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Georgia Studies
Unit 6 Milestones Review
Study these questions for Tuesday’s quiz:
1. In the Yazoo Land Fraud of 1795, state legislators were bribed to sell to land speculators.
2. Eli Whitney's cotton gin was an important invention for farmers in Georgia prior to the Civil War because farmers used
the gin to process cotton more quickly.
3. During the Civil War, the North had the most people and money.
4. The South was mainly agricultural and the North was mainly industrial.
5. Sectionalism is the belief that the section of the country you live in is better than other sections.
6. Two methods that Georgia used to distribute land in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s were the headright system and the
land lottery.
7. States’ rights is the belief that a state’s interests should be more important than the interests of the national
8. Georgia invested heavily in railroads before the Civil War to transport agricultural products to market.
9. The main reason for removing the Cherokee from their homes in north Georgia was that gold was discovered on
Cherokee land.
10. The Trail of Tears was the name given to the long, hard journey made by the Cherokees when they were forced to
leave their lands in Georgia.
11. The Cherokee tribes were forced to leave Georgia and move to Oklahoma by the United States Government.
12. The University of Georgia is unique among American universities because it was the first American university created
by a state government.
13. William McIntosh negotiated and signed the Treaty of Indian Springs in 1825 that gave away all Creek lands in
Study these questions for Wednesday’s quiz:
1. The Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865.
2. Abraham Lincoln’s official stand on slavery during the presidential campaign of 1860 was that slavery should not be
allowed to spread to new territories.
3. The Freedman’s Bureau was created by the federal government in 1865 to supervise the transition of slaves to freedom.
4. The vice-president of the Confederacy was Alexander Stephens.
5. The General in charge of the Confederacy was Robert E. Lee.
6. Lincoln’s election led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the Union.
7. Lincoln thought that it was important for the North to support policies that would help the South recover as quickly as
8. After the Civil War, Georgian plantation owners had land but little money to pay people to work it.
9. Sharecropping in the South after the Civil War meant most people who sharecropped remained in a cycle of poverty.
10. One effect of the Union blockade on Georgia was that harvested cotton remained unsold.
11. Many southerners thought that the Dred Scott decision of 1857 finally settled the question of slavery in the territories.
12. During Reconstruction, many whites in Georgia hated the Republican Party because they associated scalawags and
carpetbaggers with the party.
Study these questions for Thursday’s quiz
1. Georgia was often referred to as the “heart of the Confederacy” during the Civil War because Georgia had the best
railroads and more industry than the other Confederate states.
2. The Dred Scott decision made by the Supreme Court in 1857 declared that slaves were property and had no
constitutional rights.
3. Sharecropping kept most freed blacks impoverished and in debt to white landowners.
4. Many Georgia plantation owners favored secession because they feared abolition would end their way of life.
5. Reconstruction affected many parts of life in Georgia. The least affected was religion.
6. The purpose of Sherman’s march through Georgia was to destroy resources (especially railroads) and Confederate
supplies, and destroy the South’s morale.
7. Georgia believed that the state had the legal right to secede from the Union because they viewed the Constitution as an
agreement among the states.
8.. Blockade runners were important to Georgia during the Civil War because they brought needed supplies into the state.
9. The official name of the southern nation was the Confederate States of America.
10. Federal troops occupied Georgia in 1869 because black legislators were expelled from the General Assembly and the
KKK grew stronger.
11. After the Civil War, planters in Georgia replaced slave labor by letting people with no land to grow crops in return for a
share of the crops grown.
Study these questions for Friday’s quiz
1. The Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slaves in states of rebellion were free.
2. Most of the Civil War was fought in the South.
3. The purpose of Sherman’s march through Georgia was to destroy resources (especially railroads) and Confederate
supplies, and destroy the South’s morale
4. Andersonville prison held Union prisoners of war.
5. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union.
6. The General in charge of the Union was Ulysses S. Grant.
7. The Civil War began when shots were fired at Fort Sumter in the state of South Carolina.
8. The battle of Antietam is famous because it was the bloodiest day of the Civil War.
9. Chickamauga was the second bloodiest battle and the biggest battle in Georgia.
10. Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the war, lasted 3 days, and was the true turning point of the war.
9. In the early years of the Civil War, the main Union military strategy dealing with Georgia was to blockade Georgia’s
ports so goods and supplies could not get in
10. Sherman’s March to the Sea ended with the capture of Savannah.