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Teacher: K.T. Heartwell
Course: Pre-IB AP World History I and II
Welcome to AP World History. I am Mrs. Heartwell; my personal and professional goal is to be
FAIR at all times, to every student. There are a few things that YOU MUST HAVE and DO:
: Class Rules and Responsibilities and Requirements:
A) Course Requirements:
You will have ONE week to acquire these supplies. Your notebooks will be checked at the end
of every nine weeks:
-All checks will be announced1. A loose leaf, three ringed, binder
-your notebook must have four sections
a. notes
b. vocabulary
c. research outlines
d. handouts/worksheets
2. Black or Blue Pen
3. A Personal box of Colored Pencils
4. Loose leaf Paper
5. BOYS - Box of Tissues
6. GIRLS - Hand Sanitizer
7. 5 Packs of 3X5 index cards
8. 5 containers of individual rings
B) Classroom Rules:
1. Attendance
a. Be on time DAILY
b. If TARDY, please show a pass from the Attendance Office
2. Attire - hats WILL NOT be worn at any time, except for religious observance, in Ms. Heartwell's
3. Respect
a. Be respectful of each other's differences; no offensive jokes, OF ANY KIND, will be tolerated.
b. Be mindful of personal space; keep your limbs to yourself
c. No fighting
4. Behavior
a. Eat your lunch and snacks outside of this room
b. Drink all beverages outside of this room
c. Chew your gum outside of this room
C) Consequences: In accordance with the NNPS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
1st Offense: verbal warning
2nd Offense: verbal warning and documentation/ call home
3rd Offense: removal from classroom with documentation and parent conference
4th Offense: Administrative Intervention
K Heartwell 2013-2014
Textbook(s): Supplemental Reading (World History: Connections to Today)
Bulliet, Richard et al. The Earth and It’s People: A Global History. 5th ed. 2011
Riley, Gerome, Lembright, Myers and Yoon. Global Experience: Reading in World History to 1550,
Vol #1
Stearn, et. al. Documents in World History. Vol #2 5 ed.
E) Grading: MARKING PERIOD GRADES will calculated as follows:
50% = Tests
30% = Quizzes
20% = Class Activities, Essays, Projects
Semester Grade will be calculated as follows:
40% = First Quarter
40% = Second Quarter
20% = Exam
AP GRADING SCALE: The AP test will be graded on a 1-5 scoring scale (this is a National Scale). Your score
report will be sent to you in July of 2013
5 = Extremely Well Qualified
4 = Well Qualified
3 = Qualified
2 = Possibly Qualified
1 = No Recommendation
AP ESSAYS: Will be graded on the AP SCALE – All essays must achieve standard core (1-7) before an
expanded score will be possible (8-9)
0 = 55
1 = 60
2 = 65
3 = 70
4 = 75
5 = 80
6 = 85
7 = 90
8 = 95
9 = 100
The Advanced Placement Exam (AP) is administered in May to all students enrolled in AP World History.
The test consists of 70 multiple-choice questions and 3 essays. If you perform well, you may earn college
credits and be exempt from taking a World History course in college.
This is a World History AP Course; while the VA SOLS are written through a European lens, this course will
aim to devote no more than 19% of time to European History.
The VA Standards of Learning (SOL) End-Of-Course Tests for World History and Geography to 1500 AD and
World History and Geography 1500 AD to the Present are also administered in January and May
respectively. They consist of 70 Multiple-Choice questions. Students who pass the tests will receive
verified credits towards high school graduation.
K Heartwell 2013-2014
Syllabus for Pre-IB World History: 2013 -2014
- Introduction to Course
- SWBAT understand basic course requirements, classroom procedures
and rules, school, and district rules
Introduction to class and distribution of syllabus
School and District Rules and AP Course, Test Description
Books Distribution – Reading xli-lii
Summer Reading Assignment DUE
Pre-History (Unit I): Foundations (8000 BCE – 2500 BCE)
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of early development of
humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution; focus on
gender issues and early indicators of civilization (Çatal Hüyük and Jericho)
- Reading: Chapter 1
SOL WHI.1a-f, 2a-d
1. Prep Activity Archaeologists and Notes on archaeologists, paleontologists, and
anthropologists/early geography
2. Notes and Activity on beginnings of civilization and agricultural revolution
3. Unit One Test Review
4. Unit One Test and Essay: “The Worst Mistake in Human History” (Diamond)
B) Kingdoms and Empires (2,500 BCE – 250 CE)
Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of ancient river valley
civilizations including: Egypt, Nubia/Kush, Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley
and Indian Empires to the Golden Age of Gupta, and Shang China and Chinese
Empires, Celtic Europe, the first civilizations of the Americas and, the civilizations
of the Phoenicians
- Readings: Chapter 1 and 2,3, 5,6; Doc #5: Reading Key Chinese Values
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapters 2 and 3
SOL WHI. 3a-e, 4a-f
Prep-Ancient River Valley Civ.
