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Aquatic Science
Fall Semester Review
What reflects weather patterns and play a role in what the weather does. They are sources of precipitation as well as affect the temperatures of our
2. How are clouds formed?
3. As temperatures and air pressure drop, water droplets clump together causing condensation or _____________.
4. When the droplets are too heavy to float in the air they fall to the ground in the form of rain or snow called, ________________________.
5. _______________-high level clouds that have bases below 7,000 feet, thin with hairlike strands, are usually thin allowing moonlight and sun to shine
6. ________________- mid-level clouds that have bases between 7000-18,000 feet, Contains ice crystals or rain, usually puffy, have popcorn appearance.
7. ____________________-low level clouds that have bases below 6,500 feet, appear as an overcast, but can be scattered, can be in layers.
8. ________________________-tallest of all clouds that can go up to 60,000 feet, can produce lightning, heavy rains, hail, strong winds, and tornados, have an
anvil shaped top due to the stronger winds.
9. A ______________ can best be described as a huge tropical storm (up to 600 miles in diameter) and winds can be up to 200 mph!
10. Within the ______________, winds are calm and the weather is great.
11. Strongest winds are on the _______________side, heaviest rain is usually on the _____________ side.
12. The hurricane season for the Atlantic runs from ___________ 1st – ____________________ 30th.
13. So a hurricane needs _________________, __________________, and _____________________ in the troposphere to grow.
14. What are the seven stages of a hurricane?
15. In which direction does a hurricane rotate?
16. Is the barometric pressure inside the hurricane high or low?
17. What is the role of the National Weather Service during hurricane season?
18. What is the difference between a Hurricane Watch and a Hurricane Warning?
19. What is the major source of energy fueling a hurricane?
20. By what two factors is hurricane strength measured?
21. What causes the damage in a hurricane?
22. What is a storm surge?
23. What destroys a hurricane?
24. Most of the water on earth is found in the form of?
25. Where in the US is more available surface freshwater?
26. Name the sources that is identified as surface water.
Directions: Use the diagram of the watershed below to answer questions 4 – 6.
27. Which part of the diagram represents
a tributary?
28. Which parts of the diagram could
impact the watershed in a negative
29. Which part of the diagram
represents the headwaters?
30. List the characteristics of a watershed.
List the sources of groundwater.
List the characteristics of groundwater.
List the characteristics of aquifers.
What are the two biggest threats to our groundwater?
What is the water table?
A certain stream loses water throughout the year to the underground aquifer that sits below it. Explain why this occurs.
Water passed through soil A faster than it passed through soil B. What can be said about soils A and B?
What is the importance of permeability to aquifers?
An overwhelming number of wells have been withdrawing water from a certain aquifer at a faster rate than it can recharge. Over time, 30% of the aquifer
has become dry. What could happen as a result?
Why is there a threat of water shortages in our future?
How are dams helpful and harmful?
Know the characteristics of subsidence
Name the ways in which scientists are trying to deal with our water crisis.
What is the problem with desalination?
What is the downfall of cloud seeding?
Know the legislation or Agency and its description.
A. Clean Water Act
B. Safe Drinking Water Act
C. Environmental Protection
46. Know statistical facts about water.
47. What is the largest lake in the world?
What percent is directly available from lakes, rivers, and groundwater?
What element is NOT found in salt water?
Of the elements found in saltwater which two make up 85%? _____________________
Who was one of the earliest people to research the chemistry of the ocean?
What discovery did he make? ___________________________________________________________
Name two sources of salt found in seawater. ________________________________________________
The process that removes salt from seawater is called? __________________
There are many factors that affect the salinity of seawater. Tell if the situation below will Increase the salinity or Decrease the salinity.
__________________ The temperature drops so low that sea ice starts to form in the ocean.
__________________ A 100,000 year old glacier melts due to a change in climate.
__________________ A huge wind storm blows across the Sahara Desert and out into the ocean.
__________________ There is a huge effort to increase the amount of fresh water in the US, so people start distilling ocean water, and throwing the remaining
minerals back into the ocean.
__________________ It’s the rainy season in South America.
__________________ You’re in the Caribbean Islands and it is about 107° F.
__________________ The Amazon River overflows with water.
__________________ A hurricane hits the East Coast of the US.
__________________ A severe 3 year drought hits the Gulf.
Name the four layers of the Earth
The layer that we live on is called the:
Which layer has such high pressure and temperature that you would be squeezed into a ball smaller than a marble but yet it still in a liquid state?
