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Name: _______________________________
Spanish 3
Annual Performance Assessment – Project
For the end of the year, you will have the opportunity to do a project to demonstrate what you have
learned and how you can use the Spanish language. You are going to create a video in Spanish,
incorporating our Spanish 3 unit themes (i.e. hobbies, problems & advice, technology & environment, art
& music, stereotypes & personal relationships, etc.). In this Project you may work individually or in
groups of up to 4 people. The requirements for the Project are as follows:
You must produce a 10 minute video. It may be in the form of a soap opera, a newscast, or a
documentary. You may record the video as a DVD or you may act out the script in class. The
communication must be completely in Spanish; all the “actors” must speak Spanish only.
The final script must be handed in typed and double-spaced.
If you prefer to work alone, you may produce a comic strip or create a PowerPoint presentation to
hand in. The drawings or slides must show various characters and their conversations. You will
need to have at least 12 scenes and present your project to the class, speaking for 2 minutes.
You must include extensive and varied vocabulary.
You must include MANY EXAMPLES of correct grammar that we have learned in Spanish 3
(i.e. the use of different verb tenses such as the present, past, future; the correct use of the
subjunctive mood in the present, present perfect, imperfect; the agreement of gender and number;
subject-verb agreement, appropriate use of ser vs. estar, por vs. para, saber vs. conocer, preterite
vs. imperfect, good use of idiomatic expressions; etc. etc. etc.).
You may choose any theme for your project, but the theme must be appropriate. Inappropriate
themes will receive a 0 (zero)!!
You may choose a combination of themes. For example, an “artist” can be depressed because
(s)he has been stereotyped due to the type of art he paints and your video can show his problem,
the stereotypes he suffers, and how a friend helps to resolve the problem.
Process, value and due dates for various parts of the project:
Part 1:
Process: Hand in written notification to your teacher regarding the people who will work in
groups or individually.
End of Marking Period 1 (TBA in class)
Value: 5 pts (must be handed in on time or lose 1 pt for every late day)
Part 2:
Process: Hand in the rough draft of the script for your video, comic strip or PowerPoint with
your ideas. Your teacher will return your draft with comments, suggestions, grammar points that
you should consider, review, change, and/or correct, etc.
Middle of Marking Period 2 (TBA in class)
Value: 5 pts (must be handed in on time or lose 1 pt for every late day)
Part 3:
Process: Hand in the final version of the script or the written part of your comic strip or
PowerPoint with all the corrections and suggested changes in order to receive a grade for the
written work.
Toward end of Marking Period 3 (TBA in class)
Value: 20 pts (as per Rubric shown below)
Part 4:
Process: Hand in the completed video, comic strip, or PowerPoint. At the end of Marking
Period 4, we will watch the videos and presentations in class and the other class members will
critique the works.
Middle of Marking Period 4 (TBA in class)
Value: 20 pts (as per Rubric shown below)
General Rubric for parts 3 and 4 (20 pts. each part)
An extremely creative and well-organized video, comic strip or PowerPoint presentation. It
is obvious that the student(s) practiced and prepared very carefully. The actors and/or
presenting students do not read anything and are very expressive when they talk. The written
script and/or written conversations in the comic strip and/or presentation are creative and
well-organized as well.
Many examples and good use of vocabulary to describe the events, give advice and
congratulations, in keeping with the events. The vocabulary is very varied and logical
according to the events. Much conversation and/or narration.
Correct grammar and pronunciation. Varied use of wishes, emotions, impersonal
expressions, recommendations, and/or doubt concerning the actions of other characters.
Varied and correct use of grammar learned to date. There is much discussion about things
that happened in the past, are happening now, and/or will happen in the future.
Student(s) communicate clearly and fluently. It is easy to understand the plot and the events
of the action because it is made clear. The video is well-made and does not have too many
pauses. It is obvious that the student(s) have worked to make the video/strip/presentation as
professional as possible. If the student(s) act in class, it is obvious that they have practiced a
lot; they do not have to think too much about what they will say. The comic strip or
PowerPoint is written clearly and fluently. It is easy to understand because Spanish is used
well. The presentation is about the project is clear and the explanation is informative.
_____ / 3
_____ / 4
_____ / 6
_____ / 7
Note: A more specific rubric will be discussed in class. For example, Part 3 of the project focus may be
placed on the written skills, whereas for Part 4 the focus may be on the presentational skills.