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Cardiovascular Health And Cholesterol Fairy Tales
By Lita Lee, Ph.D.
What Is Cholesterol?
“The steroid molecule might be the most common carbon compound in the universe. It is made by single
celled organisms, by plants, and by animals and has many kinds of functions...Sometimes people speak of
steroids when they mean glucocorticoids such as cortisone ... or, among athletes, when they mean
anabolic steroids ... so it is common to associate steroid with harmful side effects. All foods contain
steroids and sterols (a major type, containing an alcohol group and a side-chain) some of which are
beneficial and some of which are toxic or allergenic...” (Peat, Ray, Generative Energy: Protecting and
Restoring the Wholeness of Life).
In humans and animals, cholesterol is the basic sterol molecule, which is converted into other substances,
including the steroid hormones. Cholesterol is a product of animal and human metabolism and is
manufactured by both. Major cholesterol-producing areas in the body include the liver, adrenal cortex,
skin, intestines, and aorta. In the skin, one form of cholesterol is converted to vitamin D in the sunlight.
Other forms of cholesterol are converted to steroids, hormones, and cell membrane components.
The human body is capable of manufacturing all the cholesterol it needs--about 1.5 grams daily -- if the
diet is healthy. Since cholesterol is vital for life processes, the body has a protective feedback mechanism
in which endogenous cholesterol (that is, cholesterol manufactured by the body) increases as dietary
cholesterol decreases. That's why dietary restriction of cholesterol only reduces the serum levels by 15
percent at best.
Cholesterol doesn’t travel alone in the blood but is carried by protein, creating a product called
lipoprotein. There are mainly two lipoproteins, HDL and LDL cholesterol. HDL carries more protein
and less cholesterol than LDL. Researchers propose that HDL is a scavenger of cholesterol whereas
LDL carries cholesterol to the tissue, including arterial walls, where it may be deposited. That’s why
HDL is considered the good guy and LDL the bad guy. Does this sound right to you? Why would nature
create killer LDL’s? In fact, LDL is the way cholesterol is transported to steroidgenic tissues, such as the
adrenal cortex and corpus luteum, a journey which leads to the production of the anti-aging steroid,
pregnenolone, the precursor of progesterone and DHEA. These steroids are called anti-aging because
they are required to prevent chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, senility
and so on. Readers interested in LDL as precursors to protective steroids should read a 1992 article in the
Journal of Lipid Research by Liscum and Dahl.
If you have high cholesterol, why not convert it to these anti-aging steroids with a good thyroid glandular
-- a food -- instead of lowering it with anti-cholesterol drugs such as Mevacor?
Does cholesterol cause heart disease?
In general, your cholesterol level -- whether high or low -- will not be a factor in heart disease or other
diseases if your thyroid functions properly and if your diet is healthy. By healthy I mean avoiding thyroid
toxins, choosing foods that stimulate thyroid function and avoiding excess cholesterol-lowering foods
(mainly excess starches). This is discussed in detail below.
I like to see the total cholesterol level of between 160 to 230 (mg/dl) plus adequate thyroid function and a
good diet. Then I know that there will be enough LDL cholesterol to make the anti-aging steroids. This
is not just a guess. Research reported by Dugsdale in Australia and Renfrew and Paisley in Scotland
show that at cholesterol levels of less than 140, people have increased deaths from cancer and leukemia,
whereas at cholesterol levels of greater than 250 and especially around 300, there are increased deaths
from heart disease. There are environmental, hormonal and dietary reasons for this, as we shall see in the
discussion below.
Although only 10 percent of our cholesterol is in our blood and the balance is in our tissues, the focus has
been on blood levels of cholesterol. In her April 1990 Townsend Newsletter article entitled Cholesterol
Mania," Rosetta Shuman says, Cholesterol, from having been merely vilified 30 years ago, has become
the sole indicator of one’s lifeline. She describes many natural foods diets that show no correlation
between dietary cholesterol and heart disease.
Other studies, including the famed 1950’s Framingham Study, showed that 50 percent of people who die
of heart disease do not have high cholesterol. Researchers in the study could find no relationship between
dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol. Regardless of the cholesterol intake, cholesterol levels varied
from low to moderate to high. In addition, this study showed the relationship of low LDL to cancer. As
cancer progresses, LDL decreases and the total cholesterol level falls.
