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Chapter 5: The Multi-Stage Amplifiers Section 5.1 The DC Voltage in the Output Let us consider a typical amplifier shown in Fig. 5.1-1(a). line are shown in Fig. 5.1-1(b). Its I-V curve and its load VDD RL IDS VGS D G S vin Q1 vout VGS Vop (a) A typical NMOS amplifier VDS (b) The DC output voltage Fig. 5.1-1 An amplifier with its operating point As shown in Fig. 5.1-1, the small signal output vout will be on top of a DC voltage V DS which is usually larger than VGS . Now, consider the two-stage VDS1 will now become the VGS 2 in the next stage. amplifier shown in Fig. 5.1-2. Since VDS1 is usually high, it is not appropriate for it to act as VGS 2 . 5-1 VDD VDD RL2 RL1 Q2 D G vin D S S Q1 VDS1 VGS Fig. 5.1-2 A two-stage amplifier One possible solution is to introduce a coupling capacitor between these two amplifiers. The coupling capacitor will filter out VDS1 . That is, whatever VDS1 is, it will not appear at the gate of the M2. But, we need an appropriate bias voltage for the second stage transistor. This is done by having a voltage divider consisting of R2 R3 and R3. As shown in Fig. 5.1-3, the gate bias voltage of M2 is now VDD . R2 R3 VDD VDD R1 VDD R2 R4 4 3 1 vin M1 NMOS C2 M2 NMOS vout R3 0.65V Fig. 5.1-3 Experiment 5.1-1: A two-stage amplifier with a coupling capacitor in between A Two-stage Amplifier Coupled by a Capacitor 5-2 In this experiment, we tested the circuit in Fig. 5.1-3. The program is in Table 5.1-1 and the results are in Fig. 5.1-4. The gain was found to be 40. Table 5.1-1 Program for Experiment 5.1-1 Ex5.1-1 .protect .lib "d:\model\tsmc\MIXED035\mm0355v.l" TT .unprotect .op .options nomod post VDD vdd! 0 3.3v R1 vdd! 1 10k R2 vdd! 3 160k R3 3 0 40k R4 vdd! 4 70k .param W1=5u M1 1 2 0 0 +nch L=0.35u W='W1' m=1 +AD='0.95u*W1' PD='2*(0.95u+W1)' +AS='0.95u*W1' PS='2*(0.95u+W1)' .param W1=5u M2 4 3 0 0 +nch L=0.35u W='W1' m=1 +AD='0.95u*W1' PD='2*(0.95u+W1)' +AS='0.95u*W1' PS='2*(0.95u+W1)' C2 1 3 0.01nF VGS1 vi+ 0 0.65v Vin vi+ 2 SIN(0 0.001v .tran 0.001us 10us .end 1Meg) 5-3 vin t vout t Fig. 5.1-4 The gain for Experiment 5.1-1 But a capacitor is by no means easy to fabricate in integrated circuits. Therefore, some other solution is needed. One possible solution is to introduce a PMOS transistor in the second stage, as shown in Fig. 5.1-5. VDD VDD RL1 G G vin Q1 D S S D NMOS PMOS Q2 RL2 VGS Fig. 5.1-5 A two-stage amplifier with a PMOS in the second stage 5-4 Suppose that Vout1 is high. Since VSG 2 VDD Vout1 , a high Vout1 will mean a low VSG 2 which is appropriate for Q2. But, it is very hard to have an ideal case. That is, Vout1 is seldom appropriate to be a proper VSG 2 . A further trick is to have an active load to replace RL2, as shown in Fig.. 5.1-6. VDD VDD R1 M2 PMOS V2 M1 NMOS V3 M3 NMOS vin Fig. 5.1-6 A two-stage amplifier with a CMOS circuit in the second stage Since an NMOS M3 is the load of M2, although Vout1 may not be ideal for M2, we can still adjust the widths and lengths of the gates of M2 and M3 in such a way that there is an appropriate operating point for M2. This is demonstrated in the following experiment. Experiment 5.1-2 A Two-Stage Amplifier without Capacitive Coupling The program to find Vout1 is in Table 5.1-2. As can be seen in Fig. 5.1-7, Vout1 is almost 2.4V which means VSG 2 is around 3.3V-2.4V=0.9V. The program to show