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Week 1
8/23  teacher workday
8/24  teacher workday
8/25 Day 1:
First Day Activities
Syllabus, rules, interest inventory, lab safety
Vocab quiz process & week 1 words
Characteristics of Life
What are they? How do you know if something is alive?
8/26 Day 2:
Hand out textbooks
Prefix, Suffix, root words list – Quiz next Wednesday
Intro to Biology
Reading Essentials & Pretest
8/27 Day 3:
Week 1 vocab quiz – open notes!
PP with notes sheet
Covalent vs. Ionic Bonding
Week 2
8/30 Day 4:
Organic Chemistry
Class Demo discovery activity (cracker, egg white, butter, salt)
PP with notes sheet
HW: Atoms & Their Interactions reading essentials
8/31 Day 5:
Life Molecules Diagram
Investigate various organic molecules
Testing for presence of organic (starch – iodine, lipids – newspaper,
protein – biurets solution, monosaccharides – benedict’s or test strips)
Chart for students to fill in as they go through the process of
investigating the various organics
Role & importance of various organic molecules Notes
Use textbook and notes from yesterday to fill in notes chart
Starch, cellulose, insulin, glycogen, glucose, enzymes, hemoglobin, fats,
DNA, RNA  how are they made? Subunits? Function?
HW: Finish demo questions, Chemistry of Life Vocabulary sheet
9/1 Day 6:
Quiz on characteristics of life & organic molecules (20 questions max)
Studying the cell notes
PP with notes sheet
Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote diagrams
9/2 Day 7:
Plant vs. animal cell drawings
Venn diagram to compare and contrast plants and animals
Handout on microscope parts and function for notebook
Plant vs. Animal Cell Lab
9/3 Day 8:
Week 2 vocab quiz
Active & Passive transport
PP with notes sheet
Solutions Diagrams
Cell Membrane
PP with notes sheet
Plasma membrane diagram
Week 3
9/6  Holiday **No School**
9/7 Day 9:
Prefix, suffix, root words quiz
Chemical signaling of cells, receptor proteins, hormone effect
Cell communication lesson Webquest  COMPUTERS NEEDED!
9/8 Day 10:
Cell size limitations
Cell size video
PP with notes sheet
Cell size activity
9/9 Day 11:
Cell review flashcards
Diffusion worksheet
Cell & transport quiz
9/10 Day 12:
Week 3 vocab quiz
PP with notes sheet
DNA Labeling
Notes on board
Highlight complementary base pairing
Week 4
9/13 Day 13:
DNA/RNA quiz
Mistakes in DNA (Mutations)
PP with notes sheet
**Add  advantages, disadvantages, injury repair,
9/14 Day 14:
Replication, Transcription, Translation
PP with notes sheet
Amino acid chart
DNA Coloring
**Add  cell differentiation, response to environment with
9/15 Day 15:
Quiz on replication, transcription, translation (20 questions max)
PP with notes sheet
Diagrams – reteaching skills master 10 & 13, my drawing
9/16 Day 16:
Meiosis/Mistakes in Meiosis
PP with notes sheet
Compare and contrast Mitosis & Meiosis
Chapter 10 concept Map
Mitosis & meiosis reteaching skills Master 17
9/17 Day 17:
Week 4 vocab quiz
Mendel’s Laws of Heredity
PP with notes sheet
Punnett Square Practice
Genetics Practice Problems
Week 5
9/20 Day 18:
Mendelian Genetics Quiz
Human Genetics
PP with Notes Sheet
9/21 Day 19:
Sex-linked disorders
Human genetic disorder crosses
Methemoglobinemia pedigree activity
9/22 Day 20: **Half-Day**
When Heredity Follows Different Rules
PP with notes sheet
Bikini Bottom Genetics – incomplete dominance
Patterns of heredity & human genetics
9/23 Day 21:
Announce Benchmark Test #1…hand out review sheet
Complex Inheritance of Human Traits
PP with notes sheet
Karyotype diagram
ABO blood types activity
HW: Human Genetics Study Guide
9/24 Day 22:
Week 5 vocab quiz
Hand-span polygenic traits activity
Variations on a human face
HW: Patterns of heredity w/s
Week 6
9/27 Day 23:
Punnett & Pedigree Practice
Applied Genetics & Recombinant DNA Technology
PP with notes sheet
9/28 Day 24:
Library – NOVA DNA fingerprinting activity
9/29 Day 25:
The ethical implications of genomics & biotechnology
PP with notes sheet
Stem Cell Research VideoQuest activity
Show videos and answer questions
9/30 Day 26:
Genetics Test
Benchmark Test #1 Review
Go through the study guide. Work together using you notes and
your classmates to study
10/1 Day 27:
Week 6 vocab quiz
Benchmark Test #1
Extra Credit word search when done
Week 7
10/4 Day 28: **Need Textbook Tomorrow**
Evolution 1  History of Life
PP with notes sheet
Video  Evolution: Origin of Life with Bill Nye
Questions to go along with video
10/5 Day 29:
**Need Textbook**
Evolution 2  Natural Selection & Mechanisms of Evolution
PP with notes sheet
Mechanisms of Evolutions note sheet
Use textbook to complete
10/6 Day 30: **End of 1st Grading Period**
Evolution 3  Primate Evolution
PP with notes sheet
Human versus Primate Traits