Many peoples of the world with high-cholesterol diets still have a low incidence of heart disease. These
include the Eskimos, the Masai of Africa, the Bedouins of Saudi Arabia and the Yemenites of the Middle
East. For example, the Somalis and Samburus tribes of East Africa are nearly free of atherosclerosis and
heart attacks. Yet their typical diet is 60 to 65 percent fat. And a group of camel herdsmen were found to
drink an average of five quarts of raw, high-fat camel milk daily. The highest observed serum cholesterol
level was 153. (Challem, J. and Lewin, R., Let’s Live, March 1989)
How to have a healthy cholesterol level
Avoid unhealthy causes of high cholesterol
These include the following:
All causes of hypothyroidism. All thyroid toxins and inhibitors can cause increased cholesterol
because the body cannot convert it to the anti-aging steroids. Thyroid inhibitors and toxins
include: foods such as excess poly-unsaturated fats, RAW cruciferous vegetables (broccoli,
cauliflower and cabbage), excess estrogens (birth control pills, herbal estrogens such as black
cohosh and pesticides which are estrogenic), fluoride and the mercury in silver amalgam fillings.
Obesity causes a tendency towards increased cholesterol and triglycerides because it interferes
with the normal assimilation of fats.
Stress increases cholesterol, probably nature’s way of increasing the pathways to the stress
hormones, such as cortisol.
Synthetic fats (margarine) produced from the hydrogenation of vegetable oils increases
Low-fiber diets promote high cholesterol. It is far better to get your fiber from foods than from
supplements. Water-soluble fiber, common in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, bind
intestinal cholesterol and inhibit its intestinal reabsorption.
Food enzyme deficient diets lead to increased cholesterol and triglycerides. The need for lipase,
the fat-digesting enzyme, is obvious.
Nutrient deficiencies associated with high cholesterol include vitamin C, the B-complex vitamins-especially B6 and B3--and certain minerals, such as chromium, zinc, and magnesium. I do not
believe that taking isolated synthetic supplements while continuing to eat a junk food diet, which
creates these deficiencies, provides adequate protection. In fact, it may offer a false sense of
Avoid unhealthy causes of low cholesterol
Many people have low cholesterol due to certain health conditions or dietary factors. Health conditions
associated with low cholesterol include: active, acute infection, certain viruses such as mononucleosis
and shingles, hepatitis and other liver problems, cancer and other endocrine gland problems, certain
anemias and heart disease. In cancer patients, cholesterol levels generally drop as the disease progresses.
In Russell Smith’s book, The Cholesterol Conspiracy, Smith reports a study in which all-cause deaths are
correlated with decreasing cholesterol levels. This should not be construed to mean that you can use
cholesterol as a cancer marker--many other conditions cause low cholesterol levels.
Dietary factors influence cholesterol. Strict vegetarians-- vegans -- who eat no animal products, including
dairy or eggs, and subsist on lots of starch, especially seeds, nuts, grains, bread, pasta, beans and white
rice, usually have low cholesterol. Starch decreases cholesterol by stimulating insulin production leading
to the synthesis of triglycerides instead of cholesterol. This creates a hypothyroid condition, which
cannot be corrected because of the dual conditions of a hypothyroid condition and low cholesterol.
In my practice, I have observed that the sicker the person is, the lower is his or her cholesterol. Although
you cannot use cholesterol to diagnose illness, I have observed that as the person heals, their cholesterol
level rises to a healthy level and vice versa. As their health worsens, their cholesterol level falls. This is
especially true in cancer patients and in all severely immune suppressed people.
How to raise low cholesterol
As stated above, abnormally low cholesterol levels (below 160) can be unhealthy especially if you have
certain health conditions or a diet excessive in starchy foods. Here are some ways that you can raise your
cholesterol to a healthy level.
Support your thyroid gland if it is sluggish. Eat thyroid-stimulating foods (fruits, animal protein, coconut
oil), avoid thyroid inhibitors listed above and take adequate thyroid glandular. Pregnenolone also helps
normalize the thyroid gland and this, as well as progesterone, comes from the Wild Mexican yam,
Work on whatever conditions you have that has lowered your cholesterol, such as Veganism, the
avoidance of all animal protein. If you eat excessive starch, balance it with more fruit and animal protein.
Fresh organic fruit, especially oranges and tropical fruit, can raise low cholesterol because of its sugar
content, which stimulates the liver to produce cholesterol but it will not make a normal cholesterol level
abnormal. In people with adequate sucrase, sucrose in the fruit is split into two units, glucose and a
fructose unit. The fructose half is involved in cholesterol synthesis. In other words, eating sugar
stimulates cholesterol formation but I do not recommend any type of refined or synthetic sugars.
