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Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy
and the properties of energy and work. (Physical Science)
Key Concepts
Sources and properties of types of energy: heat, solar, chemical, mechanical, electrical
Types of mechanical energy: potential and kinetic energy
Energy transformation: law of conservation of energy
Interrelationship of electricity and magnetism: electromagnets, generators, simple electric motors
Energy transformation in electric circuits: light, sound, heat, mechanical motion,
Heat energy transfer: convection, radiation, conduction
Energy = Work= force exerted over distance
Simple machines: levers, pulleys, inclined planes; common tools, complex machines
6-5.1 Identify the sources and properties of heat, solar, chemical, mechanical, and electrical
Taxonomy level: 1.1-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concepts of sources of heat and
how heat moves by conduction in 3rd grade (3-4.3 and 3-4.4). In 5th grade, students have been
introduced the concept of matter being composed of very small particles (5-4.1) that can form new
substances when they are mixed (5-4.7) and to the concepts of motion and position (5-5.2). Students
have not been introduced to the term “energy,” or to other forms of energy besides heat in previous
grades. Students will further develop the concept of energy traveling in waves in 8th grade (8-6.8).
It is essential for students to know that energy is the ability to cause changes in matter and
involves either motion or position, but that energy can be in many different forms. Students should
know sources and properties of the following forms of energy:
Heat energy
Heat energy is the total energy of the particles that make up an object. The
faster these particles move, the higher the temperature of the object and the
more heat energy it has. The Sun, material that is burning, and electricity are
sources of heat energy.
Solar energy
Solar energy is the energy from the Sun, which provides heat and light
energy for Earth. Green plants use solar energy during photosynthesis (6-2.7)
to produce sugar, which contains stored chemical energy.
Chemical energy
Chemical energy is energy stored in particles of matter. Chemical energy can
be released, for example in batteries or sugar/food, when these particles react
to form new substances.
Mechanical energy
Mechanical energy is the energy due to the motion and position of an object.
It is the total energy in a system. Machines are a source of mechanical
energy but so is falling water, or a human arm or leg.
Electrical energy
Electrical energy is the energy flowing in an electric circuit. A battery and
generator are sources of electrical energy.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
It is not essential for students to know the terms “chemical reactions” or “changes” for chemical
energy or “nuclear reactions” associated with solar energy. They also do not need to know about
“electrons” associated with electrical energy.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to identify the sources and properties of heat, solar, chemical,
mechanical, and electrical energy; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to recall
sources and properties of the forms of energy listed. However, appropriate assessments should also
require students to recognize forms of energy by their sources.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Explain how energy can be transformed from one form to another (including the two
types of mechanical energy, potential and kinetic, as well as chemical and electrical
energy) in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have not been introduced to the concept of energy
transformation in previous grades. Students will further develop these concepts in high school
Physical Science (PS-6.1).
It is essential for students to know that energy can be changed from one form to another as follows:
Mechanical energy
Mechanical energy is all the energy that is in a moving object. A moving car,
a rolling bicycle, a flying airplane and blowing wind all have mechanical
energy. There are two types of mechanical energy:
1. Potential energy
All substances have potential energy which is stored energy or energy of
position. Batteries, for example, contain stored energy that can be used to
produce electricity. A stretched rubber band has elastic potential energy.
Water behind a dam has gravitational potential energy because it can fall
down the dam.
2. Kinetic energy
All substances have kinetic energy which is energy of motion. Any matter
in motion has kinetic energy. There are many forms of kinetic energy, for
example, thermal energy, electrical energy, light energy and sound energy
because something is moving in all these forms of energy.
When water is behind a dam, it has potential energy of position. The
potential energy of the water changes to kinetic energy in the movement of
the water as it flows over the dam. Batteries contain potential energy in their
stored chemicals, which changes to kinetic energy in the electrical energy of
the current when they are wired in a complete circuit.
Chemical energy
Chemical energy is a form of potential energy or stored energy. When plants
make sugar it becomes a form of chemical energy. Plants transform light or
solar energy to chemical energy in sugar produced during the process of
photosynthesis (6-2.7). The chemical energy (stored energy) in sugar is
transformed to mechanical and heat energy in animals that eat the sugar in
Electrical energy
Electrical energy can be easily transformed into other forms of energy also.
