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English Department
Tamkang University
Reading List for Doctoral Students in English
I. Selections from Hazard Adams, ed, Critical Theory Since Plato
Aristotle, Poetics
Longinus, “On the Sublime”
Sir Philip Sidney, “An Apology for Poetry”
John Dryden, An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism
Immanuel Kant, from Critique of Judgment
William Wordsworth, “Preface to the Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads”
Matthew Arnold, “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time”
T. S. Eliot, “Tradition and the Individual Talent”
I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism
W. K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley, “The Intentional Fallacy”
Cleanth Brooks, “Irony as a Principle of Structure”
Toril Moi, Sexual/Textual Politics
(Selections from Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl, eds, Feminism: An
Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism:)
Elaine Showalter, “A Criticism of Our Own: Autonomy and Assimilation in
Afro-American and Feminist Literary Theory”
Lillian S. Robinson, “Treason Our Text: Feminist Challenge to the Literary Canon”
Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, “Infection in the Sentence: The Woman
Writer and the Anxiety of Authorship”
Hélène Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”
Luce Irigary, “This Sex Which Is Not One”
Julia Kristeva, “Woman’s Time”
Catherine Belsey, “Constructing the Subject: Deconstructing the Text”
Barbara Smith, “The Truth That Never Hurts: Black Lesbian in Fiction in the 1980s”
Amy Ling, “I’m Here: As Asian American Woman’s Response”
Judith Lowder Newton, “Power and the Ideology of ‘Woman’s Sphere’”
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism”
Cora Kaplan, “Pandora’s Box: Subjectivity, Class and Sexuality in Socialist Feminist
III. Structuralism and Semiology/Semiotics
*Ferdinand de Saussure, “The object of Study,” “Nature of the Linguistic Sign”
*Roman Jakobson, “Linguistics and Poetics”
Roland Barthes, Semiologies
---, S/Z
*---, “The Death of the Author”
Umberto Eco, Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
Theodo Adorno and Max Horkheimer, The Dialectic of Enlightenment
Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays
Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature
Terry Eagleton, Criticism and Ideology: A Study in Marxist Theory
Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act
*---, “The Politics of Theory”
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a
Radical Democratic Politics
V. Post-structuralism
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish
---, Madness and Civilization
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
VI. Deconstruction
Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology
*---, “Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences”
Harold Bloom, The Anxiety of Influence
*Paul de Man, “The Resistance to Theory”
VII. Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontent
---, An Outline of Psycho-Analysis
Jacques Lacan, Écrits
Julia Kristeva, The Power of Horror
Slavoj Žižek, The Sublime Object of Ideology
VIII. Post-colonialism
Franz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks
Homi K Bhabha, The Location of Culture
Edward Said, Orientalism
---. Culture and Imperialism
IX. Postmodernism
Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media
Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle
Jean-Françios Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge
Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism: Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
Jean Baudrillard, Simulations
* Terry Eagleton, “Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism”
X. Others
*Victor Shklovsky, “Art as Technique”
*Wolfgang Iser, “The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach”
*Colin MacCabe, “Language, Linguistics and the Study of Literature”
Michael Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination
Walter Benjamin, Illuminations
*Selections from David Lodge, ed, Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader