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Scientific and Technological Developments
Science and Technology in the 16th Century
A. 15th Century
1. Printing press invented by Johannes Gutenburg
a) Allowed for mass production of books, newspapers, and other reading
B. 16th Century
1. Copernican Revolution (1543) - Copernicus states that the Earth is not center
of universe and that planets revolve around sun
2. Weapons
a) Guns
(1) Slow match
(2) Wheel lock
(3) Increase in handguns
b) Bow and Arrow
(1) Phased out during 16th century
3. Surgery
a) Leonardo de Vinci
(1) Advanced surgery
(2) Made accurate drawings of human body
b) Andreas Vesalius
c) Ambroise Pare
4. Thermometer
a) Invented by Galilei
5. Microscope
a) Zacharias Janssen
6. Flushing toilet
a) Sir John Harrington
b) Failed to catch on at first
II. 17th Century
A. Scientists began to get recognition
B. Telescope
1. 1608 - Hans Lippershey
2. Profound impact on astrology
C. Adding machine
1. Robert Hooke - 1660
D. Guns
1. Wheel lock replaced with flintlock
2. Cartridge invented
3. Bayonet
Scientific and Technological Developments
4. Grenades
E. Measurements
1. Inventions lead to more accurate readings
a) Micrometer
(1) William Gasoigne
b) Pendulum clock
(1) Christiaan Huygens
F. Steam engine
1. Thomas Savery - 1698
III. The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution
A. Started new way of thinking about natural world
B. Direct result of philosophical enquiry into the ways which science should be
approached. (Scientific method - Descartes & Bacon)
a) Jahannes Kepler
(1) Used Tycho Brahe’s data to write Three Laws of Planetary Motion
(a) Planets orbits are elliptical instead of circular
b) Galileo Galilei
(1) Proved the Copernican Theory of the Universe
(2) Went against the Church
(3) Forced to live rest of life under house arrest
c) Isaac Newton
(1) Principia Mathematica
(a) Law of Gravity
d) Robert Boyle
(1) Challenged Aristotle’s earth wind, fire, water
(2) Matter made of smaller particles
(3) Boyle’s law
e) Edward Jenner
(1) Smallpox vaccine
IV. 18th Century
A. Machines started to replace humans at factories
1. Flying Shuttle
a) John Kay
b) Enabled weavers to weave faster
2. Spinning Jenny
a) James Hargreaves
b) Hand powered multiple spinning machine
3. Steam Engine
a) James Watt invents improved steam engine
Scientific and Technological Developments
4. Steam Boat
a) John Fitch
5. Guillotine
a) New ‘humane’ way on killing someone
b) Very popular during French Revolution
V. Industrial Revolution
A. Pre-industrial revolution
1. People worked for themselves
2. Made money off the cottage industry
3. Lived on small farms and in small towns
B. Agriculture
1. Crop rotation
a) Charles Townsend
b) Different crops were grown on a piece of land to replace nutrients lost by
other plants
2. Seed Drill
a) Jethro Tull
b) Increased crop yields
C. Britain lead the way in industrialization
1. Large population
2. Many natural resources
3. Good economy & political stability
4. Banking system
D. Textile Industry
1. Started in Britain
2. Produced wool, linen, and cotton
3. Inventions improved production of texties
a) Cotton gin
b) Spinning jenny
c) Power loom
d) Spinning wheel
e) Water frame
E. Transportation
a) Steam engines lead to boats and railroads
b) Rocks were put on road to help with drainage problems
c) Turnpikes were created
2. Railroads
a) Steam powered train
(1) Richard Trevithick
Scientific and Technological Developments
b) Liverpool-Manchester Railway
(1) Used ‘The Rocket’
(a) George Stephenson
(b) Immediate success
c) Revolutionize Europe
(1) Cheaper to transport goods
(2) Created many jobs
(3) You could now ship to farther cities
VI. 19th Century
A. Public Health Movement
1. Miasmatic Theory
a) Bad smells in the air caused you to get sick
2. Louis Pasteur
a) Pasteurization
3. Robert Koch
a) Germs
4. Lister
a) Antiseptic principle
b) Kills germs
5. Edwin Chadwick
a) Disease and death cause poverty
b) Filth comes from a lack of drainage
(1) Lead to the reorganization of paris and better drainage and running
water in towns and cities
B. Inventions
1. Electricity
2. Telegraph
a) First form of ‘instant communication’
3. Telephone
a) Graham Bell
4. First cars were produced
a) Karl Benz & Gottlieb Daimler
5. Electric bulb
a) Joseph Swan - 1878
6. Anesthetics
a) Improved surgery
7. X-rays
a) Roentgen
8. Steam driven printing press
Scientific and Technological Developments
9. Machine guns
a) Richard Gatling
10. TNT & Dynamite
11. Radio
a) Popular form of entertainment
VII. 20th century
A. Medicine
1. Penicillin
a) Alexander Fleming
2. Pacemakers
3. Heart transplants
4. Contraceptive pills went on sale in Britain in 1961
B. Air travel
1. Collapsed economy, killed thousands, created new boarders
a) Mass production of weapons and vehicles
b) Trench warfare
(1) Machine guns
(2) Grenades
(3) Artillery shells
c) Poison gas
(1) Germany had most advances chemical industry
(2) Chlorine, Mustard, Phosgene gases
d) Tanks & navel warfare
e) Flame throwers
f) Barbed wire
D. Space travel
1. Sputnik - 1957
E. Computers
1. Age of Anxiety
a) Physics
(1) Much more complicated
(2) Atoms
b) Architecture
(1) Functionalism
(2) Steel and concrete
c) Movies and Radio
(1) Created an ‘escape from current times’
(2) Culture for the masses
Scientific and Technological Developments
F. Big Science
1. Solve big problems, cost big money, not demobilized after war
2. 4 times as many scientists
3. After WWII, science becomes very specialized field
4. Work as a team
5. Growth of bureaucracy
6. Very competitive
1. Fighter planes & bombers
2. Atomic bomb
3. Radar and Sonar
H. European steel and coal community
1. Based on the principles of super nationalism
2. Prevent future wars between France and Germany
3. Integrated steel and coal communities of France, West Germany, Italy,
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg
4. It initially removed barriers to trade coal, coke, steel, pig iron, and scrap iron