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2nd Six Weeks Test Review
Revolutionary War Era (Lessons 1-7)
1) When the Parliament levied taxes on the colonies, the famous slogan used by the colonists
was “______________________________________________________________”. L1
2) Which battle led to the surrender of General Cornwallis as he was trapped on a peninsula
and the French Fleet helped end the Revolutionary War? L6
3) To help pay for the French and Indian War and Proclamation of 1763, King George and
Parliament passed a series of _________________ on the colonists. L1
4) Name 5 events that caused the American Revolution? L1,2
5) What event caused France to ally and recognize the United States (the turning point battle)? L5
6) Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty and Boston Tea Party? L2
7) Name the African American sailor killed during the Boston Massacre? L1
8) In what document will you find that “if a government deprives the people of basic rights, that
to rebel against that government is justified”? L3
9) Why did the King of England and Parliament pass a law called the Proclamation of 1763? L1
10) Name four taxes that were levied on the colonists to help pay for the French and Indian War.
11) Name the document written by Thomas Paine that helped to led to independence from
Britain? L3
12) What would Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, and
George Washington have in common? (Revolutionary War Era) Write about each person.
13) Name the person who provided Spanish weapons, gun powder, and supplies to the Continental
Army? L6
14) This slave acted as a “double agent” spy for General Washington to help turn the tide to the
Revolutionary War. HistoryBook p136
15) After signing the Treaty of Paris 1783, __________________ recognized the United States
as an independent nation. L6
16) The loyalists supported ______________________ during the Revolutionary War. L4
17) The three section of the “Declaration of Independence” are ________________________,
____________________________, and __________________________________. L3
Revolutionary War Era Review (Lessons 1-7) con’t
18) A political idea stated in the Declaration of Independence is that governments obtain their
power from the _________________________________. (or voters)L3
19) The British policy that forced American merchants to provide raw materials to the mother
country was known as ________________________________________. (Colonization Era)
20) The majority of the colonists led by Samuel Adams that took part in the Boston Tea Party
were known as ________________________________________. L2
21) Who wrote the “Declaration of Independence” in 1776? L3 ____________________________
22) Who spread the news as the Redcoats marched to get the weapons and powder stored at
Lexington and Concord? L2
23) Where was the Continental Army when they suffered terrible cold weather (“Bloody footprints
in the snow”) but as the weather warmed, they were taught unification and new fighting skills.
24) The punishment for the colonists at Boston after the Boston Tea Party? L2
25) _________________________ brought soldiers from France to help the Continental Army. L5
26) The __________________________________________ provided the first government for all
13 states although very weak and had to later be replaced. L7
27) “Unalienable rights” are best illustrated as rights given at _________________ if you are an
American citizen and they are the right to __________________, _____________________,
and the __________________________________________________________________. L3
28) What was the best form of protest against the British taxes? L1
29) Name the four parts of the Intolerable Acts passed against Boston, Massachusetts? L2
30) Name the three main weaknesses of the first government adopted for the United States of
American called The _____________________________________________. L7
31) ________________________________ was a Jewish Immigrant who joined the New York
Sons of Liberty and helped finance the Continental Army. L6
32) The first attempt by Benjamin Franklin to make one government and one army for all
13 colonies was the ________________________________________________. p 96
33) ____________________________ was a first Lieutenant in the Continental Navy and became
a war hero for attacking British ships in the open seas to get supplies. L6
34) The idea of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence
originated from a 1690 idea of _______________________________. L3
35) The first attempt by Benjamin Franklin to make one government and one army for all
13 Colonies was the ____________________________________________. Colonization Era