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Name: _________________________
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Chapter 3 - Ancient
Egypt and Nubia
Chapter Notes
The Geography of the Nile
a. The Course of the Nile River
i. The Nile River is the world’s longest river. It flows for more than
___________ miles. It is about the distance from New York to
ii. The Nile Through Ancient Nubia
1. ___________ is an ancient region in the Nile River Valley.
2. The Nubian section of the Nile contained six
________________, or rock-filled rapids.
iii. The Nile Through Ancient Egypt
1. A ________________ is a plain at the mouth of a river.
iv. The Gifts of the Nile
1. Silt is a fine _________ found on river bottoms.
2. In gratitude for river silt, the Egyptians praised
___________, the god of the Nile.
v. Black Land and Red Land
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Name: _________________________
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1. Egyptians called their land Kemet, “the __________ land,”
because of the dark soil left by the Nile’s floods.
2. Beyond the fertile river banks lay “the ______ land,” the
vast Sahara desert.
vi. Desert Protection
1. The hot sands shielded Egypt and Nubia from foreign
b. The Growth of the Communities and Trade Along the Nile
i. Living Along the Nile
1. The people of the delta built villages around the fertile river
2. They built their ______________ out of straw or out of
bricks made from a mix of mud and straw.
3. Nubia had a shortage of farmland along the Nile. They
added to their diet by _______________ in the Nile and
hunting ducks and ____________ along its banks.
ii. A Highway for Trade
1. The Nile was used to transport goods.
2. Ships could travel _____________ on the Nile because it
was moving downriver. But they could also sail upriver
with the help of the winds that blew toward the
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3. Caravans loaded with gold, silver, copper, and fine pottery
traveled the _____________________ trade routes.
iii. Routes Through Nubia
1. Because of the cataracts, people could not travel through
________________ by river. Instead, the Nubians
developed trade routes over land.
2. The Nubians became famous _____________ of the
ancient world.
3. They traded ebony wood, ivory from elephant tusks, ostrich
feathers and eggs, and panther skins.
The Rulers of Egypt
a. Egyptian Kingship
i. Hatshepsut made herself __________________, the title used by
the kings of Egypt. She took on all the responsibilities of pharaoh,
even wearing a false ____________ traditionally worn by
ii. From Dynasty to Dynasty
1. A _____________ is a series of rulers from the same
family or ethnic group.
2. Egypt had _______ dynasties from 3100 B.C. to 332 B.C.
3. They were divided into three major time periods.
a. The _____________Kingdom
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b. The ____________ Kingdom
c. The New Kingdom.
iii. Egypt is Unified
1. Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.
a. Built the city of Memphis.
b. The Unified Crown
i. Upper Egypt – ___________ Crown (color)
ii. Lower Egypt – ___________ Crown (color)
iv. All-Powerful Pharaohs
1. The pharaohs had _____________ ______________ or
complete control over the people.
2. Egyptians believed that their pharaohs were the earthy form
of ______________, the falcon god.
3. __________ was the sun god, which was also associated
with the god-kings.
b. The Three Kingdoms
i. The Old Kingdom
1. Pharaohs kept the peace and traded with Nubia.
2. Toward the end of the Old Kingdom, the provincial
governors began to _________________ the power of the
pharaohs’ government.
ii. The Middle Kingdom
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1. Early rulers restored order and ________________ the
2. Pharaohs spend the nation’s wealth on ______________
____________ instead of on wars.
iii. The New Kingdom
1. Began in __________ B.C.
2. Wanted to build an empire.
3. They created huge armies of foot soldiers, mounted
warriors, and ______________________.
4. King Tutankhamen became ruler of Egypt while he was
still a _____________. He died and was buried when he
was __________. His tomb was discovered in 1922.
c. Rule During the New Kingdom
i. A _______________ is someone who rules for a child until the
child is old enough to rule.
ii. The Pharaohs Queen
1. Hatshepsut’s reign was good for Egypt.
a. She encouraged trade with faraway places, sending
a famous expedition to the land of ___________ on
the east of Africa.
b. Hatshepsut refused to _____________ the throne to
Thutmose when he grew up.
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c. After her death, __________________ became
pharaoh and destroyed all of her statutes.
iii. Thutmose III Rules
1. Led armies against Syria and Phoenicia.
2. He treated his enemies with ________________.
iv. Ancient Egypt After the New Kingdom
1. Civil war left Egypt weak and poorly ______________.
2. In 332 B.C. Egypt fell to the famous conqueror
__________________________________ of Macedonia.
3. In 51 B.C., Queen _________________ VII became the
last Macedonian to rule Egypt.
4. Egypt became part of the Roman Empire in ______ B.C.
5. Cleopatra, not wanting to be a trophy of war, committed
Egyptian Religion
a. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife, a life after death.
b. Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
i. The Egyptians believed that their gods and goddesses controlled
the ____________________ of nature.
ii. Regional Differences
1. Gods were often shown with human bodies and animal
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Name: _________________________
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2. All Egyptians worshipped certain ______________ gods
such and the sun god Re and the falcon god, Horus.
iii. Important Gods
1. Amon-Re
a. _______________ god.
b. Protected rich and poor.
c. Born each ______________ in the east with the sun
and died each night when the sun set in the west.
2. Osiris – The god of the _____________ dead.
3. Isis – _________ to Osiris.
4. Horus – _________ to Osiris and Isis.
c. Belief in an Afterlife
i. Journey to the Afterlife
1. Believed that the spirits of the dead made their way to the
afterlife in heavenly ____________.
