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Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Practice Test II
Which of the following arrangements clearly outline an increase in complexity?
a. Osteoid, osteoblast, osteon, compact bone, skeleton,
b. Skeleton, osteoid, osteoblast, osteon, compact bone
c. Osteoblast, osteoid, osteon, skeleton, compact bone,
d. Osteoblast, osteon, skeleton, osteoid, compact bone,
e. Osteoblast, compact bone, osteoid, osteon, , skeleton
Which of the following statements about periosteum is NOT true?
a. Provides attachment and continuity with tendons
b. Provides entry route for blood vessels
c. It lines the internal surface of bone
d. It does not line the articular surfaces of bones
e. It consists of an outer dense connective tissue layer and an inner
osteogenic layer
Excess parathyroid hormone would MOST LIKELY result in which of the
a. Normal bone alignment
b. Extremely dense bone
c. Calcium ion deposits on bone
d. Abnormal low blood calcium levels
e. Abnormal weak bone
of the following hormones is produced when blood calcium ion level is
Growth Hormone
Thyroid hormone
Parathyroid hormone
Estrogen and progesterone
The exceptional hardness of bones is a characteristic provided by hydroxyapatite
salts, which consist mainly of?
a. Calcium phosphate
b. Calcium sulphate
c. Calcium chloride
d. a and b
e. a, b and c
What cell is responsible for the production of osteoid?
a. Osteoclast
b. Osteoblast
c. Osteocyte
d. Chondroblast
e. None of the above
Spongy bone is present at?
a. Proximal epiphysis
b. Proximal diaphysis
c. Distal diaphysis
d. Distal epiphysis
e. More than one answer is correct
Which of the following is present in the osteon?
a. Concentric lamellae
b. Central canal
c. Perforating canal
d. Lacunae that contain osteocytes
e. All of the above
Bone cells directly responsible for resorption are?
a. Osteoblasts
b. Osteoclasts
c. Osteocytes
d. Osteoprogenitor cells
e. All of the above
10 Which of the following statements about synovial joints are true?
I – They are freely movable;
II – The articular surfaces of the bones forming the joint are lined by
hyaline cartilage;
III – They are stabilized by ligaments
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I and III
e. I, II and III
11 The sutures of the skull are examples of
a. Freely movable joints
b. Slightly moveable joints
c. Immovable joints
d. Synovial joints
e. Cartilaginous joints
12 What movement is performed when you hold a doorknob with the left hand and
turn it counter-clockwise?
a. Hyperflexion
b. Hyperextension
c. Pronation
d. Supination
e. Abduction
13 The joint formed between the patella and the femur is an example of?
a. Hinge joint
b. Ball and socket joint
c. Plane joint
d. Saddle joint
e. Condyloid joint
14 The shallow tibial articular surface is deepened by?
a. The anterior cruciate ligament
b. The lateral meniscus
c. The medial meniscus
d. a and b
e. b and c
15 Red bone marrow is present only in the marrow cavity of adult long bones?
a. True
b. False
16 Which of the following is a constituent of spongy bone?
I – True osteon,
II – Hydroxy apitite;
III – Collegen fibers;
IV – Traberculae
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I, II, and III
e. II, III, and IV
17 Which of the following is a function of synovial fluid?
a. Removes wastes
b. Protects articular cartilages
c. Lubrication
d. Provides nutrients
e. All of the above
18 The pigment shield that protects the body from the damaging effects of UV
radiations is produced by?
a. Melanin
b. Keratinocytes
c. Langerhans cells
d. Merkel cells
e. Melanocytes
19 What skin region is richly supplied by blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymphatic
a. Epidermis
b. Dermis
c. Hypodermis
d. a and b
e. a and c
20 The most actively mitotic cells would be present in what epidermal layer?
a. Stratum basale
b. Stratum spinosum
c. Stratum granulosum
d. Stratum lucidum
e. Stratum corneum
21 Which of the following bones will develop by the process of intramembranous
a. Clavicle
b. Femur
c. Axis
d. Humerus
e. Radius
22 Also called perforating canals, they lie at right angles to the long axis of bones.
a. Haversian canal
b. Central canal
c. Volkmann’s canal
d. Vertebral foramen
e. Medullary cavity
23 Which of the following is NOT a strategy that could be employed to delay the
onset of osteoporosis?
a. Vitamin D supplementation
b. Weight bearing exercises
c. Calcium supplementation
d. Smoking cessation
e. Immobilization
24 Which of the following bones can be categorized as part of the appendicular
I-Frontal bone
II – Ribs
III – Femur
I only
II only
III only
I and II only
I, II and III
25 Which of the following must be present for proper bone growth and development?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin D
d. Growth hormone
e. All of the above
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