If you do eat sucrose, eat only the organic, unrefined sugar cane (called Sucanat), which contains
cardioprotective nutrients such as vitamin B-6, magnesium and others. Don’t eat even organic sugar cane
in excess, because excess sugar, whether refined or organic will lead to chronic high insulin levels, an
important factor in damaging blood vessels.
If the liver isn’t healthy, more protein, such as organic eggs, raw milk, unprocessed cheese, or organic
poultry, will raise cholesterol levels. The best foods a strict vegan can eat are whole fruits and potatoes.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Discussed above, low thyroid function is a primary factor in heart disease and many other chronic
degenerative diseases. There are several reasons why hypothyroidism leads to heart disease in addition to
decreased production of the anti-aging steroids. One is that, the excess adrenalin produced by
hypothyroid people causes chronic degeneration of the aorta. Another is that hypothyroid people get
leaky blood vessels through which rancid (peroxidized) fats can sneak. These rancid fats have been
isolated at the sites of plaques in people who have died of heart attacks.
Excess Estrogen
All hypothyroid people have excess or unopposed estrogen. Excess estrogen is associated with
thrombosis, embolism, stroke, hypoxia, edema, and myocardial infarction.
Cholesterol Versus Oxidized Cholesterol (Oxysterols)
Cholesterol, whether HDL or LDL, is harmless until it is oxidized by combining with oxygen to form
oxysterols. Oxysterols initiate arterial plaque formation, clotting, and promote accumulation of calcium
in arterial walls, causing sclerosis (hardening, among other things (Hattersley, Joseph C.).
For example, when rabbits, monkeys, and other vegetarian animals, who are very sensitive to heart
disease, were fed pure cholesterol they were fine. When they were fed cholesterol contaminated with as
little as 0.25%, they rapidly succumbed to heart disease. Researchers have demonstrated that the oxidized
form of cholesterol (oxysterols) is the arterial wall enemy, according to Taylor et al., Hubbard et al. and
others. Taylor showed that even this small amount of oxysterols produced arterial damage within 24
hours (Taylor, C.B., et al.).
McCully reported in a 1990 American Journal of Medical Science article that most people who die of
heart attacks have low or normal cholesterol and that the severity of acquired atherosclerosis correlates
with the concentration of oxysterols in the blood and in plaques, not with high cholesterol.
How does cholesterol get oxidized? We can make oxysterols in our bodies from cholesterol in the
presence of oxygen and free radical promoters, such as iron, chlorine and other chemicals and by being
near electromagnetic fields. We can also eat them in processed foods containing cholesterol, which has
been processed at high temperatures in the presence of oxygen. Probably the most common are powdered
egg yolks, powdered milk and buttermilk which are used in hundreds of foods, including baked goods,
dessert mixes, pies, pastries, salad dressing mixes, dried soups and so on.
The homocysteine - oxysterol connection
McCully, Hubbard, Ueland and others have published research on the homocysteine theory of heart
disease. Homocysteine is made in the body from methionine, an amino acid found especially in red meat
and milk products. Homocysteine increases oxysterol formation inside the body, especially in the
absence of adequate B-complex vitamins. A healthy, well-nourished body contains enough of the B
complex, especially B-6, folic acid, riboflavin (B-2) and cobalamin (B12) to convert homocysteine either
to a non-toxic product (cystathionine) or back to methionine.
Thus, the B-vitamin complex is essential in the prevention of oxysterols inside the body. Junk food
eaters, smokers, alcoholics and women on birth control pills all have decreased serum B-6 levels and
therefore, increased cardiovascular risk. Also, many common synthetic drugs, such as nitrous oxide
(laughing gas, used as a dental anaesthetic and methothrexate (used in chemotherapy) destroy the Bcomplex and lead to increased homocysteine.
Elevated Triglycerides
These are lipids (fats) formed from fatty acids and an alcohol (glycerol), which travel in the blood along
with cholesterol. Triglycerides are often elevated in obese people and in general among those who
consume excess refined sugars such as white sugar, fructose and alcohol. A Swedish study found that
increased triglycerides are an independent risk factor for heart disease (Regnstrom, J., et al.).
