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AP Biology
Chapter 33
Animal Tissues and Organ Systems
1. Which of the following is false concerning stem cells?
a. They are undifferentiated cells.
b. They arise from a fertilized egg.
c. They can be coaxed to differentiate.
d. They are obtained from a portion of a plant body.
e. They may help mend damaged tissue.
2. In 2005 researchers established cell lines that are an exact genetic match to donor
a. American
b. Korean
c. Canadian
d. British
e. Australian
3. Which of the following functions of all organisms is least important to the well-being
of an individual?
a. Homeostasis
b. Acquiring and distributing raw materials to individual cells
c. Disposal of wastes
d. Reproduction
e. Protection of tissues against injury
4. The tissue that lines all the internal surfaces is
a. Epithelium
b. Loose connective
c. Supportive connective
d. Fibrous
e. Adipose
5. Which of the following is NOT a primary characteristic of epithelia?
a. Closely packed cells
b. Little extracellular material
c. Mechanical support of internal organs
d. One free surface
e. Incorporates many adhesion proteins
6. Which of the following is true of the basement membrane?
a. It overlies the epithelium at its free surface.
b. It is composed partially of epithelial cells and partially of connective tissue.
c. It is mostly lipid and embedded celluloid fibers.
d. It lies between the epithelium and connective tissue.
e. It cements the layers of stratified epithelium together.
7. The secretion of tears, milk, sweat, and oil is a function of what tissue?
a. Epithelial
b. Loose connective
c. Lymphoid
d. Nervous
e. Adipose
D. 8. Epithelial cells are specialized for all EXCEPT which of the following functions?
a. Secretion
b. Protection
c. Filtration
d. Excretion
e. Absorption
9. The outer layer of skin is mostly ________ epithelium.
a. Simple squamous
b. Simple cuboidal
c. Stratified squamous
d. Simple columnar
e. Stratified cubodial
D. 10. Which of the following is (are) NOT true concerning glandular epithelium?
a. Gland cells occur in it.
b. It is found in locations other than glands.
c. It secretes products unrelated to its own metabolism.
d. Its products are distributed only locally.
e. All of these.
11. Exocrine glands secrete all of the following EXCEPT
a. Mucus
b. Hormones
c. Oil
d. Milk
e. Digestive enzymes
D. 12. Adhering and gap junctions are found
a. At the endoplasmic reticulum.
b. At the nuclear membrane.
c. At the plasma membrane.
d. Between Golgi membranes and endoplasmic reticulum membranes.
e. Between Golgi membranes and vacuole membranes.
D. 13. Cells with gap junctions are typical of tissues
a. That suffer wear, abrasion, and mechanical insults.
b. Such as bone and cartilage that must withstand external forces.
c. That require rapid exchange of chemical messages, as is the case of cardiac
d. That secrete enzymes or hormones.
e. All of these.
14. Which of the following junctions influences the passage of ions and small molecules
between cells?
a. Gap
b. Adhering
c. Loose
d. Tight
e. Gated
D. 15. Which type of epithelial cell is modified for filtration and diffusion?
a. Cubodial
b. Simple squamous
c. Simple columnar
d. Stratified squamous
e. Stratified columnar
16. Which of the following is NOT a connective tissue?
a. Bone
b. Muscle
c. Cartilage
d. Adipose
e. Blood
17. Which of these is NOT a connective tissue?
a. Cartilage
b. Blood
c. Bone
d. Adipose
e. Outer layer of skin
18. An extracellular matrix is characteristic of
a. Muscle tissue
b. Epithelial tissue
c. Connective tissue
d. Nervous tissue
e. Glandular tissue
19. Dense fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone are
a. Filamentous
b. Cartilaginous
c. Ligaments
d. Tendons
e. All of these
20. Bones are held together at joints by
a. Tendons
b. Intercellular junctions
c. Ligaments
d. Cartilage
e. Collagen
21. Collagen fibers are characteristic of which tissue?
a. Muscle
b. Epithelial
c. Connective
d. Nervous
e. Glandular
22. Which of the following is NOT true of fibrous, irregular connective tissue?
a. Its matrix is packed with fibroblasts.
b. Its matrix is packed with collagen fibers.
c. It is mainly associated with the skeletal system.
d. It is a component of the skin.
e. It forms protective capsules around some organs.
