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Department of Marketing Management
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Mandeville Building (T10-12)
3062 PA Rotterdam – The Netherlands
Office Phone: + 31 10 4081487
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, RSM Erasmus University, 2015-present
Ph.D. Marketing, Ghent University, Belgium, May 2015
Committee: Maggie Geuens, Patrick Van Kenhove (Ghent University), Rajesh Bagchi (Virginia Tech,
USA), Richard Larrick (Duke University, USA), Stijn van Osselaer (Cornell University, USA)
Master in Communication Sciences, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, 2009
Bachelor in Communication Sciences, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, 2008
Schley, D.R., Lembregts C., & Peters, E. (2017) “The Role of Evaluation Mode on the Unit Effect”, Journal
of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2014). “A 20% Income Increase for Everyone?": The Effect of Relative
Increases in Income on Perceived Income Inequality, Journal of Economic Psychology, 43, 37-47.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2013). Are All Units Created Equal? The Effect of Default Units on
Product Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6), 1275-89.
Pandelaere, M., Briers, B., & Lembregts, C. (2011). How to Make a 29% Increase Look Bigger: Unit Effect
in Option Comparisons. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(2), 308-322.
“Falling Back on Numbers: When Preference for Numerical Product Information increases after a Personal
Control Threat.” (with Mario Pandelaere; Invited for revise and resubmit at the Journal of Marketing
“Making Each Unit Count: The Effect of Discrete Scales on Magnitude Perceptions (with Bram Van den
Bergh; Invited for revise and resubmit at the Journal of Consumer Research)
“Luxury Gifts in Romantic Relationships” (with Shibiao Ding [Washington State, USA] and Mario
Pandelaere [Virginia Tech, USA])
“Setting Up Goals: Expanded vs. Contracted Units Influences Goal Pursuit and Goal Importance” (with
Jorge Pena Marin [UTSA, USA])
“Quantification” (with Manissa Gunadi [RSM])
“Round numbers and spatial preferences ” (with Jorge Pena Marin [UTSA, USA])
Negative Effects of Nostalgia (with Elke Cabooter and Nico Heuvinck [IESEG, FR])
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2015). When Precision Protects: Precise Product Information as a
Source of Control. Presented at The Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter
Conference, Phoenix.
Lembregts, C., Paolacci, G., & Pandelaere, M. (2014). “Get Lucky, Get Punished”: the Effect of
Serendipity on the Perception of Innovations. Presented at Association for Consumer Research
North American Conference, Baltimore.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2013). Falling Back on Numbers: Quantitative Specifications as
Sources of Control. Presented at the La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and
Consumer Behavior, La Londe.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2013). Falling Back on Numbers: Quantitative Specifications as
Sources of Control. Presented at The Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter
Conference, San Antonio.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2012). Are All Units Created Equal? The Effect of Default Units on
Product Evaluations. Presented at The Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter
Conference, Las Vegas.
Lembregts, C. & Pandelaere, M. (2011). 'When Less is More': Numerosity and Fluency effects in
Separate Product Evaluations. Presented at Annual Conference of the European Marketing
Academy, Ljubljana.
Lembregts, C. & Pandelaere, M. (2010). 'I like Goods and I Want them as Soon as Possible': The Impact
of Materialism on the Time-money trade-off in Consumer Decisions. Poster presented
Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, Jacksonville.
Pandelaere, M., Elen M., Lembregts, C., Meert K. & Tessitore T. (2010). The effects of desire: desire
as motivator. Poster presented at Association for Consumer Research North American
Conference, Jacksonville.
Lembregts, C. & Pandelaere, M. (2010). Are days more valuable than months? The time-unit effect in
consumer decision making. Presented at Annual Conference of the European Marketing
Academy, Copenhagen.
"When Precision Protects: Precise Product Information as a Source of Control."
VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2015.
"Falling Back on Numbers: Quantitative Specifications as Sources of Control."
IESEG School of Management, France, March 2014.
"Falling Back on Numbers: Quantitative Specifications as Sources of Control."
Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands, October 2013.
“Are All Units Created Equal? The Effect of Default Units on Product Evaluations.”
Ghent University, PhD day, May 2012
Veni Grant, Research Foundation – The Netherlands, September 2016-2019: 250,000 euro
EMAC Doctoral Colloquium Fellow, 2011
Doctoral Scholarship, Research Foundation – Flanders, 2011: 100,000 euro
(most prestigious grant in Belgium to write a doctoral dissertation)
Research Grant, National Bank of Belgium, 2010: 40,000 euro
University Doctoral Scholarship, Ghent University, 2009: 80,000 euro
European Erasmus Grant, 2007
Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
European Marketing Academy
Trainee reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research
Ad Hoc reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research
Ad Hoc reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs
Ad Hoc reviewer, International Journal of Research in Marketing
“Marketing Management” (2nd Bachelor)
Session in PhD course: “Current Topics in Marketing Research”
Supervision of 10 marketing master theses
Ghent University:
Supervision of >15 marketing master theses
Guest Lectures in
Advanced Methods in Marketing Research
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Management
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