Excess Iron
Iron is a cardiovascular risk factor when consumed in excess. Excess iron consumption is common due to
iron adulteration of all processed foods, a compulsory FDA requirement. Other sources of iron overload
include tap water, iron pots and pans and iron -containing supplements. In the September 1986 Health
Freedom News, Dr. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., reported that excess dietary iron deposits in heart
muscle, which has a higher affinity for iron than other muscles. A 1992 Finnish study by Salonen et al.
showed a statistical correlation with high iron levels and increased risk of heart disease (Salonen, J.T., et
Iron accumulates with aging. That’s why loss of iron during menses may protect women from heart
disease during their fertile years. This protection is lost at menopause and following hysterectomy. Both
groups of women revert to the same risk of heart disease as men. This is strong evidence that iron
accumulation is responsible for increased heart disease risk in post-menopausal women.
Unbalanced calcium/phosphorus ratio
There should be 2.5 times more calcium than phosphorus in the blood or an ideal level of 10 mg/dl
calcium to 4 mg/dl phosphorus (4 X 2.5 = 10). The biggest disturbers of the calcium: phosphorus ratio is
white sugar and its synthetic friends, corn syrup, fructose and so on. Sugar depletes phosphorus, which is
required for its utilization. As the phosphorus decreases, the blood dumps calcium to maintain the 2.5
ratio. Where does the calcium go? It is excreted into urine and feces and into your soft tissue (all tissues
other than teeth and bone). Other toxins, including excess estrogen causes soft tissue deposition of
calcium. This spells disease wherever it goes: arterial plaques (arteriosclerosis); the brain (stroke), the
lens of the eyes (cataracts) and so on. Don’t assume that calcium supplements will correct this situation.
Most people don’t assimilate calcium supplements. I have observed this from doing hundreds of 24-hour
urinalyses on people who take high doses of calcium (Page, Melvin, D.D.S).
Peat reports in his newsletter on “Resistance of the Heart,” that abnormal deposition of calcium in soft
tissues is a central link in most types of cell damage and is increased by aging, stress, excess adrenalin,
excess estrogen, histamines, certain hormones and lipid peroxidation.
Anti-cholesterol drugs
These include Mevacor, Cholestyramine, Clofibrate and others. Patients taking these drugs suffer
statistically higher numbers of deaths from cancer, stroke, suicide and accidents. In a Finnish study of
2,400 clinically healthy middle-aged male business executives with one or more cardiovascular risk
factors, total deaths were 46% higher and cardiac mortality 163% higher in the (anti-cholesterol) treated
men than in the untreated controls. (Strandberg T.E., et al. Long-term Mortality after 5-year
Multifactorial Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Middle-aged Men. (J. Am. Med. Asscn.;
Hattersley, Joe C.)
Asthma drugs
These include all synthetic adrenalin mimics. The increase death rate during the last decade from
cardiovascular failure is believed to be caused from these drugs. In general, adrenalin and its mimics
cause chronic degeneration of the aorta. In addition, adrenalin mimics damage heart mitochondria. Peat
suggests that this is due to abnormally rapid mobilization and oxidation of unsaturated fats, aggravated by
inadequate antioxidant protection.
According to Dr. Broda Barnes, as many as 76% of diabetics die from cardiovascular disease. Barnes
believed that the complications of diabetes are related to hypothyroidism aggravated by the thyroidsuppressive effects of anti-diabetic drugs. In support of his theory, Barnes prevented complications in his
diabetic patients by using thyroid therapy (Barnes, Broda, M.D.).
Heart Health Program
While all whole, organic foods contain cardioprotective nutrients, certain foods have specific
cardiovascular benefits. Here are a few examples:
Soluble fiber increases fecal excretion of cholesterol and triglycerides, resulting in decreased
blood levels of these. Also, soluble fiber has a modulating effect on blood glucose levels.
Garlic and onions lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and decreases platelet adhesiveness.
Ginger decreases platelet adhesiveness and stimulates circulation.
Silicon-containing foods, such as brown rice, oats, and other whole grain cereals, water-soluble
fiber (pectin), and horsetail herb, are good for the heart. Silicon acts as a binder in connective
tissue and lowers cholesterol.
Organic non-iodized sea salt is very good for the heart. It is a natural diuretic, helps raise blood
sugar (especially when added to fruits or fruit juices) and this keeps adrenalin down. Since
adrenalin causes hypertension and heart disease, eating sea salt to taste is cardioprotective.
