Download January 20, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Chamber Music at the

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January 20, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Emily Botel & Natalie Carducci, violin
Addi Liu & Clio Tilton, viola
Laura Gaynon & Gretchen Claassen, cello & viola da gamba
Derek Tam & Esther Lam, harpsichord
Featuring compositions by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687), François Couperin (16681733), Jean-Féry Rebel (1666-1747), Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer (ca. 1705-1755), JeanPhilippe Rameau (1683-1764) and Jean-Henri d’Anglebert (1628-1691).
MUSA was founded in 2012 by eight young professional musicians with a shared passion
for bringing the original sounds of centuries-old music to life. Insisting on the highest
artistic integrity and communicative, colorful performances, San Francisco-based MUSA
perform on period instruments to give audiences the sound quality of the music when it
was first performed. Through live performance, MUSA shows that the popular music from
the 16th to 18th centuries – the dance music and drinking songs, as well as magnificent
court spectacles – transcends time and place to speak to us today. MUSA is dedicated to
performances that are dramatic, enlightening, and accessible to all.
February 17, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Galax Quartet with Cheryl Ann Fulton
David Wilson, violin
Anthony Martin, violin
Amy Brodo, cello
Roy Whelden, viola de gamba
Cheryl Ann Fulton, harp
Featuring compositions by M.-A. Charpentier (1643-1704), Marie Antoinette (1755-1793),
Georg Muffat (1653-1704), Marin Marais (1656-1728), J.S. Bach (1685-1750), Michel
Lambert (1610-1696) and W.A. Mozart (1756-1791).
The Galax Quartet is modeled after an early version of the string quartet — two violins,
cello and viola da gamba — developed by the eighteenth century composer and viola da
gamba virtuoso, Carl Friedrich Abel. Since 2005, the Galax Quartet has been commissioning
new music, exploring early works, and performing these in unexpected collaborations. The
quartet has performed new works (Mark Mellits, Carl Stone, Dan Becker) on concert series
in Northern California; played Bach’s Art of the Fugue alongside Hubble Telescope images
at the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival; recorded film music by Belinda Reynolds for PBS (The
New Metropolis); accompanied computer images from the virtual worlds with
mathematician and sci-fi writer Rudy Rucker. Each member of the Galax Quartet is a
specialist in the field of early music.
March 17, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Vinaccesi Ensemble
Nanette McGuinness, Soprano
Kindra Scharich, Mezzo-soprano
Jonathan Smucker, Tenor
Susie Fong, Harpsichord
Hallie Pridham, Viola dagamba and Baroque cello
Featuring compositions by François Couperin (1668-1733), Joseph Chabanceau de la Barre
(1633-1678), Louise XIII (1601-1643), Marin Marais (1656-1728), J.S. Bach (1685-1750),
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759), Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), W.A. Mozart
(1756-1791), Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) and C.W. von Gluck (1714-1787).
The Vinaccesi Ensemble was founded in 2008 by Kindra Scharich, Nanette McGuinness,
and Bruce Wetmore, and first performed as part of the 2008 Berkeley Early Music Fringe
Fest. The Ensemble focuses on music of the Baroque, especially (but not exclusively) that of
Italy and the Veneto, and of course, Italian composer Benedetto Vinaccesi (1666-1719)—
for whom the ensemble is named. The Vinaccesi Ensemble has just recorded their first CD,
of solo cantatas by their namesake, Benedetto Vinaccesi. Benedetto Vinaccesi: the Solo
Cantatas is scheduled to be released in spring 2013 on Centaur Recordings and was made
possible through the Musical Grant Program, which is administered by the San Francisco
Friends of Chamber Music and supported by the Heller Foundation, the Hewlett
Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, and San Francisco Grants for the Arts.
April 21, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Hausmann Quartet
Isaac Allen, violin
Eric Chin, violin
Angela Choong, viola
Jeremiah Shaw, cello
Program TBA.