The electrical energy moving through the wires in an electric circuit can be
transformed to heat energy in a light bulb and cause it to glow as it
transforms to light energy, or electrical energy can be transformed to
mechanical energy in a motor in the electric circuit.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
The total amount of energy in the object or the system does not change when the type of energy
changes from one form to another. This is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law
is true for all types of energy transformations. Energy is not created or destroyed during any energy
transformation. Energy is only changed in form.
It is not essential for students to know the formulas for potential energy and kinetic energy. They
also do not need to know where the potential or kinetic energy of a system is greatest for example in
a pendulum or a roller coaster.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain how energy can be transformed from one form to
another in accordance to the Law of Conservation of Energy; therefore, the primary focus of
assessment should be to construct cause and effect models of how energy transformations follow
the Law of Conservation of Energy. However, appropriate assessments should require students to
recognize the terms of energy transformations, types of mechanical energy including potential and
kinetic energy, mechanical energy, chemical energy, and electrical energy; to interpret diagrams or
illustrations related to energy transformations; to summarize energy transformations and how the
Law of Conservation of Energy applies.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.3. Explain how magnetism and electricity are interrelated by using descriptions, models,
and diagrams of electromagnets, generators, and simple electrical motors.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of electromagnets in 4th
grade (4-5.9). Students have not been introduced the concept generators and simple electrical
motors in previous grade levels. Students will further develop the concepts of electromagnets,
generators, and simple electrical motors in 9th grade Physical science (PS-6-11).
It is essential for students to know that an electric current flowing through a wire wrapped around
an iron core forms a magnet. A coil of wire spinning around a magnet or a magnet spinning around
a coil of wire can form an electric current. Examples of how magnetism and electricity are
interrelated are demonstrated by the following devices:
An electromagnet is formed when a wire in an electric circuit is wrapped
around an iron core. The magnet that results looses its magnetic force if the
electric current stops flowing.
A generator produces an electric current when a coil of wire wrapped around
an iron core is rotated near a magnet. Generators that produce electric current
for our homes contain coils of wire that are stationary, and rotating magnets
are connected to turbines that are huge wheels that rotate when pushed by
water, wind, or steam. Thus mechanical energy is changed to electrical
energy in a generator.
Simple electric
An electric motor changes electrical energy to mechanical energy. It contains
an electromagnet that rotates between the poles of a magnet. The coil of the
electromagnet is connected to a battery or other source of electric current.
When an electric current flows through the wire in the electromagnet, a
magnetic field is produced in the coil. Like poles of the magnets repel and
unlike poles of the magnets attract. This causes the coil to rotate and thus
changes electrical energy to mechanical energy. This rotating coil of wire can
be attached to a shaft and a blade in an electric fan.
It is not essential for students to know specific terms associated with generators or motors.
Understanding of the fields around a current-carrying wire is also not essential.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain how electricity and magnetism are related using
diagrams, models, and descriptions of devices, for example - electromagnets, generators, and simple
electric motors; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to construct cause and effect
models of how electricity and magnetism are interrelated using previously mentioned devices.
However, appropriate assessments should also require students to interpret diagrams of
electromagnets, generators, or electric motors showing how electricity and magnetism are
interrelated; to summarize information about how electricity and magnetism are interrelated using
descriptions of devices; to compare devices based on how they interrelate electricity and
magnetism; to recognize devices based on their functions.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.4 Illustrate energy transformations (including the production of light, sound, heat, and
mechanical motion) in electrical circuits.
Taxonomy level: 2.2-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of electric circuits in
4th grade (4-5.6 and 4-5.7) and how electricity can be transformed into other forms of energy for
example light, heat, and sound. Students have not been introduced to the term “mechanical motion”
in previous grade levels. Students will further develop the concept of energy transformations in 9th
grade Physical Science (PS-6.1).
It is essential for students to know that energy can be transformed from one form to another for
example light, sound, heat, and mechanical motion in an electric circuit. They should be able to
recognize how the following forms of energy can be produced in an electric circuit:
Light can be produced in an electric circuit if a light bulb is added to the
Sound can be produced in an electric circuit if a bell, buzzer, radio, or TV is
added to the circuit.
