legal requirements).
Definition of production means.
Defining needed design outputs: prototypes, specifications, drawings.
Defining needed outputs for production: production procedure, control plan, work
instructions and specifications, targets for productivity, process capability and costs.
Defined outputs are reviewed and will be monitored before distribution.
Records and their retention.
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E. Purchasing (TS16949 #7.4)
Purchasing in Raval group aims to retain and improve the quality and cost of goods, production
means and services purchased by the organization. The organization established a central
purchasing system in Raval ACS.
This central purchasing system shall function to:
Consolidate, expand and control supply base.
Attain long-term agreements.
Construct an annual price-list for purchasing items and guiding buyers
The purchasing department shall follow the rules deriving from ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001 and
organization procedures.
F. Production and Service Provision (TS16949 #7.5: 7.5.1-7.5.5)
Production and service are facilitated by:
Availability of data concerning product design, manufacture, quality and quantity.
Availability of suitable production means and competent operators
Plan of preventive maintenance activities.
Availability of work instructions and awareness of needed inspection.
Awareness of operators to safety and environmental requirements
Product identification and traceability
Protecting, identifying and verifying customer property (when in Raval's possession)
Proper handling, packaging and storage of the products.
Maintaining an inventory management system that assures stock rotation.
G. Control of Monitoring and Measurement Equipment (TS16949 #7.6)
Raval has established monitoring and measurement activities to be undertaken and equipment
needed at every stage of development to ensure and provide a product conforming to defined
Measuring devices are:
Calibrated or verified on demand at regular time intervals
Identified by ID and calibration status
Operation of measuring devices is confirmed at regular intervals (Gauge R&R).
Records of calibration and verification results are kept.
Applicable Procedures and documents
Feasibility study and contract review
Quality requirements for suppliers
Identification and traceability
Calibration and validation of measuring equipment
Acceptance of new equipment
Changing location of production lines / tools
Establishing BOM
Deliveries in between Raval sites
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RVG 2. 1
RVG 5.10
RVG 1.1
RVG 1.4
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A. Monitoring and Measurement (TS16949 #8.1-8.2.)
Raval plans and implements the monitoring, measurement and analysis processes in order:
To prove product conformity to requirements by: design reviews, DVP, validation and
performance tests, monitoring and measurements of products.
To ensure conformance of Quality Management system to requirements and to the
organization's defined objectives - management reviews, internal and external audits.
To continually improve organization efficiency- performance measurement.
To ensure availability of sufficient production means as committed to customer.
B. Control of Nonconforming Products (TS16949 #8.3)
Any nonconforming product shall be identified and isolated to prevent its use or delivery.
Responsibility and authority for handling nonconforming product are specified in internal
Records describing the nature of nonconformance and the actions taken to eliminate its
reoccurrence are kept.
C. Data Analysis (TS16949 #8.4)
Relevant data is collected at Raval in order to evaluate process conformity and effectiveness and
indicate necessity for improvement.
Data analysis provides information regarding:
Conformity to requirements.
Process and product features and trends.
Customer and employee satisfaction.
Achievement of economic objectives.
D. Continuance Improvement (TS16949 #8.5.1)
The organization's management system is regularly reviewed, in order to improve effectiveness, in
internal audits, management reviews and data analysis.
Indices are determined in the policy and in defined objectives.
Nonconformities are handled in appropriate frameworks in which corrective and preventive actions
are specified in order to prevent reoccurrence.
Applicable Internal Procedures
- Internal audits
- Handling non-conformities
- Group reporting
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