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1. The word organization development was coined by
a. D.P. Rojar
b. Richard Beckhard
c. Mathew stain
d. Hoen J. Watson
2. The organizational development can increase organizational effectiveness and health
through planed intervention in the organization process using _____________ knowledge
a. Technical
b. behavioral science
c. scientific
d. experience
3. Which is one of the following is not an objective of organizational development
a. build interpersonal trust
b. communication
c. corporation
d. self serving
4. The basis of organizational development is ______________a. human interaction
b. teams spirit
c. self help
d. cooperation
5. _____________ is the most important element in the success of any organization
a. Authority
b. human element
c. technical knowledge
d. cooperation
6. __________ is a strategy of planned change for organizational improvement
a. organizational development
b. communication
c. organizational change
d. organizational structure
7. Increasing managers contribution to goal accomplishment is a objectives of
a. organizational development
b. Management development
c. training
d. organizational involvement
8. changing the nature of the organization is a objective of _____________
organizational development
organizational behavior
management development
organizational structure
9. organizational development is having a __________ approach
a. humanistic
b. hierarchal
c. problem solving
d. holistic
10.which is not a component of organizational development
a. diagnosis
b. Management development
c. action
d. process maintenance
11.organization development helps in improving _____ performance
a. management
b. employers
c. organizational
d. employees
12.__________ research is the basis for designing strategies for organizational
a. action
b. statistical
c. social
d. analytical
13.________ emphasis the process of problem solving and trains the participants to
identify and solve the problems that are important to them
a. leadership
b. organizational development
c. organizational policies
d. management development
14.the organizational development , as a long term strategy for organisational
change,plays key role in improving ______
a. leadership
b. organizational development
c. organizational policies
d. management development
15.organizational development intervention helps to improve the performance of
________a. management
b. workers
c. organization
d. productivity
16._____________ is the end phase of life cycle of a team
a. storming
b. forming
c. performing
d. adjourning
17.The phenomenon of _______________ can be minimized by consulting effective
team for group performance
a. social loafing
b. adjourning
c. intergroup development
d. comprehensive change
18.___________ are those which are above the goal of a single team or a single
a. super ordinate goals
b. teams rewards
c. team goal
d. problem sensing
19._____________ concentrate on analyzing how teams goals and priorities are linked to
those of the organization
a. team building
b. problem sensing
c. social loafing
d. team rewards
20._____________ is the final stage of a team building
a. termination
b. evaluation
c. implementation
d. follow up action
21."organizational development is a planned process of change is an organizations
culture through the utilization of behavioral science technology, research and theory" this
statement is given by
a. Bennis
b. Burke
c. John B. Miner
d. L Wendell
22.organizational development is a ______________ process
a. dynamic
b. long term
c. individual
d. group
23.Organizational development can be taken as a process of ___________ and other
related aspect of an organization
a. changing the people
b. recruiting the people
c. solving problems
d. transformation
24.__________ is the most important developing leadership skills in organizational
a. sensitivity
b. communication
c. teamwork
d. managerial grid
25.The social process by which people interact face to face in a small group is called
______ ?
a. group dynamic
b. group decision
c. formal group
d. informal group
26.Group dynamic means _________?
a. The study of forces operating within an a group for the social interaction
b. The study of forces operating with out a group for the social interaction
c. The study of forces operating with in an informal group for the social interaction
d. The study of forces operating with out an informal group for the social interaction
27.The word dynamics means________?
a. Force
b. Process
c. Static
d. Interaction
28._____ group are deliberately structured to sub serve organizational interest?
a. Formal group
b. informal group
c. External group
d. internal group
29._____ basically a collectivity or two or more persons ?
a. dynamics
b. Group
c. process
d. force
30. _____ groups are created and maintained to fulfill specific needs or tasks which are
related to the total organizational mission?
a. formal group
b. informal group
c. in- groups
d. out- groups
31.________ groups are created in the organization because of operation of social and
psychological forces operating at the work place?
a. informal groups
b. formal groups
c. in-groups
d. out-groups
32.According to classical theorists, the formal organization is build on ------------ pillars?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
33._________organization refers to the natural grouping of people on the basic of the
some similarly in an organization. ?
a. informal organization
b. formal organization
c. organization
d. registered organization
34.__________groups are stable and continue for a long period.?
a. Formal groups
b. informal groups
c. in- group
d. out- group
35.The term propinquity means-----------?