the operating point of M2 is in Table 5.1-3 and the result is shown in Fig. 5.1-8. The gain is shown in Table 5.1-4. We can see that the operating point of M2 is quite good from Fig. 5.1-8 and the gain is about 156 from Table 5.1-4. Table 5.1-2 Program for operating points of M1 070708TwoStageCMOSaa .protect .lib 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .unprotect .op .options nomod post 5-5 VDD R1 11 R2 11 V2 2 11 2 1 0 0 3.3v 40k 0k 0 M1 2 M2 3 M3 3 5 2 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 VGS3 5 6 0.65v nch L=0.35u W=5u pch L=0.35u W=5u nch L=0.35u W=5u VGS1 4 0 0.65v Vin 6 0 sin(0 0.001v 500k) .DC V2 0 3.3v 0.1v .PROBE I(M1) I(R1) .end IM1 VDS1 Fig. 5.1-7 The operating points of M1 5-6 Table 5.1-3 Program for operating points of M2 070708TwoStageCMOSb .protect .lib 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .unprotect .op .options nomod post VDD 11 0 3.3v R1 11 2 40k R2 11 V3 3 1 0 0k 0 M1 2 M2 3 M3 3 5 2 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 VGS3 VGS1 5 4 6 0 0.65v 0.65v nch L=0.35u W=5u pch L=0.35u W=5u nch L=0.35u W=5u Vin 6 0 sin(0 0.001v 500k) .DC V3 0v 3.3v 0.1v .PROBE I(M2) I(M3) I(R2) .end 5-7 IM2 I-V curve of M2(load curve of M3) I-V curve of M3(load curve of M2) V3=Vout=VDS3 Fig. 5.1-8 Operating points of M2 Table 5.1-4 The gain for Experiment 5.1-2 **** small-signal transfer characteristics v(3)/vin = 155.8296 input resistance at vin = 1.000e+20 output resistance at v(3) = 101.1364k Section 5.2 The DC Analysis of a Two-Stage Differential Amplifier A two-stage differential amplifier is shown in Fig. 5.2-1. It can be seen that transistors M1 to M5 form the first stage and transistors M6 to M7 form the second stage. 5-8 3/2 VDD 3/2 M3 M4 1 M6 2 4/3 M1 3 V- vin V+ VBIAS Vout M2 10/2 10/2 30/2 M7 M5 14/2 VSS Fig. 5.2-1 A two-stage differential amplifier This first stage differential amplifier was analyzed rather thoroughly in Chapter 4. So far as DC analysis is concerned, if Vi increases, the voltage at the drain of M4, namely V2 will also increase, as shown in Fig. 5.2-2. 3/2 3/2 M3 VDD V2 M4 1 2 V- M1 3 vin M2 10/2 10/2 V+ VBIAS 30/2 VSS M5 1 0 1 V- Fig. 5.2-2 The input/out relationship of the first stage Let us consider M6 and M7. Note that as V2 increases, VSG 6 decreases. As shown in Fig. 5.2-3. 5-9 VDD I V2 I(M6) I(M7) M6 4/3 Smaller VSG6 Higher V2 Vout M7 14/2 VSD VSS 6 Fig. 5.2-3 The I-V curves of M6 and its load curve From Fig. 5.2-3, we can see that the increasing of V2 will induce an increasing of VSD 6 as shown in Fig. 5.2-4. I I(M6) I(M7) Smaller VSG6 Higher V2 VDD M6 V2 4/3 VSD6 Vout VSD6 M7 14/2 VSS V2 Fig. 5.2-4 VSD 6 vs V2 But Vout VDD VSD6 . Thus we have the relationship between V o and V2 as shown in Fig. 5.2-5. 5-10 VSD6 VDD V2 M6 4/3 V2 Vout V out M7 14/2 VSS V2 Fig. 5.2-5 Vout vs V2 Finally, we have the Vi versus V o as shown in Fig. 5.2-6. 5-11 Vout V7/2 VDD 7/2 M3 M4 1 M6 2 Vout 4/3 V- M1 3 vin M2 10/2 V+ 10/2 VBIAS 100/2 M7 M5 14/2 VSS Fig. 5.2-6 Vout vs V It should be noted that the gate of M1 was labeled as positive in Chapter 4. Why is it labeled as negative in this two-stage circuit? It is labeled as negative because as shown in Fig. 5.2-6, if V increases, Vout decreases. For the same reason, the gate of M2 must be labeled as positive now. Section 5.3 Experiments Experiment 5.3-1 The Gain The circuit we used is that shown in Fig. 