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3-D Modelling: Ore Systems and Geothermal Systems
Research Affiliations
Degree Type/Name
Student Support
Dr Klaus Gessner, Prof Klaus Regenauer-Lieb and Dr Mary Gee
School of Earth & Geographical Sciences, CSIRO Exploration &
Ph.D, M.Sc or Honours - Geology, Earth Science, Minerals
B.Sc in Geology or Geophysics or other kinds Geoscience
degree, Mathematics/Physics, Chemistry or Computer Sciences
The student undertaking this project is eligible for financial
support provided by the UWA Geoscience Foundation. The
students will also be eligible for iVEC pmd*CRC internships for 3D visualization. This will be full time during the summer vacation.
Various projects are available in collaboration with CSIROExploration & Mining, the Predictive Mineral Discovery pmd*CRC,
the Centre for Exploration Targeting, SIPA Resources, Geological
Survey of WA, interactive Virtual Environment Centre iVEC, the
Geological Survey of Iceland, several German universities and
the Institute for Geothermal Resource Management IGeM
(Germany), GEOWATT AG (Switzerland).
All applicants will be trained in state of the art 3-D geological modelling and process
Project Description
The key aspect of the proposed projects is to compare modern hydrothermal systems with
ancient systems associated with mineral deposits. Research on hydrothermal ore deposits
usually deals with the final product of ancient hydrothermal systems – ideally, a recognisable
spatial transition from unchanged host rock through altered rock to an economically significant
mineralisation. The proposed projects will use a new approach; using observations of modern
hydrothermal systems to understand ancient equivalents associated with iron-ore and basemetal mineralisation.
3D geological models will be constructed from existing data and geological data to be
collected in the field. These models will then be used as a basis for predicting the volume and
distribution of fluid flow and associated alteration assemblages.
It is proposed to initially study three active geothermal systems and two ancient systems. The
ancient systems to be studied are the Panarama base metal deposit and the world-class iron
ores of the Hamersley Basin, both located in the Pilbara region in northern Western Australia.
The modern systems to be studied are the Taupo Volcanic Zone in New Zealand, the Iceland
geothermal area and the hydrothermal activity in the Rhine Graben, Germany.
The prospect of overseas field work exists for some of the projects, while others will be
carried out in close collaboration with industry in Western Australia.
Taupo Volcanic Zone TVZ in New Zealand
The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is the world’s largest
known anomalous heat source within the continental crust
where more than 50,000 km3 of crustal magma have been
produced within the last 2 Ma.
Geothermal systems along the Mid-Ocean Ridge in Iceland
Iceland is one of the few places where a Mid-Ocean Ridge is exposed
above sea level, providing the largest sub-aerial outcrop of active
alteration of basic volcanic rocks on earth. The significant difference to
the TVZ is that the hydrothermal systems are hosted by oceanic crust.
These characteristics allow a comparison with early Archean shallow
water systems in the Pilbara which crerated volcanic-hosted massive
base-metal suphlide deposits.
Rhine Graben
The Rhine Graben is a formidable example of hydrothermal fluid flow in a non-magmatic
geological setting. Here, permeability provided by active faulting in a continental basin is
sufficient to cause hydrothermal convection at 2 – 5 km depth.
Deep, permeable, hot fault zones - in an area of previously unknown deep fluid circulation have recently been successfully targeted, drilled and developed. This discovery has led to a
boom of geothermal exploration in Europe. Accordingly, claims for geothermal exploration in
the central Rhine Graben state “Rhineland Palatinate”, are presently sold out. This approach
may be used as a template to explore hydrothermal resources in the Perth Basin, which is
unexplored for deep hydrothermal reservoirs. The exploitation of this resource is a pressing
issue since it could be used as a primary heat source for desalination which requires lower
temperature than steam turbines for power generation.
In addition to the economic aspects of the proposed projects, the work is also of
environmental significance. Clean energy is a key issue for a sustainable society. With rapid
social and economic development, the longevity and environmental impact of our fossil fuel
resources comes into question and the development of new environmentally friendly energy
becomes increasingly important. Several countries have recognized the strategic value of
geothermal power. Australia likewise has untapped deep fracture corridors in hot rock that
could potentially provide all of its energy need.
Of particular concern for Western Australian is the future of its water supply. Here geothermal
energy has a distinct advantage over conventional energy sources. Heat can be used for
desalination as a primary energy source with process temperatures requiring only about 80130°C, much lower than needed for the production of electricity. It thus appears viable that
under any moderately elevated geothermal gradient desalination via heat from the ground is a
competitive option. Thus, the project could have a double signficance: 1) The virtually
unexplored geothermal potential of the Perth Basin will be investigated. 2) WA would
contribute to the development of new technology for geothermal desalination.
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