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Lancashire County Council
CAF Project
Initiation Document
I. Document History
Change history
Susana Carvalho
First working draft
May 2007
II. References
III. Document Reviewers
Sally Riley
May 2007
Geoff Hiscox
May 2007
IV. Document Approvals
ISA Steering Group
June 2007
Doc. Ref.
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Version: 1.0
Issue Date:
DOCUMENT PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................... 3
INTENDED AUDIENCE ...................................................................................... 3
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 3
PROJECT DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 4
OUTCOMES .................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND EXCLUSIONS .............................................. 4
2.2.1 Objectives................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2 Scope and Exclusions .............................................................................. 5
PROJECT APPROACH ...................................................................................... 5
PROJECT DELIVERABLES................................................................................. 5
PROJECT ORGANISATION ................................................................................ 6
2.5.1 ISA Lead................................................................................................... 6
2.5.2 CAF/LP Project Lead/Visionary ................................................................ 6
2.5.3 CAF Project Manager ............................................................................... 6
2.5.4 Steering Group ......................................................................................... 6
2.5.5 Other Project Groups ............................................................................... 7
2.5.6 Other Local Roles ..................................................................................... 8
PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONTROLS ................................................................ 8
2.6.1 Project Initiation Document (PID) ............................................................. 8
2.6.2 Steering Group Meetings.......................................................................... 8
2.6.3 Risk & Issue Management........................................................................ 8
2.6.4 Reporting .................................................................................................. 8
PROJECT PLAN .............................................................................................. 9
BUDGET......................................................................................................... 9
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CAF Project Initiation Document
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Version: 1.0.2, Status: Enter
Status e.g. Working
Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)
Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the Lancashire County Council Common
Assessment Framework (CAF), and Lead Professional (LP) Project.
CAF and Lead Professional are two interdependent elements of the Every Child
matters: Change for Children Programme for the delivery of integrated processes
and services.
This document clarifies the objectives, deliverables, scope, constraints, risks and
organisational structure. It will form the basis for the management of the project and
the assessment of overall success.
Intended Audience
The Project Initiation Document (PID) is intended to provide the Project Manager,
ISA Steering Group and CYPSP IPAD Group with a baseline of the Common
Assessment Framework (CAF) and Lead Professional (LP) Project with planned
activities to achieve the stated objectives.
In the Every Child Matters documents, the Government set out its vision for
improved outcomes for children and young people. The Children Act 2004 gained
royal assent in November 2004 and sets out the legislative framework to enable the
changes required to support the delivery of the vision.
A fundamental part of the vision is a move towards more integrated, multi-agency
ways of working which overcome professional boundaries and barriers that currently
exist within the Children’s Services. The Common Assessment Framework and Lead
Professional are contributing elements to the delivery of integrated front line
services, as outlined in the statutory guidance supporting section 10 (inter-agency
co- operation) and section 11 (safeguarding and promote the welfare) of the Children
Act 2004.
The CAF/LP Project is one of the activities to be delivered under the Every Child
Matters- Programme for Change in Lancashire and will support the Vision of the
Lancashire Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership:
“Together, we will provide excellent services where people live and which are
tailored to local priorities. We will stand up for Lancashire’s children, young
people and their families, listen to what they say is important, and take
appropriate action. We will let everyone know what we are doing to improve
outcomes for our children and young people.”
This work of the CAF/Lead Professional Project is guided by the following guidelines
and policy:
 Children Act 2004 and accompanying guidance
 Every Child Matters Change for Children
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Every Child Matters: Change for Children guidance on Information Sharing,
CAF, Lead Professional
Key CAF/eCAF project documentation produced by the Dfes
Project Definition
CAF and Lead Practitioner
Reduction in the Number of Assessments for a child / young person
Duplicated service provision to children / young people and families is
A single early assessment is performed
Improved multi-agency communication and information exchange
More effective intervention, reflecting greater knowledge of circumstances
Improved quality and efficiency of referrals
Earlier identification and intervention
Reduction in number of children / young people progressing to specialist
All children in need with integrated support plans have an identified Lead
Improved administration of the CAF process through technology
Quicker identification of children with CAF/assessments
Project Objectives, Scope and Exclusions
2.2.1 Objectives
Implement CAF and Lead Professional as tools/processes for integrated
delivery of services across all partner agencies by the end of 2008.
Design and develop principles, polices and operational processes
to operate CAF across Lancashire
Promote the roll out of CAF and Lead Professional across all
partner agencies by ensuring training and support is available
Identify benefits and develop, in line with national guidance and
local ICT strategy, an eCAF solution for implementation of CAF in
Ensure implementation is monitored and quality assured
Ensure that CAF processes are embedded within the range of
agencies delivering children and young people’s services across
the county and that the benefits of the CAF and Lead Professional
can be fully realised.
Develop long term strategies for the sustainability of CAF and Lead
Ensure the engagement of all stakeholders in the development of
the CAF and Lead Professional
Contribute to the meeting of the overall implementation of
Lancashire’s ISA strategy.
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Status e.g. Working
Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)
2.2.2 Scope and Exclusions
Project Scope
Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
Introduce and embed CAF as a shared assessment tool for use by all practitioners
across all services in Lancashire. CAF process will help all practitioners to assess
children’s needs earlier and more effectively, develop a common understand of
those needs and agree a process for working together to meet those needs. CAF
may identify and inform the need for specialist assessments.
Lead Practitioner
To develop processes to introduce and integrate the role of Lead Practitioner as part
of the normal working processes associated with providing services to children /
young people. The Lead Practitioner is appointed where a child or young person
has identified needs for integrated support. The Lead Practitioner has knowledge of
all involved practitioners, assessments that have been performed and any support
plans that are in place and act as a single point of contact for practitioners and
The implementation of CAF and Lead Professional will include activities in the
following key areas:
Business process/operational procedures
Stakeholders engagement and communication
Training and support
Benefit Management
Change management to ensure CAF/Lead Professional are embedded as
part of integrated delivery of services
What’s out of scope
Interdependencies have been established with the projects/areas of work outlined
below but they not constitute the main business for the CAF/LP Project.