5.2-6. The program is in Table 5.3-1 and the result is shown in Fig. 5.3-1. As can be seen, the gain is 1202. Table 5.3-1 Program for Experiment 5.3-1 0423 .PROTECT .OPTION POST 5-12 .LIB 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .UNPROTECT VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M3 11 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M4 21 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M1 1 V- VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M2 2 V+ 3 VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M5 3 VB VSS! M6 VO 2 M7 VO VBIAS 3 VSS! NCH W=100U VDD! VDD! PCH W=4U VB VB VSS! 0 L=2U L=3U VSS! NCH W=14U L=2U -0.95v .OP VIN+ V+ VIN- V- 0 0 SIN(0V 0.000001V 10K) DC 0 .TF V(VO) VIN+ .TRAN 1U 1M .END 5-13 vin vo Fig. 5.3-1 The gain for the two-stage amplifier in Fig. 5.2-6 **** small-signal transfer characteristics v(vo)/vin+ input resistance at vin+ output resistance at v(vo) = 1.2028k = 1.000e+20 = 452.7281k Experiment 5.3-2 The Relationship between Vi- and Vo We set V to be 0 and changed V from -1V to 1V. The program is shown in Table 5.3-2 and the result is in Fig. 5.3-2. It can be seen that Vout drops quite sharply which indicates a high gain. Table 5.3-2 Program for Experiment 5.3-2 0423 .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .UNPROTECT 5-14 VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M3 11 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M4 21 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M1 1 V- VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M2 2 V+ 3 VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M5 3 VB VSS! M6 VO 2 M7 VO VBIAS 3 VSS! NCH W=100U VDD! VDD! PCH W=4U VB VB VSS! 0 L=3U VSS! NCH W=14U -0.95v .OP *** Transient Simulation *** VIN+ V+ Vin- V- 0 0 L=2U 0 0 .DC Vin- -1 1v 0.01v .PROBE V(2, 1) .END 5-15 L=2U V2 Vout VFig. 5.3-2 Experiment 5.3-3 Vo u t and V2 vs V The Operating Point of M6 The operating point is always important. In this experiment, we tried to find the operating of M6 to see whether it can be still improved. The program is in Table 5.3-3 and the result is in Fig. 5.3-3. As can be seen, the operating point can still be improved, which will be done in the next experiment. Table 5.3-3 Program for Experiment 5.3-3 0423-2 .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .UNPROTECT VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M3 11 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M4 21 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M1 1 VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U V- 3 5-16 M2 2 V+ 3 VSS! NCH W=10U M5 3 VB VSS! M6 VO 2 M7 VO VSS! NCH W=100U 6 VDD! PCH W=4U VB Rm6 VDD! VSS! 6 VSD6 VDD! VBIAS VB L=2U L=2U L=3U VSS! NCH W=14U L=2U 0 VO 0V 0 -0.95v .OP VIN+ V+ VIN- V- 0 SIN(0V 0 0.000001V 10K) DC 0 .DC VSD6 0 3v 0.1v .PROBE I(Rm6) I(M7) .END I(M6) I(M7) VSD6 Fig. 5.3-3 The operating point of M6 in Fig. 5.2-6 Experiment 5.3-4 The Changing of Operating Point of M6 5-17 In this experiment, we increased the width of M7 to be 17u to increase the current of M7. This gives a better operating point and a gain of 13968. The program for the operating point is shown in Table 5.3-4 and the result is Fig. 5.3-4. The program for finding the gain is in Table 5.3-5 and the result is in Fig.5.3-5. Table 5.3-4 Program for Experiment 5.3-4 0423-2 .