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1 - O Jesus most desired Hymn 543 (alt tune)
1 I give my heart to Thee,
O Jesus most desired;
And heart for heart the gift shall be,
For Thou my heart hast fired.
2 Thou hearts alone wouldst move,
Thou only hearts dost love;
I would love Thee as Thou lov’st me,
O Jesus most desired.
3 What off’ring can I make,
Dear Lord, to love like Thine;
That Thou, the Word, didst stoop to take
A human form like mine?
4 “Give Me thy heart, my son“:
Lord, Thou my heart hast won;
I would love Thee as Thou lov’st me,
O Jesus most desired.
5 Thy heart is opened wide,
Its offered love most free,
That heart to heart I may abide,
And hide myself in Thee.
6 Ah, how Thy love doth burn,
Till I that love return!
I would love Thee as Thou lov’st me,
O Jesus most desired.
7 Here finds my heart its rest,
Repose that knows no shock,
The strength of love that keeps it blest
In Thee, the riven Rock.
8 My heart, as girt around,
Her citadel hath found;
I would love Thee as Thou lov’st me,
O Jesus most desired.
2 - We have a most glorious King – Hymn 904
1 We have a most glorious King;
The heavens, He says, are His throne;
All worlds are His mighty domain,
All kingdoms His scepter shall own.
He dwells with His people below,
He loves in their trials to share;
We dwell with the King for His work,
His burden we willingly bear.
2 I’m dwelling with Jesus my King;
I’ve found where He dwells with His own;
I’ve opened the door of my heart;
He’s made it His temple and throne.
Like Mary I sit at His feet,
Like John I recline on His breast;
His presence is fulness of joy,
His bosom is infinite rest.
3 I dwell with the King for His work,
I’ve part in His glorious plan
To bring in His kingdom to earth
And tell His salvation to man.
The world has its work and rewards,
I count them but folly and loss;
My business is only His work,
My message is only His cross.
4 I dwell with the King for His work,
The work, it is His and not mine;
He plans and prepares it for me
And fills me with power divine.
So duty is changed to delight,
And prayer into praise as I sing;
I dwell with my King for His work
And work in the strength of my King.
5 We’ll dwell with the King for His work
And work thru each day of the year.
Perhaps ere it passes, the King
In glory Himself shall appear.
Oh, then in some closer embrace,
Oh, then in some nobler employ
We’ll dwell with the King for His work
In endless, ineffable joy!
3 - I love my master
1 I love my Master, and I will not go out free.
For He has died for me, the highest price He has paid for me.
I love my Master, I will serve Him willingly.
Remaining near, and close to Him this my plea.
I love You Master, from You I will never leave.
You are my liberty, and my joy complete.
I love my Master, and I will not go out free.
To Him I give my all, my life eternally!
2 Oh Jesus, Master, to the door post now bring me.
Open my ears to hear, Your voice and all You say to me.
Oh Jesus, Master, I will obey willingly.
To love and serve Him all my life, this my plea!
4 - Abiding in the vine – Hymn 1162
1 We’ve found the secret of living,
We’ve seen the vision divine:
We are of God in Christ Jesus,
We’re abiding, abiding in the vine.
Abiding in the vine,
Abiding in the vine,
All the riches of God’s life are mine!
Praise God, He put us here,
Never to leave; oh, we’re—
Abiding, abiding in the vine.
2 No more in vain need we struggle,
Trying the way in to find.
Praise God—we’re in Him already,
Hallelujah, abiding in the vine.
3 In us, the ointment is moving,
’Tis the anointing divine;
God’s precious essence bestowing,
While abiding, abiding in the vine.
4 Now in the life-flow we’re living,
O how the light in us shines!
Both God and man are at home now
By the mutual abiding in the vine.
5 - My heart longs for absolute surrender
1 My heart longs for absolute surrender
That I’d wholly consecrated be,
Not in word alone but all my being
Would be fully given unto Thee.
2 There is little willingness within me
To place all I am before Thy feet,
So I lay my hands on Thy dear head, Lord
As the burnt off’ring, perfect, complete.
3 Lord, You are the only One who offered
Yourself without reluctance unto God;
Full obedience to the Father given,
Absolute, You sacrificed Your all.
4 As this One, You’re dwelling in my spirit;
Moving, spreading outward day by day.
There’s a whisper of Amen within me
In response to all that You would say.
5 I say Yes and give You full permission
To touch every corner of my heart;
Break through all the barriers in my being;
Do not let me withhold any part.