Praised for its “passion and commitment” (San Francisco Classical Voice), and a sound
“packed with biting and lyrical substance” (Cleveland Plain Dealer), The Hausmann
Quartet was formed in the summer of 2004 at Lyricafest in New Jersey, and has since
become known for its powerful and dynamic performances. Now into its eighth season, the
Hausmann Quartet has established itself in San Diego California, joining the faculty at San
Diego State University as Artists in Residence, as well as founding the Hausmann Chamber
Music Program. Recent winners of the Beverly Hills Auditions and recipient of a Chamber
Music America Residency Grant, the Hausmann Quartet has enjoyed a busy and varied
performance schedule with concerts throughout North America and China. The members of
the Hausmann Quartet have trained through courses and degree programs at institutions
such as Longy School of Music, San Francisco Conservatory, Kent State University, The
Cleveland Institute of Music, and The Juilliard School, San Francisco State University, and
San Diego State University. They are grateful to list among their many important mentors,
members of the, Alexander, Miami, Alban Berg, Juilliard, Guarneri, Emerson, Tokyo,
Cleveland, Orion, Takacs, American, Ying, St. Lawrence, Borromeo, Schoenberg, and Artis
Quartets. The Hausmann Quartet is named after Robert Hausmann, the eminent 19th
century German cellist and founding member of the celebrated Joachim Quartet.
May 12, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Town Quartet
Corey Mike, Violin
Mia Bella D'Auguelli, Violin
Jacob Hansen Joseph, Viola
Lewis Patzner, Cello
Featuring compositions by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Camille Saint-Saens (1825-1921),
Ernest Chausson (1855-1899) and George Enescu (1881-1955).
The Town Quartet was formed in 2011 in Oakland by violinists Garrett McLean and Corey
Mike, Violist Jacob Hansen-Joseph, and cellist Lewis Patzner, with the goal of rehearsing
and performing some of the masterpieces of the quartet literature; a feat all too rare for the
local gigging musician. In 2012, Garrett migrated south to his homeland, Los Angeles, and
the quartet recruited violinist Mia Bella D'Augelli. They perform in casual settings, like
their weekly Sunday residency at The Musical Offering Cafe in Berkeley, as well as in more
formal settings like private parties and concerts open to the public. They recently
celebrated the birthday of Luigi Boccherini by performing two of his cello quintets with
Brady Anderson, and the famous “Fandango” guitar quintet with Howard Kadis. That same
month they performed Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 3 to as part of a lecture by Wendy
Lesser, author of Music for Silent Voices: Shostakovich and his 15 Quartets. The Town
Quartet has twice collaborated with the San Francisco chapter of Opera on Tap, arranging
quartet reductions of popular opera selections. In the Spring of 2012, they performed vocal
chamber music with Vocallective, and in early 2013 they programmed and performed the
soundtrack to the Swedish silent film, Terje Vigen, at the Pacific Film Archive Theater in
June 16, 2013 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chamber Music at the Legion of Honor
Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10)
Friction Quartet
Kevin Rogers, violin
Otis Harriel, violin
Pei-Ling Lin, viola
Doug Machiz, cello
Program TBA.
Friction Quartet, recipient of the 2012 Berkeley Piano Club Emerging Artist Award, has
established a reputation for edgy programming and exhilarating performance. Ever since
Friction Quartet’s performance at the 2012 Hot Air Music Festival, where’s
Stephen Smoliar hailed the quartet’s performance of John Adams’ String Quartet as “with
energetic gusto” and with “no shortage of wit,” Friction has been inundated with requests
from composers throughout California to perform their new works for the string quartet
medium. As a result of their success at the 2012 festival, Friction will return to the Hot Air
Music Festival in 2013 as headliners. Recent performances include an evening of world
premiers at ODC Dance Commons and a concert at the Berkeley Piano Club. Through
artistic collaboration in varied mediums, the commissioning of new works, crossing into
genres outside of classical music, adding movement to performances, and incorporating
mixed medias, Friction Quartet creates a progressive and inviting concert atmosphere that
attracts audiences of all ages and interests.