Heat can be produced in an electric circuit if a toaster, stove, or heater is
added to the circuit;
Mechanical motion
Mechanical motion can be produced in an electric circuit if a fan, motor, or
generator is added to the circuit
It is not essential for students to know the explanations of how these processes result in energy
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to illustrate energy transformations in electric circuits; therefore,
the primary focus of assessment should be to give illustrations or use illustrations to show the
concept of energy transformations in electric circuits. However, appropriate assessments should also
require students to recognize devices used to transfer electrical energy to another form of energy in
an electric circuit; to interpret diagrams of electric circuits and infer the types of energy
transformations that would occur with specific devices illustrated.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.5 Illustrate the directional transfer of heat energy through convection, radiation, and
Taxonomy Level: 2.2-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of heat transfer by
conduction in 3rd grade (3-4.3) in previous grades. Students have not been introduced to the
concepts of radiation or convection in previous grades. Students will further develop the concept of
thermal energy in 9th grade Physical Science (PS-6.1).
It is essential for students to know energy transfer as heat can occur in three ways described below:
Conduction involves objects in direct contact. Heat energy transfer occurs between
particles as they collide within a substance or between two objects in contact. The
energy transfers from an area of higher temperature to an area of lower temperature.
Convection is the transfer of heat energy in liquids or gases by the movement of the
heated particles. In convection, particles with higher energy move from one location
to another carrying their energy with them. Particles with the higher energy move
from warmer to cooler parts of the fluid.
Radiation is the transfer of energy through space without particles of matter colliding
or moving to transfer the energy. Heat energy moves from an area of higher
temperature to an area of cooler temperature.
It is not essential for students to know about convection currents or areas of higher or lower
density of fluids. They also do not need to know about electromagnetic waves being transferred in
Assessment Guidelines
The objective of this indicator is to illustrate the direction of heat energy transfer through
conduction, convection, and radiation; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to give
illustrations or use illustrations to show the concept of heat transfer through conduction, convection,
or radiation. However, appropriate assessments should also require students to recognize the types
of heat transfer based on descriptions of how particles behave; to classify methods of heat transfer
based on how particles behave; to infer the direction of heat transfer; or to summarize the direction
of heat transfer in various types of heat transfer processes if given temperature differences.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.6 Recognize that energy is the ability to do work (force exerted over a distance).
Taxonomy level: 1.1-B Remember Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concepts of pushes and pulls
and motion in 3rd grade (3-5.3), and in 5th grade they have been introduced to the concepts of force
and motion (5-5.1 and 5-5.6). Students have not been introduced to the concept of energy or work in
previous grades. They will further develop these concepts of energy and work in 9th grade Physical
Science (PS-6.3).
It is essential for students to know that energy is the ability to do work which is a transfer of
energy that occurs when a force causes a change in the motion of an object. An object must move in
order for work to be done.
It is not essential for students to know how to calculate work using the formula of force times
distance or that work is measured in units of joules.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to recognize that energy is the ability to do work, which is force
exerted over a distance, implying that the object on which the work is being done actually moves.
However, appropriate assessments should also require students to recall that energy is the ability to
do work and that if an object does not move, no work has been done; to identify examples of energy
based on whether work has been done.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.7 Explain how the design of simple machines (including levers, pulleys, and inclined
planes) helps reduce the amount of force required to do work.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of pushes and pulls and
motion in 3rd grade (3-5. 3) and to force and motion in 5th grade (5-5.1 and 5-5.6). Students have
not been introduced to the concept of simple machines in previous grades. Students will further
develop the concept of force in 8th grade (8-5.4) and quantitative relationships of work in 9th grade
Physical Science (PS-6.4).
