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Integrated Science
Name ____________________________________
Marble Tower Analysis
Show your work for each problem. Show the general equation(s) you will use to answer a
problem and include UNITS for credit!
What is the force acting on the marble that starts it in motion at the top of your marble tower?
A force must be applied to the marble at the start of the racecourse to make it start rolling down
your racecourse. Which of Newton’s laws of motion does this illustrate?
Calculate the amount of force (in Newtons) that was applied to the marble at the very start of the
race. Assume the marble has a mass of 5.7 grams. Hint: convert grams to kilograms and
multiply by the value of gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2; use Newton’s 2nd Law for F)
INCLUDE UNITS, round answer.
Force = ___________________
Calculate the work in units of Joules (1 Joule = 1 N·m) done by your marble from the force of
gravity. (Remember: Work = Force ● distance. Since gravity is a force that is applied only in a
vertical, down, direction then the distance in this equation is actually the tower’s height.)
(SHOW SET UP! Round your answer to 1 decimal, INCLUDE UNITS)
Work = ___________________
5. Calculate the power (in Joules/sec or Watts) of your marble.
Power = ________________Watts
How many horsepower is this?
Power = ________________Hp
Calculate the maximum potential energy (PE) for your marble. (Remember: PE = m•g•h,
where m is mass in kilograms (remember to convert!), g is the acceleration of gravity (g = 9.8
m/s2) and h is height in meters of your machine). Assume the marble has a mass = 5.7 grams.
INCLUDE UNITS, round answer.
Potential Energy = ____________________
Explain how you made the Potential Energy value that you calculated in question 7 above.
Hint: Look at the variables (m, g, and h), which did you control? What did you do?
Calculate the average speed of your marble from start to finish. (Hint: you may use string, a
meter stick, and scissors to help with this calculation. INCLUDE UNITS, round answer.
Average Speed = ______________________
10. Calculate your marble’s average velocity in meters/second. Hint: Velocity is displacement
divided by time. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS SPEED, Question #9)
(SHOW SET UP! Round your answer to 1 decimal, INCLUDE UNITS)
Velocity = _______________
11. As the marble rolls down hill, the potential energy (resting energy) is converted into kinetic
energy (KE). Calculate the maximum KE (motion energy) in your marble. (Remember the
relationship between PE and KE). Assume the marble has a mass = 5.7 grams. Hint: KE = ½ m
v2 (Note: mass must be in kilograms!) INCLUDE UNITS, round answer.
Kinetic Energy = _____________________
12. Compare your answers for potential and kinetic energy (Questions #7 and #11 above).
a. Kinetic Energy should be ( more or less ) than potential energy.
b. How do your values compare? Which is greater?
c. Why is there a difference? NOTE: Even if you did NOT see a difference, ANSWER why
should there be a difference? Include what this difference is converted into!
13. Calculate the Mechanical Energy of your marble. Hint: See yellow worksheet
(SHOW SET UP! Round your answer to 1 decimal, INCLUDE UNITS)
Mechanical Energy = _____________________
14. What is the value of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy for your marble at the END of your
marble racecourse?
Explain your answer!
15. What force caused your marble slow down along the racecourse instead of continuing to speed
up under the constant acceleration of gravity? Hint: what force slows all moving objects?
16. Which of your design features were the most effective at slowing the marble and adding time to
your run? Include WHY it worked, what force(s) were acting on it, and what else you could
have done to make it work better! BE SPECIFIC!
17. Describe at least THREE energy transformations exhibited by your marble tower.
BONUS Question:
18. If you drop a hanging slinky, what happens? WHY?