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .UNPROTECT VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M3 11 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M4 21 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M1 1 V- VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M2 2 V+ 3 VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M5 3 VB VSS! M6 VO 2 M7 VO 3 VSS! NCH W=100U 6 VDD! PCH W=4U VB Rm6 VDD! VSS! 6 VSD6 VDD! VBIAS VB L=2U L=3U VSS! NCH W=17U L=2U 0 VO 0V 0 -0.95v .OP VIN+ V+ VIN- V- 0 0 SIN(0V 0.000001V 10K) DC 0 .DC VSD6 0 3v 0.1v .PROBE I(Rm6) I(M7) .END 5-18 I(M6) I(M7) VSD6 Fig. 5.3-4 A better operating for M6 Table 5.3-5 Program for finding the new gain 0423-3 .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB 'c:\mm0355v.l' TT .UNPROTECT VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M3 11 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M4 21 VDD! VDD! PCH W=7U L=2U M1 1 V- VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M2 2 V+ 3 VSS! NCH W=10U L=2U M5 3 VB VSS! M6 VO 2 M7 VO VBIAS 3 VSS! NCH W=100U VDD! VDD! PCH W=4U VB VB VSS! 0 L=2U L=3U VSS! NCH W=17U -0.95v 5-19 L=2U .OP VIN+ V+ VIN- V- 0 0 SIN(0V 0.000001V 10K) DC 0 .TF V(VO) VIN+ .TRAN 1U 1M .END vin vo Fig. 5.3-5 The new gain **** small-signal transfer characteristics v(vo)/vin+ input resistance at vin+ output resistance at v(vo) = 13.9685k = 1.000e+20 = 4.5357x Experiment 5.3-5 The Input/Output Curve of the Second Stage In Fig. 5.3-2, we can see that as V2 increases, Vout keeps a constant for a while and suddenly drops sharply. Thus it is worthwhile to investigate the input/output relationship between the input and output of the second stage. Fig. 5.3-6 shows the second stage circuit. The program is in Table 5.3-6 and the result is in Fig. 5.3-7. 5-20 As can now be seen, the input/output is indeed very sharp. VDD=1.5V G S M 2 D G D M1 S VG2 VG1 =-0.95V VSS=-1.5V Fig. 5.3-6 The second stage circuit Table 5.3-6 The program for Experiment 5.3-5 HW4_CWLu .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB ‘c:\mm0355v.l’ TT .UNPROTECT .OP VDD VDD! 0 1.5V VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V M1 2 g1 VSS! VSS! NCH W=14U L=2U M2 2 g2 VDD! VDD! PCH W=4U L=3U VG1 g1 0 -0.95V VG2 g2 0 0 .DC VG2 -1.5v 1.5v 0.1v .END 5-21 VD2 VG2 Fig. 5.3-7 The input/output curve of the second stage Experiment 5.3-7 The Investigation of the Reason Behind the Behavior of the Input/Output of the Second Stage In this experiment, we try to explain why the input/output curve of the amplifier in Fig. 5.3-6 is so sharp. We plot the I-V curve of M1 and load curves corresponding to different gate voltages of M2. The program is in Table 5.3-7 and the result is in Fig. 5.3-8. From Fig. 5.3-8, we can see that the I-V curves are very crowded when VG 2 is small. Thus when VG 2 is small, Vout does not change much. We may even say that it remains a constant. But, as VG 2 reaches a certain value, Vout sharply decreases. Table 5.3-7 The program for Experiment 5.3-7 .PROTECT .OPTION POST .LIB ‘c:\mm0355v.l’ TT .UNPROTECT .OP VDD VDD! 0 1.5V 5-22 VSS VSS! 0 -1.5V Rdm VDD! 3 0 M1 2 M2 2 VG1 VG2 VDS1 g1 VSS! VSS! NCH W=14U L=2U g2 3 3 PCH W=4U L=3U g1 0 -0.95V g2 0 X 2 VSS! 0 .DC VDS1 0v 3v 0.01v SWEEP X .PROBE I(M1) I(Rdm) 0 1v 0.1dv .END VG2=0 I(M2) I(M1) VG2=0.1 VG2=0.2 VG2=0.3 VG2=0.4 VG2=0.5 VDS1 Fig. 5.3-8 The I-V curve of M1 and its load curves 5-23