It is essential for students to know that a simple machine is a device that makes doing work easier
by reducing the amount of force required to move an object. They should know that simple
machines could be combined to form compound machines. Machines make work easier (reduce the
amount of force required to move an object) by increasing the distance of the force required to
move an object. This increase in distance the force must move reduces the amount of force required
to move an object. The design of the following simple machines can reduce the amount of force
required to do work as follows:
A lever is a bar that is free to move around a fixed point called a fulcrum. If the distance
from the fulcrum to where the force is applied (effort force) is increased, the amount of
force needed too move the object is decreased. This makes the work “easier” ---less
force is required---by using the lever.
A pulley is a like a lever except that it has a grooved wheel with a rope running along the
groove. The axle acts as the fulcrum and the rope is like the bar. By increasing the
distance of the rope pulling the object, the force required to move the object is reduced-- like in a lever. Only movable pulleys increase the length of the rope moving the object
and thus reduce the force needed to move the object. A fixed pulley only changes the
direction of the movement of the object.
An inclined plane is a sloping surface like a ramp that reduces the amount of force
required to move an object. The greater the distance of the ramp, the less the amount of
force required to move an object up the ramp. Thus, an inclined plane also makes work
easier (reduces the amount of force required) by increasing the distance the object is
It is not essential for students to know the classes of levers, examples of types of levers, various
types of pulleys and how to calculate the mechanical advantage of simple machines.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain how the design of simple machines helps reduce the
amount of force required to do work; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to
construct a cause and effect model of how the design of simple machines helps reduce the amount
of force required to move an object. However, appropriate assessments should also require students
to recognize how simple machines can be designed to reduce the force needed to move an object; to
interpret a diagram of several simple machines to infer which would reduce the amount of force the
most based on their designs (length of effort arm; number of ropes in movable pulleys, distance of
ramp); or to summarize the relationship between the design of the simple machine and the reduction
in force required to move an object.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
6-5.8 Illustrate ways that simple machines exist in common tools and in complex machines.
Taxonomy level: 2.2-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/Future knowledge: Students have not been introduced to the concept of simple machines
in previous grade levels.
It is essential for students to know examples of simple machines (listed in 6-5.7 as levers, pulleys,
and inclined planes) used in common tools and in complex machines as follows:
Levers exist as the type of simple machine in a hammer, pliers, scissors, wheelbarrow, and the
human forearm;
Pulleys exist as the type of simple machine in a flag pole and a block and tackle system used in
cranes and winches;
Inclined planes exist as the type of simple machine in a ramp, a wedge for example a knife, a
screw and a screw lid of a jar;
Complex machines include a can opener containing simple machines for example wedge
(inclined plane), lever, and wheel and axle (pulley); a car, and a bicycle.
It is not essential for students to know which types of levers are in common tools or complex
machines but just the basic types of simple machines listed in Indicator 6-5.7.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to illustrate ways that simple machines exist in common tools and
in complex machines; therefore the primary focus of assessment should be to give illustrations or
use illustrations to show the concept of ways that simple machines are part of simple tools and of
complex machines. However, appropriate assessments should also require students to identify the
types of simple machines that are in common tools and in complex machines; interpret a diagram of
common tools or complex machines to identify the simple machines present; to recognize the
simple machines that make up common tools and complex machines; or to infer the simple
machines present in common tools and complex machines.
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Supporting Content Websites
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Different kinds of energy have different advantages. Some are cheap, some are safer for the
environment, and some are very efficient. Usually, though, you can’t get all three. In this game,
your job is to provide power for a gigantic city. But you need to do it without running out of money
or ruining the environment. (6-5.1, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)
This website gives students the opportunity to experiment with forces. An online quiz assesses
basic concepts about forces. (6-5.6)
California Energy Commission
This website provides numerous resources about types of energy and energy conservation. It
includes teacher and parent resources, puzzles, games and energy stories. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)
This website contains a variety of interactive activities about Simple Machines. Explore a house and
a tool shed to discover simple machines. (6-5.8)
This webquest is designed to explore conductors and insulators, series and parallel circuits, electric
charge, electrical current, electrical safety, electrical power and fossil fuels. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 65.4)
This site contains several links to a variety of websites about electricity. It also includes activities
and lesson plans. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.3, 6-5.4)
This an exemplary Intel Teach to the Future Unit in which students study the concepts of force,
motion, and work as they analyze simple machines. They study the simple machines in complex
machines, and track the transfer of force from input (effort) to output (work). In a design challenge,
students become inventors and identify work they want to perform, and invent a labor-saving
machine to do the job. The design steps of planning, drafting, construction, troubleshooting, and
reliability testing are followed before students unveil their wonderful inventions to an awed crowd.
