* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Session Plan Template Topic: this is usually the title of the session – for example ‘Photosynthesis’ or ‘Shakespeare’s Hamlet’ Aim: this is what the tutor intends to do – for example ‘explain the process of photosynthesis’ or ‘discuss the main themes in Hamlet’ Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes describe what the students will be able to DO as a result of their learning in the session at the threshold level (see web page for guidance on writing learning outcomes). For a session 2 or 3 is plenty. For example: At the end of the session a successful student will be able to: Describe the process of photosynthesis or Discuss the theme of revenge in Hamlet Time Content T & L Methods What time do you expect to start and end each part of the session – for example: 10.00 – 10.10 10.30 – 10.40 The methods being used. It is important to use a range of different methods / modes. For example: The process of photosynthesis or Stephen Greenblatt: Hamlet in Purgatory It is a good idea to plan in some flexibility as activities will often take more or less time than you anticipate. Tutor presentation or Student presentation You should also include activities that engage students in ‘active learning’ such as setting small group tasks. See the TLDU website eas/methods or web links es/web for more ideas of activities to use. Resources Assessment The resources used in your session will depend on your discipline. Some basic ones would be: This is about how you (and your students) will know whether they have achieved the learning outcomes. This will usually be by informal means such as asking questions or observing how well students cope with tasks or engage in a discussion. So for our 2 examples here the ‘assessment’ could be a small group task to create a poster showing the process of photosynthesis or a seminar discussion on Hamlet following the student presentation. PowerPoint slides or student-produced handouts You should try to use as many interesting resources as possible, such as subjectspecific artefacts, illustrations, real examples etc. Evaluation / Reflection. This is a space for you to make some notes on the session – how did it go? what worked well? what not so well? why was that? what could you do differently next time?