2. They believed that the souls of the dead could not
____________ without food, clothing and other items from
life; their possessions were buried with them.
ii. Preparing the Dead
1. A mummy is the preserved body of a dead person.
a. Believed a soul would leave the mummy but return
to it to receive _____________________________.
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b. The preserved appearance of the body allowed it to
be ______________________ by the person’s
c. Mummification
i. Expensive
ii. Took two to three months
iii. ________________ were removed and put
in to canopic jars.
iv. The body was filled with natural salt for 40
v. Once dry, the body was cleaned and bathed
in _______________.
vi. The body was then ________________ in
linen bandages.
d. Artisans prepared a _________________ or
sarcophagus for the mummy to be placed in.
i. Pharaohs actually had three or four coffins
nested one inside the other.
d. The Pharaohs’ Tombs
i. The Pyramids
1. The ____________________ were huge buildings with
four sloping triangle-shaped sides.
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2. The Great Pyramid was built for ____________ in the
ancient city of Giza.
ii. The Building Process
1. The Great Pyramid was made up of over 2 million stones.
The average weight of each stone was about
______________ pounds.
2. They could have taken over 20 years to build.
3. Started on the __________ bank of the Nile. The west was
thought to be the land of the dead.
4. The pyramids were laid out north, south, east, and west.
iii. Teamwork
1. Workers used ____________, wooden rollers, and levers to
set the stones in place.
Ancient Egyptian Culture
a. The Lives of the Egyptians
i. Social Classes
1. Historians turn to Egyptian _______ to learn about the
social classes of Ancient Egypt.
2. The society _________________ the pyramid.
a. At the top was the _____________.
b. Next was the small upper class.
i. Made up of _____________, the pharaoh’s
court, and nobles.
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c. Next was the middle class.
i. Made up of __________________ and
skilled workers.
d. The base was the peasant class.
i. Farmers and laborers.
ii. Slavery
1. Prisoners captured in _________ were made slaves.
2. They had rights.
a. The owned personal items and _________________
land from their masters.
b. They could also be set free.
iii. Lives of the Peasants
1. They could own land but most worked for
_________________ people.
2. The worked on roads, temples, and other building during
the _____________ season.
3. After the waters left, they would quickly plow the wet soil
and _____________ the seeds.
4. Harvest was the busiest season. They would work from
sunrise to _____________ gathering wheat or barley.
iv. Women of Egypt
1. They were looked on as _____________ models of Isis, the
wife of the god Osiris.
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2. They had __________ rights than men.
a. They could own property.
b. Run businesses
c. Enter into legal contracts.
3. Noble women held a special position in Egyptian society.
a. Some were in charge of ____________ and
religious rites.
b. Writing in Ancient Egypt
i. A New System of Writing
1. Ideas were written down in picture-like symbols called
ii. Writing Materials
1. __________________ was used as an early from of paper.
It was made from a reed found in the marshy areas of the
Nile delta.
iii. Unlocking a Mystery
1. The ________________ of Egypt’s hieroglyphs were lost
after the 400’s A.D.
2. In 1799, a soldier _________________ a fort near the Nile
found a large black stone with three type of writing on it.
a. The upper part had _____________________.
b. The middle part had an Egyptian script called
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Name: _________________________
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c. The lower part showed ________________ letters.
d. The stone was named the _________________
Stone, after the town near where it was found.
e. The three texts held the same meaning.
i. In the 1820’s, a young _____________
scholar named Jean Francois Champollion
finally figured it out.
c. Science and Medicine
i. Keeping Track of Time
1. The Nile appeared to rise at about the same time they could
see Sirius, the _______ Star, in the sky shortly before
2. _____________________ are scientists who study the stars
and other objects in the sky.
3. They found that the average time between appearances was
about __________ days. This became the length of the
ii. Mathematics
1. They could add, subtract, multiply and divide.
2. They could also use simple fractions.
iii. Medicine
1. Because of their work on mummies, the ancient Egyptians
knew a great deal about the body.
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2. By studying the body, they learned to perform
3. They could set broken _____________ and treat many
minor injuries.
4. They wrote their medical knowledge down on
_________________ that was later used by the Greeks and
The Cultures of Nubia
a. Nubia and Egypt
i. Land of the Bow
1. Egyptians called Nubia _______________, the “Land of
the Bow”
2. Nubians were skilled archers.
ii. Valuable Resources
1. Gold, copper, and iron ore.
2. _____________ is a mineral or a combination of minerals
mined for the production of metals.
3. Lower Nubia – the region between the first and second
4. Upper Nubia – The region between the second and sixth
Nile cataracts.
b. The Kerma Culture
i. Kushites came to power at a time when Egypt was weakening.
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ii. Their kingdom lasted from ____________ B.C. to 1500 B.C.
iii. Kerma’s Wealth
1. They made highly prized, ________________ pottery.
iv. Conflict with Egypt
1. Around 1500 B.C., Egypt began to recover its strength and
to reclaim control of the area.
c. Napata and Meroë
i. South of Kerma lay the Nubian cities of Napata and Meroë, in the
ancient land called _________________.
ii. The Capital of Napata
1. In the late 700’s B.C. the Kushites expanded their power
into Egypt again.
2. By 660 B.C. they were forced back into Nubia.
iii. The Capital of Meroë
1. After Moving south of Egypt’s reach, they founded a royal
court in the ancient city of Meroë.
2. The desert held lots of iron ore.
3. The Nubians of Meroë created their own system of
hieroglyphic _____________ which has yet to be
4. Meroë began to weaken in the 200’s A.D. and it fell to the
African kingdom of Axum.
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