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Practice Test Chapter 2
Ms. Kline
Directions: Use this review to practice and study for your test. Use your notes and
partner to complete this assignment.
______ 1. What did Christopher Columbus think that he found?
a. The Caribbean
b. France
c. Madagascar
d. India
______ 2. Which statement about the Columbian Exchange is a FACT not an opinion?
a. The Columbian Exchange benefited Europe more than it benefited the
b. The Columbian Exchange brought new foods and products to Europe
and the Americas
c. The Columbian Exchange created a modern Europe
d. The Spanish were nicer to the Indians then the Italians
______ 3. What were John Cabot, Giovanni da Varrazzano and Henry Hudson looking
a. Canada
b. St. Lawrence River
c. Northwest Passage
d. Newfoundland
______ 4. Which explorer sailed around passed the southern tip of Africa to India?
a. Vasco Da Gama
b. Christopher Columbus
c. Francisco Pizzaro
d. John Cabot
______5. Who were the mestizos in the Spanish colonies?
a. Soldiers who accompanied the Spanish conquistadors
b. natives hired by Spanish colonials to mine silver
c. People of mixed Indian and European heritage
d. The slaves
______ 6. Which of the following brought Spanish explorers to the New World?
a. Gold
b. Spices
c. Religious freedom
d. Fur
______ 7. Samuel de Champlain explored which of the following?
a. Chesapeake Bay
b. St. Lawrence River
c. Mississippi River
d. Nile River
______ 8. A direct result of the conquest of Tenochtitlan by Herman Cortes in 1521
was the
a. throwing out of Jews and Muslims from Spain
b. The Spanish left the new world and did not come back
c. Fall of the Aztec Empire
d. Establishment of Portuguese trade routes around Africa
______ 9. What was one reason that the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer
the Aztec and Inca Empires so quickly?
a. The Aztecs and the Incas joined together to fight
b. The empires had no armies
c. The Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs and Incas did
d. The Aztecs and Incas knew the land well so they could defend it easily
______ 10. Which statement is most closely associated with the policy of mercantilism?
a. Colonies should exist for the benefit of the mother country
b. When everyone gets along well, trade is bad
c. Government should not be involved in the economy
d. Local authority should determine the type of goods to be produced
______11. The global transfer of foods, plants and animals during the colonization of
the Americas is known as the
a. Columbian Exchange
b. Middle Passage
c. New Rule
d. New Imperialism
______ 12. What was a major reason for the end of the Aztec Empire?
a. A conflict with the Incan Empire
b. Political corruption and an unstable government
c. The technology of the Spanish conquistadors
d. They did not like each other anymore
______ 13. How many voyages did Christopher Columbus make?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
______ 14. Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to sail where?
a. Around the world
b. To the Caribbean
c. China
d. To India
______ 15. Why were millions of Africans transported to the New World after
Columbus’s landings?
a. They made up colonial militaries
b. The colonists wanted diversity or different races in the new colony
c. They served as slaves in the colonies
d. They were paid to build in colonial cities
______ 16. Henry Hudson’s exploration of the Hudson River, granted the __________
claim to the river.
a. Dutch
b. Spanish
c. French
d. Germans
True or False – Read the statement and decide whether it is a true or false statement.
Write the word TRUE or FALSE on the line next to the question number. If I cannot read
your answer, it is WRONG.
_____________ 17. Because so many Native workers were dying, the Spanish looked
for a new source of labor, and went to Africa to get slaves.
_____________ 18. The French were looking for furs and fish.
_____________ 19. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, explored the Caribbean coast of
Panama, he also went through the forest and saw the Pacific
_____________ 20. By September 1532, Giovanni Verrazanno led his soldiers into the
center of the Incan Empire and took it over.
_____________ 21. Cortez returned the Aztec empire in Mexico and destroyed
_____________ 22. The French had to create a formal system of government its new
_____________ 23. After a series of deaths in the royalty of England, Protestant
Queen Elizabeth I restarted the rivalry with Roman Catholic
_____________ 24. Magellan finally reached the Philippine Islands, where he was
killed in battle.
_____________ 25. Portugal had become Protestant because the King wanted a
divorce and the Catholic Church would not allow it.
_____________ 26. The lowest in the Spanish social class were creoles, which were
people of Spanish and African heritage
_____________ 27. British explorers are called conquistadors and wanted to explore
the world.
Short Answer – Read the following question. In a 3 or more sentence paragraph,
answer the question completely. Use correct grammar and complete sentences
28. What was the Columbian Exchange and what were the positives and negatives?
29. Why did the Spanish defeat the Natives?
30. Explain the Spanish class system. (Hint: The pyramid that we drew.)