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1. Listed below are three derivatives of benefit. Complete each sentence using one of
the derivatives. Benefactor
a. The meeting was _______________________________ to everyone.
b. The ______________________________ hoped the money would be used
c. The student is the ______________________________ of the award.
2. Complete the chart below using the LIST WORDS with the same spelling
patterns as the words given.
3. Add the given endings to the LIST WORDS.
a. ous to mystery _____________________________________________________
b. ity to acid _________________________________________________________
c. ly to minute ______________________________________________________
d. ion to relate _______________________________________________________
e. ive to relate _______________________________________________________
The Ferocious Piranha
People who travel across the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers of South America are
careful never to dangle a foot or hand from the side of their boat. For just below the
surface of these mighty waters lurks a small fish feared throughout the continent. That
fish is the flesh-eating piranha. It has a nasty disposition and an even nastier appetite.
The natives of the Amazon and Orinoco regions fear no animal more than the
piranha. Not even crocodiles strike greater fear in the local inhabitants. This is due to the
fact the piranha fears nothing. Although smaller fish make up most of its diet, it will
attack both humans and other animals, and size is of no consequence. Piranhas have been
known to strip every ounce of flesh off a carcass in a matter of minutes.
Two characteristics make piranhas such fearsome predators. First, they have
powerful jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth. These teeth enable the small fish to slice off a
victim’s flesh with lightning quickness. So sharp are the piranha’s teeth that it’s been said
some South American Indians used them to make tips for their arrows.
A second frightening characteristic of piranhas is that they never attack alone.
They always go after their victim in schools ranging from one hundred to a thousand.
Any splashing or activity in the water immediately attracts their attention, and the smell
of blood turns them into frenzied demons.
There are about twenty different kinds of piranhas, and some of them resemble
other fish that eat plants and pose no threat to humans. But anyone not skilled at
distinguishing these blood-thirsty cannibals and their harmless cousins had best stay
away from the water.
Exercise 1 – Below are statements from the story. Write F if it is a fragment (part of a
sentence) or write S if it is a complete sentence.
_____ 1. A small fish that fears nothing.
_____ 2. It will attack anything, regardless of size.
_____ 3. Teeth as sharp as razors.
_____ 4. Attacks in large schools.
_____ 5. Natives have much respect for the piranha.
_____ 6. The Amazon River is in South America.
_____ 7. Piranhas have a nasty disposition.
_____ 8. Piranhas will even attack humans.
_____ 9. Twenty different kinds of piranhas.
_____ 10. Have strong, powerful jaws.
_____ 11. Blood-thirsty cannibals
_____ 12. The smell of blood turns them into frenzied demons.
Their, They’re, There
Homonyms are words that sound alike or are spelled alike but have different meanings. It is easy
to become confused by these words; therefore these words are often misused and misspelled. The
best way to avoid problems with these words is to memorize the proper spelling and meaning for
each word.
there – means in that place (Example - There is the car that hit me.)
their – means belonging to them (Example – Do you know their address?)
they’re – is a contraction for they are (Example – They’re going to the movies.)
Exercise 1 – Write the correct form (there, their, or they’re) in the blanks.
1. Where are your parents? ____________________ out.
2. The children did ____________________ homework yesterday afternoon.
3. ____________________ is a cat in the garden.
4. The boys are playing football with ____________________ ball.
5. Where are the CDs? ____________________ in the box.
6. ____________________ brother is a car mechanic.
7. Have you seen my book? Yes, it’s over ____________________.
8. Mandy and Tom are waiting for ____________________ mother.
9. We went to London and stayed ____________________ for two weeks.
10. They have forgotten to brush ____________________ teeth.
11. ____________________ are people waiting outside.
12. Suddenly ____________________ was a loud bang.
13. If anyone calls, ask for ____________________ number.
14. ____________________ being served.
15. ____________________ goes ____________________ train.
16. ____________________ reading ____________________ books over
A noun is one of the eight parts of speech. A noun is a word that names a person, place,
thing, or idea.
Person: friend, pilot, driver, Mr. Smith, General Lee
Place: beach, mall, house, Edmonton, Disney World
Thing: shoe, football, bread, cloud, yo-yo, Mr. Potato Head
Idea: pain, law, love, freedom, friendship, courage
Exercise 1 – Write the nouns in each sentence on the line provided.
 Example: Put your foot on the ladder. ______foot, ladder_________
1. Turn the hamburgers, Shannon.
2. The province has passed laws against pollution.
3. The fans cheered the team vigorously throughout the game.
4. This recipe calls for 250 mL of walnuts or filberts.
5. A penguin waddled down the ramp.
6. Happiness is a warm blanket.
7. The afternoon brought more snow.
8. Energy has been the topic of many programs on television.
9. How high do jets fly?
10. That robin just flew away with a piece of bread.