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Updated Version! Throw out the old one! March 24, 2010
Geology 12 Specific Outcomes… you will be individually evaluated on all of
these! There are others to be evaluated in the context of projects, labs and
other activities.
The Nature of Geology
1a. Show how geology is unique and multi-themed as a science yet
interconnected with other sciences
1b. identify and describe types of geologists, their tools and how they collect and
use data
Historical Geology
2a. Define, differentiate between and apply relative and absolute dating
2b. Illustrate the geologic time scale and compare it to the human timescale
2c. Explain how fossils are formed and how they can be used to deduce ages of
Earth Materials
3a Define and classify common minerals according to their chemical and
physical characteristics
3b Explain the terminology and processes involved in the formation of igneous
3c Explain the terminology and processes involved in the formation of
sedimentary rocks
3d Explain the terminology and processes involved in the formation of
metamorphic rocks
3e. Classify and identify rocks according to their structure, texture and mineral
Internal Processes
4a. Explain the details of and the evidence supporting the Plate Tectonic Theory
4b. Describe theories and evaluate the understanding of Earth’s internal
4c Identify and describe processes which occur at various plate boundaries
4d. Demonstrate an understanding of processes involved in earthquakes
4e. Describe and compare the processes involved in mountain building
4f Identify, describe and compare various types of volcanoes and processes
4g Relate internal processes to the rock cycle
Updated Version! Throw out the old one! March 24, 2010
Surface Processes
5a. Describe and compare the different types of weathering and how these differ
from erosion
5b. Describe and explain the processes by which running water, glaciers, wind
and waves cause erosion
5c. Compare and contrast particle size, shape and degree of sorting in various
5d. describe the process of soil formation and the factors involved in the
development of different soil types
Environmental Geology
6a. Identify examples of geological hazards that impact humans, ways in
which they could be minimized and factors that influence people to live in
hazardous areas
6b. Demonstrate an understanding of what is meant by a renewable and a nonrenewable resource and the concept of sustainable development
6c Identify and describe geological aspects of local environmental issues or
6d. Identify and describe the environmental problems associated with waste
disposal and management