Information Sharing Guidance
Budget Holding Lead Professional
Project Approach
The project will be managed in accordance with project management principles
agreed by the ISA Steering Group in line with Lancashire’s existing ECM project
management standards.
Project Deliverables
The following products will be produced as part of the project:
 Project Initiation Document
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Project Plan
Risk and issue log
Monthly highlight reports
Model of children in Need and multi-agency procedures- operational
Lancashire CAF guidance
Stakeholder map (s)
Communication Plan
Training Plan
Benefits realisation strategy/plan
Project Organisation
2.5.1 ISA Lead
The Lancashire ISA Lead is Geoff Hiscox responsible for:
 The delivery of the ECM ISA agenda across Lancashire
 Delivery of the ISA agenda within the overall Lancashire ECM agenda
 Chairs ISA Steering Group- decision-making for CAF/LP Project
2.5.2 CAF/LP Project Lead/Visionary
The Project Lead is Sally Riley.
The Project Lead promotes CAF/LP as part of the Integrated Processes and is a
member of the Steering Group. The Lead is directly responsible for the line
management of the CAF/LP Project Manager.
2.5.3 CAF Project Manager
The Lancashire CAF Project Manager is Susana Carvalho who is responsible for:
 Implementation of the CAF/LP Project
 The delivery of CAF and Lead Professional agenda under the direction of
the ISA Steering Group, Sponsor, Lead and National guidance
2.5.4 Steering Group Membership
The project will have a Steering Group comprising the following membership:
 Directorate for Children and Young People
 Children’s Integrated Services Group
 Education Standards and Inclusion Group
 Strategy and Resources Group
 Health Services
 Provider
 Commissioner
 Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector
 Lancashire Constabulary
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Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)
Project managers for each ISA strand also attend the Steering Group:
CAF Project Manager
ContactPoint Project Manager
Children’s Service Directory Project Manager Terms of Reference
The Steering Group will convene to:
 Approve key deliverables, e.g. plans
 Commit resources and delegate authority to the Project Manager
 Resolve resource and other conflicts
 Own risks / issues that the Project Manager cannot deal with / are beyond
their delegated responsibility
 Consider modifications/review changes in scope
 Co-ordinate the implementation of the ISA project in Lancashire
 Co-ordinate the activities of working and task and finish groups associated
with the implementation of ISA in Lancashire
ISA Steering group is the main decision making authority for the duration of the
Project. Issues that can not be solved by the Steering Group will be escalated to
IPAD and CYP Executive.
IPAD is an advisory body to ISA and endorses activity/promote its implementation.
CYP Executive takes decisions as determined by the Lancashire’s CYPSP under an
agreed scheme of delegation. The CYP Executive monitors the progress with the
Programme for Change.
CYP Executive (strategic) and Programme Management Change Team (operational)
will address dependencies and monitor the overarching Programme for Change.
2.5.5 Other Project Groups
ISA Project Team
Support design and implementation
Key members partner
organisations with
role/responsibility for
CAF/Integrated working
Technology subgroup
Support technical implementation of
integrated processes
Key ICT people in partner
Ensure delivery of key messages
consistently across partner agencies
Support the development and embed
policies and procedures required for
integrated working
Key communications people
in partner organisations
HR staff from across partner
organisations, member of
Bichard group, Data
Sharing officers/caldicott
Polices and
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Status e.g. Working
Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)
Training and
Incorporate ISA training onto agencies
training plans and
induction/development for children’s
workforce staff
HR, Training and
development staff from
partner agencies/members of
the workforce reform
Support group for practitioners involved
in the ISA implementation
2.5.6 Other Local Roles
The Lancashire ContactPoint Implementation Manager responsible for the
Implementation of the ContactPoint project. Technical experience of the Project
Manager in post will allow support to the CAF Project Manager in the development of
an eCAF solution.
Identified CAF co-ordinators in partner agencies, e.g. East Lancs PCT CAF coordinator who is responsible to ensure the implementation of CAF in PCT.
Project Management Controls
The project will utilise project management controls, as required, including:
2.6.1 Project Initiation Document (PID)
The PID will be the first deliverable for the project and will:
 Define the local implementation project
 Act as a baseline document against which the Steering Group can assess
2.6.2 Steering Group Meetings
The Steering Group will meet monthly to discuss project progress, issues and risks
other project matters as agreed in the Terms of Reference.
2.6.3 Risk & Issue Management
Risk and issue log to be developed and will be monitored and reported upon by the
Project Manager monthly to ISA Steering Group.
2.6.4 Reporting
A highlight report will be produced monthly for the ISA Steering Group covering
project plan activities and risks and issues.
Project reports of activity will also be produced as required/requested by the ISA
Steering Group.
All Project products are reported and approved by ISA Steering Group according to
Project Plan.
Quarterly Highlight Report to the CYPSP Reference Group (IPAD) – summary of
activities/projected activities. Other reports as required by IPAD or as escalated by
ISA Steering Group.
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Status e.g. Working
Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)
Project Plan
The Lancashire CAF Project Plan will be approved by the ISA Steering Group and
reported on a monthly basis by the Project Manager.
An outline budget has yet to be agreed for the Project but will identify the following:
Projected and actual expenditure
Any shortfalls for which funding streams may need to be identified
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CAF Project Initiation Document
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Version: 1.0.2, Status: Enter
Status e.g. Working
Issue Date: Enter Issue (not print)