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Oedipus Rex Exam Review
Background and the Play
1. Which of the following statements is not true about the Greek Theatre?
a. the Greek Theatre was carved in the hillside of a mountain
b. the stage where the chorus sang and danced was called the orchestra
c. the Greek Theatre was a large, elaborate building
d. plays performed in the Greek Theatre were often sung like modern musicals
e. cultural life in Athens was centered around the Greek Theatre
2. Which of the following statements is not true about the actors in the Greek Theatre?
a. acting in plays was considered a “civic duty”
b. actors were hired and paid professionals
c. all actors on the Greek stage were men
d. actors wore elaborate masks and costumes
e. all of the above
3. How many actors were typically in a Greek drama?
4. What is the purpose or function of the chorus in Greek theatre?
5. How does the chorus function in the play of Oedipus Rex?
6. What is the dramatic purpose of the prologue?
7. In the opening scene of the play, how is Oedipus characterized?
8. What is the source of the plague?
9. Oedipus tells the citizens of Thebes that he has sent Creon to the Oracle at Delphi to find
the source of the plague. What news does Creon bring back from the Oracle?
10. What does Oedipus declare he will do?
11. (A) Read the following lines from the play, spoken by Oedipus:
So I will fight for him as if he were my father,
stop at nothing, search the world
to lay my hands on the man who shed his blood,
the son of Labdacus descended of Plydorus,
Cadmus of old and Agenor, founder of the line:
their power and mine are one.
Which line does not demonstrate dramatic irony?
12. Why does Tiresias anger Oedipus?
13. How does the chorus feel about Tiresias’ accusation against Oedipus at the end of Part 1 of
the play?
14. Why is Creon so upset when he enters the scene in Part 2?
15. Why does Jocasta try to dismiss Tiresias’ prophecy that Oedipus is the murderer of Laius
and will one day be banished from the city of Thebes?
16. Why does Oedipus believe that he is the person who murdered King Laius?
17. Why does Oedipus summon the sole servant who survived the attack on Laius and his men
to Thebes?
18. Why is the timing of the messenger’s entrance into the scene in Part 3 significant?
19. What news does the messenger from Corinth bring?
20. What does Oedipus still fear after hearing the news?
21. What shocking news does the messenger give Oedipus in attempt to relieve his fear?
22. Oedipus reveals that he left Corinth because of a prophecy that he was told he would one
day kill his father and marry his mother. Who is the first person to suggest to Oedipus that
King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth are not his real parents?
23. When the shepherd arrives, Oedipus questions the old servant of Laius about his
relationship with the messenger from Corinth. How do they know one another?
24. What terrible truth does Oedipus learn when the shepherd verifies the messenger’s story
about Oedipus?
25. What happens to Queen Jocasta?
26. What is the symbolic significance of Oedipus’ act self-blinding?
27. To where does Oedipus ask Creon to banish him?
28. How does the Chorus feel about Oedipus at the end of the play?
29. I am Jocasta’s brother
30. I am the one who reveals to Oedipus the truth about his relationship to
King Polybus and Queen Merope
31. I am the cause of the plague in Thebes
32. I offer advice to central characters in the play and
speaks for the chorus
33. I attempted to kill my own child because of a
terrible prophecy told to me
34. I am the man who raises Oedipus
35. I solved the riddle of the dreaded Sphinx
36. I reveal that Polybus is dead
37. I commits suicide at the end of the play
38. I am also a drunken man from Oedipus’ past, and
the first to tell him the truth about his parents
39. I predict that Oedipus will one day be blind
40. We are Oedipus’ daughters
41. I escaped the horrific attack that resulted in the
murder of King Laius
42. I am Oedipus’ real father
43. I am the murderer of King Laius
44. I beg for Oedipus’ help to solve the mystery of the plague
on behalf of the people of Thebes
45. I am the uncle and brother-in-law of Oedipus
46. I can “see” the truth, even though I am physically blind
47. What is dramatic irony? How does this play demonstrate dramatic irony? Be able
to identify examples from the play! Also, be sure to explain how your examples
demonstrate dramatic irony
48. Discuss the tragic downfall of Oedipus Rex. Identify the following terms:
 Tragedy
 Tragic Downfall
 Tragic Hero
 Tragic Flaw
 Hubris
49. Is Oedipus responsible for his downfall or is it predetermined by his