Nutrients and enzymes missing from your diet because you are eating processed foods may cause heart
disease. We have discussed the antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, E, C, and B6, the B-complex
vitamins, and the minerals zinc and selenium. Food enzymes are also important, as are antioxidant
enzymes whose deficiency leads to free-radical activity and the formation of oxidized cholesterol and
other oxidized products.
The following enzyme supplements modulate blood fats and decrease cardiovascular risk. Which ones
are needed is determined by the Loomis 24-hour urinalysis, a physical exam, blood chemistries, and an
extensive client history.
Food Enzymes:
VSCLR is a high lipase enzyme needed by people who eat excess fat and who may be fiber
intolerant. It is also excellent for hypertension. Other people, who need to emphasize protease,
may Bil. Those with ulcers and gastritis cannot tolerate high levels of protease because it
aggravates their condition. These people need Stm.
CIRC is a formula designed to nourish the cardiovascular system. This formula aids circulation
and is beneficial for people with a history of heart disease, irregular or skipped heartbeats, and
pain under the breastbone upon exertion, and hypertension. It also relieves hemorrhoids and
varicose veins.
Antioxidant Enzymes: Catalase, the only antioxidant enzyme that can be cultured in a stable
form. Its major function is to convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, a reaction that
occurs in every cell. There are several formulas, which contain catalase. These include Stm,
Skn, IVD and others.
Vitamin C: Opt or Nsl both contain vitamin C, not ascorbic acid.
Vitamin E: Rbs. Other food sources of vitamin E include vegetables and whole grains, which
contain also contain vitamin E plus other fat soluble vitamins.
The B-complex: Adr. Most whole foods contain the B-complex in exactly the right proportions
that nature intended. Adr is also good for relieving stress and for people with low blood pressure.
Hearth healthy minerals include chromium, zinc, magnesium and potassium but they should not
be taken as isolated minerals. Minerals: Both TRMA and Thy contain minerals from kelp. It is
important not to take too much kelp because it can suppress thyroid function. Brewer’s yeast
contains chromium but it’s in many other whole foods including meat, whole grains, vegetables
and fruits. Fruits juices and alfalfa as a grass or tea is an excellent source of calcium and
magnesium. I do not recommend chelated colloidal minerals because they contain toxic minerals
such as aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, iron and so on. Instead I recommend organic sea salt and
purified seawater as good mineral supplements.
Herbs For The Heart:
There are numerous herbs that strengthen the cardiovascular system. This is only a partial lists, and
excludes those that should be avoided during pregnancy.
Hawthorne for high blood pressure
Rosemary for lo for poor circulation
Ginkgo biloba for all cardiovascular problems w blood pressure
Cayenne and ginger including hardening of the arteries, poor circulation, and stroke
Coleus forskohlii for hypertension, congestive heart failure and angina.
Hypertension and Stroke
The following is from and interview with Dr. Peat on high blood pressure and how to reverse it with nontoxic supplements. The commonest cause of hypertension is the excess adrenalin produced in
hypothyroid people. There are other causes of hypertension, such as kidney disease. There is also a
structural cause of hypertension – misaligned upper cervical vertebrae (C1 or atlas, C2 and C3) for which
the enzyme needed is Sym. Here we will discuss the adrenalin issue.
How high does blood pressure have to be before it’s dangerous and which is more dangerous, the top
number or the bottom number?
Whether or not blood pressure is dangerous depends upon the cortisol level. High cortisol leads to
damage to the connective tissues in blood vessels. Low thyroid function leads to excess adrenalin and
adrenalin increases cortisol levels. In addition, many people are given cortisone (or Prednisone, synthetic
cortisone) for injury causing inflammation, arthritis, asthma and other conditions.
Another good gage of whether high blood pressure is dangerous is the difference between the top number
and the bottom number. This difference is called the pulse pressure. The pulse pressure should be around
50. The greater the pulse pressure beyond 50, the more likely you are to be a candidate for a stroke. For
a long time, doctors freaked out about the bottom number but the tope when, when too high, is more
dangerous. If the bottom number goes up, it’s not dangerous. In fact, when the bottom number and your
resting pulse goes up, the top number will decrease, which means the pulse pressure will decrease. Good
thyroid function and the resulting good circulation will keep your pulse pressure at a healthy level.
