Download 2013 – 2014 Application – Project Proposal Form Timmy Global

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2013 – 2014 Application – Project Proposal Form
Timmy Global Health High Impact Volunteer
Dates desired:
Location of Project in TGH’s network of medical brigades in developing countries
(circle one):
Dominican Republic:
Monte Cristi
Las Cañas
Area of interest and intended volunteer contributions: Please circle one of the
following three areas of interest detailed below. When creating your responses to
application requirements for the selected area of interest, please delete the remaining
choices from this document.
1. Research
2. Shadowing Partner Org.
3. Medical Programs Assistant
1. RESEARCH to advance Timmy Global Health programming. Possible thematic areas
for high impact research projects include:
Dominican Republic:
1. Malnutrition research in children – Timmy’s partner organization in the Dominican
Republic has identified malnutrition as one of the most difficult problems in some
Timmy supported communities in the DR, particularly those with a large percentage
of Haitian Migrants. Research proposals could look at effective ways of addressing
malnutrition, educational tools to help improve community awareness, etc.
2. Chronic disease prevention research (hypertension and diabetes) – The incidence
and prevalence of chronic diseases has increased drastically in the developing world
during the last decade, including in the Dominican Republic. Research could focus on
educational strategies for addressing chronic disease prevention, improve strategies
for dealing with specific chronic conditions, improved use of technology to monitor
chronic patients, etc.
3. Water and Sanitation research – In some of the Timmy supported “Bateys” in the
Dominican Republic, water and sanitation are major public health problems that
affect the overall health of the communities. Research could focus on evaluating /
mapping current water and sanitation practices in these bateys in preparation for
Timmy’s Safe Water Solution project.
Timmy Global Health | 22 E 22nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 | Tel: (317) 920-1822 | Fax: (317) 920-1821
Tena, Ecuador:
1. Women’s Health Services – Access to women’s health services for Napo women is
critically important. Research and collect information on the various women’s health
services available in the Amazon Basin region including cervical cancer screenings,
family planning services, pap smears, mammography screenings, etc. as offered by
the Ministry of Health, other NGOs and private hospitals and clinics. Which health
centers outside of the Napo region serve to fill the void, when not offered locally?
Identify routes of access to these services and investigate women’s knowledge &
perception of the need for such services.
2. Access to Health and Health Education – Investigate how rural Napo community
members access and utilize health services. Where, who, why, what for and how
often? How are traditional healers utilized by community members and what belief
and cultural practices influence this relationship? Explore how do community
members learn about health issues and what topics are covered?
3. Sanitation practices: What are current sanitation practices in the Napo Timmy
communities? How is general waste and grey water disposal handled? Does this
differ between households and between communities? Explore community structures
that exist to deal with sanitation issues. Who are the key players in this structure
and what is the level of practice and education present regarding disease prevention,
deparasiting practices and disease transmission?
Quito, Ecuador:
1. Community Health Promoter – Timmy’s Community Health Workers in Ecuador are
an important piece of Timmy’s overall community outreach. Projects could include
working closely with Community Health Promoters to improve knowledge of health
conditions, designing educational resources for health promoters, improving patient
follow up through projects that improve the use of communications technology or
develop medication compliance indicators.
2. Public Health training needs – Projects could include designing or modifying training
materials on the most important public health conditions to be used to improve
health literacy in partner Quito communities.
3. Women’s Health & Empowerment– Projects could focus on researching current
women’s’ health practices in the Quito community and developing improved
strategies for enhancing women’s’ health programming in Timmy clinics. Research of
the most common forms of cervical cancer screening, breast cancer detection and
family planning to support our partner’s efforts in empowering vulnerable women
4. Community Mapping Project –Collect and organize information to inform our
community mapping which will include information such as community boundaries,
% of community population receiving services from Timmy, prevalence of
morbidities, points of surrounding or non-surrounding access to health services,
community leadership, mapping of water access, condition & prescription trends,
patient number trends and much more. The information will be gathered using
participatory mapping techniques and building on top of the TimmyCare database.
