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Judaism Study Guide
Quiz on Wednesday, 10/24
The story of Abraham, his covenant with God, and the birth of his two children:
 Who is Hagar? Why did Sarah allow Abraham to have a child with her? What is
the significance of their son, Ishmael, for Muslims?
 What is the significance of Sarah and Abraham’s son, Isaac, for Jews and
 Where is Canaan on today’s map?
 According to Judaism, who are God’s “chosen people”?
 Before Abraham’s covenant, people worshipped many Gods. Judaism was
supposedly the first monotheistic religion – know what this means.
Story of Exodus, including Pharaoh enslaving Israelites, Moses being saved and later
spoken to by God through the burning bush, and the Ten Plagues.
 What is Passover and how does it relate to Exodus?
 What do “Moses” and “Exodus” mean?
 10 Commandments – how did they come to be? Location that Moses received
these? Although the Ten Commandments are the most famous, how many are
there in total? Be able to discuss what happened with Jews breaking the 2nd
commandment by worshiping a golden calf (idolatry).
 How is Yom Kippur related to the golden calf incident on Mt. Sinai?
o What is idolatry?
Class notes
 When did Judaism begin (when did Abraham make the covenant with God)?
 Why are there only 14 million Jewish followers? How does that number compare
with other religions?
 What is a Rabbi? What is a Cantor?
 What are differences between Orthodox and Reform Jews?
 Kosher Laws - no pork, shellfish, no diary + meat together, and meat must be
killed in a certain way
 Jewish Objects of Importance: yarmulke, Star of David, Mezuzah, shofar
 Holidays:
o Shabbat – Seders happen every Friday at sundown, officially beginning
the Sabbath (Saturday). They are special dinners with the family where
they light candles, read from the Torah, wear Yarmulkes, eat kosher food
and celebrate. The Jewish Sabbath begins on Friday at sundown and
ends on Saturday at sundown.
o Rosh Hashanah – what is the Shofar? What is the significance of the
New Year for Jews? What happens in the 10 days between Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
o Yom Kippur (why is it a day of atonement? What “graven” mistake did
the Jewish people make that God forgave?)
o Passover - what is Passover and how does it relate to Exodus? Why don’t
Jews eat leavened bread during the week leading up to Passover?
o Chanukah – commemorates the Maccabean revolt around 200BCE.
What do the eight days of light commemorate?
Hebrew Bible
 What are the three sections of the Hebrew Bible?
 What is the difference between the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible?
More on back 
In what language was the Hebrew Bible written?
Bible notation
o Be able to translate something like “The first section of the Old
Testament, the book of Exodus, chapter 2 verse 18 through chapter 3
verse 5” into bible notation
o Be able to write out how you would read bible notation like Prophets,
Joshua 2:1-2:18
Bible Stories - be familiar with all ten Bible Stories we read in class. They are
available to download off our class website:
 What does Antisemitism mean?
 Be able to explain three examples of how Jews were persecuted throughout
 After the Holocaust, the nation of Israel was created in 1948 as a “safe home” for