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Who Was Put on Trial At Nuremburg
Martin Bormann: secretary to Hitler; indicted but not found by the time of the
trial; tried in absentia
Karl Dönitz: grand admiral; commander of the German U-boat fleet
Hans Frank: governor-general of Nazi-occupied Poland
Wilhelm Frick: Nazi minister of the interior
Hans Fritzsche: chief of radio operations in the Nazi propaganda ministry
Walther Funk: president of the Reichsbank
Hermann Göering: Reichsmarschall; chief of the Luftwaffe; Hitler’s second-incommand
Rudolf Hess: deputy führer; fled to Scotland in 1941; prior to that he was the
third-ranking Nazi
Alfred Jodl: colonel general; operations chief of the German armed forces
Ernst Kaltenbrunner: head of the Nazi division of security
Wilhelm Keitel: field marshal; chief of staff of the German armed force
Konstantin von Neurath: Nazi foreign minister before Joachim von Ribbentrop
Franz von Papen: German chancellor before Hitler; vice chancellor under Hitler
Erich Raeder: grand admiral; commander-in-chief of the German navy
Joachim von Ribbentrop: Nazi foreign minister
Alfred Rosenberg: Nazi minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories
Fritz Sauckel: head of the German conscript labor organization
Hjalmar Schacht: president of the Reichsbank prior to Walther Funk
Baldur von Schirach: head of the Hitler Youth
Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Nazi commissioner of occupied Holland
Albert Speer: Reich minister for armaments and war production
Julius Streicher: publisher of Der Stürmer
What Were the Indictments? (What were their crimes?)
First Count: Conspiracy
The defendant is accused of taking part in a conspiracy to commit crimes.
Second Count: Crimes against Peace
The defendant is accused of planning and waging wars of aggression in violation
of international treaties.
Third Count: War Crimes
The defendant is accused of committing crimes during the conduct of war, such as
the destruction of towns not justified by military necessity.
Fourth Count: Crimes against Humanity
The defendant is accused of committing crimes in violation of fundamental
human rights, including extermination, enslavement, and deportation of people on
political, racial, and religious grounds.
The Verdicts
Sentenced to Death by Hanging
Martin Bormann:
Hans Frank:
Wilhelm Frick:
Hermann Göering:
Alfred Jodl:
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
Wilhelm Keitel:
Joachim von Ribbentrop:
Alfred Rosenberg:
Fritz Sauckel:
Arthur Seyss-Inquart:
Julius Streicher:
Sentenced to Life in Prison
Walther Funk:
Rudolf Hess:
Erich Raeder:
Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison
Albert Speer:
Baldur von Schirach:
Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison
Konstantin von Neurath:
Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison
Karl Dönitz:
Hans Fritzsche
Franz von Papen
Hjalmar Schacht