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Chapter 10: Secession and Civil War Study Guide Answers
1. What is emancipation?
The freeing of slaves
2. What were three political disputes that occurred before the Civil War?
Issues about slavery, emancipation, and states’ rights
3. What did the Missouri Compromise do?
It set a border between slave and free states. It was intended to provide a permanent line of
division, though the tensions still grew with each new state.
4. What did the Wilmot Proviso attempt to do? Why was it never passed?
It was an attempt to prohibit slavery in any new territory acquired during the Mexican-American
War. It was never passed because majority of the Senate supported slavery.
5. What were the five parts of the Compromise of 1850?
 Part 1—California will enter the Union as a free state
 Part 2—The people of Utah and New Mexico Territories would decide the slavery issue for
 Part 3—Texas accepted revised borders with New Mexico in exchange for a payment from
the federal government.
 Part 4—Slavery continued to exist in the nation’s capital, but the slave trade was abolished
 Part 5—The Fugitive Slave Act was designed to ensure southern slaveholders that they
could reclaim slaves who escaped to free states.
6. What is popular sovereignty?
the ability of the people in an area to decide an issue; such as whether to allow slavery in their
7. What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
ensured the return of run-away slaves to their masters
8. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? What was the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe; it created more sympathy for slaves and attracted more to the antislavery
cause in the North
9. In the 1850s, what issue eventually overrode loyalty to political parties?
10. What is sectionalism?
The thinking of northerners and southerners that their own part of the country was
fundamentally different from the other, based in large part on the issue of slavery
11. Who won the presidential election of 1860? How did the election results impact the nation?
Abraham Lincoln; many southern states felt cheated since Lincoln was not put on their ballot; this
action began the secession of states
12. Who was the governor of Louisiana during the election of 1860?
Thomas Overton Moore
13. Why did some people in New Orleans not want to secede?
the economy of New Orleans heavily relied on northern and international trade
14. When did Louisiana secede? What new nation did they join?
January 26, 1861; Confederate States of America
15. What event caused the North and South to declare war?
The attack at Fort Sumter
16. Describe Wheat’s Tigers.
One of the most famous units to come from Louisiana. Comprised of Irish and German immigrants,
the unit gained a reputation for their ferocity and rowdiness.
17. Why did enthusiasm to serve in the war eventually decrease?
Numbers of volunteers decreased as the death toll rose, and people realized the war would be
prolonged and bloody.
18. What was the Conscription Act?
An act first passed in the Civil War to set up a draft (compulsory enlistment for military service)
19. Why did people refer to the war as “a rich man’s struggle but a poor man’s fight”?
Because many people with essential jobs and rich men were exempt from the Conscription Act
20. What is a blockade? Why did the North blockade the South?
isolating a seaport to prevent ships from leaving or entering; to prevent the South from receiving
21. Which Union Admiral led forces to take New Orleans?
Admiral David Farragut
22. Why did the citizens of New Orleans burn their goods and supplies when the Union soldiers made
their way to New Orleans?
To prevent the North from using the South’s supplies
23. Who was Benjamin Butler?
A Union General who took command of New Orleans after the North took over
24. What are some plans Butler implemented in New Orleans?
He supported an existing free market to help feed the hungry. He also put many citizens and
slaves to work cleaning the notoriously dirty city.
25. What was General Order Number 28? Why was it created?
An order issued by Butler that demanded that the city’s women cease to “insult or show contempt”
to Union officers or soldiers. If they did not, Butler threatened punishment. It was created
because Confederate-loyal women were openly disrespectful to the Union soliders.
26. Why did Butler close schools early?
Since schools were teaching students anti-Union subjects, Butler considered them “nurseries of
treason”. He closed schools two weeks early and spent the summer “Union-izing” the schools.
27. What was the Confiscation Act? Which group was impacted the most by this act?
Allowed the Union army to take the property of anyone who continued to support the
Confederacy; this majorly impacted wealthy New Orleanians.
28. Why did Butler earn the nicknames “Spoons” and “Beast”?
Because of Butler’s harshness, as well as taking valuables from families
29. What is profiteering?
making an unfair profit on essential goods during emergency times
30. What other major city did Farragut take over for the Union?
Baton Rouge
31. What was the Anaconda Plan? Describe the goal of the plan and how it was implemented.
A plan the Union created to win the Civil War. It called first for the U.S. Navy to prevent trade by
blocking the Confederate coastline. The second part of the plan was to seize control of the
Mississippi River. This would split the Confederacy, making it easier to conquer. It would also
give Northerners total control of the river.
32. What does siege mean?
when an army tries to capture a town by surrounding it and preventing supplies from reaching it
33. Describe the Siege at Port Hudson.
After three unsuccessful attempts to take the fort, the Union decided to lay siege to it. The siege
lasted forty-eight days.
34. Describe the Siege at Vicksburg.
Vicksburg was well protected by a large Confederate force with plenty of firepower. After more
than a year of failed canals and struggles to reach Vicksburg with their armies, the Union was
finally able to lay siege to the city. After near-constant Union bombardment and the loss of all
supplies, the Confederate forces surrendered on July 4, 1863. The surrender of Vicksburg caused
the surrender of the Confederates at Port Hudson days later.
35. Where did Governor Moore move the state government to after the North took Baton Rouge?
36. Who became governor of Louisiana after Moore? What are two things he did to help Louisiana’s
citizens during the war?
Henry Watkins Allen; He established a trade channel with Mexico in order to gain food and
supplies, despite criticism. He also established state stores for fair-priced goods and paid benefits
for soldiers’ families.
37. What was the Red River Campaign?
Union General Nathaniel Banks led a campaign in an attempt to take Shreveport. By doing so, he
hoped to reabsorb Louisiana into the Union. Confederate Major General Richard Taylor was able
to hold back many of the attacks. In the end, this campaign yielded little results other than
preventing the Union from taking all of the state.
38. What was life like for civilians in Louisiana during the war?
Many civilians were on the move as battle lines changed. Those who stayed in their houses were
subject to constant raiding from troops of both sides. Also, different things were used to replace
luxury items from before the war.
39. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Who issued it?
A proclamation issued by President Lincoln that did not end slavery but was designed to create
havoc by freeing slaves only in Confederate-occupied areas.
40. Which Confederate state was the last to surrender?
41. Describe the South at the end of the war.
The South’s infrastructure was ruined from the fighting and hundreds of thousands of people were