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The Excretory Process
In the course of the biochemical activities of the cell, nutrients are oxidized, releasing energy for
life processes and producing numerous new substances. Some of these materials are useful, but others, if
allowed to accumulate, are poisonous and interfere with normal metabolic reactions.
Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes from the body. These wastes include carbon
dioxide, which is a product of cell respiration, and nitrogenous wastes, which result from the breakdown of
amino acids. Excess salts and water must also be excreted.
What is excretion?
What types of metabolic wastes must be removed from the body?
Protozoa dispose of wastes in two ways – by diffusion and by active transport using contractile
vacuoles. Both carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes diffuse through the cell membrane into the
surrounding water. The nitrogenous wastes are in the form of ammonia, NH3, which is soluble in water.
In freshwater protozoa, the concentration of salts in the cytoplasm is higher than that of the surrounding
water, so water flows, into the cell by osmosis. Excess water collects in contractile vacuoles. When a
vacuole is full, its content are discharged back into the environment. This discharge involves active
transport because it occurs against the concentration gradient.
In protozoa, carbon dioxide is excreted by __________________________________.
What is the chemical form of nitrogenous wastes in protozoa, and how are these wastes excreted?
Why does excess water collect in freshwater organisms?
Why does the excretion of water from freshwater protozoa require the expenditure of energy?
What function do contractile vacuoles serve in protozoa?
The cells of the hydra are in direct contact with the environment, and carbon dioxide and ammonia
are excreted by diffusion into the surrounding fresh water. Water tends to enter the cells of the organism
by osmosis, and it may be excreted by active transport through the cell membrane.
The nitrogenous waste excreted by the hydra is ________________________________.
Nitrogenous wastes are excreted by the hydra by _______________________________.
Carbon dioxide is excreted from the cells of the hydra by ___________________________.
In humans, waste materials from the cells diffuse into the blood. As the blood circulates through
the body, four different organs remove the wastes. The four organs of excretion are the liver, kidneys,
lungs, and skin.
The liver removes worn out red blood cells and excess amino acids from the blood and breaks
them down. Iron compounds and bile are produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin of the red cells.
The iron is reused by the body. The bile is stored temporarily in the gall bladder. It then passes into the
small intestine where it aids in the breakdown (emulsification) of fats. Most of the bile is eventually
eliminated from the body with the digestive wastes.
Excess amino acids entering the liver are broken down by a process called deamination. This
separates the nonamino portion of the molecule from the amino group. The nonamino portion is used in the
synthesis of carbohydrates or fats or further oxidized for energy. The amino group, NH 2, combines with a
hydrogen atom to form ammonia, NH3. Then, through a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the
ammonia is quickly converted to urea, which is less toxic to the cells than ammonia. Urea is carried from
the liver to the kidneys by the blood and is excreted from the body in the form of urine.
What happens to worn out red blood cells in the liver?
What happens to excess amino acids in the liver?
What nitrogenous waste passes from the liver to the urinary system? By what series of
reactions is this substance formed?
Urinary System
The urinary system consists of the kidneys and associated structures – the ureters, bladder, and
The renal arteries, which branch off the aorta, carry blood to the kidneys, which filter out urea,
salts and water. The substances form the urine which passes from the kidneys into the ureter, a tube
leading to the urinary bladder. The urine is stored temporarily in the bladder, and then excreted from the
body through the urethra.
*** See diagram of urinary system ***
What is the function of the urinary system?
The kidney is divided into three distinct regions. The outermost layer is the cortex, which consists
of filtering structures called nephrons. The middle layer, the medulla, consists of collecting ducts, which
drain the urine from the nephrons. The inner area is the pelvis, where urine is drained from all the
collecting ducts. From the pelvis, urine drains into the ureter and then into the bladder.
The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. A nephron begins with an arteriole, which
carries blood to be filtered. The arteriole enters a cup shaped structure called Bowman’s capsule. Within
the capsule, the arteriole divides, forming a ball of capillaries called the glomerulus. The blood in the
glomerulus is under high pressure, and water containing urea, salts, and a variety of other substances is
forced out of the blood and diffuses into the cells of the surrounding capsule. From the capsule this
nephric filtrate passes into the loop of Henle, which is surrounded by capillaries. As the filtrate passes
through the tubule, most of the water and useful substances are reabsorbed into the blood, a process
requiring active transport. The remaining concentrated filtrate is the urine, which passes into collecting
ducts and is drained from the kidneys.
*** See diagram of a nephron ***
What materials are filtered out of the blood in the glomerulus?
What materials are reabsorbed back into the blood from the filtrate?
What substances are found in urine?
The skin is an excretory organ because sweat glands filter water, urea, and salts from the blood,
and these substances, in the form of sweat, pass to the surface of the skin and are removed. In addition to
removing some metabolic wastes, the skin is involved in regulation of body temperature.
*** Label the diagram of the layers of skin ***
What metabolic wastes are excreted by the skin?
How are these wastes removed from the bloodstream and how do they reach the surface of the
List the functions of the skin.