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Word Study Homework – Student Choice
In order to save paper, we are giving the students options for completing their word study
homework. Please keep this sheet in you Word Study spiral.
**You must have all three activities completed by the day of the test (each Wednesday). Please do
them in your spiral to be checked before the test! Some of these can also be done using the
computer and then e-mailed to me.
Choose any 2 activities from the list below. The third activity is the practice test. For each activity,
use 10 different words from your list plus all 5 sight words. Choose difference activities each week.
Puzzle Perfect: Go to and create a word puzzle. Print it out and glue it into your
Pyramid words: Write your words in this style.
ABC Order: Write your words in alphabetical order.
ZYX Order: Write your words in reverse alphabetical order.
Rainbow Words: Write your words 5 times each using a different color each time (or use the
computer and print in color).
Different Font: Type each word 5 times each in a different font
House/Classroom Hunt: Look around your house or the classroom and look for words that will fit
into your spelling pattern. Draw a picture of it and write the word underneath.
Scrabble Words: Using your point value sheet, figure out how many points each of your words are
Sentence Combination - Use your words, try to create as FEW sentences as possible!
Awesome Alliteration - Create alliterative sentences or tongue twisters with your words.
Ex. Sally saw sea shells at the sea shore.
Silly Story - Write a funny story using your words.
Magazine Words - Find your words in a magazine or news article. Cut them out and glue them in
your spiral.
Riddles – Use your words create riddles with the word as the answer.
Fraction letters – make fractions out of the number of letters in each word – vowels or consonants.
Count the total number of letters in the word (denominator). Count the number of vowels (or
consonants in the word (numerator). Example: pretty – total letters=6, vowels=1, consonants=5,
vowel fraction is 1/6, consonant fraction is 5/6. Make a 4-column table with the headings: word,
total number of letters, vowels fraction, consonants fraction
*Activity Three:
Have someone at home call out your words as you write them in your spiral. Write each word you
miss 3x each.