a. balance
b. nearness
c. exchange
d. long
36.Which theory of group formation states that individuals affiliate with one another
because of spatial or geographical proximity.?
a. The theory of propinquity
b. The theory of Homan's interaction
c. Balance theory
d. Exchange theory
37.The propinquity theory appears to explain the group formation based on ------------?
a. Nearness
b. spatial
c. balance
d. exchange
38.According to the Homan's theory, which element is key for develop common
sentiments for one another?
a. Interaction
b. activities
c. geographical proximity
d. exchange
39.Which theory explains, the members of a group share activities and interact with one
other not just because of physical proximity, but also to accomplish group goals?
a. Homan's interaction theory
b. Propinquity theory
c. balance theory
d. exchange theory
40.Who is the propounded of balance theory of group formation ?
a. Newcomb
b. Homans
c. Scott
d. shepherd
41.__________has suggested similarity of attitudes towards relevant objects and goals as
the basic for group formation?
a. Newcomb
b. Homans
c. Scott
d. shepherd
42.Exchange theory of group formation derives its clue from-------------?
a. Homan's interaction theory
b. Propinquity theory
c. balance theory
d. exchange theory
43.________theory of group formation suggest that an individual will join (or will not) a
group on the basis of the outcomes of reward and cost?
a. Homan's interaction theory
b. Propinquity theory
c. balance theory
d. exchange theory
44._________are rules of behavior or proper ways of action which are accepted as
legitimate by group members?
a. Group norms
b. group cohesion
c. group decision
d. group bylaw
45._______are generally developed only for behavior which are considered as important
by most members ?
a. Norms
b. decision
c. group cohesion
d. action
46._________is the stage of taking action against deviant members?
a. Sanctions
b. warning
c. surveillance
d. punishment
47.Group cohesiveness means ---------?
a. The degree of attachment of the member to their group
b. The degree of attachment of the members to their group
c. The degree of detachment of the members to their group
d. The degree of detachment of the members to other group
48.Brainstorming is a technique to stimulate idea generation for -----------?
a. decision- making
b. planning
c. organization
d. implementing
49.The nature of human behavior is complex and is under the ............
a. Behavior of animal
b. Behavior of Society
c. Behavior of People
d. Human Behavior
50............... variables also make difference between individuals so far as their behavior is
a. Situational
b. Socio-psychological
c. Individual
d. Physiological
51.Which type of group is characterized by intimate, face -to-face association
a. Primary Group
b. Secondary Group
c. Command Group
d. Task Groups
52._____ means the degree of attachment of the members to their group
a. Group cohesiveness
b. Group conflict
c. Sub Groups
d. Cliques
53.________ is defined as a group of persons in an organization for taking or
recommending certain decisions.
a. Primary Group
b. Committee
c. Secondary Group
d. Task force
54.Balance theory of group formation was propounded by ______
a. Homan
b. Newcomb
c. William Whyte
d. Herzberg
55.Which theory states that individuals affiliate with one another because of spatial or
geographical; proximity.
a. Propinquity theory
b. Homan's Interaction theory
c. Balance theory
d. Exchange Theory
56.Which type of group is determined by organizational chart
a. Primary Group
b. Secondary Group
c. Command Group
d. Task Groups
57.________ group is usually formed to solve a problem or perform an activity that
involves a number of organizational units.
a. Primary Group
b. Secondary Group
c. Command Group
d. Task Groups
58.Who was the first person to apply the Brainstorming technique
a. Homan
b. Newcomb
c. Osborn
d. Herzberg
59._____ is a group of employees that meets regularly to solve problems affecting its
work area
a. Committee
b. Task force
c. Quality Circles
d. Secondary Group
60.Psychologists have studied rational-economic model for predicting ............... Behavior
a. organizational behavior
b. Animals behavior
c. Individual
d. Human behavior
61.the condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by
changed within normal functioning is known as___
a. eustress
b. distress
c. job stress
d. individual stress
62.Non specifically induced changes within a biological system is _____________
a. motivation
b. stress
c. adaptation
d. integration
63.Stress is an adoptive response mediated by individual characteristics and
psychological process" this statement given by
a. ivancevich and matteson
b. kelman
c. sherif and hovel
d. maslow
64.role ambiguity is mainly cause the _____________?