23. White blood cells patrol ______ tissue.
a. Cartilage
b. Adipose
c. Loose connective
d. Dense connective
e. All of these
24. Tendons connect
a. Bones to bones
b. Bones to ligaments
c. Muscles to bones
d. Bones to cartilage
e. All of these
25. Which tissue has no direct blood supply?
a. Cartilage
b. Adipose
c. Loose connective
d. Dense connective
e. Bone
26. People with a large amount of which tissue are least likely to be sensitive to cold?
a. Cartilage
b. Adipose
c. Blood
d. Dense connective
e. Bone
27. Cartilage is found
a. In the nose.
b. In the embryonic skeleton.
c. In the external ear.
d. Between vertebrae.
e. All of these.
28. Which element is found in greatest abundance in bone?
a. Potassium
b. Fluorine
c. Calcium
d. Iron
e. Phosphorus
29. Adipose tissue cells are filled with
a. Minerals
b. Fat
c. Cartilage
d. Fibers
e. Starch
30. Fibroblasts are associated with all connective tissues except
a. Blood.
b. Adipose.
c. Bone.
d. Cartilage.
e. Dense connective.
31. The connective tissue with a rich blood supply but with the least amount of
extracellular material is
a. Cartilage
b. Adipose
c. Bone
d. Loose connective
e. Dense connective
D. 32. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. Blood; fat
b. Adipose; starch
c. Bone; mineral ions
d. Cartilage; calcium
e. Blood; collagen
D. 33. Which of following is NOT true of muscle tissue?
a. It forcefully contracts in response to stimulation.
b. It actively lengthens in the absence of stimulation.
c. Its cells are arranged in parallel.
d. It may be arranged in layers or rings.
e. It is found in invertebrates.
34. Tissue whose cells are striated and fused at the cells by intercalated disks so that the
cells contract as a unit is _____ muscle.
a. Smooth
b. Skeletal
c. Visceral
d. Cardiac
e. None of these
35. Skeletal muscle makes up about _____ percent of the weight of an average person.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50
36. Cardiac muscle cells are
a. Involuntary.
b. Spindle-shaped.
c. Multinucleated.
d. Slow contracting.
e. All of these.
37. Which of following is false concerning cardiac muscle cell? They
a. Are striated.
b. Contain a single nucleus.
c. Have more mitochondria than do other types of muscle cells.
d. Have large stores of glycogen for energy.
e. Depend on aerobic respiration to supply their ATP.
38. Smooth muscle
a. Are not striated.
b. Have spindle-shaped cells.
c. Are found in the walls of hollow structure such as blood vessels and the
d. Are involuntary.
e. All of these.
D. 39. Which of the following is false concerning smooth muscle cells? They
a. Do not have sarcomeres.
b. Contain a single nucleus.
c. Contain actin and myosin filaments.
d. Can sustain contractions longer than can striated muscle cells.
e. Have contractile units arranged in an orderly repeating fashion.
40. Rapid communication throughout the body is accomplished by
a. Neurons
b. Blood
c. Hormones
d. Muscles
e. Connective tissue.
41. The neurons of nervous tissue are supported by
a. Neuroglial cells
b. Loose connective tissue
c. Cartilage
d. Muscle cells
e. Dense connective tissue
42. Neurotransmitters are
a. Specialized neurons in the brain.
b. Cells that can stimulate neurons.
c. Chemicals that propagate a nerve impulse within a neuron.
d. Chemicals that transfer nerve impulses from neuron to neuron.
e. None of these.
43. Commands from the brain and spinal cord are relayed to muscles by
a. Interneurons.
b. Motor neurons.
c. Sensory neurons.
d. Neuroglial cells.
e. All of these.
44. The “back” of the human body is its ______ surface.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
e. Ventral
D. 45. The dorsal surface of rabbit corresponds to the _____ of a human.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
e. Ventral
D. 46. Organs located in the ventral portion of rabbit are located in the ______ portion of
a human.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
e. Ventral
47. Which of the following terms means that structure is located away from the central
part of the body?
a. Dorsal
b. Inferior
c. Superior
d. Proximal
e. Distal
D. 48. Which embryonic tissue is defective if an embryo develops into a creature that
cannot move and has no supportive or circulatory system?
a. Ectoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Mesoderm
d. Somatoderm
e. All of these
D. 49. Which embryonic tissue is defective if an embryo develops into a creature that
appears normal in almost every aspect except for some of the organs lining the digestive
a. Ectoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Gastroderm
d. Mesoderm
e. None of these
50. Muscle cells are produced by
a. The ectoderm
b. The endoderm
c. The mesoderm
d. The ectoderm and endoderm
e. All of the germ layers
51. The lining of the intestinal tract is produced by
a. The ectoderm.
b. The endoderm.
c. The mesoderm.
d. The endoderm and mesoderm.
e. All of the germ layers.
52. The nervous system is produced by
a. The ectoderm.
b. Endoderm.
c. The mesoderm.
d. The endoderm and ectoderm.
e. All of the germ layers.
53. The external covering of the body is produced by
a. The ectoderm only.
b. The endoderm only.
c. The mesoderm only.
d. The ectoderm and endoderm.
e. All of the germ layers.
54. The skeletal and circulatory systems are produced by
a. The ectoderm
b. Endoderm
c. The mesoderm
d. Two of the germ layers
e. All of the germ layers
55. The lining of the gut and the stomach, liver, and pancreas are produced by
a. The ectoderm
b. The endoderm
c. The mesoderm
d. The of the germ layers
e. All of the germ layers
56. Which of the following exemplifies the “division of labor” among organ systems?
a. Securing, processing, and distributing materials
b. Expelling wastes
c. Protecting the body
d. Integrating activities
e. All of these
57. The endocrine system functions in
a. conduction
b. contraction
c. hormonal control of the body
d. protection against disease
e. cell production
58. The maintenance of the volume and composition of body fluids is the primary
responsibility of which system?
a. integumentary
b. immune
c. digestive
d. urinary
e. circulatory
59. Which system is directly involved with heat production?
a. endocrine system
b. nervous system
c. muscular system
d. respiratory system
e. skeletal system
60. Integration of body functions is controlled by the
a. respiratory system
b. nervous system
c. endocrine system
d. defense system
e. nervous system and the endocrine system
61. Organs of which of the following systems are the most diffuse and the least likely to
be physically connected?
a. integumentary system
b. endocrine system
c. skeletal system
d. muscular system
e. digestive system
62. Which system produces blood cells?
a. endocrine
b. skeletal
c. muscular
d. defense
e. integumentary
63. Of the following organs, which is NOT in the abdominal cavity?
a. stomach
b. liver
c. heart
d. intestine
e. pancreas
64. The word “integument” is derived from the word for
a. protection
b. support
c. covering
d. contraction
e. resistance
65. The organ of the vertebrate body with the largest surface area
a. lung
b. liver
c. stomach
d. skin
e. brain
66. Which of the following is NOT found in the epidermis?
a. stratified epithelium
b. blood vessels
c. adhering cell junctions
d. keratin
e. melanin
67. Melanin protects the skin from
a. desiccation
b. abrasion
c. ultraviolet radiation
d. infrared damage
e. invasion by bacteria
68. Which of the following statements is false concerning the outermost layer of the
a. It is the first to be subjected to any abrasion.
b. Keratin provides waterproofing.
c. Millions of cells are worn off daily.
d. Its upper cells undergo rapid cell division.
e. Its outermost cells are dead.
69. The thinning of scalp hair may be caused by
a. genes
b. protein deficiency
c. high fever
d. excessive dietary vitamin A
e. all of these
70. Which of the following is false concerning exposure to sunlight?
a. It promotes healthy skin.
b. It damages collagen.
c. It accelerates the aging process.
d. It causes skin to be less resilient.
e. It can cause skin cancer.