To get away with high blood pressure, you must have good thyroid function (which means low adrenalin
and low cortisol) plus a thyroid-stimulating diet (adequate animal protein, sea salt, coconut oil, fruits and
fruit juices). If you are healthy and have a healthy thyroid gland, your blood pressure can be as high as
170/95 without danger of stroke. On the other hand, if you are hypothyroid and have high adrenalin and
high cortisol and a low protein diet, you can have a stroke, even if your blood pressure is 110/60, because
of the low protein diet and the high cortisol level.
The easiest way to monitor your blood pressure is to get a blood pressure monitor or a finger gage. You
can get either one from a pharmacy. Take your blood pressure about one hour after a meal and do this at
the same time everyday. Why? Because your blood pressure will vary by about 50 points if you take
multiple readings. It is best to take your blood pressure after eating because eating lowers adrenalin by
raising blood sugar and you will get the best readings. The important thing to do is to keep tract of your
pulse pressure and your resting pulse. Then, you will see a pattern for better or worse.
How can I decrease my pulse pressure?
The best way to lower your blood pressure and your pulse pressure is to keep your adrenalin down and
your blood sugar up. You can do this by taking adequate thyroid glandular and following a thyroid
stimulating diet (high animal protein, coconut oil, adequate sea salt and adequate fruits and fruit juices).
Drinking a cup of fruit juice with up to 1/4th tsp of organic sea salt will help to lower adrenalin and
normalize blood sugar. If you can normalize your pulse, your blood pressure (and the pulse pressure) will
decrease. First, the bottom number will come up 2-3 points. Don’t panic. This is ok. Then, the top
number will decrease in about 2-3 hours, thus decreasing your pulse pressure. This will, in turn, increase
circulation, warm your hands and feet and decrease hypoxia (improve oxygenation), which is the outcome
of hypothyroidism. But, the bottom line is that you need to correct the cause of this problem, which is
low thyroid function using a natural thyroid glandular. In addition, if you are a woman, you need Dr.
Peat’s progesterone formula, which is natural progesterone in natural vitamin E.
I thought that people with high blood pressure shouldn’t eat salt?
This is incorrect information. You should eat salt to taste. Salt needs will vary with one’s hormones.
Organic non-iodized sea salt is a natural diuretic, normalizes blood sugar, thus lowering adrenalin which
prevents hypertension and hardening of the arteries. Other common symptoms of mineral deficiency
include motion sickness and tingling or numbness in the arms or legs. A hypothyroid person cannot hold
sodium, which is why they get edema. For these people, adequate salt is very necessary. Instead of
eating salt, many patients are told to avoid salt and take a diuretic plus potassium. Note that sea salt
contains 48 minerals. Table salt contains only sodium chloride. The most common causes of a salt
deficiency are: not eating salt, hypothyroidism (can’t retain salt), and eating soy products, which inhibit
mineral absorption.
Is there a connection between estrogen and hypertension?
Yes. Estrogen raises T4 (the inactive form of the thyroid hormone), inhibits its conversion to T3 (the
active form of the thyroid hormone) and complicates blood pressure, especially in older women. This
complication is more common in menopausal women who are estrogen dominant (from low thyroid
function) or who are taking estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). ERT doses are 20 higher than what a
fertile woman produces at the peak of her fertility. The best way for a woman to eliminate excess
estrogen and normalize blood pressure is to take natural thyroid glandular therapy and natural
progesterone therapy. Thyroid glandular causes the liver to dump estrogen; natural oral progesterone
opposes estrogen by blocking the estrogen receptors; and eating raw carrots will help the excretion of
estrogen from the colon.
Case Histories
A case of high cholesterol:
A 56-year-old man presented with high blood pressure (185/105) and high cholesterol (255) and told me
that he would lose his health insurance if he could not lower his cholesterol. His doctor prescribed a toxic
anti-cholesterol drug (Mevacor), but, this caused depression and liver pain. When I tested him, it was
very clear that his thyroid gland was underactive plus, he needed a multiple digestive enzyme formula for
fat intolerant people (VSCLR). In addition, he needed liver support for the toxic effects of Mevacor
(Lvr). Here is what I gave him:
VSLR – a multiple digestive enzyme formula for hypertension.
Lvr – a liver support formula.
Coleus forskohlii – an Ayurvedic herbal formula for hypertension and cardiovascular support.
Thyroid glandular
When he started this program, he began to feel better, lost weight and dumped his toxic drug. Gradually,
his liver pain subsided. When he went to his doctor for another blood chemistry, the doctor was surprised
and asked, “How can you lower your cholesterol without taking Mevacor?” The patient could not
explain, but I can. Thyroid hormone converts cholesterol to the anti-aging hormones – pregnenolone,
progesterone and DHEA. This lowers cholesterol levels to normal.