5. Chronic Care Management: The incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases has
increased drastically in the developing world during the last decade, and in Quito a
significant portion of our patient population suffers from a chronic disease like
Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis, Epilepsy and Asthma. Project could include
building upon previous research on patient’s and health promoter’s understanding
and management of the disease to address a more community-wide approach to the
management of these diseases with special focus given to an improved quality of life
and prevention for those at most risk within our communities.
Timmy Global Health | 22 E 22nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 | Tel: (317) 920-1822 | Fax: (317) 920-1821
TO APPLY: To apply for financial support for a high impact research project, please:
select a site and topic from the list (or add your own research idea) and provide a
narrative description (500 words maximum), detailing your proposal. In your narrative,
please discuss:
Purpose of project, including how this project will advance global health equity
Description of project, including stakeholders, methodology, etc.
Measureable goals within measurable timeframe
Description of permissions, licenses, or other approvals required (if applicable)
Description of data collection, analysis, and monitoring and evaluation (if applicable)
Plan for communicating end results of project, including deadline, submission to
Timmy Global Health, and format for communicating results
Required Budget: In addition to the narrative, please include a separate (one page
maximum) budget. This budget should include: airfare, housing, meals,
transportation, visa (if required), health insurance, project-specific costs, and
partner stipend fees or medical service trip fees (if applicable).
2. SHADOW at Timmy Global Health’s international partner organizations – Timmy’s
partner organizations work tirelessly to expand access to healthcare 365 days a year. These
partner organizations vary in their approach, and include: direct medical service provision,
community health outreach, social work, advanced surgical services, etc. Timmy volunteers
may choose to “shadow” at Timmy partner, working closely with partner organization staff
to learn about the most important health disparities that exist within Timmy communities,
and experience public health and medicine in the developing world first hand.
TO APPLY: To apply, please describe your personal goals with this volunteer
contribution and explain how your personal experiences, professional background, or
personal characteristics will help you achieve these goals (maximum length, 500 words).
Required Budget: In addition to the narrative, please include a separate (one page
maximum) budget. This budget should include: airfare, housing, meals,
transportation, visa (if required), health insurance, project-specific costs, and
partner stipend fees or medical service trip fees (if applicable).
Timmy Global Health | 22 E 22nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 | Tel: (317) 920-1822 | Fax: (317) 920-1821
3. ASSIST Timmy Global Health international staff with programmatic initiatives.
Includes assisting with Timmy’s ongoing indicator tracking including referral system,
communication/translators, medication, community health workers, chronic care
management as explained below. Applicants must be willing to work on any/all indicators
as directed by Timmy staff.
Referral system – we are investigating the success of our referral processes from Timmy
clinics to and through our referral partners including getting patients to our referral
partners, getting them through the hospital system, subsidizing their care correctly so they
access it, completing their procedures / treatments
Communication / Translators – we are assessing the general quality of our translators to
ultimately make sure that the descriptions and instructions that the medical providers
intend to relay to their patients are actually being delivered in a culturally and linguistically
meaningful way to the patients.
Short Term Medical Clinics: Medication – we are investigating Timmy’s overall transfer and
supply of medication to Timmy service trips – to get the right medications into country, to
have sufficient amounts of the right medications on the first and the last day of the Timmy
Short-term medical clinics: Patient Satisfaction – we are investigating our patients’ level of
satisfaction with their Timmy care experience including access, time, care and correlation of
services offered with the needs of the community.
Community Health Workers – we are assessing the level of outreach engagement of our
community health workers, their training, content of training, chronic care follow up by
Chronic Care Management – we are researching our identification tools used in chronic care
patient tracking, the degree to which chronic care patients return for follow up and
assessing the need for incentivized programs to increase their rate of compliance. We are
also investigating their patterns of medication usage.
TO APPLY: To apply, please describe how your personal experiences, professional
background, or personal characteristics will help you achieve the project goals
outlined above (maximum length, 500 words).
Required Budget: In addition to the narrative, please include a separate
(one page maximum) budget. This budget should include: airfare, housing,
meals, transportation, visa (if required), health insurance, project-specific
costs, and partner stipend fees or medical service trip fees (if applicable).
Timmy Global Health | 22 E 22nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 | Tel: (317) 920-1822 | Fax: (317) 920-1821