(6-5.6, 6-5.7, 6-5.8)
National Energy Education Development Project
This site contains information about forms of energy, conservation of energy, and energy efficiency.
(6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.4)
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
The website discusses different types of energy, potential and kinetic energy and conservation of
energy. The energy crisis is described as well as alternative sources of energy. (6-5.1, 6-5.2, 6-5.4)
Suggested Literature
Bartholomew, A. (2002) Electric Mischief: Battery-Powered Gadgets Kids Can Build. Toronto,
Canada. Kids Can Press.
ISBN 1550749234
Electric Al shows kids how to make their very own electric backscratcher, illuminated fork and
more kooky creations using step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow illustrations. The book
features information on battery connections and switches as well as lots of ideas for building on the
basics. (6-5.4, 6-5.2)
Bloomfield, L. (2005) How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life. Boston, MA. John Wiley
and Sons.
ISBN: 047146886X
This book conveys an understanding and appreciation for physics by finding physics concepts and
principles within the familiar objects of everyday experience. The book includes information on
simple machines, force and energy. (6-5.6, 6-5.7, 6-5.8)
Farndon, John. (2002) Energy. Salt Lake, UT. Benchmark Books
ISBN: 07614-1469-X
Several classic science experiments are included in this book with clear explanations of the
activities. (6-5.1)
Karpelenia, J. (2004) Heat. Logan, IA. Perfection Learning
ISBN: 0-7569-4449-X
Presents a study of heat energy and how it works and discusses the sources of heat, how heat
changes things, temperature, radiation, convection and conduction, and body heat. (6-5.4, 6-5.5)
Oxlade,C. (2000) Machines. Baltimore, MD. Ottenheimer Publishers
ISBN: 1-84215-085-5
Explains how nineteen kinds of simple and complex machines work and presents step-by-step,
photo-illustrated instructions for twenty-three related projects. (6-5.7, 6-5.8)
Parker, S. (2000) Electricity and magnetism. Orlando, FL. Raintree.
ISBN: 0-7398-1010-3
Information in the form of charts, diagrams, and photographs is presented here that clearly
illustrates the concepts of electricity and magnetism. (6-5.3)
Richard, J. (2005) Work and Simple Machines. Mankato, MN. Stargazer Books
ISBN: 1-932799-64-8
Uses simple experiments to explore wheels, pulleys, levers, friction, and lift in terms of inventions
and discoveries underlying the modern mechanical world. (6-5.5, 6-5.7)
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Sanders, N. (2004) Energy Transfers. London: Orlando, FL. Raintree.
ISBN: 1-41090-494-6
An excellent explanation of energy transfers is provided in this book. Some of the forms of energy
which are discussed include gravitational, chemical, electric, and nuclear energy. (6-5.2)
Thomas, K. (2004) How Baseball Works. New York, NY. Firefly Books
ISBN 1894379616
Using a great mix of illustrations and photographs, this seven-chapter book explains the physical
science concepts embedded within the game of baseball.
(6-5.1, 6-5.6, 6-5.7)
Wells, R. (1996) How do you lift a lion? Morton Grove, IL. Albert Whitman & Co.
How would you lift a Lion? Pull a Panda? You could do it with three simple machines, levers,
pulleys, and wheels. This book presents several physical science concepts about simple machines
in an informative way. (6-5.7)
Suggested Streamline Video
Getting to Know Energy
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 4: Forms of Energy
Examples of different types of energy and examples and explanations of types of energy, including,
heat, solar, chemical, electrical, and mechanical energy. (6-5.1, 6-5.4)
05.58 to 15.58
Segment 5: Potential and Kinetic Energy
Good examples of energy transformations and a through description of potential and kinetic energy.