Primate Evolution Activity
10/7 Day 1:
A Fishy Twist on Adaptations activity
Evolution w/s
10/8 Day 2:
Week 7 vocab
Discussion & Activity on Evolutionary Selection of resistance to antibiotics
& pesticides in various species
PBS Evolution videos with questions sheets, discussion of topics in video
Week 8
10/11  **TEACHER WORKDAY***
10/12 Day 3:
Quiz on Evolution (20 questions)
PP with notes sheet
10/13 Day 4:
“Fish Sorting” Activity (Basis of classification systems)
Discuss how and why the students choose to classify the fish in the
manner they did. How does this compare or contrast to how the fish are really
classifies according to the key
Phylogenetic Trees
Define on board for students to copy into notebook
Complete 2 Phylogenetics activity – Possible Human Phylogeny
10/14 Day 5: **NEED TEXTBOOK!**
Finish yesterday’s activities, go over work from the week
Organizing Life’s Diversity
Organizing Life’s Diversity Study Guide pgs 105-108 (Chapter 17)
10/15 Day 6:
Week 8 vocab
Dichotomous Keys
Explain what a dichotomous key is and how it works on board to be
copied into notebook
Practice dichotomous key  “a guide to new pamishan creatures”
Chapter 17 – Real World BioApplications activity  create a
Dichotomous key in notebook
Week 9
10/18 Day 7:
Classification Quiz
ATP in a Molecule  Cellular Energy
PowerPoint with notes sheet
ATP cycle diagram
10/19 Day 8:
Demo  Light a cheese doodle on fire!
Discuss what happens. What in the cheese doodle caused it to burn?
What was burning? Why does it contain energy? What form is that energy in? How is it
stored? How was it release?
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Homeostasis Jumping Jack activity
10/20 Day 9: **HALF DAY**
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Activity on enzymes
Study effect of peroxide on bacteria  Examine the bacteria
cultures we have grown. What do you see? What has grown? What are we able to find
looking under the microscope? What happened when you poured peroxide on your
Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms which are
exposed to oxygen, where it functions to catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide to water and oxygen. Catalase is the enzyme that breaks down peroxide in
living organisms. When this happens, oxygen gas is release (the bubbles you see), and
water is created. If there is more peroxide present than there are peroxisomes, the
organism cannot catalyze all that is present and the organism will die.
Enzyme Study Guide
10/21 Day 10:
PP with notes sheet
Light & Dark reactions diagrams
Start Photosynthesis study guide
Can use on quiz
10/22 Day 11:
Week 9 vocab quiz
Chloroplast diagram sheet
Photosynthesis investigation questions
ATP & Photosynthesis vocabulary
Week 10
10/25 Day 12:
Cellular Respiration
PP with notes sheet
Mitochondria drawing
Cellular Respiration study guide
10/26 Day 13:
Photosynthesis quiz
ETC & Cellular Respiration diagrams
Go through study guide
Answer questions on a separate sheet of paper
Finish any work not yet completed on cellular energy
10/27 Day 14:
Compare & contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration
“Big Picture” diagram
Re-teaching skills diagram
Wheel activity
10/28 Day 15:
Energy flow though Living Systems
PP with notes sheet
Food Webs & Tropic Levels activity
A Food Web diagram & questions
Ecological Pyramid diagram & questions
Carbon cycle diagram & questions
10/29 Day 16:
Week 10 vocab quiz
Food Webs & Tropic Levels activity – African Ecosystem
Energy in living systems wrap-up activity  Instead of a test! Counts as
test grade! Create an ecosystem to show the flow of energy and carbon through
the living system
Energy in living cells vocabulary review  HW
Week 11
11/1 Day 17:
Announce Benchmark #2 Test. Hand out review sheet  Test Friday
Goal 2 Review Packet
11/2 Day 18:
Goal 3 Review Packet
11/3 Day 19:
Finish Goal 2 & 3 Packets, go over all answers
11/4 Day 20:
PP with notes sheet
The Life of a Mushroom (diagram with questions)
Understanding Main Ideas – Part A
11/5 Day 21:
Week 11 Vocabulary quiz
Human Systems
Use text book to fill in chart
Week 12
11/8 Day 22:
Analyzing Dietary Fiber activity  go through all together
Digestive & Endocrine System concept Map  go through all together
Immunity from Disease Chapter Assessment  go through all together
11/9 Day 23:
Principles of Ecology
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Symbiotic Relationships activity
Mix & Match Ecology: Symbiosis
11/10 Day 24:
Notes on Predator-Prey Relationships
Discussion questions. Students will work independently to answer
each question, and then come together in smaller groups to discuss. The activity
will culminate with a class list of answers presented by each group.