a. group stress
b. role stress
c. individual stress
d. eustress
65.the human behavior were sometimes often by ______________
a. job stress
b. job expectations
c. group interaction
d. creativity
66.___________ is important for the satisfaction of individuals in group interaction
a. social support
b. physical condition
c. group cohesiveness
d. role characteristics
67.The unfair and unwanted policies in organizational were caused the ___________
a. individual stress
b. group stress
c. organizational stress
d. distress
68.The stressors due to the events happening outside the organization is called
a. individual stress
b. extra organizational stress
c. organizational stress
d. group stress
69.______________ denotes the presence of optimum level of stress in an individual
which contributes positively to his performance
a. eustress
b. distress
c. individual stress
d. group stress
70.The presence of high level of stress in an individuals job performance adversely and
creates many types of physical, psychological, and behavioral problems is known as
a. eustress
b. distress
c. group stress
d. individual stress
71.the condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by
changed within normal functioning is known as___
a. eustress
b. distress
c. job stress
d. individual stress
72.Non specifically induced changes within a biological system is _____________
a. motivation
b. stress
c. adaptation
d. integration
73.Stress is an adoptive response mediated by individual characteristics and
psychological process" this statement given by
a. ivancevich and matteson
b. kelman
c. sherif and hovel
d. maslow
74.role ambiguity is mainly cause the _____________?
a. group stress
b. role stress
c. individual stress
d. eustress
75.the human behavior were sometimes often by ______________
a. job stress
b. job expectations
c. group interaction
d. creativity
76.___________ is important for the satisfaction of individuals in group interaction
a. social support
b. physical condition
c. group cohesiveness
d. role characteristics
77.The unfair and unwanted policies in organizational were caused the ___________
a. individual stress
b. group stress
c. organizational stress
d. distress
78.The stressors due to the events happening outside the organization is called
a. individual stress
b. extra organizational stress
c. organizational stress
d. group stress
79.______________ denotes the presence of optimum level of stress in an individual
which contributes positively to his performance
a. eustress
b. distress
c. individual stress
d. group stress
80.The presence of high level of stress in an individuals job performance adversely and
creates many types of physical, psychological, and behavioral problems is known as
a. eustress
b. distress
c. group stress
d. individual stress
81.Who is the propounded of 'organic function" in the organization ?
a. Davis
b. J.S.Mill
c. L M Prasad
d. Mories burgh
82.Functional departmentation should start from ________
a. Lower level management
b. Owner of the industry
c. mid level management
d. Top level management
83.Territorial departmentation is commonly used in __________
a. Large scale enterprises
b. Medium
c. Small scale
d. All kinds of companies
84.what is the major purpose of departmantation ?
a. Pay attention to customers
b. Satisfaction of customers
c. Attraction to the products
d. provide qualified products
85.The determination of span of management is __________
a. effective management
b. Cost of Production
c. Productive efficiency
d. Relationship
86.The span of management refers to ___________
The number of Supervisors
the number of subordinates
the number of executives
The management only
87.The most important advantages of functional departmentation is __________
a. organizational effectiveness
b. flexibility in administration
c. Specialization
d. Cost efficiency
88.Benefit of departmentation is ___________
a. easy to measure the performance
b. improving in performance
c. Cost control
d. Customer Satisfaction
89.Which kind of management does not allow to subordinates under one superior
a. Span of management
b. process management
c. materiel management
d. finance management
90.The process of work allotment is said to be -------------------------a. Span of management
b. functional departmentation
c. departmentation
d. Product departmentation
91.Basic function of organization is determined by ----------------------a. organization objectives
b. management function
c. top managers
d. supervisors
92.which kind of departmentation is more concern with manufacturing and marketing
characteristics ?
a. Product
b. territory
c. customers
d. functional
93.The most important limitation of territorial departmentation is ----------------------a. group dynamics
b. leadership
c. communication
d. controlling
94.Purpose of departmentation is -----------------------------a. high production
b. quality improvement
c. organizational effectiveness
d. economic achievement
95.All the departments are readjusted with the help of --------------------------a. Manpower
b. managers
c. supervisors
d. Resource
96.span of management means ?
a. configuration of the organization
b. hierarchical order
c. systematic planning
d. systematic administration
97.what is the problem of narrow span management ?
a. High motivation
b. technical aspects
c. less efficiency
d. lack of interaction among members
98.what is the advantage of specialization ?
a. high production
b. proper functioning
c. customer satisfaction
d. Employees satisfaction
99.Horizontal conflict is due to ---------------------a. less relation ship
b. lack of compassion
c. horizontal relationship
d. Aggressive mentality.