Map, Notes and Activity on ancient Mesopotamia/Egypt
Map, Notes and Activity on ancient Egypt & Kush
Quiz on Egypt, Kush and Mesopotamia
Ancient Hebrews
Map, Notes, and Activity on Ancient India &China
Notes on Ancient Phoenicians and Peoples of the Mediterranean
REVIEW Ancient River Valley Civilizations; GRAPHIC ORGANIZER
Ancient Religions
Ancient India (HINDUISM) & China, Taoism, Confucianism, Legalism and Buddhism
- UNIT TWO TEST with Compare/Contrast Essay (Asian Religions)
K Heartwell 2013-2014
C) The Mediterranean and Middle East (Greece) – 2,000 BCE – 500 BCE
Students will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of its impact on
Western Civilization and change over time in the Mediterranean Region; Evolution of
Ancient Iran (Mesopotamia to The Persian Empire)
SOL WHI. 4a-f, 5a-g
- Reading: Chapter 3 and 4
Vocabulary and Prep Questions for Greece
Notes on Ancient Greek Geography and Map Work Greece
Notes on Greek Culture/ Citizenship and Culture
Review Greek Culture, Citizenship and Culture
QUIZ: Greek Gods/Architecture Notes on Ancient Iran, Assyrians and the Persian
Empire background for the Persian Wars
QUIZ: Persian Wars
Differences between Athens and Sparta; Notes on the Peloponnesian War
Prep-activity notes on Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture/Review Sheet:
Ancient Greece
UNIT THREE TEST Ancient Greece
D) An Age of Empires: Ancient Rome (2,500 BCE – 600 CE)
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome and other
peoples of the Mediterranean from about 700 BCE to 600 CE in terms of its
impact on Western Civilization
SOL WHI. 6a-k
-Reading: Chapter 5 (Compare/Contrast Ancient Rome to Imperial China)
Vocabulary and Prep-activity and Maps of Ancient Rome Activity
What did the Romans steal?/ Notes on Roman gods/architecture; Roman Republic
FILM “Escape from Pompeii” (Discovery Channel)
Notes on the 1st Roman Emperors and Pax Romana/ Review Game: Rome vs. Greece
Notes on the Punic Wars & Spreading the Roman Culture
Notes on the beginnings of Christianity and the Roman Church
Notes on the Decline of Rome and Contributions of Rome
“Ancients Behaving Badly” (Caligula) – History Channel
Review the Chinese Empires/ GRAPHIC ORGANIZER ROME and CHINA
Essay: CCOT on The Mediterranean World
E) Growth and Interaction of Cultural Communities (300 CE – 1450 CE) – Byzantine
Empire, Chinese Empires and the Mongol Empire
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge if the developments leading to the
foundations of the Russian Orthodox Church, the development of the Cyrillic Alphabet;
Contrast with the Chinese impact on Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Students will be able to
analyze the expansion of the Mongol Empires on China, Russia, Middle Ages and Central
SOL WHI. 3a-f, 7a-e and 10a-d, 11a-b
Reading: Chapter 5, 9, 11-12 /DBQ: Post – Classical Age (600 – 1450 CE)
K Heartwell 2013-2014
SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapter 8, 11 and 12
Notes on Location of Byzantium and the origins of the Eastern Roman Empire (Map)
Notes on The Code of Justinian and Roman/Greek elements of Byzantine culture
Notes on the Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic Alphabet/ Game: Compare and contrast
the Catholic and the Orthodox Church and, its affect on Russia (Czar Ivan the Great, Ivan
the Terrible)
TEST – Byzantine Empire and Russia
Notes on the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties of Ancient China and their affects on
Korea and Japan
Notes on Japanese Shogunates
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties (Korea, Japan and Vietnam)
Map and Review all CHINESE KINGDOMS (Shang-Ming) – QUIZ
Notes on Mongol Empire (Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan and the Aftermath of their rule)
F) Growth and Interaction of Cultural Communities (300 CE – 1450 CE) – African
Trading Kingdoms (Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Trade Networks) and The
- Students will be able to explain the characteristics of the time frame,
trade, technology, cultural exchange, demographic and environmental
changes of the African Kingdoms and their trade networks. Students will
be able to use maps, pictures, photographs, graphs to obtain
geographical information about the continent of Africa
- Students will be able to describe East African kingdoms of Axum and
Zimbabwe and West African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai in
terms of Geography, society, economy, and religion.
