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Chapter 3 Test Review
Name ____________
These are topics and vocabulary terms covered in this chapter which may appear on the chapter
test. Also see pp. 48-49 in text for more review..
Organic – inorganic
The carbon atom and polymerization
Valence electrons, covalent bonds
Carbon chains, varied shapes
Monomers  polymers
Dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions
Functional groups
 -OH -C=O -COOH -NH2 PO4
Carbohydrates – functions
 Elements, ratio of H to O
 Monosaccharides - # carbons, ring shape, where found
o Glucose,fructose, galactose - isomers
 Disaccharides – which monomers, where found
o Sucrose, lactose, maltose
 Polysaccharides
o Energy storage - starch and glycogen
o Structure - cellulose and chitin
Lipids – elements, functions
 Monomers: glycerol and fatty acid, structure of each
 Triglyceride – which monomers
 Saturated and unsaturated – how different, where found
o Hydrogenated and trans fat
 Heart and blood vessel health
o Atherosclerosis, angioplasty
 steroids – cholesterol, sex hormones, cortisone
o anabolic steroids – health risks
 phospholipids – what, where
Review Keys: Carbs and Lipids
Ch. 3 Exercise 4 fill-ins
1. Monosaccharides 8. water.
2. Polysaccharides
9. Hydrolysis
3. Proteins
10. Disaccharide
4. Fats
11. Ring
5. Starch
12. 6
6. Glucose
13. Cellulose
7. Dehydration
14. Linked
15. Digesting
16. Fiber
17. Disaccharide
18. Glucose
19. Fructose
20. Monosaccharide
21. Shapes
22. receptors
23. hydrophilic
24. isomers
25. C6H12O6
26. dehydration
27. glycogen
28. starch
29. glucose
Chapter 3 Test Review
Name ____________
These are topics and vocabulary terms covered in this chapter which may appear on the chapter
test. Also see pp. 48-49 in text for more review..
Proteins – elements and functions
 monomer and polymer
 Amino acids – 3 parts
 20 kinds – how are they different?
 Peptide bond – where is it?
 Levels of structure
o Primary – amino acid sequence
o Secondary – pleating and coiling; hydrogen bonding
o Tertiary – folding into 3-D shape; interactions between side groups
o Quarternary – two or more polypeptides
 Polypeptide and protein – what is the difference?
 Denature – what is it? How does it happen? What results?
Enzymes – What are they? Why important?
 Activation energy
 Active site and substrate
 Mode of enzyme action – induced fit, lock-and-key
 Factors which affect enzyme action
o Temperature
o pH
o enzyme or substrate concentration
o inhibitors – competitive, non-competitive
o feedback
Nucleic acids – elements and functions
 monomer and polymers
 Nucleotide – 3 parts
 DNA and RNA – how alike?
o How different in structure?
o How different in function?
 ATP – what is it?
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