100.Departmentation is a useful tool to -----------------------a. effective decentralization
b. transfer the ideas
c. eliminate unnecessary actions
d. effective decision making
101.Territorial departmentation is usually affect ------------------------a. departmental function
b. organizational function
c. transactional action
d. resource utilization
102.Major Policy decisions are taken by -------------------------a. Mediators
b. share holders
c. HR managers
d. Head office
103.Product departmentation is largely affect the -----------------------------
Conflicts in the organization
trade unions
coordination problem
Communication barrier of the tool for customer satisfaction ?
a. friendly staffs
b. strategic staffs
c. Specialized staffs
d. language proficiency
105.creation of departments increases the ---------------------- in the organization .
a. mutuality
b. extra costs
c. quality of the product
d. positive aspects
106.which studies on leadership simultaneously progressed in the united states
a. Economic Studies
b. Behavior Studies
c. Michigan Studies
d. Leader Behavior Studies
107.Fielder developed a model to predict work group effectiveness was established in the
a. 1967
b. 1966
c. 1976
d. 1977
108.Leadership right be based on a
a. Behavioral Category
b. Function of personality
c. Effective Performance
d. Process of Communications
109.Leadership right be interpreted in simple terms, such as
a. Interpersonal Behavior
b. Subordinate Behavior
c. Getting Other to Follow
d. Effective Performance
110.Leadership is a __________ Process
a. Dynamic Process
b. Personal Process
c. Management Process
d. Behavioral Process
111.Who is author of contingency model?
a. Vroom and vetton
b. Likert
c. Fiedler
d. Nicholls
112.Fielder Contingency model was based on studies of a _________________
a. Situational Studies
b. Wide range of group Situations
c. Behavior Studies
d. Personal Studies
113.The Most extensive research studies on behavioral categories of leadership
a. Ohio State Leadership Studies
b. Michigan Studies
c. Leadership Studies
d. Behavioral Studies
114.Who's Say's , Defined Leadership is " The Activity of influencing people to strive
willingly for mutual objectives"
a. Koontz and O' Dannel
b. Gerorge R.Terry
c. Allen
d. Robert C.Appleby
115.A____________ is one who tends to run the show all by himself
a. Laissez faire Leader
b. Democratic Leader
c. Autocratic Leader
d. Institutional Leader
116.Democratic style of leadership is based on the __________________________
a. Assumption
b. Process
c. Function
d. Theory
117.Democratic Leadership seeks to Evolve a _________ and _________________
a. Policies and Procedures
b. Self - Regulating and Self disciplining
c. Faster and Better
d. Behavior and manager
118.Leadership is an ___________ Process in which leaders and followers exchange
a. Interactive Process
b. Directive Process
c. Group Activity
d. Process
119.Leadership as a _____
a. Status Group
b. Focal Person
c. Function
d. Process
120.Who's Says " Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work
with confidence and zeal
a. Konntz and O'Dannel
b. Allen
c. Gerorge R.Terry
d. Robert C.Appleby
121.Thus discharge of ________________ is essential to Leadership
a. Tradition or custom
b. Personally liked by the followers
c. Primary Function
d. Secondary Function
122.His Followers as having little or no maturity as regards skills or willingness which
the jobs to be accomplished?
a. Lasissez faire leader
b. Institutional Leader
c. Democratic Leader
d. Autocratic Leader
123.Democratic Leadership seeks to Evolve a _________________
a. Self Responsibility
b. Self - Regulating and self-disciplining mechanism
c. Self Control
d. Self - Improvement
124.The Expert leader is essentially_______________________?
a. Behavior oriented
b. Task - Oriented
c. Cultural Oriented
d. Functional Oriented
125._______theory has been termed as machine theory or structural theory or
physiological theory?
a. classical organization
b. neo- classical organizational theory
c. balance theory
d. exchange theory
126.An Interview is generally for a ___________?
a. communication
b. information
c. discussion
d. problem solving
127.The method of communication used to announce a policy decision to workers is
known as __________
a. interview
b. joint consultation
c. face to face contact
d. public communication
128.The most common type of verbal communication is ________________
a. broad casting
b. interview
c. face to face contact
d. joint consultation
129.Orders from superiors to their subordinates play an important role as a form of
a. physical distance
b. downward communication
c. lengthy communication
d. matters of record
130._______________ eliminates the distance between the communicator and the
a. written communication
b. verbal communication
c. interview
d. communication through gestures
131.Superior-subordinate relationship is _________ type of relationship?
