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Carbon atoms have four valence electrons and form strong covalent bonds with other carbon
atoms and also with elements including hydrogen(H), oxygen(O), nitrogen(N),
phosphorus(P), and sulfur(S). Carbon atoms can form single, double, and triple bonds with
other atoms forming long chains and even rings.
1. Macromolecules are giant molecules made from thousands of smaller
2. These molecules form using a process called polymerization in which
smaller molecules(monomers) are joined together to form larger
3. Macromolecules in living things include carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic
acids, and proteins.
1. made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and usually occur in a 1:2:1
ratio. ex) C6H12O6 = glucose
2. Main source of energy for living things!
Simple sugars (Monosaccharides)
Simple sugars (Disaccharides)
Sucrose – Table sugar. Made up of 1 glucose and 1 fructose.
Lactose – Form of sugar in milk. Made up of 1 glucose and one galactose.
Maltose – Product of starch hydrolysis. Made up of 2 glucose.
Complex sugars (Polysaccharides)
Starch – major form of stored carbohydrates in plants.
Cellulose – the major structural material in plants. Wood is mostly made up of
Glycogen – The stored form of glucose in animals. Glycogen is easily converted
back to glucose for energy.
1. Large molecules made up from a glycerol molecule and three fatty
acid chains. Composed mainly of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H)
2. Used to store energy.
3. Make up cell membranes, steroids, and waterproof coverings.
4. Can be saturated (shortening) having only single bonds or
unsaturated (liquids) having one or more double bonds.
Nucleic acids
1. Macromolecules containing carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O),
nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P).
2. Made up from single units called nucleotides that are joined
together using covalent bonds. A single nucleotide contains one
sugar group, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
3. Store and transmit hereditary information.
4. Include DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Amino acid structure
Amino acids in DNA
DNA Molecule
1. Macromolecules containing carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen
(O), and nitrogen (N).
2. Made up of chains of amino acids joined by covalent bonds
between the carboxyl group of one molecule and the amino
group of the next molecule.
3. Proteins play specific roles such as controlling reaction rates,
regulating cell processes, transporting substances, and fighting
Structure of Macromolecules Lab
Purpose: Students will use paper clips to represent the different types of
macromolecules and their components.
Glucose - ____ ________________ paper clip
Fructose - ____ _______________ paper clip
Galactose - ___ _______________ paper clip
Sucrose - ___ ________paper clip & ___ __________paper clip
Lactose - ___ ________paper clip & ___ __________paper clip
Maltose - ___ _________paper clip & __ ___________paper clip
Starch ______________ chain of paper clips arranged
Cellulose ______________ chain of paper clips arranged
Glycogen ______________ chain of paper clips arranged
Glycerol - ___ ______________ paper clips joined at the center.
Fatty acids - ____ chains of hydrocarbons attached to the
______________ molecule.
Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Amino acids
Adenine - ____ ____________ paper clip
Thymine - ___ ____________ paper clip
Cytosine - ___ ____________ paper clip
Guanine - ___ ____________ paper clip
Proteins – chains of amino acids
The sugar is represented with ___ _____________ paper clip
The phosphate is represented with ___ _________ paper clip
The nitrogen base is represented with ___ ________ paper clip
Create section of a DNA molecule using the template below. In a
DNA molecule the sides are made up of alternating sugar and
phosphate groups and the nitrogen bases pair up. Adenine(A)
always bonds to Thymine(T) and Cytosine(C) always bonds to
Guanine(G). Your model will look like a ladder when you are
through. In reality, the DNA model is twisted and becomes a
double helix.