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Course Name:
Teacher Name:
French 3S
Mrs. Bodinaku
Level: Honors
Texts/Instructional Materials:
Bien Dit! HOLT-textbook- 1
Bien Dit!- Student workbook, CD, DVD
Review Objectifs
Student will review
 Greetings, numbers 0-201, classroom objects and expressions, accents and special
characters, describe people and family members, likes and dislikes, agree and disagree,
sports and activities, days of the week, seasons, months of the year and time.
 Grammar Review- Subjects and verbs, subjects pronouns, indefinite/definite articles and
plural of nouns. The verb Avoir, Être, Faire, Aller, Venir and the negation. (present, future
proche and passé recent)
 ER verbs, - RE verbs,- GER and- CER verbs. The verbs Préférer and Acheter.
 Adjective agreement, contractions with à , conjunctions and est-ce que.
Quiz-Short composition
Chapitre 6 Bon appétit!
In this chapter student will learn to
 offer, accept, and refuse food
 ask for and given opinion
 ask about prices and pay the check
 Grammar-The partitive, the imperative, -IR verbs, the verb VOULOIR, PRENDRE,
 Culture- French cuisine- Cheese or chocolate fondu
 Project- Visit La Creperie - Harvard Square
Major assessments: Dictées, tests and quizzes.
Chapitre 7- On fait les magasins?
In this chapter student will learn to
 Offer and ask for help in a store
 ask for and give opinions
 ask about and give prices
 make a desicion
 Grammar- Demostrative and interrogative adjectives. The passé composé of the –ER
and the irregular verbs
 Culture- Le Sénégal
 Project- French fashion
 Movie- Cocco Chanel
Major assessments: Dictées, tests, quizzes and a project about family members.
Chapitre 8- À la maison
 In this chapter students will learn to
 ask for give or refuse permission
 tell how often you do things
 describe a house
 tell where things are
 Grammar- The verbs Pouvoir and Devoir. The passé compose of –IR and –RE verbs. The
verbs Dormir, Sortir, and Partir and the past tense with Être.
 Culture- The houses in France and the houses in Sénégal
 Project- Describe your dream house
Major assessments: Dictées, tests, quizzes.
Chapitre 9- Allons en ville!
 In this chapter you will learn to
 plan your day
 ask for and give directions
 tell what you need
 make and respond to requests
 Grammar- The verb Avoir, Savoir and connaître.
 Révisions:- The imperative, the present tense and the partitive.
 Project- Describe your own town.
Major assessments: Dictées, tests, quizzes.
Chapitre 10- Enfin les vacances!
 In this chapter you will learn to
 give advice
 get information and ask for information
 buy tickets and make transaction
 Grammar- The verb Appeler. Idioms with Faire. Prepositions with countries and cities
 Révisions- The passé composé with Avoir and Être.
*Assessment Tools:
Teacher observations
Oral presentation Rubrics
Self-grading and evaluations
Diagnostic testing
Role playing
Open ended questions
Co-operative learning projects
tests and quizzes
Class Participation
Mid Year Exam
Final Exam
*See IEP or 504 plan for modification where applicable.
Grading Policy:
Departmental Grading Policy
60% Tests, Quizzes, and other assessment tools
20% Homework
20% Class Participation
Homework that is late will not be accepted unless a student is absent. Homework is expected to be
done at home. No make-ups for homework. Undone or uncompleted homework will result in a zero.
Any use of translation programs or translation websites will be considered cheating and will not be
graded for any reason instead students will be asked to redo the assignment. Students are expected to do
their own work and may consult a dictionary or their textbook only.
Late projects and/or compositions will be accepted with a grade reduction. These rules should be
considered guidelines. The teacher will always take individual circumstances into account.
Both content and assessment tools may change to best promote and assure student learning and