a. standard
b. sensitive
c. multiple
d. vital
132.Communication is rightly regarded as a tool for ___________?
a. potential effectiveness
b. baseless rumor
c. effective co-ordination
d. totality of operation
133.the communication having a specific structure is known as _____________-a. upward communication
b. downward communication
c. formal communication
d. sideward communication
134.the person who wishes to speak out or send or transit a written message?
a. transmit
b. communicator
c. communicate
d. respondent
135."The first executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication"
who statement is given be
a. alvuin Dott
b. Chester Barnard
c. Ronald R. pit field
d. fayol
136.the main objective of communication is _______________
a. cementing force
b. action or reaction
c. enterprise goals
d. well-direction
137.communication helps the employees in securing ______________
a. business satisfaction,
b. organization effectiveness
c. job satisfaction
d. career development
138._______________ caused by overworking of the communication channels due to an
increase in the no of message to be cleared
a. distortion
b. filtering
c. overloading
d. status pattern
139.Orders from superiors to their subordinates play an important role as a form of
a. physical distance
b. downward communication
c. lengthy communication
d. matters of record
140._______________ eliminates the distance between the communicator and the
a. written communication
b. verbal communication
c. interview
d. communication through gestures
141.Verbal communication cannot be produced _____________a. verbatim
b. matters of record
c. flexibility
d. personal touch
142.Verbal communication is often marked by ______________a. onward communication
b. instant reaction
c. vocal expression
d. definite orders
143.Superior-subordinate relationship is _________ type of relationship?
a. standard
b. sensitive
c. multiple
d. vital
144.Communication is rightly regarded as a tool for ___________?
a. potential effectiveness
b. baseless rumor
c. effective co-ordination
d. totality of operation
145.the communication having a specific structure is known as _____________-a. upward communication
b. downward communication
c. formal communication
d. sideward communication
146.the person who wishes to speak out or send or transit a written message?
a. transmit
b. communicator
c. communicate
d. respondent
147. “Motivation is getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to
do it” definition given by
a. Dwight D.Eisenbower
b. Dwight D.Eisenbower
c. Murphy L.R
d. Maslach.C
148.________ involves the efforts taken by management to organize the tasks duties and
responsibilities into a unit of work
a. Job design
b. Job enrichment
c. Goal setting
d. quality of work life
149.In _________ the duties and responsibilities are organized in order to meet the need
of employees and organization
a. Job design
b. Job enrichment
c. Goal setting
d. quality of work life
150.__________ factors of job design includes characteristics of task, work flow,
ergonomics and work practices.
a. organizational factors
b. environmental factors
c. behavioral factors
d. cultural factors
151.Environmental factors of job design include the employee abilities and availabilities
and ______ expectations.
a. social and cultural
b. economic
c. psychological
d. work place
152. __________ factors include feed back, autonomy, use of abilities and variety.
a. behavioral factors
b. environmental
c. organizational
d. cultural
153.Using _________ into jobs we can reduce errors caused by fatigue and can avoid
a. variety
b. repetition
c. technology
d. training
154.The flow of work in an organization is strongly influenced by the nature of the
a. product
b. employees
c. organization
d. management
155.___________ are set ways of performing work as employees wishes.
a. work practice
b. ergonomics
c. job enrichment
d. flow of work
156.__________ is concerned with designing and shaping jobs to fit the physical abilities
and characteristics of individuals.
a. ergonomics
b. flow of work
c. work practice
d. . work task.
157.Job enrichment was first coined by _____________.
a. herzberg
b. Dwight D.H
c. D.P.Rogers
d. Maslach .C
158. Herzberg revealed regarding job enrichment in his research with motivators and
____________ factors.
a. Maintenance
b. behavioral
c. environmental
d. organizational
159.According to Herzberg there are how many characteristics for an enriched job.
a. 8
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
160.Which of the following is not a characteristics for job enrichment
a. flow of work
b. direct feed back
c. client relationship
d. new learning
161.The employees are given freedom to schedule their own work is a characteristics of
a. Job enrichment
b. job design
c. job evaluation
d. quality of work life
162.Adequate and fair compensation and safety & healthy working condition are factors
contributing to,
a. quality of work life
b. job enrichment
c. job design
d. Job evaluation
163. Goal setting theory of motivation was developed by _________
a. Edwin locke
b. Herzberg
c. D.P.Rogers
d. Maslach.C
164. Edwin Locke developed goal setting theory of motivation in the year
a. 1960
b. 1961
c. 1964
d. 1965
165.___________ theory points that intentions to work towards a goal is a major source
of work motivation.