(6-5.2, 6-5.4)
15.09 to 19.25
Junior Electrician: Current Electricity
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 1: Introduction
This segment gives many examples of the ways in which electricity is used and how energy
transformation powers every day objects. (6-5.3)
0:00 to 1:25
Segment 6: Electromagnets
Provides a demonstration of how an electromagnet is made. (6-5.3)
9:56 to 11:09
Getting to Know Electricity
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 8: Electromagnetism
This segment shows the relationship between electricity and magnetism to create electromagnets.
8:30 to 10:45
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Electricity and Magnetism: Magic of Magnets
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 3: Electromagnets
Describes the discovery of electromagnets and how electromagnets are made. The science behind
electromagnets is also examined. (6-5.3)
7:39 to 10:11
Segment 4: Electricity from Magnetism
This segment provides a historical background of the discovery of electricity from magnets. The
segment also shows how electricity can be created from magnetism and the applications of this
process. (6-5.3)
10:12 to 11:56
Heat, Temperature, Energy
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 3: Heat: The flow of energy from one thing to another
Provides examples of a variety of examples of heat energy and describes of the ways in which heat
energy may be converted to other types of energy and vice versa. (6-5.2)
2:25 to 5:34
Segment 8: Convection
Defines convection and provides examples of where convection may occur. (6-5.5)
13:27 to 14:57
Exploring Heat
ETV Streamline SC
Segments 11-14: The Movement of Heat, Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Provides definitions of each type of heat transfer and provides examples. (6-5.5)
13:49 to 19:14
Work, Energy and the Simple Machine: Work and Energy
ETV Streamline SC
Segment 1: Work Defined
Work is explained and defined with a variety of examples (6-5.6)
0:00 to 2:18
Segment 2: Energy Defined
Energy is explained and defined with a variety of examples (6-5.6)
Work, Energy, and the Simple Machine: Inclined Plane, Wedge, Screw
ETV Streamline SC
Students will see and learn how these three simple machines are closely related. Common everyday
situations are used to illustrate and demonstrate the widespread use of these machines. (6-5.7)
0:00 to 15:00
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Work, Energy, and the Simple Machine: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
ETV Streamline SC
These three simple machines, as different as they may appear, are actually closely related. The
principles behind each of these simple machines are illustrated and demonstrated with common
situations and tools. (6-5.7)
0:00 to 15:00
Work, Energy, and the Simple Machine: Compound Machines
ETV Streamline SC
This program shows how the six simple machines can be found in use in very complicated
machines. The six simple machines are the basis for all other machines. Many examples of
compound machines, machines that use two or more simple machines, are presented and analyzed.
0:00 to 15:00
Academic Standard 6-5
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Career Connections
Electrical Engineer
An electrical engineer designs, develops, and tests the manufacturing and installation of electrical
equipment, components, or systems. An electrical engineer may work in industry, the military or in
scientific research. An electrical engineer plans and implements research methodology and
procedures to apply principles of electrical theory to engineering projects.
An electrician installs, maintains, and repairs electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. They use
their knowledge of circuits to make sure that all the electric wiring in your house is safe and does
not catch fire. They also will “string” wires from an electric generating plant to give electric power
to houses, schools and businesses.
Heating Mechanic
Heating mechanics and installers—also called technicians—install, maintain, and repair heating and
ventilation systems. Heating mechanics and installers are adept at using a variety of tools, including
hammers, wrenches, metal snips, electric drills, pipe cutters and benders, measurement gauges, and
acetylene torches, to work with air ducts. They use voltmeters, thermometers, pressure gauges, and
other testing devices to check airflow, electrical circuits, burners, and other components.
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical engineers research, develop, design, manufacture, and test tools, engines, machines, and
other mechanical devices. They work on power-producing machines such as electric generators,
internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines. Mechanical engineers also design tools
that other engineers need for their work.
Physicists explore and identify basic principles and laws governing motion and gravity, the
generation and transfer between energy, and the interaction of matter and energy. Physicists design
and perform experiments with lasers, telescopes, mass spectrometers, and other equipment. On the
basis of their observations and analysis, they attempt to discover and explain laws describing the
forces of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear interactions. Physicists also find
ways to apply physical laws and theories to problems in electronics, optics, communications,
aerospace technology, and medical instrumentation.