Download Kentico CMS Performance Optimization

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Kentico CMS Performance Optimization
Implementation at Newsmax
- Ayush Chaturvedi
• The Newsmax Project
– Architecture, load and performance
• Optimizations
Application Server
Front End Optimizations
Newsmax Project
• Site layout
One instance two sites,
Centered around articles
Customizations & features like slideshows
Notice urls
High load, High performance and High availability
• Project Layout
– Dev –Dev Test– Stage - Production
– Load balanced on two servers
– TFS team and build automation is used.
Newsmax Project Contd..
• Avg. visits a month ~ 20,000,000
Newsmax Project Contd..
• Best case on a single day ~ 3,000,000
Newsmax Project contd..
• Our experience with Kentico
We have grown as Kentico has over the last year.
Seen Database CPU from 99% to 3-4% .
From versions to versions till 5.5
5.5 is the real enterprise class CMS
Where are we?
• The Newsmax Project
– Architecture, load and performance
• Optimizations
Application Server
Front End Optimizations
• Kentico CMS off the shelf + efforts at Newsmax
– Off the shelf: caching, indexing, queries
– Newsmax: more caching and cache management, more indexing and
stats and query tuning.
– UPGRADE TO 5.5 (V.V. imp.)
– Understand Kentico CMS is a normal ASP.NET web project. Many
Optimization - Queries
• Understanding what queries run on a page request
– User request  query to node alias query to documentpath
query to documentaliases
– Initially aliases then document url path
– One page to serve all articles.
• Understanding the three tables that create a document
– Cms_tree, cms_document, doctype tables
– Difference between select and selectdocument
– Define select columns, avoid selecting ntext {nvarchar(max)}columns
for listing controls
– Extreme case (not recommended unless justified) modify
SELECT ##TOPN## ##columns##
FROM dbo.View_CMS_Tree_Joined ct
INNER JOIN dbo.Newsmax_Article na
ON ct.DocumentForeignKeyValue = na.ArticleID
AND ct.NodeClassID = 2046
INNER JOIN dbo.customtable_SiteSectionArticles cssa
ON (na.NMID = cssa.ArticleID
AND ct.Published = 1
AND ct.NodeParentID = @parentID
AND cssa.SiteSectionID = @SiteSectionID)
INNER JOIN dbo.customtable_SiteSections css
on cssa.SiteSectionID = css.NMID
View_Newsmax_Article_Joined inner join custom tables
// joining a view of views to another table.
!!Again not recommended unless you are an expert and willing to support.
Optimization - Code
Scheduled tasks, use wisely
Portal development mode reduces custom code.
Output filters. Use only if absolutely needed.
Store images on both file system and db
Ondatabound Processing.
Avoid queries to databases, use cached context variables
and macros.
• Monitor eventlog and clean errors. Exceptions cause
performance problems. E.g. missing image in a CSS.
Where are we?
• The Newsmax Project
– Architecture, load and performance
• Optimizations
Application Server
Front End Optimizations
Optimization - Caching
• No cache no performance.
• Levels of caching
– Data cache, partial cache ( output cache), full page cache, IIS
output cache
– Implementation of keys and cache expiry mechanism is critical
• E.g Newsmax custom dummy key based cache dependency
– Cache expiry handling in 5.5. Refer Martin’s blog post.
– At Newsmax we cache the latest 6000 articles
• Have images cached
Optimization of Database
• SQL 2008 (advanced level for DBAs)
• DB Architecture
Cluster, failover configuration.
RAID Drive mounts and locations.
Backup Scheme.
Optimization of Database – Contd.
• Query tuning
Specially for custom tables
Data tuning advisor, index usage stats
Index_seek vs index_scans
Too much indexing and stats can cause wrong compilation plans
Keep an eye on compiled plans and single use ad hoc queries
• Optimize for ad-hoc workload
– Forced parameterization
– Case of Order by 1
• Understanding AWE and PAE switches
– Depending on your DB size.
– Min and Max memory setting
– MaxDOP setting
Optimization – Application server
• Load balanced
• Multiple core (i7), SSD drives, 32GB RAM, Windows 2008
• IIS recycling set to a particular time.
• Redirects done in IIS rather than in the CMS
Optimizations – Front End
Often neglected
Image compression
CSS and JavaScript mimification
CSS and JavaScript compression
Use of CSS sprites
JavaScripts to the bottom of the page. External if possible.
Using client browser cache (E-tags)
Minimize HTTP requests (e.g. libraries for front end
Optimizations- Even more
• For superior caching consider 3rd party tools like
• Use Content Delivery Networks
• For extremely large datasets 100s of millions consider
partitioning DB tables.
• Future DB cluster support in Kentico.
About Myself
• Working as Systems Architect at Newsmax Media. Advertise with us
we get a lot of traffic!!
• Worked at fortune 500 companies like H&R Block with training at
• Background in CMS and ERP systems.
• Provide offshore troubleshooting and development services.
• Interested in solving problems and discussing solutions.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please collect business cards !! Feel free to contact.
Thanks Karol, Neil and Martin for their inputs.