Predator-Prey relationships activity
Deer: Predation or Starvation?
The Effect of Predators on Prey Populations
11/11: **Holiday** No School
11/12 Day 25:
Week 12 Vocabulary quiz
Week 13
11/15 Day 26:
List on board what are Biotic Factors, what are abiotic factors
Have students copy lists into notebook
Interaction of Biotic & Abiotic factors activity
Head outside to make observations of 3 different places on campus
to make a list of the biotic and abiotic factors present in each area
Ecology Worksheet
11/16 Day 27:
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Examining the stages in Ecological Succession Worksheet
11/17 Day 28:
Population Ecology
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Carrying Capacity
What is a viable population?
HW: Earth’s Carrying Capacity worksheet
11/18 Day 29:
Biological Diversity and Conservation
PowerPoint with Notes
Video on Conservation – Saving Species
“Planet Earth” episode
11/19 Day 30: **END OF 2nd GRADING PERIOD**
Week 13 vocabulary quiz
Finish “Population Ecology” – Human Population Notes
PowerPoint with notes sheet
Human impact
Mix and Match Ecology: Human Impact
Week 14
11/22 Day 1:
Analyze Human Population
Human Population Webquest in library
Reading Essentials 4.2 Packet while waiting for a computer
Populations in Ecosystems sheet while waiting for a computer
11/23 Day 2:
Climate change
Show “An Inconvenient Truth”
Answer questions on sheet
11/24: **NO DAY**
11/25: **NO SCHOOL**
11/26: **NO SCHOOL**
Week 15
11/19 Day 3:
Ecology Review
Ecology Study Guide
Ecology Test
11/30 Day 4:
Interactive Role of Genetics and the Environment (sickle cell anemia,
malaria, lung/mouth cancer & tobacco use, skin cancer, Diabetes, PKU)
PP with Notes sheet
Faces of Cancer activity
12/1 Day 5:
Passive & Active Immunity and Vaccines
PP with notes sheet
Watch “Osmosis Jones” and answer questions on sheet
12/2 Day 6:
Health & Nutrition
Watch the video “Supersize Me”
Answer questions on question sheet as you watch the video
12/3 Day 7:
Week 15 Vocabulary Quiz
Environmental Toxins
PowerPoint with Notes sheet – on Lead and Mercury
Activity  Biomagnification of PCBs
Week 16
12/6 Day 8:
Handout EOC Review Packets
Unicellular Protists
PP with Notes Sheet
Life Cycle of Plasmodium
Protists Study Guide
12/7 Day 9:
Annelid (Segmented) Worms
Chart to fill in
Segmented Worms  reading, labeling & questions
12/8 Day 10:
Chart to fill in
Arthropods Study Guide
12/9 Day 11:
Chart to fill in
Structure of a frog
12/10 Day 12:
Week 16 Vocabulary Quiz
Chart to fill in
Mammal Study Guide
Week 17
12/13 Day 13:
Adaptations of Protists, Annelid Worms, Insects
PP with notes sheet
A Bug’s Life activity
12/14 Day 14:
Adaptation of Amphibians, Mammals
PP with notes sheet
Chewing mechanics of mammals
12/15 Day 15:
PP with notes
HW: Flower labeling
Plant Vocabulary
12/16 Day 16:
PP with notes sheet
“Understanding Viruses” video with questions sheet
12/17 Day 17:
Week 17 Vocabulary quiz
PP with notes sheet
Infectious Disease activity
HW: Comparing Viruses and Bacteria
Week 18
1/3 Day 18:
Animal Behavior
PP with notes sheet
Animal Adaptations activity
¼ Day 19:
Stimulus Association (Classical) vs. Trial & Error (Operant) Conditioning
PP with notes sheet
Stimulus Association vs. Trial & Error Learning activity
1/5 Day 20:
1/6 Day 21:
1/7 Day 22:
EOC Review
Benchmark Test #1 questions
EOC Review
Benchmark Test #2 questions
EOC Review
Finish Reviewing Benchmark questions, test questions off of
released EOC
Week 19
1/10 Day 23:
EOC Review
Goal 2  Physical, Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life
EOC Sample Questions
USA TestPrep Vocabulary w/s
Wrap-up EOC Questions
1/11 Day 24:
EOC Review
Goal 3  Continuity of Life & Changes over Time
EOC Sample Questions
USA TestPrep Vocabulary w/s
Wrap-up EOC Questions
1/12 Day 25:
EOC Review
Goal 4  Unity and Diversity of Life
EOC Sample Questions
USA TestPrep Vocabulary w/s
Wrap-up EOC Questions
1/13 Day 26:
EOC Review
Goal 5  Ecological Relationships
EOC Sample Questions
USA TestPrep Vocabulary w/s
Wrap-up EOC Questions
1/14 Day 27:
EOC 1st Period
Week 20
1/18 Day 28:
EOC 2nd Period
1/19 Day 29:
EOC 3rd Period
1/20 Day 30:
EOC 4th Period