- Students will be able to explain the development of Early Native
American Civilizations
- SOL WG. 1, WHI. 10 a-d, 11 a-b
- SOL WHI. 8/ SOL WHI. 10
Readings: Chapter 11 (Early Americans) and Chapter 13 and 7; Ibn Battuta –
selections from his diaries (AFRICA)
Notes and GRAPHIC ORGANIZER on Mayans, Aztecs and Incas
Notes on Ancient Ghana, Mali and Songhai/Map of African Trading Kingdoms
Notes on Axum and Zimbabwe (Review Nubia/Kush)
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Ancient African Kingdoms
UNIT TEST (African Kingdoms and Early Americans)
G) Growth and Interaction of Cultural Communities (300 CE – 1450 CE) - The Age of
- Students will be able to analyze the expansion of the Ottoman Turks. SW
focus on The Golden Age of Islam, The Mughals, The Safavids, The
Ottoman Empire
- SOL WHII.5-5e
- Readings: Chapters 8,12,18-19, 24
K Heartwell 2013-2014
Notes: Cornell Notes Sharing Ancient Muslim World/Beliefs
Historical Turning Points in Islam
FILM: “Muhammad”: Contributions of the Muslim World - film will facilitate a discussion
of the misconceptions of Islam
Review Islam/ UNIT TEST (Islam)
H) Kingdoms and Empires (600 CE – 1450 CE) - Middle Ages: Before the 1500’s
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of developments leading to the
Renaissance in Europe in terms of its impact on Western civilization
- SOL WHI.9a-d, 12 a – b
- Reading: Chapter 9 and 14
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapter 13 and 14
Vocabulary Words and Introduction to the Middle Ages
Notes on the Development of Towns, Guilds, and New Farming Technology and Review
Notes on The Bubonic Plague
Notes on the Holy Crusades
Notes on The Hundred Years War and End of Age of Faith
FILM: “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves” – students will discuss the inaccuracies of the film
in reference to the Middle Ages. Students will also discuss the depictions of the Moors
in the film
I) Renaissance, Reformation and, Exploration (1450 CE – 1750 CE) - Early Italian
- Students will be able to describe and analyze the contributions of
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and political
families such as the Medici to the Renaissance period.
- Reading: Chapter 16
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapter 17 (Sections 1 and 2)
- Review of the Middle Ages, Vocabulary and Prep-Activity
FILM: Sister Wendy and the Art of Painting
QUIZ Renaissance (Sections 1 and 2)
(End of the Semester January 24th)
A) Renaissance, Reformation and, Exploration (1450 CE – 1750 CE) - Renaissance
Review and Reformation:
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of The Renaissance and Reformation
in terms of its impact on Western civilization by explaining the impact of the
theology and views of: Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII
K Heartwell 2013-2014
- Students will describe and analyze the contributions of Leonardo Da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and political families such as the Medici to
the Renaissance period.
- Reading: Chapter 14, 16/”Did Women Have a Renaissance?”(Kelly)
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapter 17 (Sections 1-4)
- Review Renaissance
QUIZ Renaissance
Notes on The Reformation
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Reformation Figures
Review Game: Reformation
UNIT TEST (Renaissance and Reformation)
FILM “Luther” – Students will write a 5-10 sentence response: “would the Reformation
have survived if Luther hadn’t?”
B) Renaissance, Reformation and, Exploration (1450 CE – 1750 CE) – Age of
European Exploration
- Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the status and impact
of global trade on regional civilizations of the world after 1500 AD by
describing the growth of European nations, including the Commercial
Revolution and mercantilism.
- Students will be able to assess the impact of the European Age of
Discovery on colonized peoples (Asia, Africa, Americas and Oceania)
- Reading: Chapter 15 - 17/ “Why the West? The Unsettled Question of
Europe’s Ascendancy” (Stokes)
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapter 15 and 16
Notes on European Exploration and The Columbian Exchange
Notes on Colonial Life in the Americas
Charting the Columbian Exchange (GROUP WORK)
UNIT TEST (Exploration)
C) The Age of Absolutism and Revolutions– (1450 CE – 1750 CE)
Students will focus on: The Age of Absolutism, The Enlightenment, The
English Civil War, The Glorious Revolution, The American Revolution, and
the French Revolution.