What layer ranges from the depths of 4 – 43 miles?
The crust of the Earth is broken into many pieces called plates. The plates "float" on the soft, semi-rigid called:
The crust and the upper layer of the mantle together make up a zone of rigid, brittle rock called the
What two rocks is the crust made of?
71. T/F Basalt is much denser than the granite.
72. The ______________ is formed when hot material in the upper mantle is decompressed, allowing it to melt and form liquid magma, which cools off quickly.
73. The rocks of the oceanic crust are very young, not older than ________________ years, compared with the rocks of the continental crust _____________________
years old.
74. T/F
The oldest oceanic lithosphere is at the oceanic ridges, and is progressively younger the farther away from the ridges.
75. What mineral is absent in the oceanic crust?
76. The _______________ is composed of very hot dense rock that flows like asphalt under a heavy weight.
77. The middle mantle "flows" because of ____________________________________.
78. The outer core is composed of the melted metals of _______________________________.
79. T/F The mantle of the Earth can be seen at times on the crust layer.
80. T/F
Plates are driven by cooling of Earth and gravity.
81. T/F All plates contain continents.
82. T/F All plates are in motion.
83. T/F Earthquakes coincide with plate boundaries, and the deepest quakes are in subduction zones.
84. How fast are the plates moving?
85. Identify the following plate boundary.
86. Identify the following plate boundary.
87. New crust is generated as the plates pull apart and occurs at spreading ocean ridges and in continental rifts. What kind of plate boundary is this?
88. Name the type of fault.
Ex. Himalayas
Rocky Mountains
What is the definition of Density?
What is the definition of Buoyancy?
If the buoyant force is equal to the object’s weight, it will __________________________________.
What does Archimedes’ Principle state?
Pressure is a force _________________________________________________________________.
According to Pascal’s Principle pressure applied to a fluid is
As a gas is squeezed into a smaller space, its particles will strike the walls more often, _________________________ its pressure.
Objects that are more dense than water will __________________________________________.
Light intensity will _________________________________________ with depth.
_______________________________________ light penetrates deepest in the oceans.
________________________________ = as light enters the water, it bends; this is due to light traveling through different densities
100. True/False - Water doesn’t change density under pressure.
101. Why is speed of sound faster in ocean?
102. True/ False – Speed of sound is 4x faster than in air.
103. What is the SOFAR chanel?
104. According to Boyle’s law, when volume decreases, pressure ___________________, and density ________________________.
What contribution did Walter Munk make?
106. How does sound travel change with depth?
107. Why is the sea blue?
108. Most ________________________________are quickly absorbed by water, a fact that both explains why the sea is blue and why ocean life is concentrated
near its surface.
109. White light, such as sunlight, contains _________________________________________________
110. A green sea is sometimes caused by the presence of _______________________. Turquoise is the usual shade in
_____________________________________________, while gray water flecked with white foam is typical of ________________,
______________________ days.
111. The speed of sound underwater is about _________________________ ft (1,500 m) per ____________________ and is increased by a rise in the
______________________ (depth) of the water and decreased by a ___________________________________.
112. Combining the increase in pressure and the decrease in temperature, in most ocean regions, there is a layer of _________________________ sound velocity
called the ___________________________ (Sound Fixing and Ranging) channel.
113. The Austrian-American scientist Walter Munk (b. 1917) pioneered ___________________________
114. The high surface tension of water is due to the _____________.
115. How many calories are needed to raise the temperature of 10 g of water from 25°C to 35°c?
116. Oxygen is slightly _________________, while Hydrogen is slightly _______________.
117. Each O-H bond in a water molecule is _______________________.
118. What is primarily responsible for the surface tension of water?
119. Which of the following is primarily responsible for holding water molecules together in the liquid state?
120. What is the term for the dissolving medium in a solution?
121. During part of the water cycle, the sun heats up liquid water and changes it to a gas by the process of ____________.
122. The process of evaporation from plants is called _________________________.
123. As water (in the form of gas) rises higher in the atmosphere, it starts to cool and become a liquid in a process called ____________.