a. Goal setting theory
b. Maslow's theory
c. theory of personality
d. management theory
166.Management by objective stresses on clearly defined and difficult to accomplish
goals for achieving high performance from _____________
a. Employees
b. Management
c. Executive
d. occupier
167.Which of the following is not a factor contributing to equality of work life?
a. Direct feed back
b. adequate knowledge
c. security of growth opportunity
d. safety & healthy working condition
168.Which of the following factors of quality of work life includes the security of job,
opportunity for advancement and self improvement.
a. security and growth opportunity
b. safety & health working condition
c. use & develop creativity
d. fair compensation
169. For a worker _________ means fair wage, safe working conditions etc.
a. quality of work life
b. job design
c. job enrichment
d. workmen compensation
170.Form ________ quality of work life means members of organization are able to
satisfy personal needs through experience in organization
a. academic
b. worker
c. employer
d. labor
171.Which one of the following is not a technique used by managers to motivate his
job design
goal setting
172.The word organization development was coined by
a. D.P. Rojar
b. Richard Beckhard
c. Mathew stain
d. Hoen J. Watson
173.The organizational development can increase organizational effectiveness and health
through planed intervention in the organization process using _____________ knowledge
a. Technical
b. behavioral science
c. scientific
d. experience
174.Which is one of the following is not an objective of organizational development
build interpersonal trust
self serving
175.The basis of organizational development is ______________a. human interaction
b. teams spirit
c. self help
d. cooperation
176._____________ is the most important element in the success of any organization
a. Authority
b. human element
c. technical knowledge
d. cooperation
177.__________ is a strategy of planned change for organizational improvement
a. organizational development
b. communication
c. organizational change
d. organizational structure
178.Increasing managers contribution to goal accomplishment is a objectives of
a. organizational development
b. Management development
c. training
d. organizational involvement
179.changing the nature of the organization is a objective of _____________a. organizational development
b. organizational behavior
c. management development
d. organizational structure
180.organizational development is having a __________ approach
a. humanistic
b. hierarchal
c. problem solving
d. holistic
181.which is not a component of organizational development
a. diagnosis
b. Management development
c. action
d. process maintenance
182.organizational development program starts with ___________
a. planning strategy for change
b. interviewing
c. evaluations
d. problem identification
183.organization development helps in improving _____ performance
a. management
b. employers
c. organizational
d. employees
184.__________ research is the basis for designing strategies for organizational
a. action
b. statistical
c. social
d. analytical
185.________ emphasis the process of problem solving and trains the participants to
identify and solve the problems that are important to them
a. leadership
b. organizational development
c. organizational policies
d. management development
186.the organizational development , as a long term strategy for organisational
change,plays key role in improving ______
a. leadership
b. organizational development
c. organizational policies
d. management development
187.organizational development intervention helps to improve the performance of
________a. management
b. workers
c. organization
d. productivity
188._____________ is the end phase of life cycle of a team
a. storming
b. forming
c. performing
d. adjourning
189.The phenomenon of _______________ can be minimized by consulting effective
team for group performance
a. social loafing
b. adjourning
c. intergroup development
d. comprehensive change
190.___________ are those which are above the goal of a single team or a single
a. super ordinate goals
b. teams rewards
c. team goal
d. problem sensing
191._____________ concentrate on analyzing how teams goals and priorities are linked
to those of the organization
a. team building
b. problem sensing
c. social loafing
d. team rewards
192._____________ is the final stage of a team building
a. termination
b. evaluation
c. implementation
d. follow up action
193."organizational development is a planned process of change is an organizations
culture through the utilization of behavioral science technology, research and theory" this
statement is given by
a. Bennis
b. Burke
c. John B. Miner
d. L Wendell
194.organizational development is a ______________ process
a. dynamic
b. long term
c. individual
d. group
195.Organizational development can be taken as a process of ___________ and other
related aspect of an organization
a. changing the people
b. recruiting the people
c. solving problems
d. transformation
196.__________ is the most important developing leadership skills in organizational
a. sensitivity
b. communication
c. teamwork
d. managerial grid
1. Define Organisational behavior. State the objectives.
2. Bring out the features of S O B process of behavior.
3.What are the disciplines contributing to the study of organisational behaviour?