Reading: Chapter 16 - 18
SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapters 20-22, 24 and 28
Notes and Vocabulary on Absolutist Kings (The Hapsburgs, Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XIV,
Frederick the Great, Peter the Great, Charles I, Cromwell, Charles II)
Review Absolutist Monarchs/ Notes on Enlightenment
FILM: Sister Wendy’s Art of Painting: Baroque/Romanticism
Notes on Revolutions (England, France, US, Austria, Prussia)
Notes and Graphic Organizer on Revolutions in the Colonies
K Heartwell 2013-2014
D) Revolutions (1750 CE – 1914 CE) - The Age of Napoleon and Pre –WWI
- Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of political and
philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by
assessing the impact of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna including
changes in political boundaries after 1815 AD
- SOL WHII. 7-8
- Reading: Chapter 16, 21-23 (Revolutions and Napoleon)/ Chapters 25-28
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Chapters 22 – 23, 25 and 27/The White
Man’s Burden (Kipling)
Analyze how Kipling’s work reflects the Social Darwinist attitudes of the 1800s
Notes and Vocabulary on Napoleon
Notes on Effects of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna
Notes and Vocabulary on Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution
DBQ On the Industrial Revolution (from the European History DBQ AP Central)
Pre – WWI : Peter Jennings Film
Notes and Maps on the Unification of Italy and Germany
Notes and Graphic Organizer on Imperialism and Revolt
UNIT TEST (Absolutism, Enlightenment and, Revolutions)
E) Global Conflict (1914 CE – 1947 CE) - World War I, Independence Movements
and, World War II
- Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact
of World War I by explaining economic and political causes, major events,
and identifying main leaders in the war: Woodrow Wilson, Georges
Clemenceau, David Lloyd George, and Kaiser Wilhelm
- Students will be able to explain the outcomes and the global effect of the
Treaty of Versailles
- Students will cite the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution
- Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact
of World War II by explaining economic and political causes, major
events, and main war leaders including: Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler,
Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Hirohito, Harry Truman, Dwight
Eisenhower, Winston Churchill, and George Marshall
- Students will be able to assess the impact of both world wars on
colonized peoples (Asia, Africa, Oceania)
- SOL WHII. 9-11
- Reading: Chapters 28-30
Notes on The Great War
Notes on The Russian Revolution/ Review WWI
Comparison of Types of Totalitarianism (Communism/Fascism) with Graphic Organizer
TEST WWI and Russian Revolution
Notes and Graphic Organizer on World War II
Peter Jennings’ Film: World War II
K Heartwell 2013-2014
F) The Cold War and the Contemporary World
- Students will be able to understand the impact of the Cold War on world
events. Students will also be able to explain the political, economic,
social or cultural conflicts which led to conflict between societies.
Students will conceptualize interdependence. Students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the Cold War and major revolutionary
movements in the twentieth century including: China, Vietnam, and their
major leaders (Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh)
- SOL WHII. 12
- SOL WHII. 13 a-b, 14 a- c, 15a, b
- SOL WHII. 16 a-d
- Reading: Chapters 31 – 33
Discussion and Notes Post WWII / Cold War
NOTES on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Notes on the Foundation of Israel as A Nation and the Palestinian Liberation Movement
FILM (TBA) “The Lemon Tree”
QUIZ: World War II and 20th Century Nationalism
NOTES/Graphic Organizer comparing Gandhi, Nkrumah, Kenyatta, and Minh
ESSAY Comparing/Contrasting Gandhi, Nkrumah, Kenyatta, and Minh (Due After
Spring Break)
Peter Jennings Film - Excerpts (Cold War and 20th Century)
May TBA – AP TEST REVIEW PACKET (Must be turned in on the day of
the test) DUE __________
AP TEST DATE: ________________
AP TEST TIME: _________________
AP TESTING LOCATION: ____________________
MAY (Post – SOL/ AP Testing)
HISTORY IN FILM: Students will watch several historical films and
write a series of reaction papers based a few films. (SOL WHI 1a
– SOL WHII 15):
Rabbit Proof Fence (Oceania)
Australia (Oceania)
Wale Rider (Oceania)
Gandhi (South Asia)
Hotel Rwanda (Modern Africa)
Avatar (Allegory of Colonialism)
FINAL PROJECT: History Video or Documentary
Cultural Exchange (Party)
Final Exam Testing (TBA) – June 13th
K Heartwell 2013-2014
K Heartwell 2013-2014