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Price Tag for Donating Goods
Firstly, many thanks for your help towards a good cause!! Please follow the below
instructions so to help us better organise the goods for sale.
Special Notice to Goods Stall Masters:
Please make sure that all goods are provided with a price tag. If there is any missing
price tag, please produce one as appropriate. The 1010SC Management Desk will
have price tag labels. Many thanks.
Donating Goods – Donor’s instruction:
 Make sure that all goods are labelled with a price tag, as specified in this
document. A separate document is also provided with this instruction that
can be used to print 14 standard sized computer labels (99.1mm x
38.1mm) on an A4 sheet.
 Make sure that you get an owner’s ID from the fun fair management, esp. if
you want any of the goods back, if unsold. If you do not want any of your
donated goods back, you do not need an owner’s ID.
 Please bring the goods that you plan to donate one hour before the fun fair
starts, i.e. 1pm on Nov 15, so that we can arrange them accordingly and get
the venue ready to open at 2pm.
 If you want your goods back, if unsold, please arrange to pick up the unsold
goods after the event. Or, ask a friend to pick up the goods for you. Due to
limited man power and space, we regret that we can not store your goods for
you. All un-picked up goods will be given to a charity of our chosen. Many
apologies in advance for this inconvenience.
Price Tag for Goods for Sale:
 For each donated goods, please provides a guided price for sale and write it in
the price field.
 If you want the goods back, if unsold, please enter your “owner ID” in the
bracket provided following the wording “Retain” in the Status field, so that we
know it is your goods. Please also cross out the wording “to go”. Please also
make sure that you collect the goods after the fun fair, if you want them back.
 If you do not want the goods back, if unsold, please cross out the wording
“retain”. We will give your goods away to a charity of our chosen after the fun
 If your goods are valuable/new goods and would like to provide a market
price for it, please enter the market price in the field of “Market Price”. If you
want to take the goods back, if it does not reach a certain minimum price,
please also provide a minimum price in the field of “Min”; and also your
owner’s ID in the bracket of the “Status” field; and cross out “to go”. If you do
not want to take it back, please cross out the wording “Retain” – in this case,
you may or may not provide a minimum price.
Please make sure that you attach this price label to all of the goods that you
donated. For any goods that you did not provide a price tag, we will provide
one for you and assume that you do not want the goods back, if unsold.
Below is a standard price tag for each goods:
Retain (
to go
Some examples for labelling:
Example I: The price for sale is 20 pounds. If it is unsold, I want to take it back. My
owner ID is ten. The minimum price for sale is 5 pounds. If the minimum price is
not reached, I want to take it back. As this is not valuable/new goods, I am
therefore not providing a market price for it.
£ 20
Retain ( 10 )/
to go
Example II: The price for sale is 3 pounds; if unsold, I do NOT want it back. There is
no minimum price for sale, because I do not want it back anyway. This goods is also
not new or valuable, so there is no market price for it.
For Sale
Retain (
to go
Example III: I am selling valuable/new goods. The price for sale is 8 pounds; if
unsold, I want to take it back. My owner ID is 5. The minimum price for sale is 5
pounds. If the minimum price is not reached, I want to take it back. Market price
for this goods is 15-20 pounds.
£ 15-20
Retain ( 5 )/
to go
Carrier Bags: will you please help collect and bring clean spared shopping bags to the
event, so that we can re-use them to wrap up goods for sale. Please make sure that
they are folded neatly. Old cloth bags may be square-folded, old food shopping may
be tighten with a knot.
Many thanks for your help !!