124. When a large amount of water vapor condenses, it results in the formation of ________________.
125. When rain falls on the land, some of the water is absorbed into the ground forming pockets of water called ______________.
126. What covers 75% of the earth’s surface?
127. Water _______________________.
128. Negative end of one water molecule is attracted to the positive end of another water molecule to form a ____________________.
129. The boiling temperature of water ___________________ at higher elevations.
130. The attraction of a water molecule to another water molecule is called _______________.
131. A combination of adhesion and cohesion that shows how water is transported in plants is called _____________.
132. The process of going from a solid to a gas is called ______________.
133. The process of going from a gas to a solid is called __________________.
134. Water resists temperature change, both for heating and cooling which gives water the property of ______________.
135. Ice is _______________ dense as a solid than as a liquid .
136. Ability to maintain a steady state despite changing conditions is called _________________.
24. Water is important because:
a. it is a bad insulator
b. it resists temperature change
c. it is the Universal solute
d. it has covalent bonds
137. If a substance has a pH of 2, it would be considered a ______________.
138. Most disease problems can be avoided with proper management of ______________________.
139. For each 10°C (18°F) rise in temperature the metabolic rate ___________________.
140. Increase in water temperature ___________________ solubility of gases in water.
141. The two limiting factors for the growth and health of fish are __________________________.
142. Alkalinity _______________________.
143. Stressors include __________________________.
144. Number of fish which can successfully live and grow in a given amount of water depends on:
145. If the water tests show to have low DO and high CO2 levels, you should ______________.
146. If the water tests show to have high nitrate levels, you should _____________________________.
147. What is meant by the term thermal pollution?
148. How does water temperature affect dissolved oxygen levels?
149. How does water temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis?
150. What is turbidity?
151. How does high turbidity affect photosynthesis?
152. What units is turbidity measured in?
153. What is the turbidity standard for drinking water?
Name the pollution being described:
154. This can be released into the environment either naturally or unnaturally. There are many ways to try to clean this type of pollution up, but it can take years, and
may never be fully cleaned. One way to clean it is to disperse it and get it to sink to the bottom of the Ocean. “Out of Site, Out of Mind”. The effects to the
environment and animal life are detrimental.
155. This pollution primarily originates form cars, but it can also come from metal processing plants and incinerators. It can cause birth defects in unborn children,
cause brain damage and be fatal.
156. This type of pollution is usually found in tropical areas, where sanitations are poor. They can cause nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea, & fever. The best thing
you can do is boil your water.
157. Particles of soils, sand, silt, clay, & minerals. This type of pollution can fill stream channels & suffocate fish.
158. This is one of the major problems in cities. It will cause the spread of diseases, decreased levels of dissolved oxygen and cause an increase in algae growth.
This usually occurs during heavy flooding.
159. Typhoid fever, polio, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, flu & common cold germs are examples of diseases caused by this type of pollution.
160. This type of pollution can decrease the amount of oxygen in the water, and kill animals, like the sea turtle, because they eat things that they are not suppose to.
161. This type of pollution cannot be detoxified. It must be isolated from the environment until it is at a safe level. This could take thousands of years.
162. List the 3 classes of pollutions.
163. What is the leading cause of pollution?
164. List 2 ways to decrease water pollution in our environment.
State if the pollution being described is either Point or Non-point:
165. factories
166. Animal waste entering a river because of run off from a feed lot.
167. acid deposition from the air
168. Oil run off from streets
169. underground mines
170. run off into a storm drain from fertilizing a lawn
171. sewage treatment plants
172. Someone flushing medicine down the toilet
173. oil wells
174. oil tankers spilling oil into the ocean
175. A flood occurs and sediment & other things flow into the local water source.
Matching: You will use the choices more than once!
a. Chemical pollution
b. Thermal pollution
c. Organic pollution
d. Biodegradable pollution
Organic wastes
Petroleum Product
Water released from the bottom on a dam
Detergents & Fertilizers
Heated water from a factory
185. What is NOT an example of a water pollutant?
Oil leaking from the ground into the water
g. Too much sand entering the water
h. Salt water introduced to fresh water in a large quantity in a short amount of time
By definition, these are all examples of water pollution
186. Which do you think is the best way to get rid of waste?
187. Toxic metals, acids, & salts are examples of what class of pollutants?
188. Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasitic worms are examples of what class of pollutants?