4. Discuss the foundations of organisational behaviour.
5. Organisational behaviour represents interactions among individuals , groups and the organizationElucidate this statement.
6. To what extent OB knowledge useful for a worker not in a managerial position? Explain
7. Explain the concept of organizational behaviour.
8. Bring out the need for studying organizational behaviour.
1. Examine the nature, scope and significance of organisational behaviour.
2. Discuss the different organisational behaviour models and their application.
3. Describe the challenges in organisational behaviour.
4. Discuss the need and background of organisational behaviour.
5. Describe the various Hawthorne experiments conducted by Elton Mayo and his team.
6. Elucidate the characteristics of organizational behaviour.
7. Discuss on the models of organizational behaviour.
1. State the factors determining personality.
2. Distinguish between formal group and informal group.
3. Explain the stages involved in the process of learning.
4. Bring out the difference between formal and informal behavior.
5. Explain the concept of personality. How does it determine the behavior of an individual?
6. Discuss Freudian stages of development.
7. Outline the nature of attitudes.
8. Spell out the reasons for group formation.
1. Explain the classical conditioning and operant conditioning theories of learning.
2. Describe the features of group dynamics and its relevance in group behaviour of people at work.
3. Describe the theories of group formation.
4. Elaborate the process of group dynamics.
5. Discuss in detail the individual and organisational stressors. What remedy you would suggest an
employee to come out of burn outs?
6. What is an Informal group? Describe its features. Provide a guidelines to practicing managers for
effective utilization of informal groups.
7. Examine the various factors that influence the individual behaviour.
1. What are the assumptions underlying in the X theory of motivation.
2. What do you mean by emotional intelligence? What are the components of emotional intelligence.
3. Why emotional intelligence is important in organisation.
4.Write a note on management information system.
5. What is the significance of analysis of various types of organizations? Explain
6. What are the features of organisation as a system? Why should organizations be studied
from the perspective of system approach?
7. Highlight the importance of communication.
8. Narrate the functions of a leader.
1.Examine the two factor theory of motivation given by Herzberg.
2. Discuss the different styles of leadership.
3.Describe the theories of motivation.
4. Write a note on power and politics in organisation.
5. Suggest a scheme of departmentation for a large business enterprise with a field network of
sales all over the country. Discuss its merits and demerits.
6. Discuss the basic consideration to be kept in view while designing an organisation structure.
State the usefulness of organisation chart in this context.
7. Summarize the various theories of motivation.
8. Expatiate the barriers to communication. Suggest remedial measures to overcome communication barriers.
1. Enumerate the different bases of departmentation.
2. Outline the features of line and staff authority.
3.Write a note on delegation of authority.
4. discuss the features of project matrix organisation structure.
5. Enumerate the assumptions of Mc Gregors theory X and theory Y. Which one is applicable in India.
6. Describe the leadership process and point out why there is no universally accepted style of leadership?
7. Portray the characteristics of organizational culture.
8. Enlist the objectives of organizational development.
1. Compare the merits and demerits of decentralisation.
2. What do you mean by job stress? What are its effects and causes?
3. Differentiate between centralisation and decentralisation.
4. Explain the form of organisation structure line and staff.
5. Discuss in detail the various channels of communication which are generally used in modern
business enterprises.
6. Identify important leadership styles and indicate the conditions in which particular style is
appropriate to be used.
7. What is fundamental organization? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
8. Enumerate the causes and remedial measures to overcome job stress.
1. What are the causes for resistance to change?
2. State the approaches to organizational effectiveness.
3. Discuss any two intervention techniques in detail.
4.How quality of work life is important for organisational success?
5. Discuss the features of organizational climate. What factors influence the climate of an organization?
Discuss in brief.
6. What is the significance of organizational development? Discuss any one behavioural techniques
of organizational development?
1. Discuss the influence of organizational culture in the behaviour of people at work.
2. Describe the various OD interventions.
3. Differentiate organizational effectiveness from organizational change.
4. Discuss the characteristics and models of organizational development.
5. Explain the techniques that management can use to overcome resistance to change. Why is
change resisted in organization?
6. How do management and employee exercise their influence on the organizational climate of a firm?
Discuss the techniques of improving organizational climate.
7. Elaborate the different approaches to organizational effectiveness
8. Highlight on organisational development intervention.