6 ’Tis my joy to give You all the ground, Lord;
Make my heart a dwelling place for You;
I want You to be at home within me;
Come and settle down in every room.
7 Lord, do cleanse my heart from all self-seeking
That I’d truly want nothing but Thee;
Let my soul be occupied, possessed, Lord,
That You would be magnified in me.
6 - Mans’ creator has a purpose – Hymn 1299 (Alt. tune)
1 Man’s Creator has a purpose
For our being here on earth.
In His image we’re created,
To express His rule on earth.
But man fell to Satan’s tempting;
Thus God’s goal was hid from view.
Still our God will have His kingdom,
For His Son will see it through.
2 Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
Notwithstanding Satan’s plans;
He’s obtaining something real by
Growing in the hearts of man.
Nothing like religion teaches:
“You must wait until you die”—
For the kingdom Christ is building,
Is on earth before our eyes.
3 His Son, Jesus, is our Savior.
Once in human form He came.
Now as Spirit He can enter
As the breath of life to man.
As a seed within our spirit
Christ takes root and starts to grow,
Spreading in our inmost being
Till His life we come to know.
4 Time is short, oh, brothers, hear it,
Christ is longing for His Bride.
We can hasten His returning
Simply by the growth in life.
No more struggling, no more striving,
Simply turn to Christ within.
See the seed begin to blossom.
Growing fully into Him.
5 Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
Just by growth—the normal way.
Not an instant transformation;
Growth goes on from day to day.
This life-seed is all-inclusive—
Everything we’ll ever need;
Yes, our God’s eternal purpose
Is within this precious seed.
7 - These are they, who follow the Lamb
And I saw,
And behold,
The Lamb standing
On Mount Zion,
With a hundred and forty-four thousand,
Having His name
And the name
Of His Father
Of His Father
Written on their foreheads.
These are they
Who are undefiled,
These are they
Without guile.
These are they who follow the Lamb.
These are they
Who were purchased
From among men,
Firstfruits to God.
These are they who follow the Lamb, who follow the
Flowing forth from eternity, from the heavens above,
Seeking and saving, He journeyed in love.
The first overcomer, the course He has set
By His life through the cross we may trace the lampstand.
Those who follow, follow the Lamb,
Live and walk in the mingled spirit
And are thus led, led by the Spirit
Continually, continually in their daily life.
8 - Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
1 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness;
And all these things shall be added unto you.
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
2 Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
Seek, and you shall find.
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
3 Man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word
That proceeds out from the mouth of God.
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
9 - Waters to swim in
1 Waters to swim in will meet our every need,
Water is flowing and never to recede;
Limited, restricted by living, flowing grace,
Losing all our freedom, our soul-life is replaced.
Drink the living water, (Sisters)
Rivers flowing free! (Brothers)
Water! Living waters! (Sisters)
Have Your way in me! (Brothers)
Daily increasing the growth of life in me,
For His glorious building and His recovery!
2 Waters to swim in are flowing toward the east,
Water is flowing to glory that we seek;
Having the preeminence in life and work and home,
The church life is a life-flow from which we never roam.
3 Waters to swim in, increasing stage by stage,
Flowing and rising to consummate the age;
Judging and testing that we more life possess,
Until the living Jesus, His name all men confess.
Drink the living water (Sisters)
Rivers flowing free! (Brothers)
Water! Living waters! (Sisters)
Have Your way in me! (Brothers)
Daily increasing the growth of life in me,
For His glorious building and His recovery!
10 - Christ is everything for God’s building – Banner Song
Christ is ev’rything for God’s building,
And as the engraved stone with seven eyes,
The top stone of grace.
He is now transfusing what He is
And what He has accomplished (Repeat)
Into our being.
He is now transfusing what He is
And what He has accomplished (Repeat)
Into our being.
So that, by becoming the same as He is
In life and nature
But not in the Godhead,
We may be His reproduction
For the building
Of the temple of God.
11 - We have the prophetic Word – 2 Peter 1:19
And we have the prophetic word
Made more firm, to which you do well
To give heed as to a lamp
Shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns
And the morning star
Rises in your hearts.
12 - Make me wholly Thine
1 Sometimes it seems that
I have no room in my heart for You.
But then You touch me
And soften me to turn to You.
Recover my heart,
Rekindle my love for You.
Fill me with love
Eternally, ever new.
Make me wholly Thine.
2 Lord, I long to
Empty myself of all but You;
Give You my best love,
Preeminence in all I do.
3 I want to love You
With all my heart and all my soul.
I want no other,
I give myself to be Yours alone.