A Simple Case of Hypertension
A 60 year-old woman presented with hypertension and difficulty losing weight. In addition, she smoked,
had lung problems (smoker’s cough), plus a history of kidney problems. When I met her, she was taking
3 anti-hypertensive drugs (Zestril, Triam/Hctz and Lopressor). In addition, she complained of muscle
spasms. Her urine test showed fat and sugar intolerance, low calcium, an anxiety pattern (low calcium
with alkaline pH) and a severe vitamin C deficiency. In addition, she was extremely hypothyroid.
is what I gave her:
VSCLR – a multiple digestive enzyme formula for high blood pressure
Para – for low calcium, which can lead to muscle cramps
Nsl – for her sinus problems.
TRMA – for her anxiety and her immune system problems
Kdy – for her allergies
Coleus forskohlii – for her hypertension.
Thyroid glandular
10% natural progesterone in natural vitamin E by Dr. Raymond Peat
After several months, this woman told me that she dumped two of her three anti-hypertensive drugs.
Plus, she started to lose weight and, when I saw her again, her body looked like that of a teenager.
The Patient with Heart Attack who Escaped from the Hospital
Here is a story from Dr. Raymond Peat. It is about an x-football player with an immense belly who
became a psychologist following his football career and retired at age 65. Peat said that this man had the
typical form of an x-athlete: big belly, skinny legs and fat on his face. This is typical of the excess
cortisol formed by endurance athletes who develop low thyroid function from the excessive exercise. For
40 year’s this man’s diet was sugar-rich, with sweet rolls for breakfast, candy and desserts. Hypothyroid
people crave sugar because of the hypothyroid-induced low blood sugar. Sugar (and coffee) stimulate
thyroid function but low thyroid people are always a candidate for both heart disease and cancer due to
the excessive production of adrenalin and cortisol, respectively.
The man’s wife was an avid student of Peat’s and spent hours transcribing his lectures. But her efforts to
convert her husband to health fell on deaf ears. He just sneaked out to eat his sweets and was never
interested in changing his diet. Then, one day while traveling on a train, he suddenly became ill and was
taken to the emergency room where doctors diagnosed him with an acute heart attack. His cardiac
enzymes, measured by a blood panel, were rising and were too high for bypass surgery. The doctors told
him to expect a long hospital stay because his heart enzymes showed no signs of leveling off.
About twenty hours after his heart attack, his wife and daughter-in-law started sneaking him small doses
(1-2 micrograms) of Cytomel - pure T3, the active form of the thyroid hormone - which works
immediately after being taken. They gave him this small dose every hour or so. After only one hour,
doctors were surprised to find out that his heart enzymes had started to decrease. Two days later they had
fallen by 50% of the peak level. But, all of his doctors except one told him that if he left the hospital, he
would die. Only one doctor told him to get out as fast as possible. So he did. He kept taking his
Cytomel. Plus, he added magnesium, fruit juices and chicken soup to his regime. Ten days after leaving
the hospital his heart enzymes were still slightly above normal. Two weeks later, his enzymes were
totally normal. Now, he faithfully takes a good thyroid glandular and has developed a sudden interest in
health. As of this writing, he is not only still alive but has lost forty pounds and his belly has shrunk.
"Disclaimer: I am a chemist and an enzyme nutritionist, not a medical doctor. I do not diagnose, prescribe for, treat
or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human diseases. I do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or
rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles. I do not prescribe
prescription drugs nor do I tell you to discontinue them. I provide enzymes and other dietary supplements to
improve digestion and to nourish and support normal function and structure of the body. If you suspect any disease,
please consult your physician."
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended
to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for
nutritional support only. The FTC requires that we tell you that the results in case notes and testimonials published
here are not typical, however, they do show what some people have been able to achieve. Individuals vary, which is
why we must always consider the whole person when recommending a course of action. The third party information
referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this web site but is provided for general information purposes.
The listing of specific disease terms is based upon medical literature and is not a substitute for competent medical
advice. If you suspect a medical condition, you should consult a physician.
Copyright 2001 - 2006. Neither this article, nor any part of it, may be reproduced without permission.
If permission to reprint is granted, the article must include author and URL information.
Lita Lee, Ph.D.
[email protected]
 2001
01/06/01 rf3
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